Somebody that I used to know
Epilogue - Pt1: Summer Lovin' - C Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somebody that I used to know: Epilogue - Pt1: Summer Lovin' - C

T - Words: 3,099 - Last Updated: May 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 43/43 - Created: Nov 02, 2012 - Updated: May 25, 2013
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AN: Thanks for the reviews. I will get back to replying :) Internet for this chapter is provided by our production office where I'm spending the night to watch the Golden Globes ;)


Part 1: Summer Lovin' - C


They spend the weekend talking some more about their plans for the future and after Blaine assures him for the umpteenth time that he would be fine with going to school in L.A., Kurt finally believes him and calls Ulrich Robert's office first thing Monday morning.

They have a day off from filming on Wednesday because one of the principal actors has other engagements that day and so Cooper, Blaine and Kurt pile into Cooper's car after Blaine's shift is over and head over to a small unassuming building.

Kurt wasn't sure what to expect but he hasn't expected the room he would audition in to look like a small classroom. A camera is set up on a tripod in one corner when Kurt walks inside to face three people sitting behind a desk.

He recognizes one as the casting director but has no idea who the other man and the woman are.

"I'm glad you decided to come in after all, Kurt," Mr. Roberts tells him before introducing the other people.

"Kurt, this is Bryan Collins. He created the show and will be running it if we get the pilot picked up. And Melinda Carter is one of the producers we have lined up so far."

Kurt nods in greeting at both of them while fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "Um, I've never done this before. What do you want me do now?" he asks, hating how inexperienced he sounds.

"Why don't you just start by telling us a bit about yourself. Where you grew up and what your high school experience has been like so far. Ulrich did tell you my show is set in high school, right? I called it High School Musical for the small screen when I first pitched it, though I want it to have a lot more snark," the tall man in the middle explained.

Kurt swallows hard once, before telling three complete strangers all about his sorry excuse for a life before ending with the good past five months.

"God, that's screen writing gold," he is sure he hears the show creator mumble at some point and Kurt has to agree, if you're writing a soap opera.

"Thanks for telling us that, Kurt," Mr. Collins tells him when he's done. "I'd like you to read a scene from the pilot for us now. It's the scene that first introduces your character."

He accepts the piece of paper with shaking hands and quickly reads through it a few times. Luckily he is good with memorizing things fast and he puts the page aside once he is confident he has memorized the words.

"Um?" he asks the group. "When ever you are ready. Don't look into the camera and if you need either of us to stand opposite you let us know."

Kurt shakes his head before he takes a deep breath and gives it his best shot. The words his would be character is saying are something Kurt wishes he had the courage to say to some of his stupider classmates and he imagines the likes of Azizmo facing him when he delivers them. It's actually kind of therapeutic even if he isn't that Evan character. He is what Kurt would like to be.

"Was that okay?" he asks when he is done and all three occupants of the room give him thumbs up.

"Robert is already convinced that you are an amazing singer, but we'd like to hear you sing as well. If you need music I'm sure we can provide it."

There is one song he has never dared to sing in public, especially after his mother's harsh criticism. He could royally screw it up, but it could also be a huge fuck you to his mother if he did.

Deciding to take a chance, he takes a few more deep breaths before he opens his mouth and starts the first verse of 'Defying Gravity.' Most of the song isn't hard for him, but when it comes to the high F, he panics for a moment, thinking it was a bad idea to sing something like that. But then his voice soars, higher and higher, and he knows he has succeeded when the room erupts in applause before he has even finished the song.

Mr. Collins is wiping a tear from his cheek before he gets up and engulfs Kurt in a hug. "That was amazing, Kurt. Even if we decide to go with someone else, I'm sure I will remember this. I think you have great potential."

Kurt is beaming from ear to ear when he exits the room a few minutes later, throwing his arms around an anxious looking Blaine and kissing him square on the lips right in front of the secretary looking up in alarm when Cooper squeals.

"I knew you'd do great, little bro. I don't know where we got out talent from but apparently it's in our blood." Kurt smiles at him weakly after letting go of Blaine, because right now the last thing he wants to be reminded of is his bloodline.

"I think they like me," he says, still a bit dazed because he can hardly believe it himself that he got praised by a man Blaine says is super important in Hollywood. He'll definitely have to catch up with Bryan Collins previous work once he and Blaine are back in Ohio.

Friday is the last day of shooting and Kurt gets to show Blaine off at the wrap party the studio is throwing for the cast and crew. He is again floored by the accepting atmosphere, people gushing over him and Blaine instead of sneering or insulting them.

They have plans to spend a few days in San Francisco once Blaine finishes his last shift Sunday evening because they both want to visit the gay mekka of the west coast.

With Cooper gone like he is most weekends now Blaine's here to keep Kurt company they do what they've been doing since Kurt discovered orgasms with Blaine. He thinks someone should erect a monument to whoever first thought about blowjobs though he would never say something like this out loud. He is getting better talking about sexual things with Blaine, but it is still hard to voice his own desires or how much he enjoys what he and Blaine are doing together.

Cooper sends them off to San Francisco with a box of condoms and bottle of strawberry flavored lube that has both him and Blaine blushing furiously until Cooper takes pity on them and just stuffs in into Kurt's suitcase.

One thing he is certain of, if he and Blaine do more than they are already doing while they are on their mini trip – it sure as hell isn't going to happen with the stuff Cooper gave them, because that would just be creepy. Just like he knows Blaine would probably never touch the things Burt gave him.

Just like L.A was nothing like Kurt thought it would be, San Francisco is exactly how he imagined it. It's colorful and vibrant and he is happy to discover that the small B&B Cooper recommended is in the Castro.

Kurt has never seen so many gay people in one place but it feels great not to be the odd one out for once. He can only imagine what the area must look like during a gay pride parade.

Monday, they spend all day doing touristy stuff, visiting Fishermen's Wharf, taking a boat over to Alcatraz, walking on the Golden Gate Bridge and taking one of the still running cable cars.

After dinner, they are sent to a small bar with live music, that admits them as long as they aren't drinking which of course isn't an issue for him. The music is great and they agree to come back the next evening for open mike night, because they don't have the chance to sing on a stage together all that much.

They are having a late breakfast the next day when Kurt receives a call inviting him to come meet with Mr. Collins again for a second audition. It means they'll have to cut their trip short but he knows they can always come back and spend a few more days in the city that Kurt can actually see himself living in. Too bad San Francisco doesn't have movie studios and is too far away from L.A to commute, he thinks.

He is repacking his suitcase when Cooper's gift falls out and Kurt hesitantly picks it up. "You know we don't have to do that, right?" Blaine's voice startles him and Kurt knows he's blushing again. "Some gay couples never do."

Kurt loves that Blaine is always so considerate. "But you want to?" he asks now that the topic is on the table and it seems immature to ignore it further.

"I've thought about it," Blaine admits shyly but he keeps eye contact. Blaine's making himself vulnerable as well, he realizes by telling Kurt about his desires and he owes him his own honest thoughts on the matter.

"I know it must feel good because otherwise people wouldn't do it, but when I try to think about it it just sounds painful and, I don't know, gross," he admits willing his eyes to stay on Blaine's as well.

"Well, like I said. We don't ever have to do it like that, but if you ever want to make love to me, I wouldn't say no. But it's okay if you don't."

Kurt tries to keep the look of surprise of his face but knows he isn't succeeding. He's been called a butt boy too many times to count by some Neanderthals at school, so he has somehow always imagined that if he ever got this far in a relationship he would be expected to be on the receiving end.

Blaine's the one playing football, the one considered the manlier out of the two of them, and still he wants Kurt to make love to him. Maybe he should take a closer look at himself before he accuses someone of stereotyping the next time, because apparently he isn't much better.

"I can't make you any promises right now, so let's just wait and see," he suggests with a shrug before putting the dreaded condoms back in his bag. "But just so you know, we are not using those if we do," he adds, hiding a smile when Blaine immediately nods frantically before he shudders.

Back in L.A, Kurt is asked to read with a young girl who has already been cast as his character's first friend at his new school. The girl is twenty-one, currently enrolled at Tisch and hopes to graduate before the show might take off. Kurt's sort of star struck when she tells him she's been in a few off-Broadway musicals already because singing on a Broadway stage at least once is something he dreams about.

It helps that they got to talk a bit before they go in to do their scene together, Kurt thinks, because they've made an immediate connection and he hopes it shows in the scene they are reading.

After his second audition, he goes on another day trip to San Diego this time with Blaine and they make a stop on the drive back at Huntington Beach, where Blaine tries to get him on a surf board.

Not even Blaine's puppy dog eyes are successful though and so he sits back in the shades and watches as a surf teacher tries to get Blaine to stand up on the board.

Blaine's hair is crazy curly an hour later after falling off so much, but he looks so proud and happy about managing to stay on for a few seconds at a time that Kurt doesn't have the heart to tease him.

Friday morning they try to sleep in catching up on sleep but Kurt is woken up by an ear splitting scream. He glares at his brother who is bouncing up and down excitedly, Kurt's phone in his hand.

"You were asleep so I picked up. They want you to come in this afternoon to talk contracts." And with that, Cooper flings himself on top of him and Blaine who is only just waking up.

"What's going on?" his boyfriend mumbles sleepily.

"Kurt got the job," Cooper yells and Blaine's eyes widen. "We don't know that yet," Kurt tries to shut Cooper up, because this was too good to be true. Things like that don't happen to Kurt Anderson. But apparently they do to Kurt sort of Hummel.

They all dress in record time before heading to the production office Kurt got the call from, Kurt nearly tripping over his feet when he gets out of the car in front of the building.

"I see your brother passed on the good news," Bryan greets him and Kurt can barely contain the huge smile threatening to overtake his face.

"So he was telling the truth? You really want me?" he has to ask. "Don't look so surprised. I told you you were very talented," Bryan replies and if possible his smile gets even brighter.

"Now come on. I had someone from legal draw up a contract for you. We'll need two signed copies back by the end of the months, but if there are any changes you'd like to make, let our lawyer know before the end of the month," Bryan explains as they walk through a set of corridors to Bryan's office.

His future boss has great taste he thinks once he is seated on a brown leather couch. "Who's that?" he asks pointing at the picture on Bryan's desk showing a handsome man in his thirties.

"My partner David." "Oh, is he in the movies too?" Kurt wants to know, curious to know more about the man. Bryan just laughs. "God no. He's a doctor. For female stuff."

Kurt nods before getting up to shake hands with an older man, the company lawyer, who hands him a large stack of papers. "If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me," the man tells him, handing him a business card, before leaving the office again.

For the next hour, Bryan and the producer talk some more about the show, scheduling of the pilot shoot, which will be during Thanksgiving break because Kurt isn't the only cast member still in school, and Bryan's ideas for his character in the first season in case the pilot gets picked up.

"There's one thing," he tells them when they ask if he has further questions. "I want to be credited as Kurt Hummel. The Hummels have graciously invited me into their family and have given me what I've never really had before – a home. I want to honor them and show how proud I am to be part of the family.

He isn't met with any opposition. Quite contrary. Bryan and Melina think it's a great idea because there are enough Andersons in the media already," Bryan says.

Cooper looks a bit sad that they won't be doing the brother act and Kurt can see Blaine wiping a few tears away from the corner of his eye, but he knows he's making the right decision. If he had let Burt adopt him, he would be a Hummel now anyway, and hopefully one day he will be one either way.

Before he knows it, they are back out on the street, Kurt clutching his papers to his chest. He is afraid that if he lets go of them, it all won't be real any longer. He pinches himself for the fifth time that day, but still it only hurts and he doesn't wake up.

"We need to call my dad," Blaine tells him in the car, clutching Kurt's hand tightly ever since Kurt announced his decision in Bryan's office.

"Do you think he'll be okay with it?" Kurt can't help but ask, stomach in knots. He probably should have talked to Burt before he made any decisions.

"He'll be ecstatic."

They call Blaine's dad as soon as they are back in the apartment and tell him to go on Skype.

As soon as Burt's face appears on the screen Blaine shouts: "Meet future TV star Kurt Hummel." It takes Burt a moment to understand what Blaine is saying but then there's a huge smile on his face. "Oh my god, kiddo. I'm so proud of you."

It isn't the first time Burt has told him that but it still means the world to him. "But wait. Did you say Kurt Hummel?"

Kurt fidgets for a moment. "You said a few months ago that I'm part of your family now regardless of whether you are adopt me or if Blaine and I are together. And now I want everyone to know how proud I am to be a Hummel. Hopefully one day I'll be a legal one too," he adds with a smile at Blaine, " but for the time being I want the world or whoever watches TV series about high school kids to know me as Kurt Hummel, proud member of the Hummel family.

They are all in tears by the time Burt has to hang up to get back to a customer, after promising to take them out for dinner as soon as they are back in Ohio.

Later that evening, he and Blaine read through the contract again before heading out to dinner. Cooper's sorry he can't join them but he is presenting an award at an advertising award show and doesn't want to cancel last minute. After all, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

"We so need to celebrate properly," Blaine whispers, still looking awed as well, especially because of how much they are going to pay him just for shooting the pilot.

They're on their way back from their celebratory dinner when Kurt tells Blaine to stop at a CVS. He didn't think he would reach that point this fast, but everything feels right in this moment. "I'm ready for what we talked about," he tells his boyfriend when Blaine looks at him puzzled.

It takes him a moment to understand what Kurt means but then his eyebrows shoot up. "Are you sure? I told you we don't have to," Blaine immediately rushes to say but Kurt cuts him off.

"I'm certain. Let me make love to you."

Kurt doesn't want to know how many traffic laws Blaine broke on the way back to Cooper's apartment.

End of Part 1. Part 2: Senior Year.

I'm working on a TV show right now so updates will continue to be slow. I was hoping to finish this before the hiatus is over, but I can't make any promises now.


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