Caribbean Love
Chapter 12 ~ Back In Your Arms Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Caribbean Love: Chapter 12 ~ Back In Your Arms

E - Words: 4,683 - Last Updated: Feb 25, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
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It took forever for Finn to row across the bay, Burt watching as the skiff and its passengers got closer. He could see Finn facing him and two others, one had Kurts glossy chestnut hair, although it was very long and shaggy. Carole stood with Burt, her hand on his back as they watched the progress of the skiff across the water. She could feel Burts anxiety and kissed his cheek to let him know she was there for him. Burt was grateful that he had Carole to help him hold on for the past weeks, and he was really grateful she was here now to support him; without her, this would be so much more stressful. He leaned back and kissed her soft lips, pulling back to smile at her pretty face.

Thank you, Carole. Just....thank you for everything.”

She squeezed his hand and let go as the boat pulled up beside the yacht. Milo helped tie the skiff to the rail, then assisted the men onto the deck. Finn handed Kurt up to his grandfather, who passed him on to Burts waiting arms, then helped Blaine. It was a bit more work to catch the pelican, but he was deposited on the deck without incident and Finn brought up the end after securing the skiff to the side of the yacht.

Burt picked Kurt up, spinning him in circles as he kissed his face. He was trembling with excitement and his hands shook as he gripped Kurt tighter. He was never letting go of his son, ever again.

Kurt was holding on for dear life. Disoriented from the spinning, he put his head on his dads chest to stop the giddyness in his stomach.

Burts eyes were closed, hugging Kurt as close as he could. “Kurt, I never gave up hope....”

He set the boy down, finally looking at him. Kurt was a little wobbly on his one leg and Blaine had moved close to help steady him, his arm around Kurts waist. Burt looked at Kurt, noting his skinny appearance. He was dressed in rags, barely covering his skin – which was golden brown with freckles and his hair a mess: tangled, sun-bleached, and shaggy. He was so skinny, it hurt Burts heart and there were bandages on his foot and his head.


Dad, I knew wed be together again, I knew you would find me. Blaine took such good care of me and...” Kurt stopped, reaching to hug his father tighter. His emotions were in a whirl, he subconsciously wondered if his father would see the difference in him – if he would know what Kurt had been through just by looking at him. Would he be able to tell that Kurt had been so scared almost every day for months? Would he be able to taste the loneliness that sought to bring him to his knees until Blaine saved him from that? Would his dad know hed given his heart and his body to Blaine? In the end, Kurt gave up trying to second guess what his father might know by intuition and to just revel in the sheer joy of knowing he was with his father once again.

Daddy, I never lost faith. Never. I might have been sad some days, or frustrated, but I never lost hope.” Kurt didnt know why, but it was important for his dad to understand that.

I know, Kurt,” Burt said, looking closely but finding nothing wrong. Something was not quite right, though, and Burt was trying to figure out what it was. There was nothing except Kurts inability to make eye contact.

Whats wrong with your eyes, Kurt?” Burt finally asked as Kurt ducked his head one too many times and looked past his fathers face.

Ah...I was hit on the head with a spar when I got into the Lila Maes lifeboat. Did they make it? Anyone from that boat?” he asked. Hed been worrying about them for months.

Yes, they all made it. There was another lifeboat. A few of the men saw your boat floating away, but that was the last anyone saw of you. Now tell me about your eyes,” Burts voice sounding more and more upset. He waved his hand in front of Kurts face and looked stunned when Kurt didnt react.

Mr. Hummel, hes blind,” Blaine said softly, taking Kurt in his arms when the boy turned to him.

Who is this?” Burt asked, turning to look at the man who was holding his son way too close for Burts peace of mind.

“This is Blaine,” Kurt said, gripping his hand even tighter.

Burt just stood and stared at the man who was obviously much older than Kurt, even if he was shorter.

I pulled Blaine out of the ocean...he had fallen off of a ferry in the storm. Then by the time we got to the atoll, I couldnt see any more. Blaine thinks its a blocked nerve,” Kurt said, then lowered his voice that was now full of emotion. “He saved my life...hes been looking out for me all this time, Dad.”

Well, then he has my thanks...I owe you everything, Blaine. Thank you for keeping Kurt safe for me,” Burt said, somewhat at a loss for words as he glared at the hand holding Kurts so tightly.

We saved each other, Mr. Hummel,” Blaine said quietly. Kurt searched for Blaines arm, having felt the doctor back away a little with Burts stern voice. Kurt needed his reassurance in this storm of emotions that were so overwhelming. Blaine recognized the beginnings of a panic attack and put his arms around Kurt and the boy snuggled into his neck.

Kurt?” Burt said, a question in his voice.

Dad, Blaine and I....he took care of me,” Kurt said.

Burt just stood there, words not coming, his mind in a whirl. He found Kurt, against everything everyone told him, he found his son. But Kurt was blind and....who was this man that dared to put his arms around Burts son?


Burt, I think we need to let them come down to the cabin. Kurt needs to lie down I think,” Carole said gently. She could see the shock in Burts face and imagined this boyfriend was new to Burt, and the boy was practically falling down. Being a nurse and knowing Kurts story, Carole could see the beginnings of a panic attack and moved by instinct to prevent it.

Yes...of course. Here,” Burt said, pulling his son away from Blaines arms, then picking Kurt up and taking him down to the cabin and put him on the bed there. Blaine never left his side, moving close and holding Kurts hand tightly, and as far as Burt could see, Kurt was not going to let go any time soon.




Six days later, Kurt was sitting on the side of the bed in Milo and Rebeccas house. The couple had insisted the castaways stay there for the time being while everything calmed down.

Blaine and Kurt had both been taken to the hospital where they were treated for malnourishment and Kurt had minor surgery on his foot to repair the muscles that were damaged by the harpoon. He was walking with a protective boot and had an appointment to see an eye specialist in the next week.

Wes had contacted Cooper, who flew down to St Thomas from Chicago the next day, overjoyed to hear his beloved brother was still among the living. Wes had been several times to visit his friend and asked when Blaine was coming back to live in his house, but Kurt was not letting Blaine go. He spent most days practically joined at the hip with Blaine, leaving Burt struggling to accept this new relationship. Today Blaine and Cooper were at lunch, Kurt had begged off saying he was tired, but the truth was he needed to talk to his dad.

Dad, are you...are you okay with Blaine and me?” he asked after first making sure they were alone in the room.

Kurt, Im thankful he saved your life and that he took care of you for the last five months. Do you know how old he is?” Burt asked.

Yes. Hes ten years older than I am....but age is just a number, Dad. I love Blaine. I dont think its just because we spent that time alone on the island, either. I would have fallen in love with him no matter what. Why? Are you going to split us apart?” Kurt sounded on the edge of hysteria.

Calm down, buddy. No, Im not going to split you up. I understand that youre attached to him. You know were going to have to go home soon, though, dont you?” Burt asked, reaching out to hold his sons hand. Burt was still trying to get used to having Kurt home again and now he needed a way to connect that didnt involve looking in Kurts eyes. Kurt held his hand tightly, apparently comfortable with using touch instead of sight now.

Dad, I dont know right now what I plan to do. I want to get over this eye problem before I decide the next step, and I need Blaine here with me to do that. I dont think you understand....I mean, Mom has been gone a long time. Do you remember the feeling you got when you had been together for five months?”

Yes, I do. I was so in love with her, every day was good. But I do need to tell you something, kiddo. You might not be the only one that might be falling in love,” Burt confessed.

What? You? Who?” Kurt blurted out, sitting forward to take a deeper breath of air.


No kidding, Dad, who is it? Can I meet her?”

You already have,” Burt said. There was a knock at the door.

Come in,” Kurt called, expecting Blaine.

I hope Im not disturbing you, but lunch is ready,” Caroles voice came from the doorway. Burts hand jerked and Kurt looked towards where he thought his dad was sitting.

Well be right out, thank you, Carole,” Burt said and Kurt could hear it in his voice. When the door closed, he took his dads hand.

Her?” he asked and Burt coughed.


It is her! Oh, Dad, thats wonderful. Have you been on a date? Have you kissed her?” he squealed.

That, kid, is none of your business. And yes, its her,” Burt blushed.

Well, that should keep you occupied, maybe I can find some time alone with Blaine...” Kurt wished out loud. Burt coughed and stood up, helping Kurt to find his cane before going to the patio for lunch.



Later when Blaine was back from his lunch with his brother, he sought out Kurt and they had been sitting on the swing on the patio to catch some island breezes.

Blaine...what are your plans?” Kurt asked as they walked down the stairs to take a stroll down the beach, Kurt holding on to Blaines guiding arm, his foot still recovering from the harpoon wound.

You mean tonight?” he asked.

No...long term I guess. I mean, well, we were so close on the island, but I guess that was just because there wasnt anyone else for you and....” Kurts voice got softer and faded.

Blaine stopped walking and turned to take Kurt in his arms.

Kurt, I meant every word I said. I want you. Whether its on a deserted atoll or in New York City – you are the one I want. You and only you,” he repeated, pulling Kurt close and kissing him. Kurt was startled. He had been thinking this would be goodbye.

Really?” he asked, not believing that he might get what his heart wanted.

Yes, baby. I want you. I know were going to have to convince your dad, but we can do that. We lived through a hurricane and five months on that atoll. I know we can take the next storm, as long as we do it together, even if its name is Hurricane Burt,” he promised.

Did I mention to you that I love you?” Kurt asked, leaning forward to kiss Blaine once again.




The next week, Blaine and Burt took Kurt to the eye specialist. After a thorough examination, the doctor concurred with Blaine that it was a blood clot blocking the optic nerve. Kurt went in to the hospital the next day for surgery. Blaine and Burt walked the halls as a two hour operation turned into a four hour wait.

What could be going on in there? I thought Dr. Avon said it was two hours,” Burt said for the fourth time.

Things can take longer than we think, Burt. I will call to see how its going, okay?” He offered, walking to the nurses desk to place the call to the operating room. He was on for a few minutes, arguing and then a concerned look crossed his face before he hung up.

Well?” Burt was right there, his face twisted with worry wrinkles as he waited for Blaine to explain.

They got the clot, but there was more damage than they thought. He found three clots and removed all of them, which took time. Dr. Avons just closing now. We can go see Kurt in a few minutes. They usually dont let the family back there until the patient is awake, but I have special pull here,” Blaine winked at Burt.

True to his word, the nurse came to get them twenty minutes later and they were soon holding Kurts hands. He was still asleep, his face in a peaceful repose on the white cotton pillowcase.

He looks like an angel,” Blaine said, leaning to kiss his cheek.

Like when he was a little boy,” Burt added.

They sat near Kurt, waiting for him to open his eyes. There was a light bandage across his eyes so the first view wouldnt overwhelm him.

So, you and my son...what do you see happening? Because this man that I found on that island is not the boy that left me at the hospital five months ago,” Burt said, sounding resigned.

He spoke with you – about us?” Blaine asked, not sure how much Kurt had told his dad.

Yeah, weve had a few talks. He says you two....are...ah...together, I think is the way he put it. Well, what does that mean to you?” Burt turned the question back to Blaine.

I love him. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. We talked since we got back and he still feels the same way. So do I. I want him to finish his last year of high school, then he can go to college. I can pay for that, no problem. I want him to have every experience he can while hes young, but he wants to get married,” Blaine said, searching Burts face for some clue as to what he thought about this.

He told me. I know hes still my boy, but hes so close to being his own man now, I wont take his ability to make his own decisions away from him. I cant. Even though he hasnt been able to see you, his face is still turned towards you whenever youre in the same room. He smiles, and that is something I havent seen a lot of in the past few years. I think this might work out, and if it doesnt, Ill break your neck for you,” Burt said calmly.

No...Da...Dad, I lov-v-ve h-h-h-im,” came Kurts shaky voice from the bed.

Kurt?” Burt said, turning to look at his son. Blaine forced himself to sit still and let Burt have this. “How are you? Does it hurt?”

A little...” Kurt got out. The nurse was there with a syringe of pain medicine, injecting it into the IV tubing. Kurt visibly relaxed as it hit his veins.

Better, hon?” the nurse asked.

Yeaaah-h-h,” Kurt tried to say. “Hey, when do I g-g-get r-r-rid of this bandage?”

When youre all the way awake, Kurt,” said the surgeon, walking in the door and coming over to the bed to speak with Burt and Blaine.

It was a bit more complicated than I had bargained for, but we got all four clots. I expect Kurt will be able to see when he wakes up, the largest one isnt blocking the nerve any more. Now, just sit with him and Ill be back in a short while to check on him.”

Blaine...” Kurt whined and his boyfriend came close, leaving another kiss on his cheek.

Yes, baby,” he soothed, smiling at Kurt and stroking his cheek.

Burt sat back down. He was never going to get over another man calling his son baby.


An hour later, Kurt was in his private room. Blaine and Burt sat quietly, one on each side of his bed, taking turns holding Kurts hand or getting him sips of water.

Dr. Avon walked in, a smile on his lips as he stepped over to Kurts side. He listened to his heart and breathing, looked over his chart and finally spoke.

Everything is looking well, Kurt. How do you feel?”

Okay. My head hurts, but not as bad as it did earlier,” Kurt said.

You need to remember to push the button on the pain medicine pump. If you push it, you get a dose of the morphine and it will help the pain. If you wait until its excruciating, you end up using more medication than if you just got a dose when the pain starts. Understand?” Dr. Avon explained. Kurt blushed, Blaine had explained it to him already.

Now, how would you like to lose those bandages?”

Kurt grinned. “You have no idea.”

Kurt reached out to both his father and Blaine, so both came to hold his hands while the doctor snipped off the bandage.

Now, Kurt, you havent had sight for five months, so at first it may seem strange to you. You might not be able to tolerate light very well and the objects may seem fuzzy. Your sight will improve as time goes by and I expect it will be fine by the end of the week. I am going to give you a blindfold that you can wear if your head or eyes hurt. Now, Im going to remove the last of the padding. The blinds are closed on the window to keep out most of the light, so expect it to be dim at first. Here we go, close your eyes,” Dr. Avon warned. He unwrapped the last of the padding.

Kurt sat with his eyes closed for a moment and when the surgeon told him to, he opened them. He looked around a little, blinking and squeezing his eyes shut several times. Burt and Blaine were holding their breath. Kurt opened his eyes all the way and saw his dads face. Tears gathered as Kurt reached to hug his dad, trying in vain not to cry. Burt wiped the tears from his cheeks with a tissue the doctor handed him.

Oh, Dad....Dad...” Kurt said, touching his cheek to make sure this was real.

Kurt, can you see me?” Burt asked.

Yes. Youre kind of blurry, but I know its you,” he said. “Blaine?”

Im over here,” Blaine piped up from behind the privacy curtain that surrounded the bed. “I didnt want to interfere with your reunion with your dad,” he said and Kurt giggled.

Come here, I need to see those curls!” Kurt said, reaching out to his boyfriend. “Oh...” he gasped, looking at Blaine for the first time. “Blaine? Youre gorgeous!”

Gee, I thought you knew that already,” Blaine kidded to get over the funny feeling that Kurt could not possibly be seeing him clearly if he thought that.

Blaine...come closer, I want to see your eyes,” Kurt asked, staring at the man coming closer to him. Burt and Dr. Avon pulled back so Kurt could look at the man hed spent five months with but never saw. “Blaine, your eyes are beautiful.”

Dr. Avon waited a few minutes, then interrupted.

Okay, I need to look in your eyes, Kurt. If I may,” he said, waiting for Blaine to back up. He brought out an instrument and looked into both of Kurts eyes, then checked the incision and reapplied a smaller bandage to that area.

You are doing fine. If you feel up to it and your pain is at a level that pills will work, then you can go home this afternoon. I think Im leaving you in good hands, right, Blaine?”

Yes, sir. I think I can look after him. What about it, Kurt? Are you up to a car ride back to Milo and Rebeccas?” Blaine asked.

I sure am. Thank you Dr. Avon,” Kurt said, looking at the doctor and smiling.

You can leave the blindfold off if you are inside and have the drapes pulled closed. Start adding sunshine, whether from a covered porch or under an umbrella, at no more than an hour a day at ten minute intervals and increase by another half hour per day for a week. Ill see you then and we can talk about going outside in the sunshine. Sound like a plan, young man?” Dr. Avon asked.

Yes, sir. So, I have to wear the blindfold on the way home today, right?” Kurt sighed.

Yes. No cheating, you dont want to push too soon and damage your eyes. Ill see you on the twelfth. Call me if you have any questions or concerns, okay pal?”

Okay,” Kurt agreed, looking from Blaine to Burt and back again.




Okay, Im inside, can I take the blindfold off now?” Kurt rushed out, anxious to see Blaines face again.

Yes. Youre in the bedroom. Ill get the curtains closed and Blaine will be in shortly. Kurt, its so good to have you here,” Burt said to his son. Kurt turned to look at his fathers face.

Dad, I never thought Id see your face again. Im so happy - -you have no idea,” Kurt said, hugging his father tightly. “I love you, Dad.”

I love you, too, kiddo. Im so glad the surgery went so well,” Burt whispered, holding Kurt close. “Now, Im going to go play a hand of cards with Carole and her folks, you and Blaine can have some time alone.”

Thanks, Dad. You really do understand me, and I appreciate it.”


A few minutes later, Blaine walked into the bedroom after knocking.

Hey, baby. How is the pain level?” he asked.

Hardly there. Its more annoying than distracting, you know?” Kurt described his pain.

Good. Let me see the incision,” he reached up to remove the dressing.
“No. You are my boyfriend and we have more to talk about than my incision. Dr. Avon already saw it today. Quit being my mother hen and kiss me instead,” Kurt whined.

Okay. Can I sit here?” Blaine asked, indicating the bed beside Kurt.

Come here,” Kurt answered, reaching out his arms.

Blaine took off his sandals and slid under the covers next to Kurt. Hed locked the door, just in case, because he really just wanted to have time to kiss his boyfriend. Since they had been back to civilization he found himself wishing he could find ten minutes to just hold Kurt close, to kiss and snuggle him like they had on the island. If he were true to himself, he would also admit that he missed the sex, too. Having access to Kurts loving arms all day every day was very different to being in a house with seven people, no matter how large said house is.

Penny for your thoughts,” Kurt said, leaning against Blaines chest as the man stroked his fingers through Kurts hair very gently.

Nothing...just thinking about what we would be doing if we were back on the atoll,” Blaine said, looking into Kurts blue eyes. Kurt looked back and it was sending a tingling shot of electricity down Blaines spine. He loved Kurts eyes, how they took on the color of the ocean: light blue like the summer sky, darker and stormy when Kurt was aroused. He wondered if they would be different now that Kurt could see.

Kurt was staring at Blaines face, especially his eyes.

Blaine, you said your eyes were hazel, but they are like topaz and toffee, coffee and many colors all at once that change like a kaleidoscope. They are so amazing,” Kurt said, mesmerized by the way Blaine looked back at him, heartwarming and beautiful. “Just one more thing to love about you,” Kurt sighed, laying his head back on the pillow.

As for what we might be doing on the island? Probably bringing the days catch back to the shelter, then sitting on the log – feeding the tiny fishes to Dixon. Oh, I forgot to ask, where is he now?”

I took him to a seabird rescue. They said he will probably never fly again, so he cant be released to the wild. They didnt know how he got here in the first place. White pelicans are almost never seen south of the Gulf of Mexico. He must have gotten lost, then got caught in the storm. He probably got caught in the net looking for food,” Blaine told him.

Milo was talking about adopting the old fella, letting him stay around here, taking him on his boat and everything. Hes waiting to hear from the authorities,” Blaine said, a smile on his lips. His beautiful, pink, lickable lips. Kurt was overcome with a desire to feel those lips on his own and leaned forward, his hands finding their way into the mop of silky curls as he pressed his lips to Blaines mouth.

Mmmmm,” Blaine hummed in contentment, kissing back for a while as they eased into making out just like they had done on the island.

I love kissing you, baby,” Blaine said quietly into Kurts ear, then started kissing the place that drove Kurt wild just behind his ear on his neck. Blaine took full advantage, kissing tender flesh and then sucking lightly. Kurt wriggled in place, his arms tightening as Blaine licked the place a little more.

You know, Blaine - - I have never seen your body,” Kurt whispered to his boyfriend and Blaine had to palm his lap, the news making its way into his bloodstream and making his cock very interested.

Kurt could not help his hands sneaking under Blaines shirt to caress his taut stomach muscles and up to stroke over his chest, slowing down by Blaines nipples and circling them with his thumbs. He was rewarded with a moan from Blaine and leaned forward to kiss him again.

Blaine was looking at Kurt with soft eyes, thinking of what he looked like naked and in the sunshine of the atoll. Kurt was amazing no matter where he was, but lying on a blanket dressed in nothing but a few splotches of sunlight under the tropical trees....well, that was a sight to behold. Blaine felt himself getting harder at the thought of how they had whiled away so many hours when they were alone on the island, but he didnt want to go through with the seduction here in Milos house, with Kurts dad just a few rooms away down the hall.

He kissed Kurt again, feeling the boys own erection between them. It was not going to work, Blaine thought, but he was helpless to stop his boyfriend and dropped down a hand to trace Kurts bar of steel through his yoga pants.

Yes, Blaine....Ive missed this so much,” Kurt whispered in Blaines ear, making him just that much harder as he thought about the days of solitude to do whatever they wanted. He needed freedom, he just wasnt sure how to get it.

Slowly as sea anemones, Kurt took off all of Blaines clothing. With each bit of revealed skin, Kurt would smile and try to commit it to memory – touching, tasting, lining up his memory of touching with this new ability to see Blaine. He thought he could never get tired of seeing his lovers golden skin as it moved under his fingers. He ran his hand through Blaines silky curls, cut short now but still soft and springy. Best of all were those eyes; Kurt could spend hours just gazing into Blaines beautiful eyes.

I like the way you look,” Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine once more.

Thank you, baby. I like the way you look, too,” Blaine whispered back, then there was no more talking as they settled under the sheets to hold each other.


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