Nov. 12, 2014, 6 p.m.
Nov. 12, 2014, 6 p.m.
‘Two months, man! Two months! Do you realize that two months isn't that long?' Sam asked hysterically. Sam was on his way home after doing an audition for the new Calvin Klein model downtown and decided to pay Blaine a visit. Sam was totally freaking out about the wedding, even more than Blaine was.
‘Sam, dude, relax,' Blaine sat down next to him on the couch, ‘Yes, I know August is practically waiting around the corner but that doesn't mean you need to freak out.'
‘Dude, relax? My best mate's getting married in two months and honestly man,' Sam paused, bowing his head a little, ‘I'm going to miss you.'
Blaine placed a comforting hand on Sam's shoulder. ‘Miss me?! I'm still going to be in New York and you can come and visit every time, Kurt won't mind.'
‘Yeah, but still: it won't be the same.'
‘Listen, I don't want my best man to be sad because of all this,' he smiled at Sam's confused look on his face.
‘Best man?' Sam asked surprised, ‘You... You really want me to be your best man?'
‘Uh, yeah,' Blaine answered amused. ‘I can't get married without my best friend by my side!'
Sam grinned, not believing his own ears. Best man. Wow.
‘Pinch me,' Sam said.
‘What?' Blaine raised his eyebrows.
‘Pinch me,' Sam repeated, ‘I want to make sure this isn't a dream.'
Blaine shrugged and mumbled: ‘Okay.' He pinched Sam's arm pretty hard, causing Sam to yelp out in pain.
‘Okay, not a dream,' he mumbled while rubbing the sore spot on his arm.
Blaine chuckled. ‘Hey, you asked me to pinch you right?'
Sam nodded, quickly forgetting about the stinging pain in his right arm. ‘Best man,' he said, loving the way it sounded, ‘I'm gonna be your best man, I'm gonna throw you the best fucking bachelor party ever!'
Blaine's eyes went wide. ‘No strippers! Kurt will kill me if he knew I spent an evening dancing and partying with strippers.'
‘Party pooper,' Sam said, bumping his fist into Blaine's shoulder.
‘I don't want to have a fight on my wedding day because of a party Sam Evans threw me the night before, nu-huh no strippers,' Blaine said and shook his head.
‘Maybe he'd think you cheated on him again with one of them,' Sam said, bumping into Blaine's shoulder again.
Blaine bowed his head at the memory of the biggest mistake he ever made: cheating on Kurt. He didn't even want to do it, he just wanted someone to talk to. To comfort him. He was alone and he should've told Kurt that, maybe Kurt came back after that to be there for him. But instead he went to Eli and he told him how he felt and he had cried and before he knew it, Eli had his lips on Blaine's. And he kissed back. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. But the worst part was telling Kurt because he couldn't lie to the love of his life. He had seen the hurt on Kurt's face and now he was still afraid Kurt was going to say “I just can't trust you anymore” at some point in their life.
‘It was a stupid mistake, okay? I shouldn't have done it! I was stupid! Is it weird that I don't want to see the same hurt on Kurt's face again? I just don't want to hurt Kurt anymore, I've hurt him enough already! So, no Sam I do not want any fucking strippers!' Blaine yelled and got off the couch.
‘Hey! Easy, yeller! I didn't mean to hurt you back there. I'm sorry, ‘kay man? I'm sorry,' Sam stood and came closer and Blaine took steps back, getting away from him.
Blaine ran his fingers through his hair. ‘I-I know you're sorry. It's just, I don't want to hurt him anymore you know? I felt like a loser at that time, I felt lost. Now that I have him back, I don't ever want to lose him again. I'm sorry for yelling at you, Sam, I just don't want any strippers at my bachelor party.'
Sam raised his hands in surrender. ‘Fine bro, you'll get a boring bachelor party with zero strippers.'
‘I'd rather have a boring bachelor party than a fight with my fiancé thank you very much.'
‘Now that we're talking about Kurt: where is your future husband?' Sam asked, straining his neck to look around the apartment.
‘My future hubby is trying to get Rachel off his back,' Blaine said, strutting over to the couch again and flopping down on it.
Kurt was now having a drink with Rachel, trying to tell her he didn't want her as his maid of honor. Blaine had told her already while Kurt was in the shower a couple of days earlier. They had agreed Blaine would tell her first so she wouldn't project all of her anger on him. Kurt could handle her so that wasn't really a problem but Blaine was fragile and if he had to be honest, he sometimes was afraid of Rachel. But then again: who wasn't?
‘Ouch,' Sam said, grimacing, ‘I hope he survives.'
‘He's strong, he'll make it.'
‘What's it about?' Sam asked as he sat down on the spot he sat on earlier.
Blaine sighed, ‘Rachel wants to be my or Kurt's maid of honor and we don't want that. I already told her no thanks but now it's Kurt's turn.'
‘Oh, I get it,' Sam nodded, ‘But if Rachel's not going be your maid of honor, then who is?'
‘Tina,' Blaine answered immediately, ‘Tina's my second best friend and I have the feeling that no one really noticed her in Glee-club so she deserves this.'
‘True, she deserves this,' Sam agreed. ‘Do you know who Kurt's gonna pick?'
‘Uh, knowing Kurt he'll probably pick Mercedes as his maid of honor but I don't know for his best man... If Finn was still alive he probably would've picked him,' Blaine said.
‘This must be hard for him, without his brother,' Sam said, ‘I don't know what I would do if something happened to Stacey or Stevie.'
Blaine nodded before talking, ‘He almost never talks about it and I don't want to push him to.'
Sam also nodded, sensing he shouldn't ask or talk about Finn anymore after hearing Blaine's sad undertone. Finn was his brother too. So, instead he changed the subject. ‘Oh, you need help with something? I don't know much about wedding stuff but maybe I can help you write your vows or whatever.'
‘Yeah, you could help me with my vows,' Blaine agreed, smiling, ‘But you do know that, as my best man, you also need to give a speech, right?'
‘Don't worry about that, I'm gonna give you the best speech ever!' Sam exclaimed, ‘Even better than the speech I gave you when you were running for class president!'
Blaine rolled his eyes. ‘I hope it's better than that speech,' he murmured.
‘You get a pen and paper and I get snacks,' Sam offered. They both got up from the couch and Sam walked over to the kitchen while Blaine made his way to their study room.
Blaine smiled when he walked in the room, eyes sparkling when he saw the big pin-up board full of pictures of him and Kurt making silly faces and little notes saying “I love you ♥” or “K+B 4Ever!”. They left each other notes when they left for work or school, knowing the other one had to come in the room later that day. When Blaine had finals, Kurt would leave him notes saying “You can do it! You're amazing! J” or “When you're done, meet me in the bedroom ;)” which was more distracting but still encouraging. He searched for a pen at the with books and papers covered desk. I must be the one who sat here last, Blaine thought, because I don't think Kurt needs algebra and chemistry in his office at Vogue. He grabbed his notebook which he found at exactly the same place as where he left it: on the floor next to the desk. Next, he opened every drawer and sighed happily when he found a bright purple glitter pen. A normal pen would've been fine but this'll work, he thought when he walked out of the room.
‘Dude, aren't there any cheese puffs?' Sam's voice came from the kitchen. Blaine placed the notebook and pen on the dining table before yelling back: ‘Sorry, dude. I ate the last ones last night.'
He heard Sam sigh and mutter angrily: ‘Popcorn then.'
Blaine sat down on one of the chairs and waited for Sam. A minute later Sam came out of the kitchen with a big bowl of popcorn and sat down next to him.
‘So, how are we gonna do this?' Blaine asked.
‘Rachel, please try to understand. Oh god, Rachel, stop freaking out!' Kurt yelled with a quiet voice, trying not to disturb the other people in the bar. He and Rachel met up for a drink so he could tell Rachel he didn't want her as his maid of honor too. He had told her calmly but now he was on the verge of exploding.
‘Stop freaking out you say? My best friend just told me he's going to pick Mercedes as his maid of honor! Mercedes?! Kurt, really?' Rachel exclaimed, not caring about the other people.
Kurt had to take deep breaths the whole time Rachel was talking to make sure he wasn't going to yell. Well, that isn't going to work, he thought. ‘Rachel, shut it,' he whispered angrily, ‘Mercedes is my best friend, not you. You only care about Broadway and Barbra Streisand! You only care about being in the spotlight, well, go and be in the spotlight at your own wedding but not at mine!'
‘That's not tr-‘
‘Yes Rachel, it is true! Mercedes was always there for me and where were you? Oh yeah, you were trying to get my brother in your pants!' Kurt ranted. He stood up, picked up his bag and phone and left, leaving a shocked-looking Rachel behind.
He shouldn't have said that last, he realized as he was walking on the street back home. Bringing Finn into the fight was a low blow. He should probably go back and apologize but he still thought he was right about everything else. ‘Stupid Rachel,' he muttered while kicking a rock in Central Park. He fished his phone out of his pocket and texted Blaine. “I'll be home soon, honey. I'm at Central Park right now. Rachel and I had a big fight :( I need some cuddles when I get home. Love you ♥”
‘Sam, could you get my phone?' Blaine asked while writing down the last sentence of his vows so far, ‘It's on the coffee table.'
‘Sure, dude,' Sam said and got up. ‘It's Kurt,' he walked back over to the table with Blaine's phone in his hand.
Blaine dropped the pen and made grabby hands at the phone. ‘Give it.' He quickly read the message and made a face. ‘They had a big fight, Kurt wants cuddles. Sam, I guess this is serious.'
‘Do you want me to go?' Sam asked, ‘You're doing well with your vows, I think you can do the rest on your own.'
Blaine nodded and glanced at the phone in his hand. ‘Yeah, maybe that's best. Thanks for your help, Sam, I really appreciate it.'
‘No worries, bro,' Sam gave Blaine a hug, ‘Tell Kurt I said hi, okay?'
‘I will,' Blaine answered. Sam stepped out of the hug and walked to the door.
‘See ya!' Sam opened the door and left.
‘Bye!' Blaine yelled right before the door closed and he was alone in the apartment again.
He wanted to keep his vows a secret so he grabbed his notebook and the pen and placed them back where he found them. He wondered if Kurt had already started on his vows. But knowing Kurt, he probably had them finished when he was 7 and had them hidden in a box with childhood memories. He smiled at the thought before going back to the living room. Kurt was at Central Park, that meant Blaine had about fifteen minutes before Kurt got home. He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes.
‘Every time of the day is a good time to take a nap,' Blaine said to himself while turning onto his side and making himself comfortable. It didn't take a long time before he dozed off.
He was waked by a soft kiss on his nose and a hand cupping his cheek. He didn't even have to hear a voice to know who it was. ‘Mmm, K'rt,' he mumbled sleepily and smiled when he heard Kurt laugh. He loved that sound. He opened his eyes and saw Kurt sitting in front of him, eyes sparkling and lips curled into a smile.
‘This is the best thing to wake up to,' Blaine said and reached out to grab Kurt's hand, ‘Your beautiful face, your beautiful smile, you being your beautiful self.'
Kurt started blushing, something Blaine was always able to make him do. ‘And what if I told you you're the prettiest thing to wake up to?'
Blaine cocked his head and knitted his eyebrows together. He looked like he was figuring out a math problem. ‘I'd say you're lying because when I wake up my hair looks like a dead exploded rat and I look like a zombie in general.'
Kurt chuckled. ‘You're always beautiful to me.'
‘Babe, I believe I said the word “zombie”,' Blaine smiled, ‘But enough about me, how are you? Are you okay?'
Kurt sighed, let go of Blaine's hand and leaned back against the coffee table. ‘Awful. I feel completely miserable,' he said.
‘Oh honey,' Blaine sat up and patted on his lap, hoping Kurt would take the hint.
Kurt quickly took a seat next to his fiancé and laid his head in Blaine's lap. Soon Blaine's left hand was rubbing soothingly over his arm and his right was playing with his hair. ‘Do you want to tell me what happened?'
Kurt sighed. ‘So I told Rachel I chose Mercedes instead of her and she exploded,' he paused and fiddled with the seam of Blaine's pants, ‘But I did something I shouldn't have.'
‘I told her Mercedes was always there for me and that all she ever did was trying to get Finn in her pants,' The last couple of words were barely a whisper.
Blaine's eyes widened. ‘Wow.'
‘I know. It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't come to the wedding anymore.'
Kurt hated fighting, Blaine knew that and now Blaine hated the fact that because of him Kurt had to go and meet Rachel.
‘I'm sorry.'
‘For what?' Kurt asked surprised.
‘For being a fragile little boy who can't even fight Rachel Berry,' Blaine spat Rachel's name out as if it was venom in his mouth.
Kurt hit Blaine's knee. ‘Hey, none of that! You're little but not fragile! You shouldn't be sorry, honey. I just want to forget this day. How was Sam? Did you ask him?'
Blaine grinned. ‘Sam was fine, he said hi by the way. And yes, I asked him and he was thrilled when he heard it! He couldn't be happier! Although he did seem a bit sad before I asked.'
‘How come?'
‘Well, you're stealing his best friend!' Blaine said, ‘He thinks we'll never see each other again but I told him he could come over every time he wants to. You're fine with that, right?'
‘Of course, honey,' Kurt said, trying to turn around so he could see Blaine's face.
When Kurt finally succeeded, he smiled. ‘This is a much better view.'
‘Indeed, a much better view,' Blaine agreed and stroked Kurt's cheek, causing him to hum contently.
‘You want to watch a movie tonight?' Kurt asked after a while.
Blaine nodded. ‘Sure babe. What do you want to watch?'
‘Have you seen that movie “Safe Haven”?'
Blaine pursed his lips, thinking. ‘No, I guess not.'
‘B! That's impossible, it's such a beautiful movie! It has Josh Duhamel in it. You know, Fergie's husband. Oh, can we please, please, please watch that movie?' Kurt pleaded.
Blaine had heard about Josh Duhamel and he had to admit: he was a handsome guy. And it would make Kurt happy if they watched it so he nodded in agreement.
Kurt squealed and wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist. ‘I love you!'
‘I love you too, Kurtie,' Blaine leaned down to kiss Kurt's cheek.
Kurt snuggled into Blaine some more, humming when he inhaled Blaine's scent while Blaine kept playing with his hair. He slowly closed his eyes, loving the fact he was safe and sound in his fiancé's arms. Blaine watched Kurt intently: His gorgeous face, neck, collarbones, torso...
‘Blaine honey?' Kurt asked with his eyes still closed and effectively interrupting Blaine's thoughts.
‘Yeah, baby?' Blaine answered, stroking over his fiancé's cheek.
‘Do we still have popcorn for tonight?'
Blaine chuckled. ‘Yes we do.'
Blaine and Kurt were snuggled up on the couch together. After Kurt took a two hour long nap (Blaine really didn't want to wake Kurt) they ate some leftovers from the day before and moved to the couch afterwards. Blaine had the bowl of popcorn from earlier in his lap and Kurt had his head on Blaine's shoulder, kissing Blaine's pulse point every now and then. They were watching “Safe Haven” and they were both watching it intently, both getting a bit sexually aroused every time Josh Duhamel's character Alex came on the screen.
‘Don't you wish you had your own Alex?' Kurt asked halfway the movie.
Blaine forced himself to tear his eyes away from the screen to look at his fiancé. ‘I have my own Alex, he's sitting next to me and he's super cute.'
Kurt giggled and slung his arm over Blaine's lap before taking another piece of popcorn and focusing back on the movie. Blaine's eyes lingered on Kurt a bit longer before looking away.
‘No, no, no! What the hell is Kevin doing?! Is that gasoline?! Oh god Katie! Get Lexie out of there!' Blaine screamed at the television when the movie neared its end, ‘I-I can't watch this Kurt.'
‘Kurt?' he asked when Kurt didn't answer. He looked away from the screen and saw his fiancé peacefully sleeping with his head still on Blaine's shoulder. He smiled fondly at him and brushed some hair out of his face, causing him to stir. Kurt didn't wake up though, he just pulled Blaine a little closer to him.
Blaine watched the end of the movie, alone. The movie was indeed beautiful and god, that ending was a twist. As the credits rolled by, Blaine picked up the empty bowl and set it next to him. Kurt stirred awake when Blaine tried to reach for the remote without waking Kurt. Mission failed, Blaine thought to himself.
‘B?' Kurt mumbled, still half asleep.
Blaine sighed and took Kurt in his arms. ‘Hey, sleepyhead. I didn't want to wake you up so you missed the ending.'
‘I already knew the ending,' Kurt said, ‘They get together in the end. They always do. We did too.'
Blaine nodded. ‘Do you want to go to bed, sweetie? It's kind of... late.'
‘What time is it?' Kurt asked.
Blaine looked at the clock and answered: '11:34pm.'
Kurt groaned. ‘I need to get up to get into bed, don't I?'
Blaine smiled and stood up. ‘Not necessarily,' he said. He leaned down and scooped Kurt up in his arms.
Kurt squealed and threw his arms around Blaine's neck before laying his head against his fiancé's chest and giggling all the way to the bedroom where Blaine lowered him onto the bed. He quickly scooted over, giving Blaine space to come and lay next to him. Kurt slung his arm over Blaine's waist when he pulled the covers over both of them and snuggled into his side, laying his head on Blaine's chest again as soon as he could. Blaine's hand reached up to Kurt's hair, curling the chestnut strands of hair around his finger. ‘Tired?' he asked, smiling.
‘You think? I have slept almost the whole afternoon and I'm so tired. Fighting with Rachel is so exhausting,' Kurt mumbled tiredly.
‘Have some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up,' Blaine said and kissed the top of Kurt's head, ‘Sweet dreams, sweetheart.'
‘Night, babe' Kurt said, barely understandable and he closed his eyes.
Blaine was rubbing over Kurt's back while he was slowly drifting off to sleep himself. He placed another little kiss on Kurt's head before closing his eyes and falling asleep next to his gorgeous fiancé.
It was early when Kurt awoke when the first rays of sunlight shone through their curtains. He slowly opened his eyes, trying to readjust them to the light. When he tried to sit up to see what time it was he felt strong arms keeping him down and holding him tightly, not willing to let go. Oh yeah, I fell asleep on Blaine, Kurt thought. He strained his neck to look at Blaine, who was sleeping peacefully with his mouth hanging slightly open and his eyelashes fanned out over his cheek. He was snoring a bit, something Kurt would find super annoying if someone else did it. He untangled himself from Blaine's grip and squeezed his eyes shut, thinking he woke Blaine when he heard a soft hum coming from the smaller man.
He laid down next to him and watched him. He looks so gorgeous, even with that awful gelmet, Kurt thought. Since they got into bed directly after the movie, Kurt didn't do his moisturizing routine and Blaine didn't un-gel his hair. He reached out and traced his finger along Blaine's jawline, making Blaine stir awake.
‘Oh, hi,' Blaine said, smiling a sleepy smile, ‘How long are you awake already?'
‘Couple of minutes,' Kurt said, supporting his body on one elbow.
Blaine pouted. ‘Why didn't you wake me up?'
‘Because you look so cute when you're asleep,' Kurt answered.
‘I don't believe you, but okay,' Blaine said.
Kurt came closer and traced circles on Blaine's torso. ‘It's true,' he said.
‘Did you sleep well? You were exhausted last night,' Blaine asked.
‘I slept so good, honey, I have enough energy for the both of us!' Kurt answered, grinning.
‘Good,' Blaine sighed and let his head fall back into his pillow a little bit more, staring up at the ceiling.
‘What are you thinking about, honey?' Kurt asked, a little bit of concern in his voice.
‘Two months, Kurt. The wedding is in two months and they still haven't answered.'
Kurt frowned and guessed: ‘Your parents?'
‘Why haven't they answered yet?' Blaine asked and looked at Kurt with eyes filled with a mixture of pain and sorrow, ‘They should be back from their business trip by now and Cooper hasn't texted me or called me. What if they don't show up, Kurt?
‘Then they're horrible parents. There, I said it,' he mimicked Blaine's shocked expression before continuing, ‘I would kill my dad if he didn't show up.'
‘Kurt, I... I don't think they're horrible. They're just being “them”, you know? I never knew a happy family, we were always fighting and yelling and stuff. But the weird thing is: I still love them, even after all the pain they've put me through.'
‘They're your parents, you'll always keep loving them,' Kurt said, ‘I just don't want to see you get hurt anymore.'
‘I don't want to get hurt anymore either. But I just wanted to do father-son things and mother-son things when I was little and,' he paused, ‘I just wanted to feel loved back then.'
Kurt placed his hand on top of Blaine's heart, feeling it beat under his skin. ‘Well, you are loved now. By me. And I'm not a father or a mother but I can watch a football game with you every now and then and we can bake cookies whenever you want to.'
‘Really? You would do that for me?' Blaine asked.
‘Of course, the cookies are for me too.'
Blaine snickered. ‘No silly, I meant the football games.'
‘Oh, I should've been more specific when I said that. I actually meant: I can watch about 20 seconds of a football game with you every now and then.'
‘That sounds more like Kurt Hummel,' Blaine smiled, ‘Thanks, babe.'
‘Uh, Kurt Hummel-Anderson,' Kurt corrected, ‘What are you thanking me for?'
‘For cheering me up when I feel down, for making me laugh when I'm crying and all sorts of other stuff,' Blaine answered.
Kurt smiled. ‘You're welcome, you oh-so-romantic soul.'
‘If I'm such an romantic soul, can I go and make you breakfast in bed?'
Kurt nodded eagerly. ‘Yes please, honey.'
Blaine got out of bed and stretched, sighing when he heard the bones in his toes snap into place. ‘You stay in bed this time, okay?' Blaine asked and pointed to his fiancé.
Kurt saluted as if he was in the army. ‘Yes, sir!'
Blaine nodded and turned around, making sure he swiveled his hips when he made his way over to the kitchen.
Pancakes, Blaine thought when he entered the kitchen, pancakes with red fruit and a cup of fresh grinded coffee. He grabbed the ingredients and red fruit for the pancakes out of the fridge and kitchen cabinet and turned to the counter. He ate a strawberry or raspberry every time he added a new ingredient to the batter and at the end there were still enough berries to put on the pancakes. Blaine strutted over to the coffee machine when the batter for the pancakes was ready and grabbed the glass jar of coffee beans on his way there. Blaine knew Kurt liked his coffee fresh grinded but they always woke up too late to make a cup before going to work or school. He put some of the beans in the grinder and turned it on.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Blaine glanced at the clock above it. 7:20am, who shows up at our door at 7:20am for God's sake? Blaine thought and walked over to the door but he hesitated to open it. The person knocked again, impatiently this time. Blaine sighed and finally opened the door. What he saw was everything he didn't expect.
‘Blaine! What took you so long to open the door?' The man asked.
‘Uh, hi. I was just making breakfast. Wh-what are you doing here?' Blaine asked confused. It was only then he noticed the two suitcases the man was carrying along. Oh no, Blaine thought.
‘Blaine, honey? Who's at the door?' Kurt asked from the bedroom. He must've heard Blaine open the door.
‘No one important babe,' Blaine answered back.
‘Hi Kurt!' the man yelled into the apartment before leaning closer to Blaine, ‘I didn't wake him up, did I?'
‘No, no, he was already awake when I woke up,' Blaine answered. He heard someone rustle in the bedroom and saw Kurt in the doorway when he turned around.
The man waved at Kurt. ‘Long time, no see,' he said.
Kurt couldn't move, it was like he was nailed to the floor. ‘Uh, hi?'
The man pushed Blaine aside and came into the apartment, dragging his suitcases behind him. ‘I'm staying here for a while, guys! How cool is that?' he exclaimed excited.
Kurt gave Blaine a look full of shock, a look he instantly saw mirrored on his fiancé's face. Shit! they both thought, oh God please no.
‘Oh, you're making pancakes? Seems like I just got here in time,' the man interrupted Kurt and Blaine's train of thoughts and quickly moved over to the kitchen.
It was going to be a long “while” with this man in the house.