Caribbean Love
Chapter 15 ~ Back to Paradise Previous Chapter Story
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Caribbean Love: Chapter 15 ~ Back to Paradise

E - Words: 2,485 - Last Updated: Feb 25, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
188 0 0 0 1

Author's Notes:

I hope you liked the story. Thank you to my beloved beta, Klainelove and to my biggest cheer-leader, rosiecarr. I love you two!

Hey, stop that!” Blaine said in slight irritation.

Stop what?” Kurt asked from a few feet away. He was cooking bacon and eggs on the campfire, but burst into laughter when he turned to see Blaine.

The man was lying wrapped in a blanket, a large dog trying to nuzzle under his chin and give him a lick of its huge tongue.

Stop it, I say!” Blaine shouted, swatting the cold nose away from his neck. “Oh!! Your nose is cold. Kurt! Help me!”

Kurt tried to contain his laughter, walking back to the blanket and taking the dog by its collar, dragging it away.

Hey, buddy, you cant do that. Let the poor man wake up before you give him a bath,” Kurt coaxed. He let go and the dog sat down, his tail going a mile a minute. “Well, Buddy, you sure are friendly. I wonder where you belong? I dont think a pretty fella like you should be running around unescorted.”

Oh, I see...I get mauled by a ferocious dog and you take the dogs side of it,” Blaine grouched, pulling the blanket up near his shoulders.

Kurt let the dog go, served the food from the pan, and walked back to Blaine with the plates to sit down.

They watched as the dog climbed up the rocks and over the top.

Not exactly the wake-up call I was dreaming about...” Blaine laughed.

Sorry about that. I thought after the other two wake up calls during the night you might want to sleep in,” Kurt giggled, feeding Blaine a bit of scrambled egg from his fork.

Mmmmm. Good, Babe. Delicious even,” he said, sitting up a bit more to lean against Kurt as he finished eating. “So, whats on the agenda for the day?”

Teaching you to swim?” Kurt grinned.

Ah...maybe next week. I really dont want to learn today. Honest, have no idea how scared I am of deep water. None.” Blaine moved closer to Kurt, taking his hand.

All right. I do understand about being scared. I know when I have a panic attack Im so scared...its just beyond anything I can describe. Lets get back home then. We need to talk to my father. He needs to go back to Lima to get things settled with my uncle, and I think I should go with him,” Kurt said, looking to see Blaines reaction. He looked sad.

Okay. I knew it was coming. Dont stay away too long, all right?” Blaine asked, resigned to being without Kurt for a while.






Hi Dad,” Kurt said, Didya miss me?”

Of course, kiddo. Now, have you told Blaine about our plans?” Burt asked.

Yes,” Kurt replied.

I asked Carole last night to marry me,” Burt said, ducking his head. He was worried about Kurt being upset.

Oh! Thats wonderful!” Kurt crowed, Blaine grinning beside him.

Ah...youre not upset that I didnt tell you first that I was going to ask her?” Burt wondered.

No, Dad, of course not. I kind of thought you might. I have something to tell you, too,” Kurt admitted. “Maybe we should sit down?”

Sit? Why...whats wrong?” Burt asked.

Nothing is wrong. Blaine and I...well, since were going to live here, and youre getting married, and Im almost eighteen and all....”

Oh, I see where this is going. NO. You may not get married, Kurt. You have college and you have so many things to are still a child, for goodness sake,” Burt burst out. He just got his son back – he wasnt about to lose him to anyone now. He hadnt even graduated yet.

Burt, if I may...?” Blaine said, looking at Kurts dad.

What do you have to say for yourself?” Burt asked.

I love Kurt. I want him to have everything in this world that he wants, including a college education. No, we dont want to get married today, but we do want to spend the rest of our lives together. Something happened on that atoll, and I cant say what it was because I dont know. Maybe it was depending on each other for months, maybe it was written in the stars, but we fell in love and after months of talking it out, we have decided to marry. Not now, but after Kurt graduates. I can pay for his college, and I intend to do so, that way you can have the money youve saved for buying a business here in St Thomas. I have my position in the hospital here, and I am going to live with Wes for a while. When Kurt graduates, he can go to college. I wont stop him,” Blaine explained. He said everything so fast, Burt couldnt get a word in edgewise.

Oh..well, I think we need to go back to Lima and pack, then I can talk all of this over with Kurt and Carole. I know you two think youre in love...” Burt said, but Kurt interrupted.

Youve known her less time than Ive known Blaine, but its okay for you to get married? How is that fair? Do you think you can love more than I can? Does your love mean more than ours?” Kurt yelled, frustrated at the double standard.

Calm down, Kurt. No, I dont think me loving Carole is any less than you loving Blaine. I didnt think about it like that. Lets get moved, then well talk about it. Okay?” he asked.

Okay, Dad. I dont want to fight, but you have to know Im not changing my mind,” Kurt said in a calmer voice. Blaine moved closer to him and put his arms around his waist.

I think thats the best idea. Now, maybe we can get some lunch and plan the move?” Blaine suggested.




Three weeks later


The Hummels had gone back to Ohio and packed their house. Burt did the paperwork to sell his garage to his brother and they were back in St Thomas in record time. It was a toss-up whether Carole or Blaine was happier to see the Hummel men get off the plane.

Burt bought a gas station and hired a good bunch of guys to help him run it. He was teaching Finn to work on cars and Kurt helped out. When school started, they registered at the local high school together.

Blaine was working at the hospital once again. Wes traded rooms with Blaine to give him more room so Kurt could stay over more often. Kurts eyes improved steadily, and before long he was able to see very well, although he now wore glasses.


One Night At Milo and Rebeccas House


Kurt, I wondered if you and Blaine had some time to talk?” Burt asked. They hadnt really addressed the problem of what was going to happen now.

Sure, Dad. Blaine, too?” Kurt asked.

Yep. Just come out here on the patio, okay?” Burt said.

Blaine and Kurt walked out to sit with Burt, Carole, and Finn.

Weve set the wedding date. We want to get married in a month. Neither of us want a big wedding, we just want a small one,” Burt started, holding Caroles hand.

Oh! I can plan a small one. Can I do the planning?” Kurt asked, grinning and bouncing in his seat.

Carole smiled.

Of course you can. We can start tomorrow, Im happy to have help,” Carole told her soon-to-be son.

Milo and Rebecca have decided to give us the house. It is only their vacation home, so they will stay here when they come, but otherwise its ours,” Burt said, reaching over to hold Caroles hand. Finn grinned from ear to ear. He loved living here.

Which leads us to where you will be staying, Kurt. I know you are legally an adult now, but I want you to stay in school and graduate. You will live here, but you may stay with Blaine on his nights off. Is that fair?” Burt asked.

It was more than the two had dreamed of happening.

Yes, Dad. Dont worry, I will keep my grades up. I want to go to a good college, you know,” he promised.

I trust you, son. And I trust you, too, Blaine. Dont make me sorry,” he frowned, but everyone knew it was a bluff.



The next Saturday, skies were clear and blue, the ocean was calm, and Milo asked Blaine and Kurt if they wanted to visit the atoll. He knew how to find it and Kurt had mentioned that he wanted to see it with his own eyes.



Thats the one,” Milo pointed out and found a place to drop anchor. He helped Blaine get the skiff into the bay and the two got in to paddle to the little island. “I want to leave by five oclock, so be back by four thirty, okay?”

We will. That gives us six hours. Thank you, Milo,” Blaine said and Kurt nodded, not able to speak as his emotions got the better of him.


They landed on the white sand and pulled the boat up past high tide, then took hands and walked across the small beach and into the trees. Blaine led the way, Kurt being so disoriented that he couldnt find the way. It had been several months since they had been rescued from this place, but it held no bad feelings. Kurt and Blaine had fallen in love here.

They approached the shelter and Kurt stood with his mouth open.

I...that...this isnt the way I had it in my head at all. Are you sure?” he asked, looking at Blaine.

Yes. See, here is the kitchen with the shelves we made. The pole is broken, but this is where the shelter was. See, the blanket is still there,” Blaine pointed out. Kurt walked slowly over to where he could see the ring of rocks where the fire had been. He crouched down and ran his fingers over the stones, then closed his eyes and smiled. Eyes still closed, he went to the shelter and lay down on the blanket.

Blaine?” he called and the doctor was by his side, lying down beside him, taking him in his arms and kissing Kurts lips. Kurt hummed, tugging his clothes off. Blaine took in a large gasp of air, then removed his own.

Blaine, is this okay? I mean, this is the place and we might never have another chance to be here again. This is paradise - where we fell in love,” Kurt said softly, running his hands through Blaines hair. He dipped down and ran his mouth along Blaines shoulder.

This is always okay, Babe. Here or anywhere,” Blaine said back, stroking his hand down Kurts side to see him laugh. He moved closer to Kurt, feeling his skin where they touched. Kurts skin was so soft and inviting, pulling Blaine closer to maximize every inch of skin meeting skin. Kurt was so hard it ached and he rutted against Blaines thigh to get a little friction.

Make love to me?” he asked and Blaine smiled, kissing him deeply. He reached over to his shorts pocket and took out a packet of lube, wasting no time in spreading it over his fingers and turning Kurt onto his back. Blaine circled for a moment, being slow and gentle as he entered and began the stretch. Kurt shivered, he was so ready for this. He had dreamed about Blaine making love to him for months right here until that night, and Kurt knew then that they had to be together forever.

Oh, Blaine, yessss,” Kurt sighed as he let his muscles relax. He was anxious and anticipating the burn and good feelings, his breath coming faster as Blaine stroked and kissed. Kurt reached over to touch Blaine, running his hand down the thick shaft and coming back up in even rhythm. It took forever and just a moment, Kurt had lost track of time and Blaine was right there, waiting for Kurt to give him a sign to begin. Kurt lay back and opened his legs again, moaning as Blaine entered him, slow and steady.

Blaine.....there, right there,” he directed and Blaine pushed his way in, pulling back and pressing in as Kurt got used to the friction. It was all Blaine could do not to thrust hard, but he was always gentle with Kurt.

You are so perfect,” Blaine said, “so beautiful, my love, we will be together for the rest of our lives, wont we?”

Yes, yes...there could never be anyone as good as you, Blaine...oh, right there – harder, harder!” Kurt sang out, begging Blaine. Blaine responded, thrust after thrust as they kissed and held on. It didnt take long, Blaine coming hard but not stopping the pounding thrust until he felt Kurt squeeze down on him, his hands clutching Blaines arms as Kurt moaned out his pleasure.

They stayed like that, Blaine resting his forehead on Kurts chest for a few moments before he pulled out. Kurt using the soft sand to wipe away the semen on his stomach. He held out his hands and Blaine lay his head on Kurts chest.

I love you, Kurt,” he said, his voice sleepy.

I love you, too.”


After twenty minutes, Kurt woke Blaine up and they walked down to the other beach, washing off in the tide pool.

Hey, shall we bring them all home some lobster?” Kurt asked. “Which pool has them?”

Over here. Dont go stepping on any harpoons now,” Blaine advised, smiling at Kurt.

Oh, very funny. Now that I can see where Im going, I will try not to.”

They walked over to the deep pool and Kurt took his shirt and tied it to his belt loop, just like he used to. He dived in, amazed at the colors of the coral and things in the tidepool. He saw scallops and pulled some off to take back, then he was down far enough to start feeling for lobsters. He had six before he got tired of diving, it was hard work to hold his breath that long. Hed done five dives and this had to be the last one. Taking a deep breath, he dived down, holding on to the rock shelves as he got deeper and found a very large lobster, grabbed it by the back and swam for the surface. He breached the water, shaking it out of his hair as he flipped up onto the rocks, handing Blaine the last of the big red pinchers.

Wow, Kurt. This is enough for a feast!” Blaine crowed, so proud of his boyfriend.


They walked slowly back through the forest, going to look at the little spring that saved their life with its cool fresh water. They picked a few coconuts and then back to the skiff to head home. They could see Milo on the boat, waving.

I guess this is the end, huh?” Kurt said.

Oh, no, Kurt. I think we will be back. Ill always think of it as ours, wont you?”

Yeah. The place we fell in love,” Kurt said softly, blinking tears away. He leaned forward and almost upset the skiff, but Blaine kissed him anyway. They righted the tiny boat and paddled back to the big yacht in the bay.


*****THE END*****


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