A Bird Without Wings
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A Bird Without Wings: Chapter 2

E - Words: 4,486 - Last Updated: Nov 12, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Nov 01, 2014 - Updated: Nov 01, 2014
145 0 0 0 0

‘Yes dad, we will. I've got to go now, tell Carole we said “hi”!' Kurt ended the phone call and turned to Blaine who had his head on Kurt's shoulder. ‘Dad and Carole say “hi”.'

They were both snuggled up on the couch together when Burt called. After some small talk he asked Kurt if they needed help preparing the wedding but Kurt knew his father all too well. His dad just missed him and Blaine, he was his son now too after all.

‘He misses you,' Blaine said as if he read Kurt's mind and wrapped his arms around his fiancé's waist, ‘And you obviously miss him too by the look on your face'.

Kurt sighed. ‘Of course I miss him. He was always there for me, Finn and you and now that he can't do that anymore he feels, you know... lost. I mean, he still has Carole but she's not very interested in baseball or American football or sports in general so he can't talk to her about that.'

Blaine laughed. ‘It's not like you are very interested in sports too. Remember Christmas two years ago? Me and your dad made a bet and I lost because you couldn't keep watching the game for another five seconds. Another five seconds, babe!'

‘You only lost five bucks and you said it yourself, it's no big deal.'

Blaine pouted. ‘But I could've bought you a hot chocolate from that.'

Kurt turned his head, put some of Blaine's untamable curls behind Blaine's ear and then kissed his forehead. ‘Who needs hot chocolate if you have a hot fiancé?'

‘True,' Blaine kissed along Kurt's jawline before he added: ‘A hot fiancé is sooo much better than hot chocolate.' He closed his eyes and nestled himself into Kurt's side more so that he took in even lesser space than he normally does on the couch.

He tightened his grip when Kurt stirred under him. ‘No, don't go, I want cuddles.'

‘You always want cuddles,' Kurt said and pecked Blaine's forehead.

‘Cuddles are nice. You are nice. Actually I just want you.'

It was a Saturday morning in May, the sun was shining and the light fell into the living room and onto Kurt's face. He didn't have to go to work today so he could spend the whole day hanging out with Blaine. He was happy, not only because of the wedding preparations but also because of the little things in life. The birds chirping outside, the warmth from the sun on his face, the smell of the coffee in front of him on the coffee table and the sound of Blaine's breathing. He was happy.

So he stayed on the couch, trapped under Blaine's strong arms, his fingers carding through Blaine's curls, thinking about how things would be like after the wedding. Not much would change, really. He'd still wake up with Blaine curled up next to him, he'd still think Blaine was the most handsome man he'd ever seen and he'd still love Blaine with all of his heart. The only thing that will change is the wedding band that will be around his ring finger. Without knowing he raised his hand to look at the place the ring would be.

‘What are you doing?' Blaine asked, putting his hand on Kurt's and lacing their fingers together.

‘I was looking at where the ring would be.' He turned to look at Blaine who was staring at their hands. ‘I love you.'

Blaine wasn't even listening until he felt Kurt's lips on his cheek. ‘Uh, what?'

‘I said I love you. You weren't listening, were you?'

‘Nope,' Blaine's eyes were still focused on their intertwined hands, ‘Not really but I love you too.'

‘You better!' Kurt smiled and tried to get up, only for Blaine to pull him down on the couch again. He raised his eyebrows and looked straight into Blaine's eyes. ‘Do you want breakfast or not?'

‘Yes. Of course,' Blaine answered, hugging his fiancé a bit tighter.

‘Then you have to let me go,' Kurt said pleadingly and started to untangle himself from Blaine.

Blaine let go of Kurt without saying a word but he didn't even give Kurt the chance to get up before he started to tickle him.

‘Blaine!' Kurt shrieked when he felt Blaine's fingers torturing his sides, ‘What are you... oh god, Blaine stop it! Stop, please, I beg you!'

‘Never,' Blaine said with a devilish grin, still attacking Kurt's sides and belly.

Kurt was laying on the couch by now with Blaine straddling him. At first Kurt was just giggling but after a while Kurt was a laughing mess. Blaine was laughing too when Kurt tried to swat his hands away but Blaine would not give in. Kurt was desperately trying to get away from Blaine's torturing fingers and kept squirming and twisting, trying to get Blaine off of him.

‘Blaaaaaaine! Stop! Mercy!' Kurt yelled between fits of laughter, ‘Please, please, pleaaaaaase!'

After a couple of minutes Blaine gradually stopped tickling him when he saw Kurt had tears in his eyes. He didn't know if it were tears of laughter or if he had hurt Kurt somewhere in the tickle-torture. The laughter subsided and soon only a few of Kurt's giggles were filling the apartment.

Blaine leaned over so that his body was fully covering Kurt's, trapping him again.

‘I hate you,' Kurt said between giggles, ‘I really hate you, my revenge will be sweet.'

‘I'm looking forward to it,' Blaine said excited, he propped his chin on Kurt's chest before asking, ‘You don't really hate me, do you?'

Kurt looked down into Blaine's eyes and kissed his nose. ‘I was just messing with you, sweetie. I could never hate you. Never.'

‘Good, because if I ever lost you again I'd probably kill myself.'

‘Blaine, don't. You'll never lose me. We're a team, we're getting married in three months.'

‘I know but you're my savior, my hero, my everything! I don't want to live in a world without you in it,' Blaine leaned forward and kissed Kurt on the lips. He laid his head on Kurt's chest again and closed his eyes.

‘I'm never going to leave you,' Kurt whispered while playing with Blaine's messy curls. Kurt had always loved playing with Blaine's hair, it was so soft and Kurt loved the way Blaine practically started purring every time his fingers found their way to his hair.

Blaine only mhmm'ed and slowly drifted off to sleep even though they had just woken up an hour or two before. Kurt smiled when Blaine started snoring softly. How can that boy fall asleep so quickly?  Kurt's eyelids got heavy too, he wanted to fall asleep together with Blaine but he forced himself to stay awake. He stared at Blaine for a moment and even when he was asleep Kurt thought he looked absolutely stunning: his mouth was slightly open, his eyelashes were fanned out over his cheeks and his eyelids were fluttering while he was dreaming about something.

Kurt's stomach growled, loud, which caused Blaine to startle awake again. ‘Uh, wh-what's happening?'

Kurt giggled at Blaine's reaction. ‘My stomach needs some attention. And yours too, I guess?'

‘Yeah, a little,' Blaine smiled an adorable sleepy smile, ‘What are we having for breakfast?'

‘I thought blueberry pancakes would be nice,' Kurt answered, knowing what Blaine's reaction would be.

 Blaine perked up and grinned at Kurt, he was awake instantly. ‘Aw, that's the first thing I made you after I moved to New York. You remembered!'

‘Of course I remembered! And if you get your cute tushy off of me I can go and make them.'

‘Oh yeah, of course,' Blaine got off Kurt and sauntered over to the kitchen.

 ‘Uh, excuse me mister Sleepy-head? Where the hell do you think you're going?' Kurt called out behind him.

‘I'm going to help you with the pancakes, what else?' Blaine answered and shrugged.

Kurt quickly came closer and stood in front of Blaine, blocking his way to the kitchen.

‘No no, mister. You're not going to the kitchen so you can eat all the blueberries before I can put them in the batter!'

‘But Kuuuurt,' Blaine whined. ‘I promise I'll be nice, I swear!'

‘Nope, you stay here and watch some cartoons or something. I can't trust you in the kitchen with all those sugary things anymore since the cupcake-incident.'

‘That was months ago!' Blaine protested.

‘You were sick for two days because you ate half of the cupcakes we made and we made a lot of cupcakes!'

Blaine made his best “bitch please”-face but eventually realized he could not win the argument. ‘Fine! I'll bore myself to death right here while you are cooking.'

‘Good,' Kurt said with a triumphant smile on his face and turned around towards the kitchen.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's wrist which made him turn around and face him again and pecked him on the lips before he let go of his wrist again. ‘Now you can go.'

 ‘Dork,' Kurt said before disappearing in the kitchen.

Blaine laughed and quickly turned around when he heard his phone ringing. He smiled again when he finally found his phone and saw the name on the caller-ID. ‘Coop! How's life in LA, man?' He said excitedly after he picked up.

‘Blainers! Everything's great, man! But probably not as good as the life in New York, huh?'

Blaine laughed, ‘Nu-huh! Nothing's better than the life in New York!'

‘Hey B, I just found the invitation to your wedding in my mailbox. The bowtie was your idea, wasn't it?' Cooper asked and Blaine could hear the smile in his voice.

‘It arrived?! And no, actually the bowtie was Kurt's idea. He made the whole card himself.'

Kurt and Blaine sent the invitations a week or so ago, Blaine thought it was too early since they're getting married in August but Kurt wanted to give everyone enough time to figure out a nice wedding gift for them. The invitations had already arrived in Ohio, Columbus, Westerville and New York but Blaine thought it would take another week or so before they would arrive in Los Angeles.

‘Wow! Really? Kurt did a really good job then.'

‘Yeah, I think so too,' Blaine paused and know he shouldn't ask it but he does it anyway, ‘Hey, have you heard something from mom and dad? Their invitation should've been arrived too.'

Cooper hesitated, wondering if he should tell Blaine or not. But he couldn't lie to his baby brother, could he? ‘No, B, I haven't heard from them. Why do you ask?'

‘Oh nothing, I was just wondering,' Blaine said, trying to hide the sad tone is his voice.

Cooper sighed. ‘I know what you're thinking, B. But they'll come to the wedding, I know that. They still love you, even if you think they don't.'

Cooper always loved the attention he got from his parents but now he found it sad that Blaine was never treated the same. When he was younger, Cooper didn't care much about Blaine too. He acted like a jerk towards his little brother who didn't know better than that and he regretted it. He regretted every single time he made Blaine feel less important to their parents. When he saw Blaine again at McKinley a couple of years ago, he didn't see the small, unhappy boy he was constantly making jokes about with his friends. No, he saw a brave, amazingly talented young man with his amazingly talented boyfriend next to him. Even then he had still teased Blaine, saying he was more talented than him, but Cooper knew his brother was better than him. He was jealous, all these years he was jealous at his little brother because Blaine could easily play the lead role in a musical or television show with his looks and talent. He didn't want to be jealous anymore, he wanted to make it up to Blaine, but how?

‘You know what? I'll talk to them when they come back from their business trip in a couple of weeks. Sounds good?'

‘Coop, you really want to do that?' Blaine asked, beaming.

‘Of course, I'll do anything to make my brother happy,' Cooper answered. He should've promised that much, much earlier.

‘Oh, thanks man. I would call them myself but I don't know if they'll answer.'

‘I'm sure they'd answer. Oh, and before I forget, can I bring a guest to the wedding?'

‘Yeah, sure. Who're you going to bring with you?'

‘A girl, Katelyn. We've been dating for a couple of months and she's looking forward to meet you and Kurt,' Cooper smiled.

‘Oh, you found a girlfriend? And it's been going on for a couple of months, you say? It normally takes only a couple of days or weeks before your girlfriends break up with you,' Blaine laughed.

Cooper has always been a ladies' man. Models, barista's, teachers, beautiful girls in general... One-night-stands, short relationships... But if Blaine could remember well, Cooper never had a girlfriend for longer than three weeks.

‘Ha ha,' Cooper said sarcastically, ‘I am able to have a girlfriend for longer than that, you know? I just never found the right girl to do that, but now I know... Katelyn is the perfect girl for me. I'm head over heels with her, Blainers, I just...' Cooper dramatically sighed.

Blaine could hear Kurt singing “Perfect” by P!nk and smiled. He knew exactly what Cooper meant.

‘B, you still there?' Cooper asked after a while.

‘Oh, yeah, yeah, sorry Kurt's singing and I just...' Blaine mimicked his brother and also sighed dramatically.

‘Do you want me to hang up so you can go and fuck Kurt?' Cooper asked.

‘Coop! Do you want me to hang up so you can go and fuck Katelyn?' Blaine threw the ball back in Cooper's camp. ‘And Kurt and I are just getting breakfast by the way.'

‘You're sooo going to have sex with Kurt if I hang up.' Cooper continued.

‘I'm not!'

‘You sooo are! You sooo are!' Cooper chanted in a sing-song voice.

‘Bye Coop!' Blaine said before hanging up.

‘Sex addicts!' Cooper yelled right before the call ended.

Blaine smiled, threw his phone towards the sofa, was relieved when it landed on the soft cushions instead of the floor (which happened a lot before) and flopped down next to it, waiting for Kurt.

After another five minutes of patiently waiting Blaine got up and walked towards the kitchen, not caring about what Kurt said earlier. ‘Fuck that cupcake-incident,' he muttered under his breath and entered the kitchen. He walked over to Kurt, put one arm around his waist and plucked a blueberry out of the pancake batter with his free hand which Kurt noticed too late to stop.

‘Blaine Devon Anderson! Really? You couldn't wait five or ten more minutes to annoy me?' Kurt asked, smiling.

Blaine mumbled: ‘Nope, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, I couldn't.'

‘You're lucky I love you or I would've chopped your fingers off!' Kurt said trying to keep his face straight.

‘Babe, you know I need those fingers,' Blaine said seductively and hugged Kurt from behind, his hands sneaking under Kurt's shirt and splaying out over Kurt's abdomen.

‘Well then, keep your hands out of the batter.'

‘Or else?' Blaine asked.

Kurt turned around, causing Blaine to let go of him. ‘Or else...' He paused and grinned devilishly when he found the perfect “punishment”, ‘No sex for a whole week.'

‘What? Kurt, no! You can't do that!' Blaine yelled and thought back at Cooper's words. Wow, they really were sex addicts.

 At that moment Kurt knew he had won the argument. Blaine would do anything for sex and he knew it. He turned around, continued cooking and waited for Blaine to say something.

Blaine sighed. Half of him knew Kurt was certain about the sex but the other half was secretly thinking about taking another blueberry. Kurt could be a bitch when it came to sex. ‘Can I at least help you set the table ready?' he pleaded.

‘Yes, yes you can.' Kurt said lovingly and then continued singing. This time he sang You Make Me Feel So Young, the song he and Blaine sang after their first breakfast together after Blaine moved in with him and the girls.

Blaine joined in while taking the plates out of one of the cabinets and putting them on the table. When he went back to get the cutlery, he playfully patted Kurt's ass on the way to the drawer, making Kurt giggle.

Once the table was set, Kurt was scooping the pancakes out of the pan and onto the plates Blaine was handing him. The pancakes smelled delicious and Blaine practically dived in as soon as Kurt sat down across from him.

Oh my God, Kurt,' Blaine mumbled with his mouth full of pancake and maple syrup, ‘These are so good.'

Kurt leaned over the table and wiped some syrup from the corner of Blaine's mouth with the pad of his thumb and licked it off. Blaine was a messy eater: he sometimes got tomato sauce on his shirt when they ordered pizza's (which Kurt had to get out afterwards) or salad dressing on his pants when he and Kurt had a lunchdate (which Kurt also had to get out afterwards).

‘I know,' Kurt said while he sat back, ‘They're your favorite.'

‘But these are like, better than all of the pancakes I've ever eaten combined!' Blaine said once he swallowed.

Kurt reached over the table for Blaine's hand. ‘Thank you, honey.'

Blaine smiled. ‘Can't I compliment my amazing fiancé with his amazing cooking skills?'

‘Oh, have I told you I love you already?'

Blaine pursed his lips. ‘Yes but I wasn't listening so you can always say it again.'

‘I love you.'

Blaine leaned his face closer to Kurt's. ‘What? Sorry, I didn't get that. What did you say?'

Kurt playfully pinched Blaine's hand. ‘Oh now you're just messing with me but still, I love you.'

Blaine narrowed his eyes and asked: ‘You mean it?'

Kurt gave Blaine's hand a gentle squeeze. ‘Honey, I want the whole world to know that I love you! Does that sound like I mean it?'

Blaine leaned closer so that their noses almost touched. ‘Prove it.'


‘You heard me, babe. Prove it, tell the whole world you love me,' Blaine said with a smug smile.

‘Fine,' Kurt said, ‘I love you.'

‘I already know that, now tell the world you love me.'

Kurt smiled. ‘I just did. You're my whole world, my universe.'

Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes. ‘My everything,' he said.

‘My everything,' Kurt repeated. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Blaine's. He tasted syrup on Blaine's lips, which made the kiss even sweeter than it already was.

Blaine moaned. He loved kissing Kurt. Loved tasting the sweet lips of his soulmate on his. He didn't even dare to think how his life would be if Kurt didn't say yes to him, or worse, if Kurt hadn't forgiven him for what he'd done. He would still be heartbroken and no Eli or Sam or Tina could save him. Only Kurt. His Kurt.

Those few couple of months after they broke were hell, for both of them. Blaine didn't sleep or eat, he didn't even care about the school musical. His heart rate had quickened when he saw Kurt sitting in that audience but all hope for a fresh start on their relationship quickly disappeared when Kurt told him he could never trust him anymore.

Kurt felt worse, if that was even possible. He even stopped his daily moisturizing routine! He also didn't sleep or eat and Isabelle had even send him home! He cried every time he watched a romantic movie with the girls, wishing Blaine was sitting next to him holding his hand not Santana who was eating all of the popcorn while making snarky comments during the whole movie. He refused to talk to Blaine even though he missed him more than anything.

They both made mistakes and they both loved each other, making it harder for them to let go. They belonged to each other, completed each other. And they both realized that when they were apart...

They broke the kiss, looking at each other with eyes filled with adoration and love.

‘My everything,' Blaine said, breathless.

Kurt giggled and leaned back in his chair. ‘Who were you talking to earlier?' He asked.

‘Oh, Cooper called. He got the invitation, he's coming to the wedding,' Blaine answered before taking another bite of the pancake.

Kurt beamed. ‘Honey, that's awesome!' He remembered the conversation he and Blaine had a couple of weeks ago. Blaine had cried, thinking his parents or Cooper won't show up to the wedding. Now that Cooper was coming, Kurt was hoping Blaine's parents would do the same.

‘I guess,' Blaine simply said and shrugged.

Okay, this was amazing news so why was Blaine on the verge of crying?

‘Honey?' Kurt asked.

‘Yeah?' Blaine looked up to see his fiancé's face, his eyes full of worry.

‘What's wrong?'

‘Nothing,' Blaine snapped, ‘Nothing's wrong!'

He stood up and walked to the bedroom, leaving a worried Kurt behind.

Kurt decided to give Blaine some time alone. He wondered why Blaine reaction was so heated. Did he say something wrong? Did Cooper say something to Blaine, something that hurt him? Did Cooper mention their parents? Oh god, their parents. That's what got Blaine so upset!

He got up and ran to the bedroom door. He was afraid to knock, he didn't want to open the door because he knew what he was going to see: a broken and hurt Blaine... He slowly opened the door even though a voice in his mind kept telling him to knock.

‘Blaine, baby?' he asked as he peeked his head in.

No answer, only a few loud sobs coming from the bed. He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He slowly moved closer to the bed, kind of afraid of what he was about to see. Blaine was curled up into a ball, he had his eyes squeezed shut, he was clutching something Kurt didn't recognize to his chest and sobbed.

Kurt sat down on the edge of the bed, carding his fingers through Blaine's hair. Blaine whimpered and leaned into the touch, still holding the unknown object to his chest.

‘Baby?' Kurt asked again, his voice soft and a bit worried.

Blaine tried to swallow his tears, took a deep breath and croaked out: ‘Y-yes?'

Kurt outstretched his arms, inviting Blaine for a hug. Blaine got into sitting position, let go of the thing he held onto, put it aside and crawled into Kurt's arms. Kurt wrapped his arms around him, enveloping him and just held Blaine. He could now see the thing Blaine had been clutching to his chest, it was a photo album with “My family” written in gold letters in the middle of it. Blaine was still sobbing but less than before, because Kurt was here. Kurt was holding him.

‘I-I miss t-them,' he said and sniffled.

‘Shh, shh, I know, baby, I know.' Kurt cooed.

‘C-Cooper told m-me he h-hasn't h-heard a-anything from o-our parents,' Blaine said, ‘T-their i-invitation should've b-been arrived, w-why d-do they n-not answer?' Blaine was sobbing so hard he was shaking a bit.

‘I don't know, sweetie. I think,' he looked down to Blaine, ‘you need to be patient. Maybe they aren't at home and they didn't know it arrived.'

‘T-that's what C-Cooper told m-me, t-that they're o-on a business t-trip.' Blaine reached behind him for the photo book and turned in Kurt's arms when he found it. His back was now flush against Kurt's chest. ‘I t-took this w-with me when I-I moved o-out of W-Westerville.'

‘I didn't even know you had that book.'

‘I n-never told a-anyone.'

Kurt absentmindedly played with Blaine's hair when he asked: ‘Can I see it? Please?'

Blaine hesitated, his fingers tracing the words on the front of the book.

‘You don't have to if you don't want to, I mean, I just never saw any baby pictures of you. You probably looked pretty damn cute back then.'

Blaine smiled. ‘A-are you i-implying that I'm n-not “p-pretty damn c-cute” anymore?'

‘Oh, you know you're pretty damn cute. Now can I pleaaaaase see them?'

‘O-okay,' Blaine said and smiled again even though Kurt couldn't see it.

They opened the book and saw a picture of Blaine's family when he was younger. ‘John a-and Marie Anderson,' Blaine mumbled and pointed to his father and then to his mother.

Blaine was standing between his brother and his father, he looked happy with his plaid shirt tucked in his pants. Even then Blaine had a great sense of fashion, Kurt thought. Kurt smiled, Blaine looked exactly like his mother while Cooper on the other hand looked like a mirror image of Blaine's father. Blaine flipped to another page and smiled when he saw a picture of he and his mom, his fingers ghosted over her face and he started sniffling again. Kurt held Blaine a little tighter as if he could take Blaine's pain away that way. Kurt knew how he felt, he had felt that pain too. He stills does, he misses his mother and he hated it that she couldn't see him get married to the man he loves.


They stayed like that for a couple of hours longer, flipping through the pages of the photo album reminiscing old memories in the middle of their bed. They laughed and they cried but they were together and that's all that mattered.  


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