May 25, 2013, 1:58 p.m.
May 25, 2013, 1:58 p.m.
AN: This chapter was a pain in the ass to write and I hope it doesn't show too much. It's mostly a filler, but there is some development in Klaine's relationship. The second part is nearly done, and I should upload it either tonight or some time tomorrow.
Chapter 23: California Dreaming – Part 1
The day after their win at Regionals, Burt summoned him and Blaine to the living room, and though he was dreading the conversation, he quickly hurried downstairs.
"So spring break is in two weeks and I know the two of you want to go visit Cooper together," Burt addressed them, once they were seated next to each other on the living room couch and both Kurt and Blaine nodded.
"Alright, first things first. If I let you drive down, you have to promise me to make the trip in two days so I don't have to worry about either of you falling asleep at the wheel, especially Kurt."
They both nodded again, because after looking up how long it would take them to drive to L.A – more than thirty hours even if traffic was good – they had agreed to spend the night somewhere along the way, if Burt let them go.
It would have been easier and faster to just fly down, but Kurt didn't want Burt to pay for an expensive plane ticket for him just so he could spend some time with his brother. Gas money he could work for at Burt's shop, but a plane ticket was just not something he could afford just yet.
"And secondly?" Kurt asked apprehensively, because Blaine's talk about pamphlets had made him a bit paranoid.
Burt sighed, before taking his cap off and rubbing his head. "I gotta tell you, I'm not sure it's a good idea to let the two of you go to L.A unsupervised."
Blaine looked like he wanted to protest but his dad quickly silenced him. "I know Kurt's nearly eighteen and you aren't a kid anymore either, but I've been your age once too, and I know how it is with hormones and stuff."
Kurt cringed and he could feel his face turn red, but Burt soldiered on, ignoring his discomfort.
"It's completely normal to have urges, but I just want you to think with your brains here, okay. You've barely been dating for three months and though I'm sure you care a lot for one another I want you to be sure about what you are feeling before you ah act on those urges."
Next to him Blaine buried his head in his hands and Kurt felt tempted to put his fingers in his ears and start singing. He was seriously starting to reconsider if having Blaine with him was worth all that. Unfortunately, Burt still wasn't finished.
"Just because I'm not there to check up on you, shouldn't make you take advantage of it if you catch my drift." Kurt nodded mechanically. He wanted to assure Burt that was not their intention at all, but his voice apparently was stuck in his throat at the moment.
"Good. Blaine you can go. I need to talk to Kurt for a moment." Kurt glared at his boyfriend when he had the audacity to smirk when he looked at Kurt before he left him alone. He shifted in his seat, avoiding to look at Burt.
"I'm guessing not much has changed since I went to school, and you are still not getting more than a birds and the bees talk?" Burt asked once Blaine's door shut upstairs, and Kurt nodded, keeping his eyes on his hands in his lap.
"And your parents have probably not talked to you about this either?" Burt went on and Kurt shook his head again, because they sure hadn't unless being called a 'cocksucker' counted.
"Kurt, please look at me." Kurt took at deep breath before he looked up and faced Burt. "You'd think because I've done this before it would be easier, but this isn't the most comfortable talk for me either, okay? So let's get this over and done with and then I'll let you and Blaine plan your trip."
Kurt's face brightened, because that sounded like Burt was giving them permission to go together after all.
"Sex, it's not just about having fun, it's about connecting with someone special on a deeper level and while your body may tell you that you are ready for it, that doesn't necessarily mean that you are ready emotionally. Because it changes you, it changes your relationship, and you should be sure you are ready for that."
Kurt nodded because he understood what Burt was saying. He was a teenage boy after all, but even if his body often screamed at him to get closer to Blaine when they were kissing, he knew he wasn't ready to act on it. He still had issues with his body he was working on, and as long as he couldn't trust Blaine with that, than he sure as hell wasn't ready to be intimate with him.
"Ideally, you'd wait until you have at least finished high school and are out of my house," Burt added with a wink, "but like I said, I've been your age once too and so I don't want you to make me any promises that I know would be hard to keep."
Kurt nodded, because apparently he wasn't capable of doing anything else right now.
"Is that all?" he finally asked, hoping that he could escape to his bedroom soon, before Burt said something emotionally scarring.
Burt told him to wait for a second and Kurt sank back against the couch. So far that hadn't be too bad.
Unfortunately, Burt returned with a stack of pamphlets and Kurt sighed. It would have been too good to be true if he could have escaped that. "I'm not an expert when it comes to the mechanics of what you are going to do – one day – so I got you the same pamphlets I've gotten for Blaine. He assured me they were quite informative. So I want you to read them and come to me if you have any questions, okay?"
"S-sure," Kurt stuttered out, secretly already planning to stash them in the deepest corner of his wardrobe when he got back upstairs. Puck had sent him a link to one of those movies not too long ago, and he had opened it not knowing what it was at first. The ten seconds he had watched had been awkward enough, so he could do without some graphic illustrations.
"Alright then, you can go. Do you want me to make you some-" "No toast," Kurt interrupted making a face and Burt looked at him puzzled. "Okay," he replied, one eyebrow raised, but Kurt fled the room before he had to explain.
In his room, he removed one of his show boxes and stuffed the pamphlets inside. He had barely managed to shut the door of his closet when there was a knock on the door, and Blaine poked his head in.
"You still alive?" he asked, still smirking and Kurt picked up a pillow and threw it at Blaine, narrowly missing unfortunately.
"Fine, you win. It wasn't so funny when he was talking to me," he conceded. "Just be glad that I love you and want you with me in L.A."
Blaine's smile brightened. "So we can go?" "We can go."
Blaine tackled him in a bone crushing hug that made Kurt lose his balance and he fell backward on his bed, taking Blaine with him.
A throat cleared behind them, and Kurt struggled to get out from under Blaine, his face bright red when he faced Burt who was leaning in the doorway.
"Maybe I should rethink my decision," he remarked, both eyebrows raised, and Kurt jumped away from Blaine as if burned. "What, no. It's not what it looks like. Blaine pushed me down," he tried to explain.
"Not helping, Kurt," Blaine mumbled from where his face was buried into Kurt's pillow and Kurt shook his head frantically.
"I'm just messing with you kiddo," Burt saved him and Kurt gave him a relived smile, because he wanted Burt to trust him not to abuse his trust in them.
"I just wanted to let you know that I spoke to Cooper and told him to expect you some time Sunday night in two weeks." With that he turned, but not before calling 'door stays open' over his shoulder before he left, causing them both to collapse in a fit of giggles on Kurt's bed.
"We are going to California," Kurt whispered in awe after they had both calmed down. "I've never been further away than Indiana, and I don't remember much about it," he added.
"My dad wasn't big on traveling either, especially after my mom died, but I did get some places with the Warbers. The 'upside' of having rich friends I guess," Blaine shrugged, but Kurt just stared at him wide eyed.
"Well, prepare yourself for me going into full tourist mode once we get there, because apparently Cooper got a few gigs lined up, so we should have a lot of free time together."
"I can't wait," Blaine replied before pressing his lips against Kurt's, kissing him passionately for a few minutes before they both had to break apart for air.
"I agree with what your dad said downstairs, though," he found the courage to say a little later. "I want to spend time alone with you and all that, but I'm not ready for … you know."
He didn't think Blaine would pressure him or something like that, but he wanted to make sure they were on the same page. Better save than sorry, right?
"Hey, that's fine. No pressure," his boyfriend immediately assured him. "I've never done anything like that either, so take as much time as you need. All I want is spend time with you with no one around to supervise us, or guard us for once."
Kurt grinned, happy that he and Blaine were indeed on the same page, before pressing their lips together once more. He had a hot boyfriend after all and kissing was fun.
The next two weeks went by slowly and Blaine couldn't wait for spring break to start. Kurt had been working more hours at the garage to be able to afford a few new outfits for California, and so he spent most of his time with Puck, Mike and Sam and even managed to meet up with David once.
Finally, the final bell rang and he and Kurt rushed out of the school, forgoing Glee for once to get a head start on all the other people traveling during spring break as well.
In the end they had agreed to leave straight after school was over on Friday and spend two nights on the road, so they would be able to see a bit of the country as well during their trip to L.A. Blaine had promised they would take his car because it was safer for such a long trip though the gas millage was worse than Kurt's car's.
After two long hugs, his dad finally let him and Kurt go, and Blaine got behind the wheel, while Kurt plugged his iPod in.
It was close to ten when they reached Effingham, IL and decided to take a break for the night. So far the drive hadn't been very interesting as their was little change in scenery along the interstate and Blaine couldn't wait to leave the mid west.
Their road trip reminded him of the talk he had had with Kurt about running away before the trial, and Kurt laughed when he brought it up. "So, I'll get my 'On the road' like experience after all," he joked.
"As long as you don't make us sleep outside," Blaine replied and chuckled when Kurt's eyes widened in panic, before quickly pulling up to a motel that had vacancies.
They got a room with two queen sized beds, but quickly agreed that they only needed one. Like he had promised, he kept his hands to himself, once he and Kurt were both under the covers, but he was happy when Kurt insisted they could still make out, as long as it didn't go any further.
Cuddled up against Kurt he fell into a deep sleep, both of them sleeping soundly through the night and Blaine couldn't wait for a day, when they got to share a bed each night.
The next morning they stopped in St. Louis for a late breakfast because Kurt insisted on seeing the Arch and the Mississippi, while Blaine wanted to drop by the baseball stadium.
Kurt drove them through Missouri where they stopped again in one of the many Springfields for lunch, and Blaine took over the wheel for their drive through Oklahoma, during which they had the soundtrack for the musical on repeat of Blaine's ipod.
He couldn't believe how exhausting it was to just spend all day in a car and they both collapsed on their bed in a small motel in New Mexico.
"As interesting as that little road trip of ours is, I can't wait to get to our destiny," Kurt moaned, massaging his stiff neck, and if Blaine's offer of a massage wasn't completely selfless – sue him. It wasn't often that Kurt actually let him close like that.
He was relieved that Kurt felt less skinny than he had only weeks ago, but didn't say anything out of fear that Kurt would misunderstand it and think gaining weight was a bad thing.
Sunday brought them through New Mexico, Arizona and finally California. Kurt had watched the change in scenery like a kid during its first visit to a candy store and Blaine was pretty impressed himself.
It was close to midnight when after getting lost in L.A for a bit, they finally arrived at Cooper's Burbank apartment. Kurt's half brother helped them carry in their luggage before showing them to a pull out couch in the small living room.
"I don't have a guest room," he apologized, "so don't tell Burt I'm letting you share the couch." Kurt waved him off before collapsing face first on the couch.
"I have an audition tomorrow morning, but we could meet for lunch in West Hollywood afterward before I show you around for a bit," Cooper offered, and Blaine accepted on Kurt's behalf who was already half asleep on the couch.
After much coaxing, he got his boyfriend into pajamas before he collapsed himself, because cross country road trips were much more exhausting than he had originally thought.
Kurt hadn't been exaggerating when he had said he would go into full tourist mode as soon as they touched down in L.A, and so, as soon as he had shaken Blaine awake and forced him into the bathroom, the two of them braved the Los Angeles Metro and headed over to Hollywood.
They were swarmed by people in superhero costumes as soon as they got off at Hollywood and Highland, and Kurt clutched Blaine's hand tightly, afraid to get lost in the mass of tourists walking up and down Hollywood Boulevard as well. To his relief, no one even looked at them twice and Kurt vowed not to let go of Blaine's hand while they were in California.
They took pictures in front of the Nokia Theater – Kurt imagining what it would be like to walk the red carpet on Oscar night – before they headed over to Grauman's Chinese theater to look at the handprints of the stars – where Blaine promptly freaked because he was a huge Harry Potter fan.
Before they knew it, it was time for lunch and after asking around for a bit, they found the bus that would take them to West Hollywood. Cooper was already waiting for them outside the Farmer's Market and led them to a small cafe that served fresh food made from produce from the Farmer's Market.
"How was your audition?" he asked his brother, after assuring him they had found the place all right, and had had no problem with L.A's shitty public transport.
"It went great. I'm sure I'll get a call back any day," Cooper enthused and Kurt and Baine shared a look, because they both weren't convinced Cooper was as good as he thought he was.
"That's cool," he assured his brother nevertheless. "So are you busy this week or do you have time to hang out with us?"
Cooper pulled out a calendar which as much pomp as possible and Kurt had to refrain himself from rolling his eyes. He was seriously starting to doubt he and Cooper were actually related because that man was such a drama queen.
"I have to meet some make up people over at the Fox lot tomorrow because I'm filming a scene for Bones on Wednesday. I'm the victim to of gruesome murder," he announced proudly. "You should tag along – I could give you a tour."
"Are you sure that's allowed?" Kurt asked doubtfully. He always imagined film studios had strict security.
"I know the girl at the gate and I'm pretty sure she has a crush on me," Cooper winked. "I'd be willing to take her out to show you guys a good time."
Kurt shrugged. He wasn't opposed to seeing a real film studio and judging by the way Blaine was excitedly bouncing up and down in his chair he wasn't complaining either.
"That's where they film 'How I met your mother', right? I love that show," his boyfriend enthused, becoming even more excited when Cooper nodded.
"Can we go? Please, Kurt. You know how much I love Neil Patrick Harris. Maybe we'll even get to meet him." Or did he ever know. Blaine didn't know that he knew but he had discovered Blaine had a Tumblr blog devoted exclusively to all things NPH.
"Yes, we can go," he told his boyfriend before he turned to Cooper. "But please don't get us into trouble. I don't want Burt to lose custody because you got me arrested."
Cooper assured him that it was no problem at all as long as they stayed by his side and followed his instructions, and so Kurt decided to stop worrying for the moment and just let him enjoy the week he had with his half-brother.
After lunch, Cooper took them to the Grove and though Kurt thought the outdoor mall looked a bit tacky, he instantly fell in love with the shops they didn't have in the Lima mall. Not that he could afford any of the clothes, but it was heaven just being able to look at them.
"You like clothes?" Cooper asked when Kurt dragged them into yet another store and Kurt gave him a bright smile. "Then Blaine here has to take you to the Beverly Center and Rodeo Drive at some point. Preferably when I'm working," he added but Kurt didn't care. He knew not everyone shared his passion for clothes.
The rest of the afternoon was spent driving around town aimlessly, Cooper pointing out landmarks and other interesting spots from time to time, while he and Blaine were cuddled up together on Cooper's backseat, soaking everything in.
Compared to Lima, L.A was a magic wonderland and he could understand why all sorts of people were drawn to the city. If he weren't so dead set on Broadway he could actually imagine moving out here with Cooper for a bit.
"A friend of mine is throwing a little beach party later tonight," Cooper told them when they stopped in front of the Chateau Marmont, hoping to catch someone famous going in.
"Just don't tell Burt I didn't say anything when you drink and make sure you are able to get up at nine tomorrow." Kurt nodded immediately, knowing he wouldn't touch any alcohol anyway after living with his parents for his whole life and his experience New Year's Eve.
When Blaine saw his expression, he quickly assured him he wouldn't drink either, but Kurt told him he didn't have a problem with it as long as Blaine didn't turn into an asshole when he did.
The house of Cooper's friend was a little outside of L.A and the guy seemed to be a lot more successful than Cooper, judging by the house they were pulling up to, Kurt thought.
It was warm out for late March and people were milling around on the beach in their bathing suits, causing Kurt to wrap his arms around himself over his thin t-shirt. There were just too many good-looking people for him to feel completely comfortable.
Blaine apparently didn't have the same problems because he immediately pulled his shirt off once they arrived on the beach, joining in on a game of beach volleyball.
Kurt's jaw fell as his eyes ran over his boyfriend's body. He knew he had to be fit from football training, but he hadn't expected what he was seeing – probably because he had never allowed himself to think about what Blaine would look like without clothes.
His skin was darker than Kurt's – but then, whose wasn't – and he could see his muscles flex when he jumped up to hit the ball. Not for the first time, Kurt questioned what Blaine saw in him, because he felt so inadequate compared to his gorgeous boyfriend.
"You're drooling," Cooper chuckled next to him and Kurt promptly shut his mouth and glared at his half-brother. "I'm not. I was just admiring the view," he argued, causing Cooper to snigger again. "I'm sure you did."
Luckily, he was called away before Kurt could make an even bigger fool out of himself, and he sank down on one of the beach chairs, trying to keep the treacherous thoughts that were telling him Blaine would never find him hot or sexy at bay.
Suddenly, Blaine jogged up to him and Kurt tried his best to keep his eyes on his face. "Come join us, Kurt. It's so much fun."
Kurt immediately shook his head. He was not getting sand on his new t-shirt and he was most definitely not taking his shirt off, surrounded by muscular and tanned men. He could only pale in comparison –pun intended.
"I don't know how," argued, but unfortunately Blaine didn't accept his excuse. "Don't worry, I'll show you."
Kurt reluctantly let himself be dragged down to where the other players were taking a break.
He shivered lightly, when Blaine stepped behind him and moved his hands into a position. "That's how you hold your hands when the ball comes down low," Blaine explained, but Kurt could barely focus on what he was saying with the way Blaine was draped over his back, the warmth of his body seeping through his thin shirt. He nervously took a look around, but fortunately no one was giving them any attention.
His arms were moved upwards next and Blaine pressed even closer, getting up on his toes so he could keep his hands on Kurt's and Kurt took a step forward, suddenly feeling too hot. "I think I get it," he mumbled, getting out of Blaine's grasp before he could embarrass himself.
Luckily, Blaine didn't seem to notice his strange behavior and just smiled at him before picking up a ball. After dropping it five times in a row, he was saved by Cooper who announced that the burgers on the grill were ready and Kurt quickly hurried back up to the house.
Later that night someone lit a small fire and Blaine borrowed Cooper's friend's guitar and played songs for all of them while Kurt smiled at him dopily, especially when Blaine announced that the next song he was playing was for Kurt. It wasn't one Kurt had heard before so he assumed Blaine must have written it himself, which made it even more special.
He might not understand what Blaine saw in him, but his boyfriend did always do his best to show Kurt how much he meant to him. Maybe it was time to put a bit more trust in Blaine and really start working on his issues.
AN: How the hell did the Puckerman brothers manage a 74-hour round trip in such a short time? Or do we have to assume, Puck took his brother out of school a week before Christmas break?