A Bird Without Wings
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A Bird Without Wings: Chapter 5

E - Words: 4,580 - Last Updated: Nov 12, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Nov 01, 2014 - Updated: Nov 01, 2014
144 0 0 0 0

‘It is 7:20am! What the hell are you doing in our apartment?!' Blaine asked, confused and a bit irritated. How did he even find our address? he thought, he couldn't call first?

‘I already told you, Blainers, I'm staying over for a while,' the man answered, he came closer and wrapped his arms around the smaller man, ‘Come on, give your big brother a hug.'

Blaine couldn't help but smile when Cooper hugged him and lifted him a few inches off the ground. Afterwards, Blaine patted Cooper on his chest. Ok, yeah Cooper was in their apartment (uninvited) and Cooper was staying over (apparently) but he was his big brother; he couldn't stay angry at him.

Kurt came closer to the two guys. ‘Cooper, we're sorry but you can't stay here. I mean, we don't even have a guestroom.'

‘Oh, I can sleep on the couch,' Cooper quickly said.

‘Yeah, Kurt, he can sleep on the couch. No biggie,' Blaine supported Cooper's statement and they both smirked at Kurt.

 Kurt cocked his head to the side and asked: ‘Is this the Anderson trademark? The smirk? Is that supposed to be convincing?'

‘Why? Is it working?' Blaine asked.

‘Yes, yes it is,' Kurt admitted.

Blaine smiled and walked over to Kurt, he wrapped his arms around his fiancé and kissed him on the lips.

‘Cuuuuuuuute,' Cooper said when Kurt cupped Blaine's face.

They broke the kiss and turned to Cooper. ‘We know that, there's no need to remind us,' Blaine said amused and a bit breathless.

Kurt giggled and moved to the kitchen, Blaine and Cooper on his heels. ‘I'll make you guys some breakfast,' he said, ‘Then you two can catch up on each other.'

‘Good idea, Kurt,' Cooper smiled and all but dragged Blaine over to the couch to sit down next to him, ‘So, how's my little brother holding up?'

‘I'm good, very good actually,' Blaine answered, he leaned closer to Cooper and whispered, ‘I started writing my vows yesterday.'

‘Well, that's good! I'm glad you're doing well!'

‘Yeah, I love living here in New York with the love of my life and almost all of my best friends are here so I can't complain,' Blaine continued.

‘I'm happy for you, Blaine!' Cooper exclaimed.

Suddenly Blaine remembered something. ‘Hey, Coop, didn't you say you had a girlfriend last time we talked? Katelyn, was it? Well, where is she? I want to meet her,' he demanded.

Cooper rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Uh, yeah. She's still in L.A., probably hating my guts right now.'

‘What? Why?'

Cooper sighed. ‘We had a fight. I yelled at her, she yelled at me, she slapped me in the face and then she left.'

Blaine's eyes went wide. ‘Wow, Coop,' he said, ‘Have you apologized to her?'

Cooper shook his head.

‘Did you even try to?' Blaine asked.

Cooper nodded this time. ‘Lots of times but she doesn't pick up her phone and I don't know if she listens to the voicemails I leave her or read the messages I sent her.'

‘Did you go to her place to try and talk to her?'

Cooper shook his head again. ‘I don't have her address and I don't think she'd let me in.'

‘You really love her, don't you?'

Cooper looked up from where he was staring at his clasped hands in his lap. ‘Is it obvious?'

Blaine smiled. ‘Yes, and that's why I'm going to help you win her back.'

Kurt came out of the kitchen with a plate of pancakes and red fruit in each hand. ‘Win who back?' he asked curiously and set the plates in front of the boys on the table. He then sat down on the arm rest of the couch behind Blaine and slung his arms around his neck, pulling Blaine closer to his chest.

‘Coop's girlfriend, they had a fight and he really really loves her so I'm going to help him,' Blaine answered, trying to look at his fiancé but failing.

‘I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Cooper' Kurt said before giving Blaine a smack on his shoulder, ‘Why didn't you tell me, honey?'

‘I must've forgotten,' Blaine said and shrugged.

Cooper reached for the plate and grabbed a strawberry off of it. ‘Blaine is kind of forgetful, he always has been,' he mumbled with a mouth full.

Blaine grabbed a pillow and threw it at Cooper, effectively hitting him in the face. ‘Shut it, big bro. I might be forgetful but I remember things that you did when you were younger,' he threatened.

‘Shit! Sorry, sorry, you aren't forgetful Blainers. Please don't tell him those things,' Cooper rambled with wide eyes.

‘And that, Kurt, is how my brother looks like when he's scared,' Blaine laughed.

Kurt giggled behind Blaine, hiding his face in Blaine's curls when he saw the look Cooper was giving them. His eyes were filled with irritation and shame.

‘Ha ha, very funny,' Cooper said sarcastically before throwing the pillow back at the couple.

‘Hey guys, is it okay if I go and take a shower?' Kurt asked while Blaine took the pillow and placed it back in its original place on the couch.

‘Yeah, sure babe. Go ahead. Me and Coop have lots of things to talk about, we'll be fine,' Blaine answered.

‘Great,' Kurt said and leapt off the couch before pecking Blaine's cheek and skipping off to the bedroom.

Blaine took a bite of his pancake after Kurt closed the door. ‘How are mom and dad?' he eventually asked.

Cooper's eyes went wide again. ‘Uh, they're good. I called them a couple of days ago and they're still on their business trip and they told me they were doing fine so...'

‘Have you asked them if they'll come to the wedding?' Blaine asked, a spark of hope in his voice.

‘I told them you and Kurt are getting married and mom was pretty excited...' Cooper trailed off.

‘Why do I have the feeling there's a “but” coming up next?' Blaine muttered, more to himself than to Cooper.

‘But dad isn't,' Cooper continued, ‘He thinks you're too young and he still doesn't like the fact that you're... different.'

‘Different?' Blaine spat out. ‘I'm different? How come am I different? Because I'm in  love with a boy?'

Cooper cast his eyes downwards, not wanting to meet Blaine's gaze. ‘Blaine...'

Blaine got up. ‘No! Tell me, Cooper! Am I really that different?! I'm still me, I'm still the same boy he and mom created together! What does it matter that I love a boy? Shouldn't he be happy because I finally found love?'

‘Blaine,' Cooper tried again and failed.

‘No, you know what? Forget that I asked! I know dad hates me for what I am so I'm doing the same to him!' Blaine yelled with a watery voice, ‘I hate him!' He rushed off to the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind him. He leaned his body against the door before sliding to the ground, tears rolling over his cheeks. ‘I hate him,' he whispered.

He pulled his knees up to his chest, propped his chin on them and cried. Between his sobs he heard the water cascading down and the soft, muffled voice of Kurt singing “Defying Gravity” from “Wicked” in the shower.

‘Little brother?' Cooper asked on the other side of the door.

‘G-go away, C-Cooper. I-I want t-to be a-alone for a-a while,' Blaine answered.  He heard Cooper tap twice on the door in understanding and then quietness, except Kurt's voice and the sounds from the shower.

He pushed himself up, walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. ‘W-why? W-why is l-life s-so hard?' he questioned himself. Blaine looked at the bathroom door. He wanted to be alone but at the same time he needed Kurt, he needed Kurt to tell him that everything will turn out fine in the end. He waited another minute or two before getting up and walking to the door. When he opened it, the smell of Kurt's vanilla scented shampoo and the sound of Kurt's angelic voice came his way. Kurt couldn't see Blaine because of the shower curtain so Blaine  called out his name.

‘K-Kurt?' he almost whispered, not wanting to scare Kurt and make him trip or something. When Kurt didn't answer he called again, a bit louder this time: ‘Kurt?'

This time he heard a surprised ‘Oh!' and the shower curtain was pulled away a bit, exposing Kurt's head and shoulders. ‘Blaine?' he asked surprised, not noticing the tear streaks on his fiancé's face.

Blaine let out the breath he didn't know he was holding and his knees gave out, making him fall to the floor.

‘Blaine!' Kurt turned off the water, quickly shoved the shower curtain to the side and jumped out of the tub, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist while doing so. He kneeled in front of Blaine, hands wavering around him because he didn't know what Blaine exactly wanted from him. Blaine saw the struggle on his face so he wrapped his arms around Kurt's wet body. Kurt got the hint and slipped his arms around Blaine, holding him close to him as Blaine's hot tears fall on his shoulder.

‘What's wrong honey?' Kurt asked, trying to keep his voice steady for Blaine.

Blaine didn't answer and Kurt figured he maybe didn't want to talk about in here.

‘Do you maybe want to go to the bedroom?' he asked, pulling away a bit so he could look at Blaine's face.

‘Y-yeah,' Blaine answered and the corners of his mouth twitched into a smile when Kurt thumbed his cheeks, wiping the tears away.

Kurt let go of Blaine and stood up, extending his hand to his fiancé. Blaine grabbed it and allowed Kurt to pull him off the tile floor. They walked to the bed, hand in hand and when they reached their unmade bed Blaine sat down on the edge again while Kurt kneeled in front of him. Blaine clasped his hands in his lap and looked down at them. Kurt just looked at him, trying to figure out what happened in those few minutes he was gone. His hands reached up and rested on top of Blaine's knee, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles on the fabric of his pants.  

‘I h-hate him,' Blaine said after a while, barely audible.

‘Hate who, baby?' Kurt asked with a soft voice.

‘M-my dad,' Blaine answered and Kurt could swear he heard his own heart break.

Blaine continued: ‘H-he told C-Cooper h-he doesn't w-want to c-come t-to the wedding b-because we're d-different.'


‘Y-yeah, b-but I-I think h-he meant t-that d-dad a-actually meant f-faggots,' Blaine explained.

“Faggots”, the word that keeps haunting Kurt forever. Hearing bullies call you that is hard but he can't imagine what it must feel like when your father calls you that.

‘Blaine, you're everything but a fag-‘,

Suddenly they heard Cooper's voice coming from the living room. ‘I hope you're fucking happy right now!' he yelled to someone. ‘Oh, you know what the fuck I'm talking about!'

Blaine flinched at the harsh tone in Cooper's voice and although Kurt didn't want to admit it: he also was scared of Cooper's tone. He had never heard Cooper yell before. ‘Shh, baby, it's okay,' Kurt cooed when he saw Blaine's bottom lip quivering.

‘I'm talking about Blaine, dad, I'm talking about my brother!' Cooper yelled loud enough for both boys to hear it in the other room.

Blaine flinched again when he heard Cooper mention their dad and a tear made its way down his face. Kurt got up and sat down next to Blaine, wrapping his arms around him and slowly rocking him back and forth. Blaine cried into his shoulder and Kurt promised himself that if he ever got to meet Blaine's father, he was definitely going to punch him in the face.

‘He is heartbroken! He told me he hated you and frankly, I can relate to that! All he ever wanted was your love and what you gave him was the exact opposite!'

Kurt eyes grew wide at that. He had heard stories about dads hitting their kids because they were gay. Edit: he now promised himself he was going to kill Blaine's dad if he got the chance. He looked at Blaine with those wide eyes and Blaine started sobbing harder. Kurt laid Blaine's head on his shoulder and kissed his head. ‘Shh, don't cry, don't cry,' he cooed.

‘You're a monster, dad! A. Monster! You better show up at that fucking wedding or I swear I'm going to do something to you!' Cooper yelled. Great, I have an accomplice now, Kurt thought.

After that it was quiet in the apartment, apart from Blaine's sobs.

‘Shh, baby, it's okay. It's okay.' Kurt cooed again, ‘Everything will turn out fine.'

Blaine nodded. Kurt's hand was rubbing soothingly over his back and his lips were pressing soft kisses onto his hair.

There was a knock on the door. Both boys whipped their heads towards the door. ‘Yes?' Kurt asked.

‘Can I come in?' Cooper asked with his voice filled with guilt.

Kurt looked at Blaine, who nodded. ‘Come in,' he answered.

The door very slowly opened and Cooper peeked his head in. ‘Hey guys,' he said and fully stepped into the room after Kurt motioned him to come further. He kneeled in front of the two boys and laid a hand on Blaine's knee. ‘I'm sorry,' Cooper said to both of them but mostly to Blaine. Kurt nodded and looked at Blaine, who also nodded. Blaine pulled back out of Kurt's grip and held out his arms to Cooper. ‘H-hug?' Blaine asked with a watery voice. He smiled a watery smile when Cooper hugged him. ‘T-thank you,' he whispered in Cooper's ear.

‘You're welcome, little brother,' Cooper answered, ‘Always.'

‘Can I go back to the bathroom? I'd like to put some clothes on,' Kurt mouthed to Cooper.

‘Yeah, sure,' Cooper mouthed back.

Before Kurt got up, he rubbed over Blaine's back once again. He hated leaving Blaine like this but the breeze coming through the open window sent shivers down his spine, even though it was mid-June.

Blaine only looked up when he heard the soft click of the bathroom door closing.


Kurt quickly threw his boxers and his pants before leaning back against the sink. He heard Blaine's sobs muffled through the door. He was on the verge of crying, that was also a reason why he came back to the bathroom. Blaine couldn't see him cry, he had to be strong for him. He didn't know how long he stood there, covering his face with his hands, telling himself not to cry. ‘Come on, Hummel. Do it for Blaine,' he whispered, his voice quivering. He looked in the mirror, took deep breaths and repeated “Don't you dare cry, Hummel” over and over in his head.

It was when he heard the bedroom door open and close and Blaine's sobs couldn't be heard anymore that he started crying. The tears he was trying to hold back for so long finally cascading down his face.


When Kurt went back into the bedroom, Cooper and Blaine were both gone. He was in the bathroom for almost two hours he realized after a glance at the clock on their nightstand. He had to make sure his hair was perfect as always and his eyes weren't puffy and red anymore so Blaine or Cooper wouldn't suspect anything. He heard the muffled sounds of the television coming from the other room. When he opened the door, he saw Blaine sitting on the couch with his eyes trained on the t.v. and Cooper's silhouette in the kitchen. Kurt's fingers brushed over Blaine's shoulders when he made his way over to the kitchen to talk to Cooper. Blaine smiled when he felt the small touch of Kurt's fingers and he turned his head just in time to watch his fiancé disappear into the kitchen.

‘Thank you for what you did back there,' Kurt whispered sincerely, leaning in the doorway.

Cooper turned around where he was standing at the sink. ‘I'd die for Blaine, I know I never showed it much but I really love him. I'd really die for him, Kurt.'

‘I know, I'd do too,' Kurt agreed and he stepped closer to Cooper, ‘He's been through enough: the Sadie Hawkins dance, the tampered slushie that meerkat-faced loser threw at him and almost blinded him, me getting all bashed up a couple of months ago and now this...'

‘I just don't get why our father is being this way towards him, Blaine never did something wrong. I remember him asking me if I wanted to play ball with him because dad didn't want to. Dad never said no to me so I knew there was something going on,' Cooper said.

‘Dads should be there for their sons, help them when they have a problem not shove them away like they are the problem!' Kurt said, louder than before. He peeked around the corner to make sure Blaine didn't hear that. When he saw Blaine smiling when Wile E. Coyote ran into a brick wall, Kurt was sure he didn't hear a word of what he said.

‘I've got to go and meet someone, it's something about the wedding,' Kurt said when he turned back to Cooper, ‘Could you take care of Blaine for a while?'

‘Yeah. Yeah, go. I'll take care of him,' Cooper answered.

‘Thanks,' Kurt said while he walked out of the kitchen and towards the couch. He sat down next to Blaine and Blaine instantly laid his head on Kurt's shoulder. ‘Feeling better, hon?' he asked softly.

‘Yes,' Blaine answered, ‘Sorry I got you out of the shower before you were ready.'

‘Hey, that's okay baby. I always shower too long anyway so...' Kurt trailed off.

Blaine chuckled. ‘Yeah, I always have to miss you for so long when you're showering.'

They stayed on the couch for a while, Kurt watching some of the cartoons together with Blaine and his fingers playing with the curls at the nape of Blaine's neck.

‘Blaine?' Kurt asked and waited for Blaine to look at him before he continued, ‘I need to go and see Mercedes, wedding stuff and all of that. Will you be okay here with Coop?'

Blaine nodded. ‘Of course,' Blaine  pouted, ‘As long as you won't stay away for long.'

‘I won't,' Kurt promised.

‘I love you,' Blaine said as Kurt got up and smiled when Kurt pecked his forehead.

‘I love you too, sweetie,' Kurt answered.


‘Hey ‘Cedes,' Kurt said when Mercedes sat down at the other side of the table, ‘Thanks for coming so quickly.'

‘You said it was an emergency so I came here asap,' she answered, ‘You look so worked up, boo. You okay?'

‘Something happened with Blaine this morning,' Kurt sighed, ‘We didn't fight or something but it was kind of serious.'

‘I'm listening,' Mercedes pushed.

‘Cooper's in town and I don't know what happened in those ten minutes I was gone but I was in the shower and suddenly Blaine was there, crying. When I asked him what was going on he said that his father doesn't want to come to our wedding because we're “different”.'

‘Different as in gay?' Mercedes asked.

‘Yes,' Kurt breathed out, ‘but Blaine thinks what his father meant with “different” was actually “faggots” instead of gay.'

‘Oh, Kurt,' Mercedes said.

‘I've heard bullies calling me faggot and that hurt but hearing your father call you that must be like someone's stabbing you right in the heart.'

‘I can imagine, poor Blaine,' Mercedes said.

There was an awkward silence after that before Mercedes started speaking again. ‘That's not why I had to come here, is it?'

‘No! No, Mercedes, I have to ask you something important,' Kurt said seriously.

‘Are you going to ask me if I want to be your surrogate if you and Blaine decide to have kids?' Mercedes asked, raising an eyebrow.

‘No! Are you crazy? No! Blaine and I would never put you through that much trouble. And besides, when we'll decide to have kids we'll ask Quinn if she wants to be our surrogate,' Kurt answered.

‘Okay then, shoot!' Mercedes demanded, moving closer to the edge of her seat.

Kurt took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second, trying to calm himself down. ‘Will you,' he paused for the dramatic effect and waited until he saw Mercedes wiggle in her seat in anticipation, ‘be my maid of honor?'

‘Maid of honor?! Are you and your cute white ass kidding me right now?' Mercedes squealed.

‘Nope, me and my cute white ass are deadly serious right now. So, what do you say?' Kurt smiled.

‘Duh, of course I'll be your maid of honor! What did you expect?'

‘Ah, ‘Cedes, this wedding is going to be so great!' Kurt sighed happily and reached over the table to grab her hand.

Mercedes didn't even realize Kurt was talking again, she just kept staring at him and grinned.

‘What?' Kurt asked and looked down to his shirt, ‘Is there something on my shirt? Or my face?'

Mercedes laughed. ‘No silly, I was thinking about the bachelor party I'm going to throw you,' she raised her hand when she saw Kurt open his mouth, ‘Uh-uh, you ain't gonna stop me! I am throwing you a bachelor party whether you like it or not!'

Kurt gave in. ‘Okay, but if I see one stripper I'm out of there! My last experience with one wasn't that great,' he said before taking a sip of his coffee.

Mercedes snickered: ‘Yeah, Santana told me about the Sexy Santa-incident.'

Kurt swallowed his coffee with an audible gulp and stared wide-eyed at his best friend. ‘No she didn't,' Kurt said, ‘She swore to me that she'd never tell!'

‘Kurt, don't you know Santana long enough to know that she never keeps her word?' Mercedes asked and laughed, ‘She told me you liked him and that he liked you and that Sexy Santa tied the loose ends together.'

Kurt flinched at the word tied which made Mercedes laugh even harder. ‘I hate that guy,' he said, ‘and I hate Santana!'

At this point Mercedes couldn't stop laughing anymore and Kurt just wanted to teleport to his apartment to be with Blaine.


‘You okay, little B?' Cooper asked as he plopped down on the couch next to Blaine.

Blaine chuckled. ‘You haven't called me that since I was twelve,' he said before adding, ‘I'm okay.'

‘Blaine, I know I've never been much of a big brother to you and I'm sorry for that. I should've protected you and cared about you like a big brother should,' Cooper began, ‘I've seen you coming home with bruises scattered all over your body and blood on your shirts. I've heard you crying yourself to sleep and screaming when you had nightmares. And I, I didn't... care back then.'

‘Coop, it's okay. There wasn't much you could've done anyway,' Blaine said, looking up at his brother.

‘I could've at least asked you what happened. Maybe I could've kicked the asses of those bullies!'

‘Hey, it doesn't matter if you're a good one or not, you're my brother and I've always loved you. You were always the person I wanted to be: handsome, independent, talented... You were always my idol, Coop. You still are. And I still love you.' Blaine said and wrapped his arms around Cooper.

‘I love you too, little B,' Cooper said, hugging his brother back.

‘Do you still want help with the whole Katelyn-thing?' Blaine asked, chin hooked over his brother's shoulder.

‘Uh, yes please. I'm good at hooking up with girls but I'm not good at fixing things with girls,' Cooper chuckled.

‘That's probably why you were single for the last 27 years of your life,' Blaine said, mocking Cooper.

Cooper pulled back and looked at Blaine. ‘I can't believe you beat me to it! I mean, I'm 27 and I can barely keep a relationship with my girlfriend and you're 20 and you're getting married in two months! It's not fair,' he pouted.


Later that day, Kurt and Blaine were in bed together. Blaine's head resting on Kurt's chest and Kurt playing with Blaine's curls. Blaine kept on babbling about the fact that he got Cooper and Katelyn back together, while Kurt's mind kept drifting off to that morning. Blaine's father didn't hit him, right? Right?!

‘Kurt?' Blaine asked, pulling Kurt out of his thoughts.

‘Uh, what?' he asked confused.

‘You didn't hear a word of what I said, huh?' Blaine asked lifting his head to look at his fiancé.

‘No, I-I guess not, sorry darling,' Kurt apologized.

‘It's okay. Then what were you thinking about?' Blaine wondered.

Should I ask him? Kurt thought, But what if it didn't happen?

‘Kurt?' Blaine asked, worry overtaking his voice.

‘Your dad,' Kurt paused, ‘Did he... He never... He didn't hit you when you were younger, right? Otherwise you would have told me already, right?'

Blaine's eyes widened. ‘No, no he never hit me. Why do you think that?'

‘It's just... You flinched when Cooper told your dad he gave you the complete opposite of love and I immediately thought the worst and when I looked at you, you started crying harder so I thought... Nevermind.'

‘Oh. Honey, I can ensure you, my father never laid a hand on me,' Blaine said and his hand traveled up and down Kurt's chest. Kurt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and smiled.

‘Good,' he said and wrapped his arms around Blaine a little tighter, ‘I wouldn't dare to think about the things that could've happened if you... if he...'

‘Hey, I'm here. I'm here in one piece and I'm safe in your arms. Nothing can happen to me as long as I'm by your side. I love you,' Blaine said and pecked Kurt's lips.

‘I love you too,' Kurt answered, ‘And together we'll conquer the world.'


He kissed Blaine's sweetly on the lips before Blaine nestled his head back on Kurt's chest and slowly drifted off to sleep.


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