Somebody that I used to know
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Somebody that I used to know: First Encounters

T - Words: 3,789 - Last Updated: May 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 43/43 - Created: Nov 02, 2012 - Updated: May 25, 2013
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AN: I'm having a really bad day and I took it out on Kurt. Sorry...

Warnings: Homophobic language and child abuse

Chapter 3: First Encounters


Kurt couldn't believe the boy he had been staring at in class was Blaine. The boy who had been his only friend growing up before he had abandoned him and left him to fend for himself. The moment their eyes had met and Kurt saw that Blaine recognized him as well, he couldn't stay in the room any longer.

It was as if the walls were suddenly closing in and it was hard to breath, so he ignored Mrs. Moreaux' yell and pushed past some other kids to get outside. He half expected Blaine to come after him, but than he realized how ridiculous that was. Popular football player chasing after school freak – yeah right.

Hearing Blaine's name again had brought back a lot of memories Kurt had been trying to forget. 'Worthless, stupid, a waste of space', had been the nicer things thrown at him when his mom had explained why Blaine wasn't contacting him any more. And she had probably been right. What did he have to offer Blaine? After all, Blaine stopped hanging out with other kids because Kurt couldn't handle a few mean words. Blaine had to fight Kurt's battles because he was too weak to do it himself. Blaine still had to take care of Kurt when his mom was dying. If he had been Blaine he wouldn't have contacted Kurt either. Even Kurt knew that all that wallowing in self-pity was pathetic but he couldn't help it. He had missed Blaine terribly, praying for him to come back a long time ago.

Well Blaine wouldn't be giving anything up for Kurt this time. Kurt would let him know that it was social suicide to be seen with him and Blaine would run for the hills. He didn't expect him to throw shlushies because of the rumors that he was gay too, but he most certainly wouldn't want to be around Kurt. And Kurt didn't know if he even wanted Blaine around again. He didn't want to let himself hope only to have it crushed again.

Blaine had broken his heart years ago by never contacting him again after their tearful goodbyes. And then there was of course the issue with his parents. When you didn't have any friends it was easy to hide things because when no one cared about you, you could hide in plain sight and still no one noticed something was wrong.

No, Kurt didn't want Blaine around. He had managed what Kurt could never remotely achieve. He was popular in a school that tormented Kurt for being gay, while the rumors floating around about him didn't seem to hurt him at all.

Kurt had seen him at his locker the past week, always surrounded by a group of cheerios or the glee girls during classes or guys coming up to him to talk. Not once had his locker been vandalized or a shlushie been thrown into his face.

Checking that no teachers were around, Kurt pushed open the door and ran toward the bleachers. Underneath them some students had put old furniture for smoke breaks or making out during classes. Kurt sank down onto the couch, pulled his knees up to his chest and hid his head in his lap. Only then did he realize that tears were streaming down his face.

Kurt couldn't be bothered to wipe them away and let them fall freely. And that's how Blaine found him half an hour later.


Blaine remained frozen in his seat as his eyes followed Kurt's retreating back. He had entertained the thought before that mystery boy could be Kurt, but he had hoped it wasn't him. Kurt had been pale before but he looked even worse now, dark circles under his eyes and hollow cheeks. His often ill-fitting clothes seemed to be several sizes too big on him and Blaine had wondered before if the boy was anorexic or his skinniness had other causes.

He looked like the boy he had met years ago behind a row of bushes – lonely and broken. Blaine had always been afraid that Kurt might not have fared as well in his life as Blaine had, but to see him now like this was worse than he had expected. Maybe he should have tried harder when he was younger – not giving up on Kurt because of one incident. Maybe they would both be happier right now.

"I'm sorry Blaine," Mrs. Moreaux pulled him from his thoughts and Blaine looked up to her. "Kurt, he is shy, prefers to work alone. But he'll come around and he is a very good student so you have nothing to worry about." Blaine nodded numbly, eyes constantly flickering to the exit, but Kurt didn't come back to class.

He collected the worksheets for both of them and put Kurt's used looking books into his backpack that looked like it had been sawn back together a few times. He had no idea where Kurt might have gone but he had his whole lunch break to figure it out.

He wasn't very successful though as he checked in the library and in the car park, but it gave him time to collect his thoughts. He didn't know what had happened to Kurt or what was still going on, but he felt the inexplicable need to get to know him again and help him with whatever problems he had. Kurt had been his rock when his mom was dying and it was time to repay him.

"Blaine," Rachel yelled, and Blaine looked up to see her look at him curiously. "Why are you standing in the middle of the parking lot?" Blaine hadn't realized that he had stopped walking at some point and walked over to Rachel. Maybe she knew Kurt.

"I'm looking for someone. Kurt Anderson. Do you know him?" Rachel nodded. "We talk from time to time," she explained cheerfully. "Great, do you know where he could be? He forgot his bag in class?" Blaine held Kurt's bag up awkwardly as if he needed to prove that was why he was looking for Kurt, before he dropped his hand and studied the pebbles on the floor.

"There's this place the less popular kids tend to hang out – under the bleachers. I think Quinn said she saw him there once during her skanks phase."

Blaine didn't know what a skank phase was, but he thanked Rachel and made his way over to the football field and found his way under the bleachers.

Sure enough Kurt was there, curled up on a ratty old couch, his small frame shaking from the sobs that escaped him. Blaine approached him cautiously but missed a piece of wood on the floor and stumbled over it.

Kurt's head shot up and he immediately started wiping tears off his face.

"Allergies," he said putting on a smile even Blaine had a hard time telling it was fake. "Sorry for running out on you though. I just prefer working alone and I'm sure Mrs. Moreaux will be willing to let you partner up with Jenny."

Blaine just stared at him. Why was Kurt acting like they didn't know each other? Or did he really just forget about him? Blaine had so many questions now that they were face to face. He wanted to know everything that had happened in Kurt's life over the past few years, wanted to understand the person Kurt was now.

But he saw how Kurt flinched when other students seemed to approach the bleachers, how he curled in on himself when Blaine took a step forward as if he was trying to shield himself from Blaine, so he decided to let it go for now. They had two weeks to work on their French project together – because Blaine sure as hell wasn't switching partners – plenty of time to get to know Kurt again.

"That's okay. Mrs. Moreaux said you're really good at French so I think I'll stick with you," Blaine said with a smile on his face but Kurt tensed before he glared at him. "If you're looking for someone to do your homework you've come to the wrong person. And if you want to beat me up now, go ahead. I don't give a shit."

Blaine stared at Kurt in shock. Kurt didn't honestly believe Blaine would do that, did he? Just because he wore a letterman jacket over his own clothes now didn't mean he turned into a violent and stupid jock who forced other kids to do his homework for him.

"What, no of course not. I was just going to suggest we go over to my house this afternoon so we can discuss how we are going to do this. Or yours. I'm mean I don't really care where we go," Blaine rambled on.

Kurt gaped at him. "You really are new here," he remarked. "You don't want to do this project with me, all right. It would be social suicide. You seen like a nice guy so I thought you should know. I'll be fine on my own and I'm sure Jenny would be happy to be partnered with you."

Blaine blushed because he hadn't known that even Kurt had noticed that Jenny was constantly hitting on him though he had told her he was gay. He didn't care about his reputation either and thought Kurt was overreacting. Glee club had jocks and cheerleaders in it and they seemed to get along with the less popular kids just fine.

"Sorry, but Mrs. Moreaux said you had to do it with me, so I guess you are stuck with me," he tried to joke to lighten the mood, but Kurt only tensed even worse.

"So, um," Blaine continued. "Does five at my house work for you? I have Glee this afternoon," he added while scribbling down his address for Kurt before handing the piece of paper and the backpack over to Kurt.

Kurt looked resigned as he shook his head. "I can only do half an hour after school or during lunch. The library is usually empty during those times so chances are no one is going to see you with me."

Blaine wanted to assure him that he had no problem being seen with Kurt or ask why Kurt couldn't do afternoons, if he had a job after school or if his parents had had another child Kurt had to baby sit in the afternoons, but he kept his mouth shut.

He had to count it as a success that he had convinced Kurt to work on the project with him for now.

"Great," he said instead, giving Kurt a wide smile. "I'll see you after school then." With that he turned around walking back toward the school, a real smile on his lips. He was going to figure out what was going on with Kurt and maybe then they could repair their friendship and become what they used to be.


Kurt didn't understand why Blaine was being so persistent. All other students had jumped on the chance to change partners when he had offered, and he was sure he could convince Mrs. Moreaux to let Blaine if Blaine wanted to. He couldn't help but lash out and accuse Blaine of just wanting to use him, because that was what he was used to. People trying to force him to do his homework hadn't been an issue since he started taking only A.P classes as the students in it were actually interested in getting an education and the jocks had given up on trying to force him when they realized that slushies, shoves and the likes didn't make him obey. It wasn't like they had offered to stop their torment in exchange for homework help, so Kurt wasn't interested in helping them out.

Blaine being persistent could be a problem, and he hoped that pretending he didn't remember Blaine would solve his problems. If Blaine realized Kurt didn't remember him he might give up on wanting to talk to him and Kurt could go back to his life as it were, scraping to get by until he was finally able to leave it all behind.

Running away was something he had considered often enough but he knew he needed an education if he wanted to get somewhere in his life that didn't involve turning tricks on street corners.

Luckily Blaine wasn't in his last two classes of the day, but Rachel was and he didn't understand nor did he want to know why she kept staring at him. He dreaded having to go to the library to meet the other boy, because being around him made him feel things he wasn't supposed to feel.

Why did Blaine have to come back to Lima? He could destroy everything if he ended up getting too close to Kurt and discovered his darkest secrets.

Blaine was already seated on a table in the back of the empty library, books spread out on the table and he pointed at the chair opposite of him when he spotted Kurt.

Kurt put his ratty backpack on a chair and sat down next to it. He really needed to get some money for a new one because he didn't think he could repair it again if it broke once more. He was also embarrassed by the way he looked in his too big clothes that screamed hand me downs, while faced with Blaine's expensive Brooks Brothers outfit.

"I picked up your worksheets after you left and Mrs. Moreaux told us what we had to do. We are supposed to prepare a presentation on someone living or dead and explain why this person is important. They don't have to be from France but should be from a French speaking country," Blaine explained, and Kurt again regretted that he wasn't allowed to do it on his own. He had a lot of ideas but he was sure Blaine wasn't interested in doing a presentation on Edith Piaf or Coco Chanel.

"Who do you want to do it on?" he asked, resigning himself to being bored to death.

"What about Henry Dunant?" Blaine suggested and Kurt's head shot up. He knew Blaine had to be smart to be in his A.P classes but he was surprised by Blaine's suggestion.

"The founder of the red cross?" Kurt asked to clarify because maybe there was a soccer player or something he didn't know, but Blaine nodded before he explained.

"I think it would be easy to make a case why he was an important person and I personally find history very interesting." Kurt just nodded, still unable to wrap his head around the fact that Blaine wasn't just extremely good looking but also smart. It was everything he wanted in a hypothetical boyfriend and maybe one day when he was out of Lima, he could meet someone like Blaine and the person would like him too.

Talking to Blaine became easier after they had decided on a topic, but fortunately they steered clear of all topics that weren't related to the project. Kurt stayed distant though, afraid he would get attached if he let his guards down. It was tempting to just give in and hope to pick up their friendship where they had left it, but Kurt knew that was impossible. They were different people now, teenagers who had nothing in common anymore, and they would never be more than acquaintances now – strangers thrown together to work on this project before they would part ways again and go on with their lives separately.

A clock chimed somewhere in the library and Kurt froze, hesitant to look at his watch. As he had feared his half hour had been up half an hour ago and Kurt frantically began throwing his books and papers into his backpack while a bewildered Blaine watched him.

"I need to go," he told him before nearly sprinting out of the library, ignoring the disapproving look the librarian gave him. He needed to get home to wash his clothes before his parents got home and saw the ruined pieces because getting bullied was always his fault in his parents' opinions.

Kurt made it home in fifteen minutes instead of the usual twenty it took him to walk home but he was already too late. His dad's car was in the driveway and he could see his mom through the window.

Burying the dirty clothes deeper in his backpack he hoped he could make it up to his room before he was spotted. It would take more time if he had to wash them in a sink, but at least his mom wouldn't find out about it.

"Where have you been?" his mom immediately yelled when Kurt opened the door and stepped inside, instinctively stepping back when he was faced with the wrath of his parents.

"I, I" he stuttered trying to come up with an excuse that would get him off the hook. "Answer your mother, you ungrateful little shit," his dad got up from the couch, grabbed his wrist and yanked him into the living room. Kurt stumbled but managed to catch himself before he could fall.

"I had to stay longer for homework," he whispered but his mother just looked at him disgustedly. "Don't lie. Which whores were you around, ha? I hope they gave you all kids of diseases for being dirty fag." Kurt flinched but he heard worse things coming out from his mother's mouth.

"It's the truth, " he tried again but before he could finish his dad's hand collided with his cheek catching him off guard. He stumbled and before he could catch himself another blow sent him tumbling down, landing on the edge of the coffee table.

Kurt squeezed his eyes shut tightly, knowing that crying in front of his parents would only make it worse, before pulling himself of the ground and picking up his backpack with the hand that hadn't collided with the table. Neither of his parents stopped him when he limped upstairs and Kurt breathed out a sigh of relief when he was finally upstairs and safe in his room.

In his bathroom he swallowed some Tylenol, dismayed that he only had a few left before wrapping up his aching rips, after making sure nothing was broken, and icing his sore wrist. It was just his luck that he had instinctively put forward his right hand when he had been falling, because writing was going to be a bitch now.

After the meds kicked in and made the pain more bearable, Kurt forced himself to finish his homework before lying down on his bed for a nap, planning to wash his clothes as soon as he woke up and felt better.


Blaine had been late for Glee as well and he had a hard time concentrating with his thoughts being focused solely on the events of the day. So much had happened in just a few hours and he couldn't wait to get home to talk to his dad about it.

Rachel had to elbow him twice as he kept stopping to sing in the middle of the song the were rehearsing for Invitationals and Blaine was glad it was a group number because it would have been even more embarrassing had he been singing a solo.

"So did you find Kurt?" Rachel asked when they were done, a strange smile on her face. Blaine just nodded not really in the mood to talk to her right now, but she might have some answers he was dying to get.

"He seems a bit shy," he volunteered and Rachel took the bait. "It's just that people in this school aren't very nice to him so he likes to keep to himself. No one knows much about him because he won't really talk to people. We are on speaking terms though and one of these days I'm going to convince him to join Glee. I know he wants to, I can see it in his face whenever he sees us perform, so I know he'll cave in the end."

Kurt had had a sweet voice as a child and if Rachel Berry was running after someone to join their club, which seemed out of character for her and he had only known her a week, Kurt must be really talented.

Maybe he could bond with Kurt over music like they had done in the past. It had worked once, so why wouldn't it work again?

His dad was already home from work, watching 'Deadliest Catch' in the living room, a can of light beer next to him, and Blaine nodded approvingly. He had expected to have to fight his dad on everything food related after his heart attack, but his dad had apparently taken it as a wake up call and barely complained when he and Blaine sat down to healthy meals most of the time.

"Did you have a good time at school?" his dad asked when Blaine joined him on the couch and Blaine nodded. McKinley still managed to surprise him, but he was also aware that he had to make sure the team didn't lose its first game if he wanted to maintain the status quo.

"I met Kurt at school. Kurt Anderson," he told his dad and his dad turned to face him. "You don't seem too happy about that," he observed. "I know you were hurt when the two of you lost contact but it's been seven years."

Blaine nodded. "It's not that I'm not happy to see him again, but something seems off about him. I can't put my finger on it but it seems more than just having to deal with bullies at school. I tried talking to him, but he either doesn't remember me or he for some reason pretends to not remember me. I don't know what to do," he admitted. He liked pretending he knew what he was doing, but most of the time he didn't.

"Well invite him over for dinner. It'd be good to see that kid again. You know your mom and I always liked him."

Blaine nodded and let his dad squeeze his shoulder. "And what if he says no?"

"Then you'll just be there for him so he can see he can trust you with whatever it is that is bothering him. You can't force him to be your friend but you can let him know that he can be your friend if that is something that he wants."

Some days it was hard growing up without a mom, and Blaine didn't know what he would do without his dad. It was definitely time to get his dad a new 'best dad in the world' mug.

Up Next: Bullies and study dates. I have a two hour train ride in front of me, so chapter 4 might actually be posted today as well, if I manage to get some more writing done on the train.



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I'm so sad for poor, damaged Kurt. I hope Blaine can get through to him soon. It's hard to see Kurt with walls that are even higher than the ones he had in canon.

Let's all be glad that canon Kurt had Burt to lean on and at least some kind of support system in the glee kids.

Nice chapter. =) Love the bleacher scene. Can't wait till Blaine finds out the truth.

I have to thank the Skanks for that :)

Hello,well at first I can't reading about Kurt being hurt..I have tears in my eyes and I can't read ...seriously... I feel so bad about him :< and I wanna tell I really like this story and thank you ;)

I'm happy you're liking it so far even though I make poor Kurt suffer. I will pass on all virtual hugs to him ;)