Caribbean Love
Chapter 13 ~ Alone and Together Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Caribbean Love: Chapter 13 ~ Alone and Together

E - Words: 5,374 - Last Updated: Feb 25, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
199 0 0 0 1

Blaine and Kurt had been lying in Kurts bed at Milo and Rebeccas house for half an hour. It had been difficult because the two missed having just themselves to worry about, to care about, to try and please. Back in civilization, there were too many rules and too many people trying to pull them in different places. It felt as if they had been torn apart, told they were not compatible. Of course Blaine and Kurt didnt agree with any of that claptrap, but they had to try and appear correct. This was turning into a nightmare.


Blaine, can we...I dont know, something? I miss your body, I miss touching you, I miss tasting you, I miss you. Can we please – damn it, I dont know,” Kurt said, rambling and not making the best sense.

Baby, you can touch me any time you want. Well, except in front of your father because I dont want to die,” Blaine said, only half kidding.

Kurt laughed, but he understood. His dad was over protective and since he had been missing for five months, Burt had become even more protective of him. He couldnt even go down the little street to the ice cream parlor without asking permission from his dad.

The bedroom door is locked, we can touch right now,” Kurt said, but they both knew it would have to be something that wouldnt make noise and that ruled out most love-making.

My friend, Wes, has been asking me to move back in to his house with him. If I did that, we would definitely have some privacy. Wes is a workaholic and spends all his time at the hospital. I think that might be our best bet. What do you think your dad would say to that?” Blaine asked. He was touching Kurts bare stomach, tracing little patterns across the pale skin and stopping to leave a kiss there every once in a while. Kurt giggled when it tickled, which was often. It was just a silly thing they had done on the island and usually led to more touching, more kisses, and less giggling. Kurt leaned forward and kissed Blaines lips. It was just gentle, a brush of warm skin but enough for Blaine to want more.

Kurt, I miss you so much. I want to give you all the pleasure you deserve, and we both know I cant do that to my best ability here with all these people around. Ill ask Wes, then maybe I can convince Burt to let you come over to stay with me for a few days to let you rest away from all this noise and good intentions,” Blaine said, looking at Kurt for approval of his plan.


I love it. I cant travel as far as Lima right now, not for a few weeks until my incision is healed,” Kurt said, absently rubbing at the place where the bandage itched.

Hey, leave it alone, Kurt. Irritating the incision wont help it to heal,” Blaine admonished, then took both of Kurts hands in his as the boy started rubbing at the healing wound on his foot.

I just turned into a clumsy oaf on the island, didnt I?” Kurt moaned. He was healing from numerous incidents all caused by his falling, tripping, or inability to see where he was going. He would probably carry the scars of the harpoon wound, the burn from the coal, and a half-dozen other things that had happened.

Kurt, it had nothing to do with you being graceful, you were learning to navigate without your sight. Nobody could have done better given the environment. Be proud of what you were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. Who else would be brave enough to dive into a pool without their sight?” Blaine said, leaned closer to kiss Kurts lips. “Now, what were you saying about traveling?”

I dont know...I have a few ideas, but Im not sure if they have any merit. Can I bounce them off of you?” Kurt asked, anxious to have someone listen. This limbo was making him nervous. Even if it meant he had to go back to Lima for a short time, Kurt wanted it all to be settled so he knew where he stood.

Of course. I have some ideas of my own, but Im not sure if you will approve. Lets hear yours first.”

Were you serious when you told me you loved me, or was that just because we were all alone for so long?” Kurt asked, pulling Blaine close so he could judge his truthfulness by looking in Blaines eyes.

Blaine looked deep into Kurts cornflower blue eyes, steady and faithful.

Kurt, I am beyond serious when I tell you that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Only you. I believe Ive found the answer to every question Ive ever asked, the realization to every dream Ive ever dreamed. I love you beyond measure, and I hope you feel the same way. Im ready to do anything, anything if it means I get you. Does that answer your question?”

Kurt could see the truth in Blaines eyes and it brought tears to his own. He never dared to hope he could have someone as amazing, as perfect, as Blaine Anderson.

Yes, it does. I was thinking...if you are working at the hospital here, we could get an apartment and I could finish high school here in St Thomas. I love it here, and with my grades I dont think I would have much trouble getting into a school,” Kurt said to start. “I was gone for so long, Ill probably have to make up at least a semester of school now before I can graduate.

Id miss my dad, but I have to leave him next year to go to college anyway. Maybe we could visit him a few times during school breaks? I would get a job so I could pay my own way of course,” Kurt said, his nerves showing through in his voice.

Oh, baby. You wouldnt have to get a job. I have money. Im one of those snobby trust-fund babies, you know,” Blaine said with a silly smile. “Do you think your dad would let you do that?”

Not in a million years,” sighed Kurt.

Well, I can move to Ohio. Im not tied down here and Id be closer to my brother in Chicago. Its only for one year, I wouldnt mind. Then we can go to New York together. You could go to that college where you got the scholarship. I could work in one of the hospitals for a few years...then who knows, we could move back here,” Blaine suggested. He loved that Kurts eyes lit up at the prospect of him moving to Ohio just to be with him.

Really, Ohio isnt that bad,” Kurt said, trying to sound convincing.

Blaine rolled his eyes.

Well, dont start lying to me, my dear. I know better,” he said, giving Kurt a hard look and shaking his head a little.

Okay...but how do you know Ohio isnt a glorious paradise?” Kurt teased.

It would become that if I could stay near you, baby, but I grew up in Westerville, so dont try to con me,” Blaine said.

Oh. Busted. Really, you grew up just down the road from me?” Kurt said, grinning.

Yeah...Im a Dalton boy. I was the lead Warbler in my time. I still have the blazer with the red piping in my closet back home,” Blaine sighed. He didnt really like to be reminded of those days.

Kurt was silent for a while and Blaine finally asked him what was wrong.

Nothing. I was thinking about you in a blazer. And nothing else. Well, maybe a Dalton tie around your neck...” he smiled and put his head down, peeking at Blaine through his eyelashes. He heard Blaine take a sudden breath.

Kurt....I know we can work this out. I will do the very best I can for us, and I have faith that I can make something work. I dont want to lose you. Ever.”

Same here, Blaine. I love you, too. So much more than I can possibly say... Should we go talk to Dad?” he asked.

Sure. Later, though. I think Carole mentioned they went out for lunch, so we have some time to ourselves, sort of,” Blaine said in a low, sultry voice.

Kurt was done talking and pulled Blaine closer, tugging him right on top of his body. He parted his legs and Blaine fit there like they had been made for each other. Kurt reached up to kiss his lover and Blaine hummed his encouragement, kissing down Kurts neck. They just kissed and stayed close, finally turning to lie down next to each other. make me feel so good, I dont ever want to stop doing this,” Kurt said softly in his ear, tracing a line down Blaines back under his shirt with one finger.

I dont either, but Im so hard right now Im going to have to either go take care of it or if Im lucky youre going to, and I dont know who is home or who can hear us...” Blaine complained, palming his erection through his jeans.

Kurt took Blaines hands and moved them away from his groin, then began undoing the button and zipper of his jeans. Blaine hummed his delight, which made Kurt move quicker. Blaine waited until Kurt had undone everything, then slid his clothes off – folding them into a less-than-tidy bundle and leaving them on the chair before he removed Kurts clothes, folding them and placing them on the chair.

It was the first time Kurt had seen a grown man with no clothes. He had placed his hands and fingers on every inch of Blaines skin, but for all those months he had only had his imagination to show him what Blaine looked like bare.

Oh, my glory and was worth the wait,” Kurt whispered, letting his eyes fill with the sight of his lover. Blaine was lying on the forest green sheets and the color set off his skin, making it a golden tan. The muted sunlight was just right to show Blaine in shadows and light, enhancing the contours of his muscles to their best advantage. The sheets were just right to bring out the moss green flecks in his hazel eyes as he gave Kurt a soft look, full of want and need and love shining out directly from his heart. The mans lips were rosy pink and plump, just right for kissing and that was exactly what Kurt wanted in this moment – to kiss this beautiful man and ask him to be his forever more. He fell forwards, depending on Blaine to catch him.

Kurt started by kissing just the inside of Blaines wrist. He had come to know that this was the starting place for seducing Blaine, it worked each and every time. Blaine could feel Kurts excited breath as he stroked the soft and tender skin there, moving his lips up Blaines arms to caress the skin with his warm tongue and listen to Blaines needy moans escaping his mouth as Kurt continued.

The anticipation of having Kurts body again after so long made Blaine a bit frantic, wanting to kiss, lick, caress, massage every single square inch of this amazing, beautiful boy. He slowed down as much as he could so as not to get clumsy and hurt his boyfriend. Kurts pale skin bruised like a peach and it was too beautiful to make purple and black bruises all over. Blaine had never even given Kurt a hickey because it seemed blasphemous to mar that ivory and blush soft skin. He kissed so tenderly, so softly that Blaine was amazed at himself.

Baby, are you okay if I get you ready? I know it has been a while, but I need you so badly right now. I need to know youre still mine,” Blaine whispered softly into Kurts ear. A peaceful smile crossed Kurts face as he tried to remember where the lube was that Blaine had brought and asked Kurt to put in a safe place.

That is just what I was praying you would want, is exactly what I envisioned, and I want to show you that I am and forever,” Kurt breathed. Blaine kissed his lips again to show he understood. Lucky for them, the other occupants of the house had all gone out to lunch because being quiet left their heads as soon as they lost themselves in each other.

Blaine took the tube of lube and coated his fingers, then rolled Kurt onto his belly, pulling his legs apart very gently.

Blaine...I missed this...I missed you so much,” Kurt whispered, losing himself in the sensations taking over his conscious mind.

I missed you, too, baby. Are we...?” Blaine started to say, but Kurt interrupted him with a moan.

Right there....Blaine, oh, that feels so good,” Kurt said, “But I want to see your face, your beautiful face.”

Okay, here, turn over and Ill kiss you while I do this,” Blaine suggested. Kurt complied, smiling when he could see his boyfriends face.

Blaine took his time, kissing down Kurts chest and tickling his belly with his tongue. When he had made sure he was ready, he took Kurt into his mouth and shivered at the moan he elicited as the wet warmth engulfed him.

Yes, Blaine...yes,” he said, suddenly holding his breath as he let the heat and pressure overwhelm him. Blaine pulled back, wanting this to last for a while so they could enjoy each other for a longer time.

Blaine centered himself on top of Kurt, fitting between his legs. Kurt nuzzled into his neck, sighing in pleasure at the scent of his lover. It was a mix of spice and clean rain, of fresh sweat and soap that remained around Blaine like a cloud. Kurt took another deep breath and groaned at the way it made him harder.

Blaine kissed under Kurts ear, welcoming the shiver it caused. He lingered there, just taking in Kurts scent and feeling the boys pulse quicken under his skin. Kurt closed his eyes and felt the silky black curls as they brushed against his chest. Every touch was a promise to take care of Kurt, to hold him gently and love him to his best ability.

Kurts body was aching to just be taken, to have Blaine deep inside where they could almost be one person. His hips pushed upwards, begging Blaine to enter him.

I cant wait, baby, are you okay?” Blaine asked, wanting to thrust inside Kurt so badly he trembled in anticipation.

Now,,” Kurt pushed the words out of his mouth in spite of his lightheaded condition.

Blaine pushed in and nothing could feel better than this. Kurt gave himself to Blaine completely with the knowledge that this man would take care of him, would love and cherish him. He trusted Blaine in every way possible and that was as much an aphrodisiac as any word or touch could ever be.

The soft sounds that Kurt made: the whimper as he let Blaine in, the combination of gasps and quiet sighs as he found his rhythm, the whispers of love – it all served to make Blaine forget everything in his life but this boy. The ever increasing moans as Blaine changed angles and found the right place so that Kurt was begging him to stay there, not to stop. He reveled in Kurts quickening pants and whines, each one reaching so deep inside Blaine that it was a part of him.

Far too soon, Blaine was beginning to feel the heat and spiraling tingle that sounded the end. He knew his orgasm was building and it was so good, this limbo between the real world and euphoria. One look at Kurts face and he knew the boy was in the same place, that land that they could only find together.

Kurt...Im so close, baby. I can hang on a little if...”

No, Im almost there. Dont hold back, not now that were finally together again. Oh, yes, Blaine....” Kurt blurted, hoping he could hold just that moment longer. Blaine felt the second that the balance was tipped the other way, the moment he was too far gone to hold it back again. His eyes sought out Kurts and found the boy looking back, not blinking as Blaine opened his mouth and let the sound out. He felt Kurt squeezing him so tightly and realized he was coming, too.

The look of utter bliss on Blaines face was the best thing Kurt had ever seen. He could feel the thrusts slowing down, Blaines muscles stiffening for a brief second before the pumping, rhythmic feeling deep inside himself indicated Blaines satisfaction. His face was so beautiful it brought tears to Kurts eyes to look at him.

Oh, Blaine...I am yours. Forever yours,” Kurt whispered, not sure if Blaine heard him or not. It didnt matter, though, it only mattered if Kurt knew it for now. Any doubts he had given thought to since coming away from the island were burned up to blow away in the wind now. Nothing could take that away from Kurt.


Blaine lay full length on Kurt, wanting to move, to get his weight off of the angel in his arms, but he couldnt yet. Just a few more moments...

Im going to move, baby, just a sec,” Blaine muttered, trying to gather the strength to do as he said.

No, stay for a few more minutes, please. I want to hold you,” Kurt whispered in Blaines ear, his arms around Blaine tightening as he said it.

They finally shifted so both were lying on the pillow, Blaine kissing Kurts forehead tenderly. He knew they should get up and go to clean up, take a shower, get dressed. The island was so much better, where a handful of sand rubbed on his chest would remove the residue of their love-making and a dip in the tide pool was only a short walk when they had rested. Here they needed to shower and dress in case the other inhabitants of the house came home. Blaine lived in fear of a knock at the bedroom door and an angry father bear on the other side, ready to tear him limb from limb. He closed his eyes to banish those kinds of thoughts from taking anything away from his time with his beloved angel. He kissed Kurt one more time just because he could, then sat up.

Kurt followed, a bit reluctant to leave the warm bed, but cheered by the prospect of being naked with Blaine in the shower.


Half an hour later, the bedroom door was open. The couple was dressed and lounging on the bed, which was made with fresh linens and piles of pillows, watching a movie on Blaines laptop. Kurt was snuggled against Blaines chest, practically purring in post-coital bliss when Finn knocked lightly on the open door.

Come in,” Kurt directed, looking up and squinting his eyes to see who it was. He was trying to memorize all the new faces and fit them up with the voices hed come to know.

Dont squint your eyes, baby. It wont help and its not good for them,” Blaine admonished quietly, then turned to their visitor.

Hey, I was just coming in to see how youre doing, Kurt,” Finn said, walking to the desk chair next to the bed. Kurt nodded at the chair and Finn sat down.

Im doing okay. I have just a touch of a headache, but it isnt bad at all compared with the ones I had before,” Kurt related. Blaine looked at him closely.

I can get you something for the pain if you need it. Your prescription bottle is in the hall cupboard,” he offered with concern.

No, I think an aspirin would be fine, thanks, but I can go find that,” Kurt said.

Ill get it for you, I know where Grandmother keeps them,” Finn offered. He was back in a few minutes, a tray with three glasses of lemonade and the bottle of aspirin in his hands. Setting the tray down on the bedside table, he shook out two pills, handed them to Kurt and gave each a glass of lemonade.

Thanks, Finn. I appreciate it so much,” Kurt smiled at the young giant.

No problem. Whatcha watchin”? He asked, looking at the laptop screen.

The First Time,” Blaine said, blushing just a tiny bit at being caught watching a chick flick.

Finn sat for a few minutes, watching the actors until his face lit up.

Hey, thats the guy from Teen Wolf, right? The one that plays Stiles!” Finn said, proud of having recognized the man.

Yes, thats Dylan OBrien,” Blaine acknowledged. Kurt grinned, watching the good looking actor as he fumbled his way around a girls house trying to avoid her father. It really was a silly chick flick, but the plot was not the reason Kurt and Blaine were watching it. Kurt really liked Dylan OBrien and Blaine really liked Kurt, so...

They watched the end of the movie, visions of a first time with Dylan floating through Kurts head until Blaine coughed. Kurt sat up, moving his attention to his boyfriend and Finn.

Whats up? Because I kind of think you didnt come in here to watch that movie,” Kurt said.

I wondered if you were going to be okay with being my brother – if you thought we would get along or if we needed to bond or something. I can take you fishing in the skiff maybe?” Finn asked, his face innocent. Kurt just stared at him.

What are you talking about?” he asked, the reason probably a foregone conclusion, but he needed to hear what Finn had to say about it. didnt know? I thought your dad would have talked to you about it. Im sorry, just pretend I never said a word,” Finn said, red-faced as he got up to leave the room.

Wait a damned minute, buddy. Youre going to tell me what the hell is going on, and youre going to do it now,” Kurt said, his voice leaving no room for doubting his anger.

Im sorry, Kurt. I thought Burt would have said something to you. Well, they didnt exactly tell me in so many words, but its like Burt and my mom have been dating and walking on the beach in the moonlight. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out whats going on.”

Well, no...he hasnt said a word to me. I know he likes Carole, but he never mentioned they were serious,” Kurt said, wilting on the bed. Blaine reached to take his hand in silent support.

Dude, he walks on the beach with her, they go to lunch and dinner, and I saw them kissing yesterday. I dont think it will lead to anything but marriage,” Finn said, looking far from upset. He grinned.

Well, Carole is a nice person, I like her, but Dad never said anything to me about being more involved with her,” Kurt said, sounding a little hurt.

Im sure he was waiting for the best time to tell you, Babe. He just got you back after such a long time, he probably doesnt want to scare you,” Blaine soothed, running his hand down Kurts arm.

I have been thinking they were getting awfully close – maybe I just cant see the forest for the trees. Ill talk to him when they get back. Thanks, Finn, for letting me know. And for the record, I think youd make an awesome brother,” Kurt smiled at Finn. “But dont ever call me dude again.”

Finn laughed and got up to leave, thinking about the girl he was taking to the dive-in tonight.


Are you okay about all of this?” Blaine asked his boyfriend.

Yeah, Ive wanted Dad to date for a few years. I encouraged him, so I cant really be upset if he found someone to fall in love with, now can I?”

No. Plus, it does balance the scale a bit, dont you think?” Blaine asked and looked in Kurts eyes.


Well, if Burt is going to be getting married, he cant very well tell you that you cant fall in love. Right?” Blaine asked rhetorically. Kurt laughed.

Yeah. Well see how far that gets us,” Kurt rolled his eyes.



At about five oclock Burt knocked on the open door to the room Kurt was using.

Dad! Come in and have a seat,” Kurt beckoned.

How was your lunch, Burt?” Blaine asked, using the name the man had asked him to use.

We had a great time. I had a salad, Kurt,” his father told him, grinning to see Kurts smile. “Hey, Blaine, I was wondering if I might have a minute alone with Kurt?”

Blaine looked at the boy, who gave him a small nod.

Sure, Ill go sit on the porch. I havent read the newspaper today,” Blaine agreed, dropping a chaste kiss to Kurts lips before departing.


Son, I have something to discuss with you,” Burt started, not sure where to begin.

Kurt sat looking at his dad, trying to focus his eyes. They were getting better by the day, but he was still troubled by some fuzzy vision.

Sure, Dad, whats up?” he asked.

Well, you know Ive been dating Carole – right?” he asked.

Yeah. I sure like her, Dad. She is so sweet – just like her parents. I like her son, too. Hes a friendly sort, always a smile on his face.”

He gets it from his mom. I have been seeing her for over a month now, and weve gotten pretty close,” Burt said, still gauging Kurts reaction.


Ah. Oh, how would you like to finish your last year of high school right here in St Thomas? They have several schools both public and private, and one charter school. We can go visit them if youd like,” Burt said.

Are we going to move here? What about the shop in Lima?” Kurt asked, his heart beating fast.

Your Uncle Frank has offered to buy it. He knows as much about car repair as I do – our old man made sure we could take apart and put together everything from a skateboard to a John Deere. Hes every bit as good at mechanics as I am,” Burt told him.

Kurt wasnt quite sure what to say. He wanted to live here with Blaine so badly, but expected his father to disagree with him. Hed girded himself up for a real fight and here he was getting exactly what he wanted handed to him on a silver platter. He didnt know what to say.

Aw, Kurt. I know youll miss your friends, wont you? I think we can go back to Lima for another year if it means that much to you. Ill talk to Carole, she will understand,” Burt said as he got up to leave.

No! Dad, wait!!” Kurt shouted, anxious to tell him how happy he was about staying here in the Virgin Islands.

Oh, Kurt. I never dont want to be reminded of those five months stranded on that atoll, do you? How could I be so insensitive?” Burt looked contrite and put a hand on Kurts shoulder to apologize.

No, Dad. I want to move here. I love it here, and I may have a few friends that it will be hard to say goodbye to, but I am happy to be here. Do you think theres a place you could buy and have a shop here?” Kurt asked.

Really, kiddo? You want to stay here? Dont say it just to make me happy. Its my job to see that youre happy,” Burt said, putting his arm around Kurt.

Dad, Im so happy – you cannot imagine. So, what does your dating Carole have to do with us moving to St Thomas?,” Kurt said in an innocent voice. Burt blushed dark red. Kurt giggled. I getting a new mother and brother?”

Maybe. I mean...I wanted to ask you how you might feel about it. Carole was thinking she might stay here with her parents. She was living in North Carolina, but it was hard without someone to share her life with. She was visiting her folks when we met. After you were reported missing, Milo and Rebecca insisted that I stay with them while I looked for you. We were going to all the authorities, interviewing anyone who was on the water in that storm..and we just fell in love,” Kurts dad told him, tears in his eyes thinking about that time.

Kurt understood and moved closer to his dad, hugging him tightly.

You know what kept me going on that island? It was knowing in my heart that you would never give up on me, Dad, that made it tolerable. I mean, Blaine was amazing – he kept me alive, he was there when I needed him. Knowing that you would keep looking until you found me was what was most important.”

Blaine means a lot to you, doesnt he?” Burt asked, although he didnt really want to hear Kurts answer. He already knew it and seeing Kurt as a grown man with thoughts and desires of his own was just too new. The wound in his heart was still raw.

Oh, Dad, if you only knew. I love Blaine. I know its strange and were going to have to grow thick skins in order to stay together, but I cant help it. Hes worth everything to me. You understand, right?” Kurts blue eyes looked straight into Burts soul and he knew that this was going to happen. Kurt had found true love and he had better get used to it.

Its okay, I do understand. Looks like the Hummel men have had a good summer after all,” Burt grinned at his son.

Kurt hugged him once again, thankful to have such a wonderful father.

You are...ah, being alone on that island, kiddo...ah, how close did you get?” Burt asked, kind of afraid of his sons answer but determined to make sure he was safe.

Well, they didnt have a corner drugstore, but we..ah...he is a doctor, Dad. He had been tested since his last...and I had never...” Kurt just stopped talking. His dad looked like he was going to faint.

Okay, you were safe. You know Im still not so happy about him being so much older than you. Are you sure you love him, or maybe it was just that you are grateful..?” Burt started to say, but stopped when he saw Kurts face. It held the accusation of betrayal and Burt thought about what he had told his son a few years ago. That he mattered. Not to throw himself around. He looked in Kurts eyes once more and saw that this was not some fleeting puppy love. He thought back on the time they had spent together since the rescue and Burt was convinced of Kurts feelings towards Blaine Anderson.

Kurt, I apologize if I sounded as if I was treating you like a foolish kid. First of all, you have never been foolish in your life, and secondly: since your return from the island, you have not been a kid. I think you grew up a lot in those few months. Kurt, if you really love Blaine and he loves you, Im there to support you. I love you, kid.”

Thank you, Dad. That means the world to me.”




Later that evening, after supper


Do you want to go walk on the beach?” Kurt asked Blaine, limping out to the patio where his boyfriend had been sitting after their meal.

Sure. Are you feeling up to a little bit of a hike or would you rather walk on the flat sand tonight?”

Im up for some adventure, lets go,” Kurt smiled. He hadnt had time to talk to Blaine since his father had told him the news.

They strolled down to the shore, hand in hand, and along the tide pools. They were just small ones here, nothing like the deep ones on the atoll. Neither felt a need to break the silence.

Sitting on a piece of driftwood to rest for a moment, Kurt turned to Blaine, cupping his cheek to see his eyes in the soft twilight.

I love you, Blaine Anderson.”

I love you, too. What did your dad have to say? Youve been so silent all evening. Is there something you need to tell me?”


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