Somebody that I used to know
Epilogue - Pt2: Senior Year - A Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somebody that I used to know: Epilogue - Pt2: Senior Year - A

T - Words: 6,257 - Last Updated: May 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 43/43 - Created: Nov 02, 2012 - Updated: May 25, 2013
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AN: This thing is turning into a mini sequel… Part A of C

Epilogue: Part 2: Senior Year - A


Everything but their rooms is already packed up when they return to Lima because Burt wants to finalize the move before the school year starts. Kurt has only been living in the Hummel house for about six and a half months but it still feels weird cleaning out his room and putting his new possessions into boxes.

Come next week it won't just be him, Burt and Blaine, Carole and Finn will be there as well everyday, becoming a family. He just hopes he'll still have a place in all that. Because as often as Burt tells him and as much as he wants to believe it, he isn't really part of their family and if this thing doesn't work out, it will be him who will have to go. He could never ask Burt to tell Carole and Finn to leave if he and Finn can't make it work, because he can see how much Burt cares for her.

The new house looks just as nice in reality as it had in the pictures. The kitchen is spacious enough for him and Carole to cook in it together and there are enough bathrooms so that neither him nor Blaine will have to share with Finn.

He doesn't mind that Finn doesn't have to share the upstairs bathroom and that he will have to use Blaine's ensuit as well. At least it will give him an excuse to be in Blaine's room and maybe it will give them the chance to take showers together without rousing Burt's suspicion.

Burt hasn't been too happy with the decision but after all three of them had assured him that it would be for the best if Finn had his own bathroom, he had begrudgingly agreed.

Burt and Carole's room is downstairs with should make sneaking around a bit easier, Kurt thought before he had been shown upstairs for the first time, but Burt must have thought of that too, because Finn got the room between his and Blaine's. It's probably good Blaine's dad doesn't know how often Cooper left them alone in his apartment to spend the night elsewhere.

There are two more rooms upstairs – one for Burt to use as an office and another one used as a crafts/ music room. Finn apparently plays drums and his equipment is already taking over half of the room when Kurt first peaks into it.

There is no space left for Blaine's piano but Burt assured him they saved some space for it in the living room. Lately, at least before coming to L.A., Blaine has been spending a lot more time playing it, usually songs Kurt is not familiar with, so he suspects Blaine is composing again.

One day he is going to learn how to play as well, but for now he is happy enough sitting down next to Blaine to watch him play.

The last weekend before school starts again, and after they have finally moved all the boxes to the new house, Santana is throwing a back to school party. Kurt hasn't seen any of his glee club friends since his birthday party in May and before he can even properly say hello to everyone, Rachel takes his hand and yanks him away from the crowd.

"It's so good to see you again, Kurt," she exclaims as she gets up on her toes to hug him. "You're looking really good," she adds after she lets her eyes sweep over him.

To everyone's surprise he has managed to get a bit of a tan during the eight weeks he spent in California. The color suits him according to Burt and Carole, though he is nowhere near as dark as Blaine is now.

"Thanks," he tells her before looking her up and down as well. For once she isn't dressed like an overgrown toddler and Kurt wonders who has been taking her shopping while he was away.

"You do too," he tells her sincerely before acquiescing her request and telling her all about L.A, leaving out the part though where he got hired for a TV show. He and Blaine have both agreed to keep it a secret for now – at least until they know for sure there will be a series. Carole knows of course because Burt apparently tells her everything, but she knows not to tell Finn about it.

"So listen. I've already comprised a list of schools we have to apply for in New York. Just think about it. This time next year, you, I and Blaine will be in New York." He feels a bit guilty after that about not telling her that she might have to got to New York on her own next year.

He has every intention of still applying to schools in New York in case L.A doesn't work out, but he also knows that he will be in California this time next year if things do work out.

They rejoin the party a few minutes later, which is already in full swing, with Puck mixing cocktails for the other gleeks. Most of the other boys are playing chicken fight in the pool and Kurt knows that there is more than one pair of eyes on him when he strips off his shirt and jumps in as well.

He doesn't know what they expect to see – scars or bruises that are long gone? A few seconds later, he knows though why people were staring. "Wanky," Santana calls out loudly before adding. "Pay up Puckerman, I told you they are screwing."

Kurt knows he is blushing furiously and when he sees the smug look on Blaine's face he wants nothing more than to dunk his stupid boyfriend. He takes quick inventory of himself and turns an even darker shade when he spots the hickey on his left hipbone he has completely forgotten about.

They don't have as much privacy now that they are back in Ohio, but with Burt busy with the move they've still managed to get away with a few stolen hours. He knows things will be different once they are fully moved in with the Hudsons come Monday, so they are taking every chance they get right now.

To avoid the stares he knows he must still attracting he dives under to cool his heated cheeks but it doesn't take long before Rachel, Mercedes and Tina yank him out of the pool and drag him off for some 'girl' talk.

It is still hard enough to talk to Blaine about things like that but his refusal to answer any of their questions about his love life is apparently taken as confirmation that yes, he and Blaine do more than just kiss.

They ignore that he isn't exactly comfortable with the topic and in the span of ten minutes he learns more about his friends' love lives than he ever wanted to know. It looks like Tina and Mike have taken advantage of parent free houses during the summer as well, and Rachel for some reason feels the need to give them a play by play of some of the things she did with some boy she met at theater camp.

Only Mercedes stays quiet at first before it just burst out of her. "Sam and I, we're dating now."

Kurt immediately throws his arms around one of his best friends. He hasn't been sure what to make of the looks Sam and Mercedes exchanged by the pool but now he knows how to interpret them.

"But we haven't really told anyone else yet," she adds and Kurt furrows his brows. "If he makes you hide your relationship, than you deserve better", he tells her, because he doesn't even want to imagine having to hide his and Blaine's relationship. Especially not now that he knows how things can be.

"It's not him, it's me. Everyone one knows he dated Quinn for a while and I've seen the way the girls at school look at him. Won't they think he is crazy for dating me if they know?" she asks and Kurt hates how insecure his friend sounds. He's been there and knows how hard it is to overcome one's own insecurities.

"You are amazing, Cedes and all they are going to be is jealous," he tells her with Rachel and Tina backing him up. "And even if you don't want the whole school to know, you know you don't have to hide anything from us. Quinn's been dating Finn after she and Sam broke up so she really doesn't have a claim on him anymore."

When they walk back to the rest of the club, all in various states of drunk already, Kurt watches with a smile on his face as Mercedes walks up to Sam and shyly puts his hand into hers. No one pays them any attention, all busy with celebrating their last free weekend, but Blaine who gives Mercedes thumbs up, having known about her crush on Sam, because Kurt kind of tells him everything as well.

By the time midnight comes around, everyone around him is drunk, apart from Blaine who has stuck to two beers because he knows how Kurt feels about drunk people. He is a bit tipsy though, more affectionate in public than he usually is when they are in Ohio, but Kurt doesn't mind. He feels safe surrounded by his friends and knows they won't judge.

Most people are staying at Santana's and though he can still drive he and Blaine agree to spend the night as well, so they can spend one last night together before they have to sleep in their respective bedrooms again.

In the morning he makes coffee and breakfast for all the hungover people in the house, before he and Blaine return to Blaine's house one last time to put the rest of their things into the car.

Later that night they have their first dinner with Carole and Finn in the new house. It feels a bit strange sitting in the new dinning room, two more people at the table, but Burt looks so happy and even Blaine is all smiles.

They say goodnight in Blaine's room after taking turns in the bathroom, before Kurt wanders off to his new bedroom, separated from Blaine by Finn's room. Finn's door is cracked open and Kurt can hear the sound of gunshots in the room. He just hopes that the walls aren't too thin, because he really needs his beauty sleep and doesn't want to hear Finn play video games all night.

The first day of school is nothing like it had been the previous year. He, Blaine and Finn arrive together and for once no jocks are waiting for him by the dumpster. He knows Azizmo has somehow managed to graduate and with Karofsky in reform school, two of McKinley's biggest bullies are finally gone. He isn't even sure if Azizmo would still be a problem because the boy had left him alone after apologizing for Karofsky's behavior.

They meet the rest of the club in the parking lot and walk in together, hoping that things might have changed after they did so well at last years Nationals but his hopes are quickly crushed when they are met with a wall of ice as they get slushied by the hockey team the moment they set foot into the school.

"Welcome back, losers," a boy with a horrible haircut yells before he and his jock friends walk off, living the glee club dripping wet in the hallway.

"Well, some things never change," Kurt deadpans, not willing to let those Neanderthals ruin his first day of school.


There are a lot of new people on the team after many of the players graduated in June and they are a lot nicer than the people who are gone now. Most of them are sophomores or freshmen and Blaine suspects they either remember coach Sylvester's threats or are just generally more open minded.

Coach Beiste gives them a speech the first practice of the season about how she expects her players to behave in school and Blaine hopes the others are taking it to heart.

Unfortunately, the coach of the hockey team doesn't seem to share coach Beiste's concerns because they have take over the football team's slushie 'duties'.

No one is safe from them not even Finn and Blaine worries about Kurt now that he doesn't have his permanent bodyguards anymore. He knows they would be back in a heartbeat if they thought Kurt was being threatened, singled out again, but so far everyone in Glee has gotten the slushie treatment.

He knows too, that his boyfriend is happy not to have them follow him around everywhere he goes anymore, but Blaine still hurries to catch him after classes they don't share and makes sure someone is always with him if they have different classes.

Things at home, fortunately are just fine. His dad is looking happier than he has in a long time and Finn stays out of their way most of the time, playing video games in his room. Kurt works on his homework in the library on days he and Finn have practice, and usually helps them with theirs once they are all home.

On weekends all three of them are helping out in the shop now, though Finn has two left hands and can't be trusted with much yet.

His and Kurt's bedroom doors stay cracked open a bit per his dad's rules though they are allowed to be upstairs as long as Finn is home. Finn unfortunately seems to have made it his mission to make sure they are not alone together when their parents aren't home – but not because they are two guys as he tells Blaine when he confronts him, but because if he isn't getting any why should they. After three weeks of living with the Hudsons he is ready to skip practice just to have some alone time with Kurt, but he knows Finn would probably rat them out if he did. Maybe he should just find Finn a new girlfriend so he would stop getting in their way.

By the end of September, Kurt has taken to glare at him when they are at school, but Blaine doesn't think he is doing anything wrong. He can't help it that he worries about his boyfriend when he isn't with him, because he knows Kurt doesn't fight back unless it's Blaine who is being threatened.

He doesn't think Kurt gets slushied more than anyone else in Glee club, but he still wishes it wouldn't happen at all, because he knows how hard Kurt works for the clothes he wears and he hates seeing them get ruined by blue or purple slushie.

They are in Glee, brainstorming ideas for a school musical when Kurt excuses himself to go to the bathroom and all Blaine can think about is the last time Kurt was in the hallways alone after hours. He knows Karofsky is gone, but he doesn't like the way Rick 'the stick' looks at them when they are holding hands at school.

He is out of his seat before he knows what he is doing, and follows Kurt into the hallway. His boyfriend stops in his tracks when he hears Blaine's footsteps behind him, before he turns to glare at him.

"You aren't seriously following me to the bathroom," he hisses and Blaine knows he should just leave before they get into a real argument, an argument Blaine knows seems unavoidable.

"Well, excuse me for worrying," he replies and knows that was the wrong thing to say as soon as he sees Kurt's expression.

"There's worrying and there's being overbearing, Blaine," Kurt shoots back, sounding annoyed and Blaine takes a step back, because Kurt makes it sound like he is doing something wrong.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt again," he tells his boyfriend who furrows his brows.

"I'm not made out of glass, Blaine and you should know that I would ask for help if I need you."

"Would you really?" It's out of his mouth before he can stop himself and apparently he has a death wish because his mouth just keeps going, brain to mouth filter obviously off. "Because you've done so in the past? You wouldn't hide it again because you have this need to protect people even if they don't deserve it?" It's a low blow and he knows it, but he is angry now as well, because Kurt makes it sound like he is the one doing things wrong, like he is the enemy, like Blaine doesn't just want to keep him safe.

"You know why I couldn't tell anyone. It wasn't my secret to tell," Kurt yells back and when have they started yelling at each other. They have never yelled at each other before.

"He lost his right to privacy the moment he started hurting you. If you had just said something earlier, you wouldn't have gotten hurt like you did," Blaine retorts and Kurt flinches. Shit. He never wanted his boyfriend to flinch away from him. He should apologize right now, but something is stopping him.

"Are we still talking about Karofsky or are we talking about my parents?" Kurt asks, voice hard and Blaine frantically shakes his head. "Karofsky, I would never, I…"

"But that's what you really think isn't it?" Blaine doesn't like the look on Kurt's face and he wants to deny it but he can't. Can't because he doesn't really understand. Understand maybe why Kurt had been afraid to tell someone about his father when he didn't have anyone in his life who cared, but he doesn't understand why he covered for his mother, went back to her and nearly died because of it.

"Well, I'm glad to know that's what you really think," Kurt says quietly, tears in his eyes, before he turns and runs away. By the time, Blaine gets his legs to move Kurt and his car are gone. They had driven separately because Blaine and Finn have football practice after Glee. He frantically dials Kurt's number because they need to talk about it before this argument really gets out of hand, but his call goes straight to voicemail every time he calls.

He can't skip practice because they have their first game tomorrow, but he doesn't go back to glee, texting Finn to bring his bag to the locker room.

Hopefully, Kurt will have calmed down by the time Blaine comes home, so they can sit down and talk about it, make things right again.

"Dude, where's Kurt? The two of you never came back." Finn asks him a while later in the locker room. Blaine hopes no one can tell he's been crying. "We had an argument, but I'm sure we'll be okay once we get home and I can talk to him," he says, because it has to be okay.

"That sucks, dude," Finn tells him with a shrug and Blaine's grateful he is trying to be understanding of their relationship.

Football practice doesn't seem to end and Blaine skips the showers, desperate to get home. He knows he and Finn both smell, but Finn doesn't argue when he tells him to grab his bag and come with him.

His breath catches in his throat when he sees that Kurt's car isn't in the driveway and all kind of horror scenarios are immediately running through his mind – Kurt in a hospital bed or worse lying in a ditch after running his car off the road.

He doesn't bother taking his bag out of the car and runs into the house. "In here," his dad calls from the living room and when Blaine walks in, closely followed by Finn who is carrying both of their gym bags, there is a box of pizza waiting for them in the living room.

"Guess it's just the three of us tonight, what with your mom visiting a friend and Kurt staying over at Rachel's," his dad tells them with a smile and Blaine freezes because Kurt isn't coming home. Kurt's avoiding him. Kurt can't even look at him right now.

His dad doesn't look like he knows because he is sure he would already be getting a lecture if he did. He doesn't know what to do. He knows he can't force Kurt to talk to him, and if Kurt needs space he should give it to him. They are going to be alright. They have to.

He tries to call Kurt one last time after excusing himself, citing that he is tired and needs a good night's sleep before the first game. As if he will be able to sleep with Kurt's phone still turned off.

If Kurt doesn't want to talk to him he'll give him his space. He can wait. Kurt will come to him when he's ready to talk.


Initially, Kurt had only planned to spend one night at Rachel's but that was when he had thought Blaine would show up the next day and apologize. But as it was, Blaine didn't show. He remembered belatedly that he had a game that afternoon but he could have come to Rachel's house before or after.

As it is, the first Hummel to show up at the Berry house is Burt. "It's Sunday and you still haven't been home. What's going on? It's not like you to disappear like that," Burt tells him, one eyebrow raised.

Kurt shrugs. "I texted," he mumbles because this is between him and Blaine, no need to drag Burt into it. When Burt just keeps standing there, staring him down, he adds quietly. "Blaine and I got into a fight."

"So I heard. Not from my son, mind you. Had to drag it out of Finn, with Blaine sulking in his room."

Kurt shuffles his feet. Why the hell is Blaine sulking? He is the one who is in the wrong.

"Wanna talk about it?" Burt asks and Kurt wants to say no, but he could really use some advice. He steps aside and lets Burt into the house. The living room is empty and Kurt suspects Rachel has taken her dads upstairs. She doesn't know exactly what's happened, but she had found him crying outside her house Friday afternoon and had offered to let him stay as long as he wanted to.

"He called me stupid for not telling anyone about my parents sooner," he spits out as soon as Burt is seated, who raises his eyebrows. "Well, maybe not those exact words but that's what he meant. Why won't he understand?" he asks close to tears again.

"It's only human to want to see the best in people and to give them second changes especially if it's family," Burt says after a few moments of silence. "But it can be hard to understand from an outside perspective. All he saw was you getting hurt and maybe he blames himself for not getting to help you sooner. I know I do. I kept blaming myself for missing the signs, for not understanding what was going on before it was too late. But I'm not blaming you for not saying anything. I can't even imagine how scared you must have been."

Kurt swallows hard. They've talked a lot about what had happened to him, but he had never heard how Burt had felt in all this. He knows on some level that Blaine is only so clingy because he thinks he failed him before, that it is his fault Kurt got hurt and if the situation were reversed he would probably do the same thing. It had just stung when Blaine hadn't denied his accusations.

"But I really can't talk for Blaine – that's something the two of you have to talk about. Relationships are hard work, but if you are meant to be together, it will all be worth it," Burt continues and Kurt wipes a tear from his cheek. He's planned half his future with Blaine already but they've not even been together for a year and already they are fighting like that, avoiding one another, hurting one another.

"Come on, I'll drive you home," Burt tells him, but Kurt can only shake his head. Blaine hasn't come for him so he isn't sure how welcome he is.

"I can't," he whispers as tears threaten to spill over again. "Not when he won't even talk to me." Yes, he's seen that Blaine has tried to call him – five times on Friday but nothing since – but he doesn't want to do this over the phone. He doesn't know what he is going to do at school the next day. He's managed to avoid Blaine at school before, but is that what he wants to do?

Burt sighs. "I can't force you to come with me, but I wish you did."

"We need to talk." He is door is yanked open and Blaine lifts his head from where it's buried into his pillow to look up at his dad. The last thing he wants to do right now is talk to his dad, who will surely yell at him when he finds out what he has done.

"Remember the talk we had when you and Kurt got together? You promised you'd make sure Kurt always felt at home here regardless of your relationship with him?" his dad asks, sounding rather pissed. Blaine nods, not understanding though why his dad's asking. It's Kurt who decided to stay away – he wants Kurt to come home so they can talk.

"Yeah, well. I just talked to him and he doesn't feel welcome here. So what are you going to do about that?" Blaine's eyes widen. He never wants Kurt to think he isn't welcome at their home. It's his home as well after all.

"He doesn't want to talk to me. He doesn't pick up his phone," he mumbles, avoiding to look his dad in the eye. "I promised Kurt that this was his home as well so go over there and make it right." As if it were that easy. If Kurt actually wanted to see him, he would have picked up his phone wouldn't he?

"Now, Blaine." His dad throws his jacket at him and Blaine manages to raise is arms just in time before it hits him in the face. "I don't care what time you come back, but come back with Kurt. Stay in your room and sulk until you figure this out for all I care, but I want him home. He is family."

Blaine doesn't think his dad won't let him back into the house without Kurt but he doesn't want to test the theory.

It's shortly after six when he arrives at the Berry's house and tall man with greying hair opens the door. "LeRoy, Rachel, let's go upstairs," he calls over his shoulder before addressing Blaine. "He's in the living room. Just go straight through."

Blaine nods and quickly wipes his shoes on the doormat. When he enters the living room, Kurt is sitting on one of the couches, his arms crossed in front of his chest, a scowl on his face.

"Why are you here?" he asks, not looking at Blaine and Blaine tentatively takes a step forward.

"I want to take you home," he says, his voice wavering. "Why? Because Burt sent you? Clearly it's not because you want me to."

It hurts seeing Kurt look so dejected and angry at the same time. Before he can stop himself, he's crossed the room and is kneeling in front of Kurt, taking both of his hands into his own.

"Jesus, Kurt. Of course I want you home," he says, hoping to get through to Kurt. "Then why didn't you come for me?" his boyfriend asks and Blaine can tell he's holding back tears.

"I thought you needed space. You wouldn't take my calls and I thought you didn't want to see me," he whispers trying to catch Kurt's eyes but Kurt is still staring at his knees, though he hasn't pulled back his hands yet.

"Oh," he says. "I thought you didn't want me home." Blaine frantically shakes his head before biting the bullet and putting one of his hands on Kurt's chin and raising it so he can see his tear filled eyes. "I always want you home with me," he says, his own tears welling up.

"And I'm sorry. I don't understand it all, but I'm not blaming you. You did the best you could in a bad situation and it's not my place to judge. I just worry and I hate to see you get hurt. I couldn't stop you getting hurt last time, but I promised myself I won't let it happen again."

"Sometimes I don't understand it myself," Kurt whispers, his eyes flitting around the room. "I just thought maybe she could love me after my dad was gone. I had no one else who did and I was hoping maybe she would. She was my mom, she was supposed to love me."

Blaine's knees are beginning to ache and he slowly raises himself before pulling his shaking boyfriend into his arms. "I love you, my dad loves you and I know that Carole adores you," he assures him between kisses on his forehead.

"I just wish I had said something early so you didn't think no one loved you."

Kurt hiccups before he rolls his eyes, a tiny smile on his lips. "We've been through that Blaine. We were both idiots, too scared to get our hearts broken."

Blaine breathes out a sigh of relief before his eyes drop to Kurt's lips. "Can I kiss you?" he asks, unsure where they stand now. His heart speeds up when Kurt nods immediately, not hesitating for one second.

Gently he presses his lips against Kurt's. He can tell Kurt's been chewing on his lip and he soothes the bites with his tongue until Kurt opens his mouth and invites his tongue in. He's meant for the kiss to be brief and reassuring but they are both desperate after the few days apart and they only break the kiss they keep deepening when a throat clears behind them.

Rachel's other dad is standing in the doorway, a smile on his face. "Do you want me to bring you your bag, Kurt?" he asks and Blaine's heart stops for a moment until Kurt turns to him and whispers "take me home."

They are quiet on the drive home until they reach the driveway and Kurt starts talking again. "Your dad says your are blaming yourself for what happened to me. Is that true?" Blaine wants to deny it but he knows Kurt already knows the truth.

"I keep thinking if I had paid more attention, if I had made sure you knew you could trust me…" "It's not your fault," Kurt cuts him off, "I did my best to hide it from everyone. It's, it's not your fault."

Blaine nods but he knows it will take him a long time to fully believe it. "I have one more session with Dr. Stine," Kurt says as they get out of the car. "Would you like to come with me, talk to her about how you feel?"

Blaine considers it for a moment. He saw a child psychologist for a bit after his mother died, and talked to a counselor after he got beaten up. It might not be a bad idea, to have someone to help him sort through his own thoughts.

"I'd like that," he tells his boyfriend before they walk inside hand in hand. As soon as the door closes, Carole rushes out of the kitchen and pulls Kurt into a hug. "I'm glad you're back, honey," she tells him and Blaine sees Kurt gradually relax in her arms.

His dad lets them sleep in one room that night – as long as the door stays open – but they are much too drained to do anything anyway. They talk though until they both can barely keep their eyes open. About Blaine's worries and fears and Kurt's need to take care of things on his own. They'll both be out in the real world next year and Blaine won't be able to be by his side all the time forever. They both have to learn to trust that the other will ask for help when needed, and to talk about their issues before it all explodes in a fight.

They both know that this won't be their last fight, but they also know now that running away doesn't solve any problems, that they have to talk to one another even if they are mad at each other if they want to make it.

Fortunately, Finn and Rachel are the only knows aware of their fight and so no one is looking at them strangely in Glee that afternoon. Unfortunately, Ms. Corcoran has bad news.

"I know many of you have been looking forward to the school musical. However, principle Figgins refuses to fund it and has informed me he's renting out the auditorium on days we don't need it for practice."

"We could try to raise the money ourselves," Rachel immediately pipes up but Ms. Corcoran shakes her head. "Unfortunately I don't think you could come up with the kind of money we need in such a short time. We'd still have to pay for the rights to use a certain musical, and adding costumes and the sets, it's just too much.

Blaine isn't sure what makes him raise his hand. Not even Kurt knows about his little side project.

"What if we did an original piece?" he asks. "We wouldn't need real costumes for that then."

"Do you have anything in mind?" Ms. Corcoran asks him and Blaine nods shyly. "I've been working on a parody of Twilight," he admits. "The original dialogue is ridiculous in my opinion, no offense, and I used it to write even crazier songs." Rachel huffs and crosses her arms in front of her chest but the rest of the club looks intrigued.

"My little sister watches the crap all the time," Puck mutters. "Wouldn't mind to mock the hell out of it."

"Why don't you show me what you have so far tomorrow afternoon and I'll see if it's doable," Ms. Corcoran tells him and Blaine can barely believe this is happening.

Kurt stops him before they leave the choir room. "I need to go and take care of something real quick. I promise I'll be okay and if I run into trouble I'll let you know."

Blaine tries not to worry too much while he waits for Kurt by the car but Kurt's right. Blaine won't always be able to protect him and McKinley is safer now that many of the bullies have graduated.

When Kurt comes outside twenty minutes later, a determined expression on his face, Blaine nearly drops his keys because in Kurt's arms is a cheerleading uniform.

"What, this…? He sputters as Kurt climbs into the passenger seat, cheerleading uniform in his lap. "I've asked coach Sylvester if her offer still stands. I need some more performance credits for my drama school application and she has promised to let me sing during competitions."

Blaine is still trying to wrap his mind around Kurt and cheerleading uniform while his boyfriend continues explaining.

"I know you worry about my safety and I can promise you that as a cheerleader no one will dare to harm me. I probably will still get slushied because I refuse to wear this monstrosity every day, but as long as I wear it once a week to appease coach Sylvester and to remind people why I'm untouchable I should be alright."

Blaine's never had a thing for cheerleaders because – hello, gay – but thinking about Kurt in a tight cheerleading uniform immediately turns him into a horny teenage boy.

He knows his dad won't be home before six, and with Finn at Puck's and Carole working the late shift, they'll have an empty house for at least two hours. They both aren't fans of breaking his dad's house rules, but all he can think right now is, Kurt and cheerleading uniform, and all other thoughts go out of the window.

They make it home in record time, and his mouth is a little dry when he asks Kurt if he could put on his new uniform. It takes Kurt a moment to understand what's going on, but when he does he roles his eyes. "Just be glad that I love you," he mutters as Blaine follows him upstairs like a puppy a new toy.

Words aren't his strong suit at the moment, but he plans to show Kurt how glad he is that Kurt loves him.

When his dad comes home two hours later, they are both sitting at the kitchen table working on their homework together, not a hair out of place, the picture of innocence. He is pretty certain he's going to have a hard time focusing on games in the future if Kurt's going to be there in that delicious uniform.

His dad takes one look at them and sighs though and Blaine looks puzzled for a moment before Kurt turns his head and his collar shifts again. "It's supposed to be cold tomorrow. Might want to wear a scarf," his dad tells Kurt, who turns bright red, before turning to Blaine. "I take it the two of you have made up."

Blaine keeps his eyes on his math homework when he answers, because he's not good at lying when he has to look at his dad. "Yep, we talked it all out."

"I'm sure you did," his dad mumbled under his breath before he adds in a normal voice. "Well, I'm glad you're okay again."

Blaine shares a look with Kurt before he reaches across the table to take his hands. "Me too. I don't know what I would do without him."

Part B: November - January

And my apologies if I offended any Twilight fans...


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