I Like You
Inside the Anderson Home Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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Klaine In Love

I Like You: Inside the Anderson Home

E - Words: 1,401 - Last Updated: Sep 17, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Sep 10, 2011 - Updated: Sep 17, 2011
1,009 0 2 0 0

Blaine wasn't in school on Monday. Kurt texted him, 'R U Ok?' The response was immediate. 'Yea, just not feeling well'. Regionals were that weekend, Blaine was the lead soloist, he also never gets sick. Something seemed off. His concerns were confirmed that night when he answered his door to a crying Blaine.

"Oh my god, Blaine! What happened?" Then Blaine began the story…..


Blaine walked into the house, arms full of shopping bags, laughing with his sisters. They all abruptly stopped when they saw their father waiting in the foyer. He was standing swaying slightly. He had already started drinking. Katie pulled Anna upstairs quickly. Before Blaine could follow them, his father blocked his way. Now Frank Anderson wasn't your typical idea of an intimidating man. He stood 5'9, medium build. His hair was short, dark, and curly; gelled within an inch of its life. His face, extremely expressive. Anyone with eyes could tell you that Blaine was his son. The difference lay in their opposing personalities. Blaine was gentle, fun-loving, and open minded. His father, although, was stoic and harsh.

"Someone saw you!" There was no emotion on his face except that of pure disgust.

"Saw me what? Hanging out with my little sisters? Far from scandalous dad." Blaine kept his face void of emotion. The last thing he needed was to provoke his father.

"John, from the club, saw you! You being all over for Fag, Blaine!" He leaned in closer, "Why can't you get over this 'gay' shit? What the fuck is wrong with you? Kissing some guy…in public! In front of your sisters? What were you thinking? Anyone could have seen you! Someone DID see you! What would people think?"

"I don't care! I just don't give a shit!" Blaine reached his breaking point. "Oh! And the girls know I'm gay! They don't care, mom doesn't care, why do you? Can't you just love me for being your son? Isn't that enough?"

"No son of mine is going to go fagging around with some ass fairy!"

"His name is Kurt!" Blaine looked his father straight in the eye, "He's not a 'fairy'! He is more of a man then you will ever be, you homophobic, bigoted, piece of shit, lush!"

Blaine saw the familiar flicker in his father's eyes. Only this time it seemed more sinister. Time slowed and he felt frozen in place. Frank's hand came up to Blaine's face and made contact, hard! Blaine just stood there for a moment, paralyzed by fear. He then backed away slowly. Keeping his eyes on his father, who just looked more relieved than resentful for what he did. When he made it to the hallway stairs, he saw his mother standing there, eyes wide. Then her face changed. She stormed in to the next room where her husband still stood. Blaine ran the rest of the way up the stairs, into Anna's room. Katie was already in there holding the tiny seven year-old. Blaine went and turned her stereo on, making it loud enough to distract from anything downstairs but quiet enough not to bring his father after them. Blaine went to his sisters and held them as they cried. Blaine held it together. Unsure if it was because he was still in shock or for the benefit of the girls, he had to be the brave big brother. Yet, even with the music playing, they could still hear the muffled sounds of their parent's argument.

"Blainey, you're bleeding!" Anna looked horrified. Blaine brought his hand up to his mouth, still vibrating from the impact. Sure enough, there was red sticky liquid dripping down his face. Now Blaine broke down. He pulled up his knees and rested his head on them. He cried, really cried. He felt Anna's small hand stroke his hair. "Blainey, it's ok. Don't cry. Everything will be ok. I promise!" Blaine had to smile at her. It was exactly what he said to her when she cried.

There was a pause in the songs on the stereo. They heard their mother yell, "You will never lay a hand on another one of my children again! I let it go the first time -" She was cut off by the next song starting. Blaine couldn't believe she brought up the last time their father lost control. None of them ever talked about it. His eyes found Katie's. Her eyes glazed over, remembering the traumatizing ordeal, instinctively bringing her hand up to the mark on her collar bone.

"Blaine…" She spoke. "What if this is it? What if this is the end?"

"Katie! Not if front of Anna!" Blaine glared at the young teenager. Anna, however, wasn't upset.

"I hope daddy goes away!" Katie and Blaine look at their sister. "I don't like him anymore. He hurt my big brother and my big sister. He yells at me all the time. I don't want him to hurt me! He's mean to mommy! I DON'T LIKE HIM!"

She was angry now. The older Anderson siblings had never seen Anna angry before, she was a very gentle child. But before they could respond, there was a soft knock at the door. It was their mother. Her faced was flushed and her eyes watery. Her children ran to her and she held them close. "Your father and I have decided it would be best if he will be spent the next few nights in a hotel. Girls, I need to borrow your brother for a moment."

Blaine went out into the hallway with his mother. Claire Anderson was very different from her husband. She was petite in all aspects of the word. She stood slightly over 5 feet tall, had a tiny frame and her face resembled that of a woodland nymph. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black. Her hair was long and straight like Katie's.

"Honey, your father is not a safe man. Even though he won't be here tonight, there is nothing really stopping him from coming back. The girls and I will be going to Nana's, but I think it's best if you stay somewhere he can't find you. I'm afraid he'll try and find you…." Her voice trailed off briefly, "Is there anywhere you can stay? Anywhere safe?"

"Uhm, yea. I guess on of the Warblers. I'll call around. Tell them we're doing our floors or something…." Blaine wasn't sure what to stay about any of what was happening. He wanted to stay with his sisters! He needed his mom!


Kurt was stunned! He didn't know what to do or say.

"So," he said after a pause, "Where are you staying?"

"Well that's the thing. Dalton is full over over-privileged families and yet no one has space for me….. Would your dad let me stay here?"

"If it were up to me, you'd stay here as long as you need, but you might have to tell my dad what happened before he lets you stay here." Then something occurred to Kurt. "Wait! Where did you stay last night?"

"My car. Then today I went to the house to pack some bags of the essentials. I was kind of hoping to see Anna and Katie, but they had already left." Blaine broke down again. He buried his face in Kurt's shirt. Kurt just held him there. Burt walked in and saw the boys, immediately concerned.

"Boys…what's going on?"

"Blaine you have to tell him! He won't let you if you don't." Kurt said rubbing circles on Blaine's back.

Blaine retold the story to Burt, who sat there stone faced. When he finished, Burt stood, "Where is he staying? No one is gonna lay a hand on my son's boyfriend, on their own kid, and get away with it. It's people, no not people, Scum, yea, Scum like that make me wish I still had a good heart! Hell, I'll fight with my crapped out heart if I have to!"

"DAD!" Kurt looked over at Blaine, who looked beyond stunned, "don't worry, he's harmless really!"

"No, no!" Blaine shook his head, "it's just that no one's ever stood up for me like that! Except my seven year-old sister. Thank you!"

"Anytime kid, and of course you can stay here. We'll have you set up on the cot in Finn's room."

"Dad he hardly knows Finn. He can stay in my room! …..I'll use the cot in Finn's." Kurt rolled his eyes, knowing his father would never them share a room.

"Anywhere is fine! Thank you, so much Mr. Hummel!"

"Seriously kid, call me Burt!"

End Notes: How did you like your view into the Anderson home? So i don't know who watches America's Got Talent, but theres a little girl group on it called "Avery and the something something" i dont remember their name, but the lead singer Avery is my exact match for Anna, only darker hair.Moving on... So Ch.7... Kurt and Blaine...under one roof... and Regionals right around the corner...(BTW Regionals is Ch.8 and will be one of the only chapters with songs in them. My focus of the story is Kurt and Blaine's relationship, not the singer!kurt and singer!blaine of it all. theres more to them then the Warblers!)


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he hurt Katie :( evil man