May 25, 2013, 1:58 p.m.
May 25, 2013, 1:58 p.m.
AN: If Glee can break the fourth wall (repeatedly) so can I ;) (Only makes sense if you know the New Normal)
Part B
With the permission of the superintendent, Burt fires up the grill behind Cooper's apartment building the next afternoon, while Kurt shares a lounger with Blaine, unwilling to unglue himself from his side.
Burt had raised an eyebrow when he saw the inside of Cooper's apartment for the first time, but luckily didn't comment on the lack of a guest bedroom. Instead of crowding them even more he has opted for a hotel room for which Kurt is grateful because as far as he and Cooper have come, the only person he wants to share a bed with is Blaine.
The smell of their belated forth of July BBQ soon attracts Cooper's neighbors, most of which Kurt hasn't met so far because he rarely has time to hang out in the backyard because of his schedule.
It's hot outside and Kurt shoots Blaine a grateful smile when he gets up to refresh their drinks. A girl about their age sits down in the chair next to his a few moments later and stares dreamily at Blaine.
"He isn't single by any chance?" she asks him when she realizes he caught her staring. Kurt shakes his head. "He's with me," he says with more than a little pride because sometimes he still can't believe he got that lucky.
"Of course he is," she mumbles. "Why is it that the good ones are always gay?"
He knows he shouldn't get too comfortable because as soon as they are back in Ohio they will have to watch what they say again, but for now, it is nice to gush about Blaine to a complete stranger.
"I'm Maggie by the way. I live across the hall from Cooper if you ever want to hang out. There aren't many people my age in this building," she sighs and Kurt promises to swing by at some point.
It can't hurt to make a few more friends in L.A. After all, as long as Cooper lives here, this won't be his last visit.
A while later, after Blaine has returned with their drinks, Maggie changes places with Cooper, who is caring burgers and hot dogs for the three of them.
"Kurt told me you are a performer as well," Cooper addresses his boyfriend and Kurt has to look away because he can't watch people talking with their mouth full. "Are you any good?"
Before Blaine can reply, Kurt jumps in because knowing his boyfriend he'd just be modest. "He is amazing. Blaine was the lead in his old glee club and just performed in an amusement park," he gushes while Blaine blushes.
"Why are you asking?" Blaine asks and Kurt looks at Cooper questioningly as well. "Friend of mine just got offered a proper acting gig and needs someone to take over his shifts so he still has a day job when the gig is over. He's one of those singing waiters," Cooper explains.
Three phone calls later Blaine is James replacement for the next three weeks, leaving them with one full week where neither him nor Blaine have to work before they have to fly back to Ohio.
The rest of the weekend is spent showing Burt around town as Blaine's dad has never been out west before either. He looks pretty out of place, flannel shirt, baseball cap and shorts, when Kurt drags him through Beverly Hills, excited to show off the places he has visited the past four weeks.
They have lunch at Venice beach the last day of Burt's visit when Blaine's dad suddenly pulls a stack of photographs out of a plastic bag he has been carrying around with him all morning.
"I want you to take a look at those and tell me which one you like best. Don't want to make a final decision without you having a say as well," he explains gruffly.
In front of them are pictures of houses, each set showing the outside and inside including a realtor's description. It doesn't really come as a surprise that they are moving in with the Hudsons, but he is touched that Burt wants his opinion as well.
Kurt shoots a glance at Blaine from the corner of his eye, but his boyfriend looks calm as well, resigned to his fate. "It's just one year," he tells him when Burt excuses himself to the restroom. "We'll survive."
Blaine rolls his eyes at him. "What do you think about those?" he asks, pointing at the stack of pictures in front of them. "Truthfully?"
Kurt makes sure Burt isn't anywhere near before he tears the houses down. "Clearly there are only two who are remotely acceptable. Most of them look tacky on the outside, kitschy on the inside, have not enough bathrooms and a tiny kitchen. I know you and Burt don't really cook, but Carole and I do and I'm sure she'd want a proper kitchen as well."
It's fun bitching about stuff with Blaine again and he loses himself in until Burt's return interrupts his rambling. Burt looks like he has been listening to them for a while, but he looks more amused than mad.
"The white colonial style one it is," he announces, putting the pictures back into his bag. "I know we talked about the possibility of moving in together with Carole and Finn before, but I just want to make sure that's still okay with you. I want you all to get along, but if you aren't for some reason I want you to tell me. I care a whole lot for Carole, but we can wait for another year, wait until you are in college anyway."
Burt doesn't look like he wants to wait for another year and so Kurt vows to do his best to get along with Finn as long as Finn isn't bullying him. He can take being ignored and stuff, but he won't be bullied in his home again.
Blaine is saying something similar next to him and Kurt watches as Burt's face lights up. He looks happy, and Kurt is glad he has found someone as well, who makes Burt as happy as Blaine makes him.
Monday morning, Blaine gets up when he has to get up just to make him coffee and it feels oddly domestic when he gets kissed goodbye on his door step and Blaine wishes him a good day.
It's Blaine's first day of work as well and Kurt can't wait to find the time to see him perform. Burt has brought him a videotape of Blaine performing at King's Island, but unfortunately he hasn't gotten around to watching it yet. He can't wait though, because apparently some of his performances involve hilarious costumes.
"You look much happier than you did a few days ago," Sandy tells him when they run into each other in front of the craft's service table. "Maybe he finally got laid," another intern adds and Kurt feels his face flush while he shakes his head.
"Blaine's here now," he says and it's all the explanation his new friends need. After all, he wouldn't shut up about Blaine, once he knew it was safe to talk about him.
When he gets home that day, Blaine is standing in the kitchen, apparently attempting to cook. "Step away from the stove, slowly, so none of us get hurt," he orders his boyfriend in his best imitation of a police officer, and for one nanosecond, Blaine actually freezes before he turns around and rolls his eyes.
"It's just pasta, Kurt. Everyone can cook pasta." Kurt takes a deep breath before he takes a change of clothes into Cooper's small bathroom. Burt and Blaine had managed to survive on their own for many years. Just because they aren't gourmet chefs doesn't mean they can't cook at all, he tells himself.
He is washing the rest of the conditioner out of his hair when he smells the smoke. Kurt knows he must be quite the sight with half of his head still soapy white but he can't let Blaine burn Cooper's apartment down.
One of the larger towels he owns is wrapped around his waist when he rushes out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen where … where Blaine is trying to get the smoke out of the window, looking sheepish when he spots Kurt.
"Might need another ten minutes for the sauce," he admits before his eyes widen and they rake over Kurt's body. There's a part of him that still wants to cover up the moment Blaine's eyes land on his body, but he doesn't have more skin on display than Blaine has already seen, so he uncrosses his arms and let's Blaine look for a moment before he turns on his heels and struts back into the bathroom, knowing Blaine's eyes are following his every move.
"Please don't burn the kitchen down while I finish," he calls over his shoulder. He's sure Blaine's pouting without even looking at him.
In the end, the tomato sauce comes from a can, but Kurt doesn't complain, because for one, Blaine has never cooked for him before, and two, he didn't use anything else either when he was still cooking for his parents.
"Thank you, Blaine." "I know you work long hours so I wanted to do something nice for you. Just know that I don't expect you to cook all the time. I'll get better so I can help out more, for when we get our own apartment."
Kurt doesn't actually mind the cooking, but he isn't exactly a fan of doing the dishes. "I'd love to teach you a few recipes but as long as you keep taking care of the dishes I don't mind cooking most of the time," he replies.
They do the dishes together that night, ending in a soap war with the two of them flicking water at each other, until Kurt waves the white flag because Blaine is threatening his freshly washed hair.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Blaine asks when they are settled on the pull out. Kurt shakes his head. "Can we make out for a bit?" He is getting better asking for what he wants and taking charge but he still always turns the darkest shade of red when he initiates one of their make out sessions.
"Do I get to take your shirt off?" Blaine asks, pretending to not be interested otherwise and Kurt quickly pulls his t-shirt over his head, because it has been too long.
Feeling how excited they get when making out like that is nothing new by now, but before they had immediately tried to put some distance between their hips. As it is, Kurt has Blaine trapped underneath him, and as he realizes, doesn't want to get off of him. He takes a deep breath and presses even closer. Blaine's eyes fly open in shock before he eagerly repeats Kurt's motions.
It's a glorious feeling, giving into his urges for once, but before they can go any further, a throat clears behind them and Kurt jerks away from Blaine as fast he can, arousal immediately taking care of when he spots Cooper leaning against the door, an amused expression on his face.
"If you get stains on my couch you'll get it cleaned," he says stabbing his finger at them and Kurt wants the ground to swallow him whole. Blaine is hiding his face under a pillow and when Cooper just remains where he is, Kurt hurriedly puts his shirt back on before fleeing into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Fortunately, Cooper is nowhere in sight when he gets back out and Blaine takes his place in the bathroom.
"We should talk about what just happened," he tells him once they are snuggled up together under a thin blanket. Kurt shakes his head. "Not tonight. I promise we'll talk tomorrow."
He is going to need that time to figure out if he is actually ready to do what they were about to do, or if it was just a spur of the moment thing, caused by having Blaine close like that for the first time in four weeks.
Blaine's still asleep when he gets up the next morning and Kurt is relieved because it means he can postpone the conversation further. He is distracted that day, trying to make sense of his own thoughts and feelings, but luckily no one notices. What was he supposed to say if someone asked. 'Sorry I didn't pay attention. I couldn't stop thinking about sex. They would have laughed at him because according to Cosmo, that's what men do most of the time anyway. Apparently, he is one of them now, because he can't stop thinking about it.
There's some still steaming Chinese take out on the table when he gets home from work later in the evening. "Where's Cooper?" he asks Blaine who pushes a box over to him. He doesn't want his brother anywhere near this place when he and Blaine have that conversation.
"He has a date. Told me to tell you that 'he doesn't intend to sleep home tonight, but what he said still stands'". They are both blushing a bit when he says it before Blaine continues.
"Look, Kurt. I'm sorry for last night. I shouldn't have been pressuring you and I honestly don't think I could have stopped if Cooper hadn't come in."
"You didn't pressure me," Kurt immediately replies, not liking the way Blaine hangs his head. "Kurt, you don't have to…" He doesn't let him finish. "You did not pressure me Blaine. After all, I was the one on top of you who…" he can't say it out loud, but he's certain Blaine gets it. "And if we are being honest, I don't think I could have stopped either if Cooper hadn't interrupted and," he takes a deep breath because this is it, isn't it? The moment where he changes his and Blaine's relationship forever. It may sound a tad bit overdramatic but it feels that way in this moment.
"… I didn't want to stop." There he said it and the world is still turning, though Blaine is looking at him like he is from another planet.
"So you are saying?" Blaine swallows nervously and Kurt watches his Adam's apple bob. "That if we find ourselves with some privacy again and I'm not exhausted from work I wouldn't mind a repeat of what we were doing only without stopping this time," he forces out, proud of him for only stuttering once.
If Blaine were a cartoon character he would have hearts in his eyes right now, Kurt thinks, before letting Blaine wrap his arms around him to embrace him tightly.
"So just to make sure. Are you tired from work today?" Blaine whispers into his ears probably aiming for seductive but coming off as desperate, horny teenager.
Kurt entangles himself before he gives his boyfriend his best wounded look. "I'm not that kind of boy. At least buy me dinner before you demand I give you some sugar." The last line makes him cringe but Blaine just nods eagerly. "Whatever you want," he whispers, and yeah, Blaine's a fast learner when it comes to that seduction thing.
The next day he overhears Blaine make dinner reservation for Friday and now that he knows what they imply it can't be Friday soon enough. The rest of the week drags on, but then it's finally Friday.
He doesn't know what Blaine has told Cooper, but Cooper is spending the weekend with friends in San Francisco, leaving them alone in the apartment.
The restaurant is nice, not one of those hip places that gets swarmed by paparazzi, and Kurt is glad for that because even if they are not interested in you, they can get on your nerves with their stalking the entrance to the studio.
They share dessert, before they rush out to Cooper's car and hurry home. He just hopes he won't get pulled over right now for speeding.
Thirty minutes later they are in the same position they were on Monday, with Kurt being in charge again, but nothing is stopping them this time. He has a hard time describing his feelings when it is over, just keeps smiling that ridiculously bright smile before rushing to the bathroom to get changed because 'ew'.
Neither of them is saying anything when they go to bed later that night, but they don't have to. There's no way to hide how they feel, it's in their eyes, in their smiles and there are no words required.
They don't spend much time outside that weekend exploring new ways to drive each other crazy without actually going further than they have so far.
It's another week of night shoots for Kurt and so on Monday he comes to see Blaine at work. After a few minutes of talking to his boss, they are all clear to sing a duet together, as long as Blaine sticks to Disney. Apparently a little girl had compared him to Prince Eric his first day and since then he has to sing Disney songs all the time.
Kurt doesn't mind because he usually doesn't get to sing girls' songs in public. After a quick debate they agree on singing 'A whole new world' from Aladdin with Kurt singing Jasmine's part.
Kurt hasn't performed in a while, but the feeling is as amazing as ever, especially the applause they are receiving once they finish the song. Blaine takes his lunch break next and he and Kurt sit down at the table in the back of the restaurant where they are approached by a man in his forties, wearing glasses and a huge smile.
"You were really great," he tells them before introducing himself. "Ulrich Roberts, I'm a casting director." Kurt shares a look with Blaine before his boyfriend replies.
"My name is Blaine Hummel and this is my boyfriend Kurt Anderson." The man doesn't even flinch so Kurt figures he is okay. "How can we help you Mr. Roberts?" he asks politely, because it's not every day a casting director wants to talk to you.
"Well, I'm in charge of casting Bryan Collins newest show. Do you know of him?" Kurt shakes his head, but Blaine is nodding enthusiastically, eyes wide.
"No matter. His newest show is called 'Sing' and is set in high school, and I was wondering if I could get you to audition for it. There's this character I think you would be perfect for," the man explains and Kurt turns around for a moment to see who Mr. Roberts is looking at because it can't be him, can it?
"Um, that's nice of you but I have one more year of high school left. I don't even live here. I'm just visiting till summer break is over," he rambles nervously but the man just gives him an encouraging smile.
"Don't worry about that. We won't shoot the pilot before sometime in late fall and should we cast you I'm sure we could work something out for it so you wouldn't have to miss too much school. And if the show gets picked up, we'll start shooting next July, and by that time you would have graduated high school any way. Think about it and give me a call so we can find a time that works for you to come in and audition," he adds before handing Kurt a card with the name, address and phone number of a company on it.
"It was nice meeting you, Kurt, Blaine," he tells them before going back to a table where a pretty woman is waiting for him.
"Oh my god, Kurt. This is amazing. I knew it would be only a matter of time before someone realized how incredibly talented you are," Blaine is freaking out across from him while Kurt is still staring at the card in his hand. Doesn't stuff like that usually just happen in bad movies?
"He should have talked to you though," he tells Blaine. "You are such an amazing performer." "But they aren't looking for a performer, Kurt. They are looking for an actor … who can sing from the sound of it. That's not me. I love music but I'm not an actor. I just can't fake my emotions during a song. What you see is what I feel."
It isn't easy to hide his surprise. He hasn't been sure about Blaine's plans for the future but for some reason he has always imagined him on a Broadway stage anyway. And if Blaine's dream isn't Broadway, then his dream probably isn't New York either. Not like it was, is, his dream.
"So what should I do?" he asks because saying yes to that thing might as well end up meaning saying yes to L.A. and not going to college.
"I think you should at least audition. I mean what are the chances that you are getting cast the first time you audition for something other than a glee performance. It's going to be a good experience for the future because you'll know what a real audition is like and learn how to deal with rejection because you'll probably always hear more nos than yes."
"So you are saying I don't have a chance in hell but should give it try anyway?" Kurt asks, eyebrows raised.
"I honestly don't know. Maybe if you want it enough, if you can actually imagine yourself living here for a few years. But like I said it's going to give you an advantage over other aspiring performing arts students – you'll already know what it feels like to perform under pressure like that."
Kurt considers what Blaine is saying for a moment before he nods. "I haven't made up my mind completely but we have a week to talk things through and give me time to think about this whole L.A thing. But you are probably right. Why would they cast a weird kid from Ohio for a TV show," he can't stop himself from adding.
Blaine frowns but before he can say anything Kurt interjects. "I know, I know. I shouldn't sell myself short."
They spend the rest of the week talking about the opportunity and as soon as Blaine tells Cooper about meeting Ulrich Roberts, Kurt has to listen to Cooper sing his praise almost constantly. Apparently, the guy has cast some really successful TV series and Kurt would be stupid to not even audition according to Cooper.
After the success of their last Friday night date, it's Kurt's turn to pick a restaurant and he takes Blaine to a tiny hole in the wall restaurant in West Hollywood.
They haven't had a chance to do much for the past couple of days because Cooper was always home and they didn't want to fool around with his brother in the next room, but Cooper is out again with his own date, and Kurt knows by now that Cooper seldom returns home those days.
He's still not ready for everything, but he and Blaine have talked a bit more and have decided to keep exploring as long as they are both comfortable with it.
Taking all your clothes off is a scary experience he discovers later that night, grateful that the only light in Cooper's living room comes from the full moon shining through the window. He doesn't even want to know what he sounds like the first time Blaine touches him, because his voice doesn't sound like it belongs to him.
He is relieved though that Blaine manages to get off pretty much on his own because after his earth shattering orgasm, he doesn't have much energy left, putting clothes back on in case Cooper does come home feels like a horrible chore.
Kurt is out like a light seconds after repeating Blaine's 'I love you', falling into a peaceful slumber with not a single nightmare interrupting his sleep.
AN: The last part of the First Part should be up tomorrow night if the 'fates' = my internet connection allow