Feb. 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 8, 2014, 6 p.m.
Glee, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, and all other recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk, and Fox. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
“Knock, knock, knock.” Kurt opened the door to his and his roommates New York apartment to see his boyfriend Adam. Santana was in Ohio for the week and Rachel was at NYADA so him and Adam planned to stay in and watch a movie. “Hello Gorgeous.” Adam said. Kurt liked Adam and but he didn't love him like he did Blaine and Kurt found Adam attractive but he didn't think he was attractive , hot , sexy, beautiful, gorgeous , cute, and adorable all at once like Blaine. “Hello” was all Kurt could say without thinking about how he would rather be with Blaine right know. Adam came in and they ate lunch and started to watch a movie together. Kurt let Adam pick the movie since he was okay with watching anything from his collection well almost anything. Please, Please, Please don't pick that movieI don't want to cry Kurt thought to himself but of course Adam picked that movie: MOULIN ROUGE. They were almost to the part where they sang Come What May when the loft door swung open and Rachel ran in saying “Did you hear!” in a panicked voice. “Hear what Rach and shouldn't you still be in class?” Kurt started to get worried by the tone of her voice and her facial expression. “Turn on channel six news” was all Rachael was able to say before she fell on the couch and started to sob uncontrollably. Kurt did as he was told and his eyes widened in horror. Within the five minutes he watched the news he was able to gather eight people died and seven were injured. They showed that the shooter was number three on the United States most wanted criminal list. He had been wanted one rape, one other school shooting, nine murders and three arsons. Then they showed pictures of the four people that were able to fight him off: Santana, Sam, Kitty and Blaine. The news casters talked about how “those four kids deserved medals and how they were four of the seven who were injured but there was no word on how they were doing except that the paramedics believed they were going to be okay .Kurt started to wonder how long ago was that assumption that they were going to be “okay” made by the paramedics, what if something had changed since then and more importantly why in god's name would Blaine try to fight off a guy with a gun. Kurt knew Blaine was a great fighter and he was often underestimated for his size so that would have given him a advantage if the shooter wasn't holding a gun but Blaine was also one of if not the smartest people he knew and Blaine would have never fought unless he or the people he loved were in danger. Kurt was about to call everyone in glee club to see if Blaine was alright but his phone rang before he had the chance. “Santana is he okay, are you okay, what happened, what in god's name possessed you to fight a guy who had a gun and who are the eight that died.” “Kurt in order for me to answer your questions you have to stop talking and let me speak. I am okay I just got shot in the leg. What happened is he was going to kill us all and we needed to stop him and out of the eight that died the only ones you know are neck brace cheerio, Bree and Dottie Kazatori. Kurt took a few seconds to process the information before he realized three things: Santana was being nice, she called him Kurt not Hummel or Lady Face or Lady Hummel and she never answered his first question. “Santana you never answered my first question. Is he okay?” “Umm Kurt I'm going to stay in Ohio for about two weeks and this isn't news to deliver over the phone plus I don't want to be the one to deliver it so maybe you should call Sam and he will tell you.” “No, I'm going to get on the first flight to Ohio I will see you soon bye.” “Are you okay, is he okay, is Santana and Sam okay, who died and did I hear you say you're going back to Ohio? “Asked Rachael. I'm fine , no apparently he is not okay , Sam and Santana are alright and I only know three of them who died and there not anyone were close to and yes I'm going back to Ohio. “What! Why? “Adam yelled. “What do you mean why?” Kurt replied. “He's not your boyfriend anymore and he's not dead so why do you have to go back.” “He is still my best friend and I don't have to but I want to. “Fine if you go was done!” “Well I think you should leave because I'm going and I guess that means were over. Goodbye” Adam left and slammed the door. “Do too think it's a good idea to go back?” asked Rachel. “What do you agree with Adam?” Kurt couldn't believe what he was hearing. “No its just are you going to be able to see Blaine without breaking down and will you be more of a help or a burden to his healing process?” “Wait Rachel your hiding something I know it. What is it?” “Kurt I know what happened to him but I promised Mr. Shue I wouldn't tell anyone not even you he wasn't even supposed to tell me but he let it slip when I called to see if everyone was okay.” “Alright well I am going online and booking a ticket unless you give me a reason and an explanation of why I shouldn't.” Kurt went online and booked a flight, tried calling Blaine but didn't get an answer and got his things packed. He only had one more thing to do and that was to call his dad to see if he minded him coming home. “Hey kiddo great timing on calling me I just walked out of the airport two minutes ago if you called sooner I wouldn't have answered. What's up?” “Hey dad did you hear about what happened at McKinley? “Kurt said hoping he didn't have to tell his dad. “No kiddo I didn't I was on the plane all morning but Carole said she had bad news right before you called does it have something to do with that? “Burt couldn't control the panic in his voice he loved all of Kurt's friends at McKinley even Blaine. No especially Blaine even though Blaine hurt Kurt he was still like a third son to him. “Yes dad I have a felling this was Carols bad news. There was a shooting at McKinley. I booked a flight for nine o'clock tonight. “Kurt looked over and groaned when he saw it was only seven fifty seven. Burt knew someone Kurt was close to was either hurt badly or was dead in order for Kurt to fly back. “Kurt buddy who's hurt?” Burt asked hoping he didn't already know the answer but when Kurt started sobbing uncontrollably Burt knew it was Blaine. “Kurt what time does your flight land. “Burt asked. “Midnight, I have to go by the time I get to the airport with all the traffic it will be eight thirty.” “Okay bye kiddo be safe I love you.” “Bye dad I love you, see you soon. “Kurt hung up and went and hauled a cab.
Burt stood at the gate waiting for Kurt he had called Sam and he had told him what happened and he said he would tell Kurt so Burt didn't have to which Burt was grateful for. To Burts surprise he didn't have to explain exactly what happened to Carole either because she had traded for the early shift at the hospital the night before so she could spend time with Burt when he got home. She knew more than Burt did because the only other nurse on was vocally homophobic and she had to take care of Blaine and that included doing the rape kit so she was able to explain his injuries to Burt. All Burt could do was think of how Blaine was doing. Burt knew Blaine was very conservative , self-conscious , had a shitty hand of cards dealt to him throughout his life and would hate to have all his friends see him being raped and worse than that his ex-boyfriends/best friend's step-mother had to do the rape kit. As he was lost in thought Kurt ran over and jumped in his arms. “Do you know how bad he's hurt? “Kurt asked. “umum yeah Carols his nurse and she did the rape kit and everything so….” Burt couldn't breathe as he thought did I really just say that. I did oh no! “WAIT! WHAT? Did you just say RAPE KIT?” now it was just turn to not be able to breath. “Umm kid Sam, Santana and Carole are back at the house there going to explain to you.” Kurt and Burt rode back to the house in silence and when they got there Carole and Sam took turns explaining everything that happened. Carole explained everything in the rape kit and told him that it was confidential and she wasn't supposed to say anything so he had to keep it secret. She also told him while they were removing the bullet from his shoulder there were some difficulties and he won't be able to move his right arm for about a month and his parents won't be home until valentine's day which was in like three months and they were releasing him from the hospital for a week and he was going to need constant help. “I want to go see him. “Kurt said. “Visiting hours is over dude.” Said Sam. “My shift starts in an hour and I could sneak him in but if Blaine's sleeping you can't wake him Kurt. “Alright.”And Kurt and Carole left.
Kurt had been waiting in Blaine's hospital room for fifteen minutes but it had seemed like hours had passed. He was almost sleeping when Blaine woke up with a start he was breathing heavy, looked confused and had tears in his eyes. “K u rrt?" “Yes baby it's me go back to sleep I will be here in the morning.” And with that Blaine fell back asleep