Caribbean Love
Chapter 5 - Getting Acquainted Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Caribbean Love: Chapter 5 - Getting Acquainted

E - Words: 7,705 - Last Updated: Feb 25, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
204 0 0 0 1

Waking up the next morning, Blaine was happy to find that Kurt was still in his arms. He knew they both needed the sleep although it didnt look as if Kurt had woken up at all during the night. Blaine extricated himself from the arms of the boy and pulled the blanket up over his shoulders.

Walking out of the shelter, Blaine was not surprised to find that the fire was cold. Well, he could start it again fairly quickly. Searching out something for their breakfast, Blaine found there were a few bananas and flakes of coconut left from last night. In one of the duffel bags was a bag of coffee grounds and Blaine contemplated how to make it into coffee. He got the metal can that had once had tomato juice in it and poured what might be a quarter cup of the grounds into the can, then added water from the plastic jug using the water from the spring that Kurt had found. They had boiled it last night just in case it wasnt safe – Blaine had insisted because he didnt have the means to deal with giardia or any other tropical parasites that may be I the water here. It was unlikely with no animals as far as he could tell, but better to err on the side of caution.

It was eerily quiet on the island, there werent even many birds here, and it was so peaceful. Away from the mad rush of the hospital emergency room, Blaine was finding it a relief to the stress that dogged him most days. He reflected upon how lucky they were to find fresh water on this island – it wasnt that easy to find water if there wasnt a natural spring and he had dreaded the work involved in making something to capture, distill, and store water.

The doctor set the can of coffee makings on the fire and opened the pack of hardtack, placing it in another container and adding some coconut water. Maybe it would taste like hot cereal if he put it over the fire for a while. It wasnt very long before Kurt came out of the shelter, sniffing. He had a beautiful smile on his face and held a hand in front of him, obviously searching for something.

Im over here. How did you sleep last night?”

Kurt jumped and his head turned as if he were looking at Blaine.

It was the longest stretch of sleep Ive gotten since we landed here I think. Thank you for putting up with my clingy behavior. Ill try not to do that again,” he blushed. The truth of the matter was that Kurt had loved being held like that. He was still scared almost all the time but pretended he wasnt, trying to appear more mature in Blaines eyes. Kurt wasnt sure why that was so important to him, but it was.

Blaine walked over to Kurt, touching his hand. Kurt took it and laced their fingers together.

Kurt, I dont mind at all. I do understand how you must feel – worried about your dad, waking up to this nightmare and not even being able to see where you are? I admire your strength in the face of all of this. If I can do anything to help....if holding you close when you sleep makes you feel less vulnerable then Im happy to do that for you any time you want. It doesnt have to mean anything other than an offer of friendship, okay?” Blaine said, wishing Kurt would say it was more. Kurt just stood, holding Blaines hand and searching with his face to try and figure out exactly where Blaine was so he could at least appear to be speaking to him.

Thanks, Blaine. I...I did like it. Youre warm,” Kurt said, blushing deep, dark pink. He searched his mind for another topic, shy to tell Blaine of his real feelings. He cursed himself for being like this, but he was very afraid of rejection and Blaine was older and Kurt thought the doctor must think of him as a pesky kid.

Is that coffee?” Kurt asked, wrinkling his nose in the cutest way as he tried to figure out where the odor was coming from.

Well, its coffee grounds, but as for how it will taste when its done? That is yet to be determined. Im trying to figure out what to strain the grounds out with,” Blaine admitted. “Do you like coffee?”

Are you joking? I am addicted to it. Now, if you could find a nice cocoa bush and make it a mocha...” Kurt joked, grinning at Blaine.

Oh, Ill get right on that, sir. Your wish is my command,” Blaine laughed. “I think it smells done, shall we try it?”

Kurt felt around in the duffel bag and came out with a piece of the shirt that Blaine had made his eye bandage with. He held it over the can the peanut butter had come in and nodded at Blaine to pour. Blaine was a bit apprehensive, so he placed a steady hand on Kurts and poured as he held the can with several layers of denim as a hot pad.

He found a ceramic cup that had been in the bag, too, and poured another cup.

Do you take sugar, Blaine?”

Well, I used to. Maybe I can learn to appreciate it black,” he said in a mournful voice.

What do you think about putting some coconut milk in it?” Kurt asked.

Ah...what?” Blaine had been zoning out, thinking about how they could get off this island. The boat might be seaworthy, but...

Sorry, did I interrupt something?” Kurt asked, suddenly uncomfortable. He didnt know if Blaine was busy doing something else or if he was just plain bored with Kurt. After all, Kurt reasoned, he was just a skinny little high school kid and Blaine was a doctor. Why would he want to spend time with a pest like Kurt?

Ah, no. I was just thinking. What did you say?” Blaine shook his head to clear it and turned his attention back to the boy.

I thought maybe some coconut milk? What part of the coconut does that come from? I have used it in cooking, but never gave it much thought as to how it got in the can,” Kurt smiled.


Oh, well, its a man-made invention. You take the meat of the coconut and shred it, then put it in the blender with some water and let it blend for a long time. Eventually it makes this foamy white stuff and you strain out the bits of coconut meat. Add sugar. Its much better fresh than from a can. However, Im not sure if we can do that here....I dont know if we can pound the meat hard enough to make it give up the milk,” Blaine said. He heard a gasp from Kurt and looked up to see him bright red, his hand covering his mouth and the other one trying to hide his crotch? Oh....Blaine realized what he had just said and burst out laughing.

Oh, my stars, Kurt! I didnt mean it like that! Sheesh!”

Kurt tried to stop himself from giggling, but to no avail. He chuckled and then just let go with a laugh until Blaine pushed him over into the sand and straddled him, holding his wrists above his head.

Im not going to let you go until you say that you know I didnt mean that. I really was talking about making coconut milk, not....well, not anything else. Okay?” Blaine said, then realized that Kurt was struggling to get away and looked frantic. Gazing down, he saw why. His sailor trousers were not doing much to hide the tent in them and Kurt was red with embarrassment. Blaine let him go, getting off of the boy before Kurt could realize that Blaine was now in the same condition. He stood up, taking hold of Kurts hand to help him up, too.

Lets drink our coffee and then go down to the beach to try our hand at fishing maybe?” he said, changing the subject quickly as he tried to mask the squeak in his voice.

Kurt felt his way over to the log they had been using for a seat and sat down with his coffee mug.

Lucky for me, I like it black,” he said in a well-modulated voice. His face was a mask of no emotions and his voice was under control, but Blaine could see a slight tremble of his hand as he tried to put the hot coffee cup to his lips. Seeing Kurt like this made him wonder how many times the boy had been forced to mask his emotions over the years – he seemed very adept at it. Blaine sighed. He hoped that Kurts experience with high school was – ah, less traumatic than his own.

I think I might try putting some of the coconut water in this,” Blaine said, not wanting to upset Kurt any more than he already had and changing the subject.

Would you like some real sugar?” Kurt asked, a sly smile on his beautiful lips.

Like the poets say, If wishes were horses then beggars would ride,” Blaine said.

Kurt laughed at that.

If turnips were watches, Id wear one by my side,” Kurt finished the little nursery rhyme and grinned. “No, seriously, there was a package of sugar in that last duffel bag. I opened it when you were down at the beach yesterday. There seemed to be quite a lot of food in that one: most of it canned, but there was some sugar, salt, and a few things in glass jars in there. No chocolate, though. Dont survival packs always have chocolate?”

I think that is in the realm of fiction writers, my dear boy,” Blaine laughed.

Well, the sugar is in the bag if you want some,” Kurt offered, turning to reach for the place hed left the bag but not finding it. A look of frustration crossed his face.

Sorry, Kurt, I moved it last night. Its over here,” Blaine said, getting up to get it. He returned with a glass container and unscrewed the lid, licking his finger to touch it to the substance in the jar and putting it to his tongue.

Yeppers, its sugar all right. Hey, this is turning out to be paradise, right?”

Yeah, sure,” Kurts smile faded on his face.

Hey, Kurt, cheer up. Drink your cup of joe and well start to explore. How does that sound for a plan?” Blaine asked.

Sure, my head doesnt hurt as much today,” Kurt said. He didnt really want to go, but if the alternative was being left alone in the camp hed rather go with Blaine.

Let me see your head wound first, if thats okay.”

Kurt reached out a hand and found Blaines. Blaine moved closer and had Kurt lie down with his head in his lap and took off the bandage from yesterday. It didnt look much different, it was still infected but there were no red lines or any other dangerous symptoms. He saw a few more slivers of the rotten wood and carefully removed them.

I think Ill just wash it out and apply some more antibiotic cream then re-bandage it. Were going to have to keep a close eye on it I think. Is it painful?”

Not as much as it was,” Kurt replied, but he winced when Blaine smoothed the cream over it.




Hey, wait for me, Speedy. You dont want to fall on these sharp rocks, Kurt,” Blaine called out to the boy. Kurt was about twenty feet in front of him and although he had the bamboo stick hed been using as a cane, Blaine still worried he might fall.

Yes, mother,” Kurt sassed, not slowing down for a moment. He could smell the ocean and wanted to get his hot feet wet in the cool surf. After days of rain it was blistering hot today and a walk in knee-high water would feel just right. The frustration building up inside himself was making Kurt short tempered. He wanted to get closer to Blaine, but he felt he was just a kid and Blaine wouldnt want his affections. This had all happened before – Kurt got a crush on a great guy but it was never right. Either the guy was straight or already taken or just wasnt interested. It was the story of his life and Kurt saw no reason for his luck to change now. Plus, he was blind and couldnt even masturbate because he had no idea when Blaine was watching. Tears came to his eyes, but he would be damned if he let even one roll down his cheek. He was stronger than that. He was.

Blaine jogged to catch up, reaching Kurt just as he put a foot in the water. Blaine joined him, relishing the cool feel of the shallow waves washing over his hot skin. They walked in up to their waists and Kurt started to fall when an unexpected wave hit him. Blaine was close enough to reach out and steady the boy who grasped his arm in panic. Blaines arms went around him on instinct and Kurt leaned heavily on the curly haired doctor.

Ouffff!” Kurt said, his wind knocked out of him for an instant.

Hey, are you alright?” Blaine asked, not letting go until Kurt had righted himself and appeared to be steady. Not being a swimmer, Blaine was a little nervous getting too close to the ocean.

Yeah, that wave just startled me. Im fine,” he assured Blaine and reluctantly let go of the mans strong biceps.

They walked down the beach, Blaine searching for anything edible and Kurt just playing with the waves and trying to predict where the next one would splash. He walked a little more into the water, about up to mid-calf, and leaned over to shove some water up towards Blaine and succeeding in splashing him in the face. He laughed as he heard Blaine sputtering in shock.

Oh, the war is on, Hummel,” he said, plotting revenge. They chased each other back and forth on the beach, Blaine slowing down and making more noise than was strictly necessary to even the odds. He got splashed several more times before Kurt fell in the waves and let out a whoop of surprise as he landed on a sharp shell.

You okay?” Blaine asked, ready in case this was a rouse to lure him closer.

Time out”, Kurt said, sitting up and shaking the water from his hair. Blaine walked closer and gave him a hand up, carefully leading him past the sharp rocks on this part of the beach and back to the safer place.

There. Cant have you cutting your foot or your shapely ass - on those rocks. Im getting tired. Maybe I can find more mussels to eat for lunch?”

Oh, that sounds good. Im so hungry. What can I do to help?” Kurt asked, a little disconcerted by the mans comment about his backside. He decided to ignore it.

I brought the fishing stuff, let me get that and we can walk over to a large rock that sticks out into the ocean a ways. Sound good?”

Lets get to it. Lead the way,” Kurt agreed.

They walked across the rocks where the ocean spray had made the path slick. Blaine was a bit ahead, Kurt holding his arm to follow. Not being able to see the peril in front of him, Kurt stepped in a puddle of water and moss and his feet slipped out from under him. It might have ended in disaster, but Blaine felt him lose hold and turned just in time to grasp his shirt. He hauled the boy up the few inches he had fallen, gasping for air as he struggled to regain his footing. It had scared Blaine for a moment – probably more than it had Kurt because Blaine could see the sheer drop to jagged rocks if hed fallen off this rock shelf. He held Kurt in his arms very tightly for a moment before he realized what he was doing and let go. Well, he would keep a tight hold on Kurts arm until they had navigated the dangerous part of the path.

Thanks, Blaine,” Kurt said when they got to the fishing spot.

For what?”

I dont know how bad it was – how far the drop was – but youve been trembling ever since, so Im thinking it must have been a long way down. Right?” Kurt asked.

Yeah, it was,” Blaine said in a quiet voice, not quite over the fear.

Kurt felt his way to Blaine, putting his arms around the doctors neck and kissing his cheek.

Oh, wasnt anything that you wouldnt have done for me,” Blaine said, trying not to let the kiss affect him. This was getting hard, Kurt was more beautiful every day.

The two sat on the rock and fished for a few hours without a lot of luck. They did manage to catch a few small fish, but neither of them were born fishermen. The sun was getting hotter as it climbed into the noon sky and Blaine suggested they return to the shade of the trees and cook the fish.

Back at the camp, Blaine gutted the fish before wrapping them in banana leaves and placing them in the hot ashes of the fire.

That took a while last time, so maybe we can walk a ways into the trees and look for something else to eat – more coconuts or something?” Blaine suggested and was happy when Kurt agreed to accompany him on the journey.

It was much cooler under the trees, but walking was more treacherous for Kurt because he couldnt see the path. He ended up holding tightly to Blaines arm while they walked and it felt safer that way. Kurt was grateful for Blaines continued patience with him as he learned to navigate without his sight. He found himself clinging closer and closer to Blaines side, the footing being rough through this part of the jungle.

Hey, Blaine? Can we stop and rest for a few minutes?” Kurt asked, his head starting to hurt again.

Of course, here...let me help you,” Blaine offered as he quickly found a log to sit on. They sat down and Blaine took his water bottle off and handed it to Kurt first. Kurt took a drink and handed it back, so grateful for the cooling refreshment. He smiled at where he thought Blaine was sitting.

Weve been here for two days. Dont you think they would be looking for us yet?” Kurt asked, clearly upset at the prospect of spending more time here.

Im sure theyre looking. I wrote HELP on the beach by drawing the letters with a stick and then putting dark pieces of rocks and wood on the lines so a plane could see it. Im not sure what else to do. I dont want to use the flares unless we hear the motor of a plane or helicopter or if we see a boat. I think theyre out looking for us, Kurt, and were going to be found,” he said to try and comfort the boy.

Kurt blinked back the emotion that he was afraid was showing on his face and Blaine put a hand on his back. For once Kurt didnt flinch and Blaine put his arm around Kurt very gently, bringing him close. Kurts arms wrapped around the older mans waist as if they had minds of their own and Kurt laid his head on Blaines shoulder. The man placed a kiss in Kurts hair automatically and Kurt smiled a little to himself.

Thank you for taking care of me, Blaine,” he whispered and buried his face in Blaines shirt, pressing his cheek to the mans chest. Kurt could hear the deep thump thump thump of Blaines heart and he felt better. At least he wasnt alone.

They stayed that way for a while, Blaine thinking about how much he was growing to like Kurt. Once they got past Kurts initial snapping and grouchy behavior, the boy was thoughtful and intelligent, a joy to have around. Blaine could see himself being friends with Kurt back home. He might be older by almost nine years, but that would cease to matter after a while. Blaine was pretty sure of that. He wondered how Kurt felt about him, considering the reaction hed gotten from the boy the first day.

Kurt snuggled closer, the feeling of being safe in this mans arms was good. He liked Blaine, but still couldnt imagine the doctor would be interested in a child like himself. He was sixteen, almost seventeen, but Blaine had had so many more life experiences it was amazing they had anything in common at all. Still, as long as they were stranded on this island it was nice to think about Blaine being close to him.

Feel better?” Blaine asked after about fifteen minutes.

Yeah, maybe I just needed a drink. Okay, lets get back to looking for food,” Kurt said quickly to hide the emotional response that sprung to his lips. Instead, he smiled a little. Really, he would have liked to just sit next to Blaine all day, but he worried that wouldnt be appropriate. He stood up and took a step only to trip and end up back in Blaines lap, struggling for balance. Blaines arms were around him and helped to get him steady once more. Sitting almost on top of Blaine, Kurt took a deep breath and tried to stand, but hed twisted his ankle.

I dont know if I can stand up, Blaine. Can you help me sit back on the log for a moment?”

Sure, here...are you okay like that? I need to look at that ankle,” Blaine said, making sure Kurt was comfortable before removing his shoe and sock to inspect the ankle. It was obviously bruised and beginning to swell. Kurt had twisted it much harder than Blaine had originally thought but still - it appeared to be just a sprain with no bones broken. He ran his hand over the sore place, trying to assess if there was any further damage.

Blaines warm hands felt good against Kurts skin and he tried, too late, to swallow the low moan that escaped from his throat. He didnt know if Blaine had heard it or not, since he couldnt see his reaction, but he thought the doctor had hesitated for a brief moment before continuing his examination. Gently rubbing the calf down to the ball of Kurts foot to try and ease the pain, Blaine closed his own eyes briefly and gave in to his thoughts of what it might be like to hold Kurt in a more romantic way instead of the simple caring touches hed been able to give him. Blaine swallowed hard and set Kurts foot down on the ground carefully.

Im going to run back and get an ace bandage out of the first aid kit. Are you going to be alright here alone?” Blaine asked and Kurt nodded. Neither of them had seen any kind of animal or anything else threatening in the jungle or on the beach yet. Blaine handed Kurt his bamboo stick and left, jogging down to the camp and coming back with an ace elastic bandage. Hopefully with this support, Kurt would be able to walk short distances.


They walked slowly back through the trees, Blaine slowing his steps to make it the right speed for Kurt to hobble. He was holding Kurt up, trying his best to keep the boy from stepping down hard on the foot and possibly damaging it more. They finally made it and Blaine settled Kurt on the log, his sore foot propped on the folded blanket on the pile of driftwood they were currently using for fuel.

He gave Kurt an aspirin and counted the remaining pills in the bottle. It had apparently been a full bottle, and they had only used a few.

Kurt was silent through the light lunch Blaine prepared: the fish was baked to perfection and he served it along with his attempt to make fried bananas. The bananas werent too bad when washed down with the weak coffee and both castaways felt as if theyd had a feast.

The afternoon sun had gotten so hot they decided to just crawl into the shelter and take a nap. There was a slight breeze which made it just bearable as the two laid down on the blanket. Kurt was asleep in minutes, but Blaine tossed and turned for a while. He knew he should be doing more to help rescue them, but he had no idea what he could do. At least Kurt seemed to be getting better, in spite of the accident with his ankle. Blaine wondered for a moment if Kurt was just clumsy and accident-prone, but the thought was fleeting as he realized it was because of the blindness. People were used to depending on sight and to have it suddenly taken away would be devastating. Blaine didnt think he would have been able to accept it and carry on with his life if the same thing had happened to him. Kurt was an extraordinary, brave young man and Blaine had renewed respect for him.

Blaine turned over to look at the young man. He was tall – just as tall as Blaine and he hadnt reached his full height yet. His skin was like ivory, the warmth showing through the paleness like the sun through a seashell. And his hair – a beautiful shade of reddish brown chestnut – was thick and glossy. Blaine couldnt resist running his fingers through the thick strands. Kurt smiled in his sleep and made a soft hum, as if he liked the attention. Blaine thought about his face, so innocent in sleep. It was almost the same when he was awake, but when Kurt was awake his face had an added sort of haunted look as if hed lived a hard life and didnt expect it to get any better. That made Blaine so sad and he wondered if it was only Kurts worry about his fathers health or if he had hidden bad experiences, too. Blaine didnt want to pry into those – he had enough of his own from his familys rejection of his sexuality to being bullied in school to the trouble at New York Hospital that had brought him here to the Caribbean. He sighed and closed his eyes for a while, wishing he could just sleep and stop his mind from churning.

He was on the edge of sleep when he heard Kurt start to fuss, then turn in the blankets. He sounded like a small wounded animal and Blaine thought at first that it was the pain from his ankle. Kurt threw his arms up as if startled, then tossed his head. Whatever it was, Blaine didnt like to see him so stressed. He gently put his arms around Kurt, gathering him close and whispered in his ear, “Its okay, sweetheart, Im here. Ill keep you safe, Kurt. Ill stay right here with you.”

Kurt settled down and Blaine was going to let go, but Kurt was holding him tightly and it didnt seem as if he were going to let go soon. Blaine did the only thing he could and relaxed into the embrace, finally finding comfort with Kurts arms locked around him and his nose snuggled into his neck. Blaines affection for the boy was growing and he smiled to himself before falling sound asleep.


Kurt woke first, feeling the cool breeze wafting over his skin. There was a warm presence and Kurt turned his head before he remembered he wouldnt be able to see who it was. He sniffed and realized it was Blaine, whose arms were holding him close and his head nestled on his shoulder. Then the throbbing in his ankle reminded him of the mornings activities and he tried to roll the ankle to see how bad it was. Bad move. The splinters of pain shot up his leg, spreading bright pain up into his thigh. He tried not to cry out – Blaine was still asleep – but it wasnt anything he could help as he keened in pain, hissing as he tried to move his leg away from where it had been resting.

Blaine was wide awake and ready to jump at the first wail. Having trained as a doctor, he was used to being expected to go from sound asleep to wide awake at the drop of a hat.

Kurt, whats wrong? Does your ankle hurt?”

It hurts all the way up to my hipbone,” Kurt said, looking on the edge of panic. Blaine put a restraining hand on Kurts hip and sat up, looking at the ankle.

You were lying on it, I expect it feels like a million pins sticking it all at once, right?” Blaine asked and Kurt nodded. “Well, you were lying so the bandage got twisted too tight and it didnt get enough oxygen to the muscles. It should be okay soon, but I can sit with you until it feels better, okay?”

Thanks, Blaine,” Kurt said in a soft voice. Oh, yes....Blaine could sit with him any time. Kurt was trying to be mature here and not just fall in love with the first man to ever show him any attention. Oh, that was a real ego-boost. He had to be marooned on an island in the Caribbean to get noticed. And now that he finally was, he couldnt even see the guy. Life sucked sometimes. Then another thought came drifting into his head: was Blaine just being kind because he was a doctor and that was his job or did he like Kurt? It wasnt as if there were any other people here to interact with. That must be it – Kurt was the only choice so Dr. Blaine was paying attention to Kurt for companionship. Kurt sighed, determined not to make a fool of himself over what was just inevitable.

Kurt, I think you had better rest here for a little while. Im going down to the beach to get something for us to eat for supper. Will you be okay?” Blaine asked.

Sure. I think Ill go back to sleep for a while. My ankle is sore,” Kurt said, pulling the blanket smooth so he could lie on it.

After giving Kurt another dose of aspirin, Blaine walked once more to the beach in search of edible things. He pulled some mussels from the lower part of the rocks in the tide pools, then threw a fishing line out from a rock hed climbed onto. It was near a deep hole he thought from the dark color of the water. Maybe a large fish would live in deeper water. He made sure he was anchored on a piece of the rock for him to use as leverage and then threw the weighted fishing line into the sea.

It was only a few minutes when there was a tug on the line. Blaine snapped his wrist quickly to set the hook. It took a good twenty minutes to get the fish landed, Blaine was so scared of losing it. He flipped it back onto the beach behind himself, running over and grabbing it by the tail and whacking it soundly on the rock. It must weigh at least eight or ten pounds, although Blaine had no idea what kind of fish it was.

He gutted the fish, using a piece of the slimy guts as bait to try again. He waited about half an hour and all he could get was a turtle that he didnt want to figure out how to kill, much less eat. So he rolled the fishing line up around the stick and put it in the bag he was carrying. He picked up a few clams on the way back, having gone clamming with a cousin when he was a kid, he knew how to find them.

As he walked back, Blaine saw another banana tree and picked four of those. He heard Kurt long before he walked into the circle of the camp site – Kurt was singing, his high voice just beautiful. It took Blaine a minute to recognize the song as “Blackbird” by the Beatles – but Kurt was singing it as a ballad, slow and smooth as fine whisky. He sat down a little ways away so Kurt would finish it before he realized Blaine had come back.

When the song was done, Blaine sat for a while longer, just watching Kurt. He was so beautiful. Blaine was experiencing more feelings around Kurt and chastised himself. Kurt was only sixteen and would probably have no interest in a man nine years older than himself. Blaine sighed, he really liked Kurt. In a different world, maybe....but for now, he would have to be careful. Kurt seemed to be fragile, worried about his father and the shock of finding himself blind and marooned on an island. It would be too much to expect from anyone.


Kurt didnt like being by himself. He was afraid, although he didnt want Blaine to know that. Not being able to see was almost more than he could cope with. He kept hearing noises that he couldnt identify, ones that he was afraid of. He only felt safe at night when Blaine allowed him to cuddle close. Kurt pretended it was to keep warm, but the truth was that he wanted Blaines arms around him. He liked being around Blaine more all the time and while he was sitting in the camp, waiting for Blaine to return, he wondered what he looked like. He already knew that he had curly hair that was soft and silky, and he knew Blaine had strong biceps and his body was well muscled but in the way of a runner or a dancer – not bulging weightlifter type muscles. Kurt wanted to know what his face looked like.

He heard the soft footsteps coming towards him, and his heart started pumping faster. Blaine called out and Kurts body relaxed.

Hi, Blaine,” Kurt greeted him, holding out his hand without thinking. Blaine stepped near and touched Kurts hand, slipping their fingers together as if they belonged there. A smile crossed Kurts face and Blaine saw it, smiling himself.

How did you do this afternoon?” asked Kurt.

I got a really big fish, one smaller fish I hooked first, and a few clams. I think the big fish weighs about eight pounds, so it might last a while,” Blaine said so brightly that Kurt could imagine his face lit up with happiness. Except that he didnt know what Blaine looked like. The doctor said he was at the hospital the day Kurt was there with his dad, but hed been trying for several days to recall each face he saw that day and he couldnt remember this one.

Blaine walked over to the fire that Kurt had kept going all day and wrapped the fish in banana leaves, pushing it under the coals.

Oh, I smell bananas. Did you bring some?” Kurt inquired.

Sure. Lets sit down over here and we can both have some,” Blaine said, guiding Kurt to sit beside him. They ate the bananas and then just sat for a while, listening to the birds and feeling the cool island breeze. They were comfortable together today, Kurt having lost the deep resentment that he felt at being struck blind after being hit during the storm. The only thing that was still gnawing at his insides was his fear for his father, and that wasnt going away soon.

Blaine was sitting very close to Kurt, once again finding himself drawn towards the boy. Kurt could feel the warmth of Blaines skin so close and he dared to day dream for a few moments – what if Blaine liked him? Not just as a companion or someone requiring care because of an infirmity, but was actually attracted to him.



What do you look like?” Kurt asked in a very soft voice, not sure if he should even be asking such a thing. Blaine didnt say anything for a moment and Kurt rushed to apologize for being inappropriate.

Sorry, I dont know where that came from. Just forget I said anything,” Kurt babbled, trying to take it back.

No, wait, Kurt,” Blaine said, placing his hand on Kurts forearm to get his attention. “Here, let me show you. Just relax your hand for a moment...” he said, then took Kurts hand and placed his fingers on his face. Kurt froze, this seemed too personal – but he was fascinated by the feel of Blaines face and he decided to experience it. He started at the hairline, feeling the edge of his silky curls, then down the forehead to his eyebrows. Kurt used both hands and stroked gently across the brows, smiling.

They feel ...triangular almost? What color is your hair?” Kurt asked.

Well, its black. And yes, my eyebrows are sort of triangular in shape. Ive been teased about it from the time I was little. My dad is Irish and my mother is from the Philippines: Spanish, Chinese, Malaysian. I guess Im kind of a mongrel,” Blaine laughed.

If you think about it, all of us are really mongrels, Blaine. I bet with that amazing combination you are beautiful,” Kurt whispered. He went on with his exploration, trying to construct Blaines face in his mind. “What color is your skin?”

Its darker than yours,” Blaine said.

Blaine, alabaster is darker than my skin. I need more detail,” Kurt asked, a small smirk on his face. He thought they had talked about this when they had first landed, but he wanted to hear it again. Blaine thought it was adorable.

Okay, its sort of golden – maybe youd call it olive complexion, but somewhat lighter. Im sort of short, only five foot eight,” Blaine told him. “I guess you know what my hair is like – unruly curls. I used to gel them down when I was your age because I thought they were undignified.”

Kurt laughed at that. He liked the feel of Blaines hair.

What color are your eyes?” he asked.

My mother told me they are toffee brown with golden highlights and bits of mossy green when I laugh, but shes my mother so you know she would wax poetic at something concerning her son. Actually, it says hazel on my drivers license.”

Kurt grinned. He could picture those eyes. He moved his fingers, brushing over Blaines features. He felt Blaines eyes close and felt very gently only to find Blaine had wide eyes with long, thick eyelashes and a straight nose that was a bit more pug than his own ski slope. Next he felt over the high cheekbones and the strong chin. He tenderly brushed a finger over Blaines lips and felt him tremble.

Im....Im sorry, Blaine. That was too much...Im sorry,” Kurt backed up, blushing in shame as he thought the man might be upset with him.

Kurt, its fine. I told you that you could touch my face and it didnt bother me. My lips are just sensitive. You didnt do anything wrong,” Blaine said in a calm, soft voice. He took Kurts hand and returned it to his face. Kurt gave him a small, embarrassed smile and went on feeling the contours of his face.

Kurt realized that Blaine wasnt wearing a shirt and tried to look in the direction of Blaines face, coming close but not exact, and asked, “Can I...can I feel more of you?”


Blaine didnt mind, hed been asked harder questions of his patients in the childrens ward. He thought suddenly of some of his favorite kids, especially Brooke. She had been the one that he had loved the most and now she was just a bright memory, a spirit that he believed stayed with him. He missed the thin little slip of a girl. He shook his head for a second, coming back to the present.

Kurt took him at his word and was touching his neck. It tickled and he took in a breath, scrunching his head down to keep Kurt from making him giggle like a little girl. Kurt felt down his arm, his hand spanning the bicep. “Oh, you work out?” he asked.

I...ah...well, I box,” Blaine said.

You box?” Kurt asked, trying to fit this new information with the things he already knew about Blaine. It didnt exactly fit – a compassionate person like a doctor doing something that seemed so violent. “Why?”

I was bullied when I was a kid – chased out of my junior high school when I came out. I was determined never to have to run again, so my brother took me to a guy he knew that trained

amateur boxers. He worked with me and I learned to defend myself. Later I learned to use words instead of my fists, but I like the feeling of working out as a boxer, so Ive kept it up when I have the time. Im sure you know that as a doctor I didnt have a lot of extra time.”

No, I guess not. Have you always worked here in the Virgin Islands?” Kurt asked.

No. I went to medical school in New York and worked at NY Metro for a few years. When I left there, my friend, Wes, asked me to come here to visit him for a while. They were short of trauma doctors at the hospital in Charlotte Amalie, so I was helping out. I dont really know where I want to live. Im going to take a year off and rest,” Blaine said. Kurt could hear in his voice that he probably had more to say, but didnt want to say it to Kurt.

Blaine sighed and Kurt reached forward, touching his collarbone with just the tips of his fingers. The skin was warm, very warm, which could mean that he was sitting in the sun or that he was sick...or Kurt was affecting him. Kurt smiled to himself, hoping Blaine didnt notice. He moved his fingers down the mans chest, feeling the definition of his chest and farther to the developed muscles of his abdomen. By this time, Blaine was almost trembling, Kurts touch burning into his skin. He took Kurts hand and kissed his knuckles, setting it back in Kurts lap so he could get up. His dick was so hard it was painful and he had no idea on Earth what he could do about it right now. He would have to walk into the jungle a ways before he could take care of it.

Standing under a palm tree, Blaine took his cock in hand and gave it a long, slow stroke to relieve the built-up tension. It felt so good. He closed his eyes to think of something to bring him to where he needed to be right now – he couldnt take too long, Kurt would be suspicious. The image that came to Blaines mind was of Kurt – long, tall, pale, and perfect to a fault. Blaine imagined pushing into Kurts tight virginal hole, giving him everything he had, trusting his body to bring Kurt these same pleasures.

His hand slipped a bit in this confined space. He needed to hurry and so finally gave in, closing his eyes and imagining it was Kurts hand holding him in just this way, the slow stroked morphing into faster, shorter strokes, his hips thrusting forward towards his goal, Kurts slick mouth around his cock, then imagining what it would be like to finally thrust unbound into the boys body....the sensation was building and the pressure fierce before he was able to get release. He was holding his mouth firmly shut, teeth gritted together, when he realized he was saying Kurts name. He finally stopped coming after what seemed like ages, then fell to his knees and cried bitter tears at what hed done with his life. He blinked, wondering if he could start over, make less mistakes. He pulled his trousers up and cleaned his hand with a leaf, then pushed sand over the small pool of semen that lay on the ground. Sitting in the shade of the tree, he pulled his feet close to his body and lay his head on his arms that were propped on his knees. He was so screwed.


Blaine thought he was far enough away, but Kurt heard something and his face blushed red. Surely Blaine wasnt....taking care of himself? In the woods? Was Kurt so unappealing, so young or just not right in some way, that Blaine would rather masturbate than be near him? Tears ran down his face, but he pushed them away in aggravation. He was stronger than this. Hadnt he lived through all the bullies of McKinley High could dish out? Kurt straightened his spine and took a deep breath. Like his dad always told him, dont let them see you cry.


Hey, it smells like the fish is done. Are you hungry?” Blaine asked when he eventually returned to the camp.

Starving,” Kurt said, fake smile in place. The fish and clams did smell heavenly.

Blaine brushed aside the coals and took out the fish, unwrapping it and putting servings on two tin plates they had found in the bags. He added a few of the ripe sea grapes and brought them over to sit beside Kurt once again, handing him his plate.

Kurt was still self-conscious about how he ate, but there wasnt much he could do about it except eat slower and move more carefully. He took the first bite and smiled.

Oh, thats excellent, Blaine. I dont know what kind of fish it is, but it tastes wonderful,” Kurt complemented.

Thanks, Kurt. I like the clams, too. I guess I did more today than I thought I did. Im ready for an early night. What about you?”

Im really tired. Do I need to do anything else? Help with getting the bed ready?” Kurt asked, feeling useless.

Its all ready to go, Ill just scrub these plates off with some sand and we can bank the fire,” Blaine said and the two of them went to bed.


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