March 15, 2016, 7 p.m.
March 15, 2016, 7 p.m.
There are, in Blaines opinion far too many holidays, which is why he finds an excuse to avoid celebrating them. Hes no Scrooge. But, looking over his holiday resume, he barely fits the criteria. The Anderson family was never a close family—the only time they ever participated in the holly jolly thanks for giving birth to me kind of holidays was when it was for show— and religion was something Blaine also never got into, being forever alone can put a damper on Valentine Day and earth day just reminded Blaine of all the Eco bullying he does 364 days a year. And New Years Eve is just one giant party that absorbs a portion of two years, every year. Blaine prefers a siesta over a fiesta. That supposedly makes him weird. Perhaps thats why hes so fond of Halloween.
People say love is blind and Blaines love for Halloween blinded him to the rest of the grown up worlds lackluster enthusiasm for giving out candy and dressing up. Due to this, he was left baffled by Kurts appalled reaction to what Blaine thought was the best vampire costume ever.
"Of all the things to be, you chose a vampire!?" Kurt screeched, cowaring into the couch.
"Whats so bad about vampires? Theyre awesome!" Blaine defended. His gothic cloak swooshed behind him as he approached Kurt, amused in the way his typically composed roommates face twisted with terror.
"Blaine Anderson, dont you dare move an inch closer to me." Kurt warned, a quiver in his voice. He felt stupid that a five foot six man with plastic fangs could make him painfully aware of the blood rushing through his fingers and drumming in his ears. When did he become such a halloweenie? "Vampires suck." He scoffed, a failed attempt to comfort himself. He was never good with vampires. The whole idea of sucking blood and fangs. Even with a nurse as a stepmom, Kurt shuddered away from anything remotely similar to giving blood and shots and hospitals and the medical kind of pain. Maybe it was the familiarity that hurt the most.
"Oh, I know." Blaine smirked, trying to play the cocky and confident flirt. But, the pink hue on his cheeks reminded both of them that Flirt was Kurts title. The floor board creaked under Blaines weight as he creeped closer to Kurt. He wouldve gotten way too close for comfort, if there hadnt been a knock on the door. Blaine hurried to grab their small candy bowl, while Kurt went straight to the door.
Drawing open the chestnut door revealed Sebastian Symthe. Kurt eneveleped him in a hug, as Blaine came up behind them. He held the bowl of candy with heartbreak; hed hoped it was their first trick or treater.
"Hey Sebastain." Blaine mumbled.
Green eyes flickered to him. Sebastian always put on this theatre arts 1 performance of optimism when he saw Blaine. He treated Blaine like his boyfriends rotten son. "Hey, Blake. Howve you been?"
"Ive been named Blaine." Kurt gave him a warning look, making the short man roll his eyes. "Ive been alright. Why are you here?" Blaine asked, putting on the same act as Sebastian. The two mens delight were windows to a house of bad intentions, while Kurt was a wall of irritation.
"We are going out." He snapped. Sebastian protested Kurts attempts to drag him away.
"Want to come along, Dracula?" Sebastian mocked him.
Blaine clenched his jaw, ready for the fight. This wasnt Kurts first encounter with the fire inside the small man; it was small. Hed get himself all worked up and then get punched in the face and call it a day, after putting a hole through a wall. "No, he doesnt." Kurt interferred, slamming the door in Blaines face, before anything could get worse.
Still seething with adrenaline, Blaine chucked the plastic candy bowl on the ground, tootsie pops and kit kats clattering. "I thought fuck buddies didnt go on dates!" He screamed at the door. When it just starred back at him, not giving a knock, he kicked it. Again and again he kicked the door, until it splintered for forgiveness. He collapsed on the floor next to the spilled candy. He hadnt realized he was crying, until more hot tears were added to the mix.
Its fucking stupid, Blaine thought, scrambling back to his feet. He shouldnt let Sebastian get to him as much as he does. And to think he smashed their door in all because Kurt went out with Sebastian instead of helping Blaine pass out candy. Maybe if he hadnt been so stupid and asked Kurt to pass put candy with him and hadnt simply assumed he would, then he wouldnt be in this mess. And now his Halloween was over, before it even began. No one wants to go to the apartment with yelling and banging heard from all the way down the hall. Blaine had planned to go to his bed, but simply standing made him feel even more drained, so he settled for curling up on the couch. What would dad think of me now? He thought bitterly, as another wave of tears washed over his body, this time making him shake and curl up around himself even tighter.
In a gaggle of giggles and warm kisses, the two boys stumbled into the dark apartment. All Sebastian had to say was a dismissive, "damn. Little man is a mess," returning puckered lips to the porcelain neck. But, Kurt didnt see a mess. He didnt see crushed candy littering the floor, or a ruined door. The only broken thing he saw was the boy asleep on the couch. Kurt laid a hand on Sebastians starchy shoulder, muttering for him to leave.
"What are you talking about?" He mumbled into Kurts collarbone.
Trying to push him away, Kurt managed to stutter out something about it being a bad night and "maybe another night."
"Is this about that kid?" Sebastian demanded.
"No, its just...its not a good night." Kurt explained to the best of his compromised abilities. "And Blaine isnt a kid, hes 18. Now goodnight, Sebastian."
Sebastian huffed hot air. Kurt was thankful for the dark of the apartment, it hid the rage that he suspect Sebastian was portraying. But, more importantly, it hid his own fear. Sometimes Sebastian would get like this; he can get so upset at times. When Kurt would ask for him to leave, he would yell and make a fuss and if Blaine heard, hed come out and try to do something about it. Sometimes he helped, sometimes things would only get worse. Tonight would probably make it worse, all things considered. Plus, he wasnt looking to wake Blaine anytime soon. "Goodnight, Kurt." Was all the short fuse had to say, slamming the door behind himself. Kurt flinched at the sound, turning to make sure Blaine was still sleeping.
The next morning, Kurt wasnt suprised to find Blaine smoking on the fire escape with an insuffiencent amount of warm clothing. He was snapping photos of the city, pretending he didnt have a care in the world. Kurt saw through his facade. Grabbing two blankets and a glass of water, the older man poked his head out the window. "Heart frozen over yet?"
Blaine snorted bitterly, "has Sebastians thawed yet?"
"Is that why youre out here?" Kurt inquired, draping a blanket over the shivering boy, only for him to shrug it off.
"Im fine." He grumbled around the cigarette in his mouth. Kurt sighed, plopping down next to him and claiming both of the blankets for himself, to cover the bare shoulders, which his over sized sweatshirt neglected. Kurt nudged the glass of water close to Blaines feet. "Run out of Ovaltine?"
"Yeah, fuck you. I was trying to be nice, Anderson."
"Oh really?" He mocked Kurt from behind his lense, "hows that?"
"I dont know, maybe by not mentioning the fact that you totally broke down like an oversized two year old last night and cried yourself to sleep." Kurt sneered. "Did you know crying dehydrates you and youre supposed to drink water." Blaine grumbled something, taking the glass. "Yeah, you didnt."
"Actually, I did, Hummel. But it doesnt matter, because I wasnt crying." Kurt scoffed. With the morning light, Blaines red, puffy eyes were evident. He actually looked completly totaled. His eyes were bloodshot, there was dried blood on his lip from biting into it, and his bare foot showed definite bruising. It was scary to know he got like this sometimes. But, other times he seemed so normal, at least for him. In the silence that passed over them, Kurt observed his roommate. He was eerily calm and content. Maybe it was the perspective that changed his mood. Seeing things through the view finder might make him a little more relaxed. But, Kurt wasnt satisfied with a maybe.
"Wanna talk about it?" He pushed.
Blaine glanced at Kurt, "no." He deadpaned, looking back at his camera. "Nothing to talk about."
"Are you sure? You know holding in your feelings will only lead to greater stress in the future."
Blaine rolled his eyes, "thanks for that nugget of wisdom, Oprah."
"Okay, Ill start." If Blaine wanted to be difficult, then Kurt would annoy it out of him. "So, you know how Im like super stressed about the whole Nutcraker thing? But, Im also, like, super excited, which is just really confusing, because, how am I both?" Blaine rolled his eyes, again. Kurt was exhausting when he got like this. "So, Sebastian was trying to help clear my head, but-"
"Bye, Hummel." Blaine finished off his water, put out his cigarette and stumbled back inside, clomping his way to his room. From the fire escape, Kurt heard the door slam and Blaines music kick in on full blast. It definitely didnt go according to plan.