Aug. 18, 2013, 8:54 a.m.
Aug. 18, 2013, 8:54 a.m.
Blaine turned at his name. The second he saw Kurt, he got up from his spot on the floor. This proved challenging from his jelly legs. Those blue eyes made him nervous. His was beating faster, his stomach dropped and his hands were shaking. "Kurt, hi." He offered a shaky uncertain smile.
"Toronto," Kurt began, looking to his son. Great, Blaine thought, he's going to ignore me. "You're sounding great sweetie."
The small child beamed, "Blaine is teaching me!"
"Good! Do you mind if I borrow him for a few minutes?" Kurt asked his son.
Toronto looked at his dad determinedly, "I don't know, you'll have to ask him if he wants.." He attempted quoting what Santana had told him earlier about Blaine seeing his room. "Uh, if he wants to be borrowed."
Kurt gave Toronto a look, as though the child had never spoken like that before. "Okay, Blaine do you mind?"
"Uh, no. No, not at all." He shrugged. "Toronto, just keep working on the part I already showed you, remember..." Blaine pressed a few keys, playing out the song. Toronto nodded and played them back to Blaine. Then, the two men left the room, Kurt pulling the curtain behind them.
"You came." Kurt stated. He sat on the end of his bed and patted it for Blaine to sit with him. "What made you change your mind?"
Blaine shrugged, "Tour bus was getting boring and..I really wanted to see him. He's a great kid."
Kurt smiled, "he really is. He seems to like you."
"Yeah, well," Blaine shrugged.
"I knew he would." Kurt added. Blaine smiled. "So, what does this mean? Are you staying for the summer?"
"No, I have stuff to take care of in California." Kurt nodded, a little rejected. "But, uh, the wedding. Finn and Rachel? I'll be there."
"Oh, right, yeah." Kurt nodded.
"But, maybe before the wedding, I'll be able to get to Ohio early or stay after..." Blaine offered.
Kurt nodded, "what does this mean, you know, for us?"
"I don't know. I want to know you and be a part of your life and a part of Toronto's life. But, I'm not sure in what way."
Kurt put his hand on Blaine's shoulder. "We can be friends." Blaine nodded.
"I can give you my new number and maybe we can meet up before the wedding?" Blaine said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "You can put your number in and I'll text you."
"It's the same number as before." Kurt said, shrugging the phone off.
"I, um, don't have it anymore." Blaine sheepishly explained.
"Okay." Kurt took the phone and typed his name and number in.
Blaine tried to explain himself, "it's a new phone. I've only had it for a month or two." Kurt nodded.
"You should probably be going soon, Toronto should be sleeping right now." Kurt told Blaine.
"Right, yeah. I'll call you." Blaine said, getting up and heading out. He said bye to Santana on his way out.
Blaine knew what he had done was wrong and stupid, but he was willing to fix it. He had to. After seeing Kurt, he realized how much he wanted to be with him again. Of course he said he wasn't sure what they wanted to be, but he really knew. Blaine still loved Kurt and wanted to be with him. But, if friends was what they were for now, Blaine would work with that. And seeing Toronto made him realize how much he had missed. He had never regretted leaving more than the moment he saw the small boy.