Somebody that I used to know
Burt vs WMHS Part 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somebody that I used to know: Burt vs WMHS Part 2

T - Words: 2,454 - Last Updated: May 25, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 43/43 - Created: Nov 02, 2012 - Updated: May 25, 2013
882 0 2 0 0

AN: Remember how Kurt told Mercedes a few seasons back that she was substituting him for a boyfriend … can he just finally tell Rachel the same. I used to like their friendship but now seeing them together just makes me cringe. (My best friend is gay and if I acted like Rachel I'm sure we wouldn't be BFFs anymore. Usually he just overshares when it comes to his sexual exploits and I blush like a prude virgin even though I've read some Klaine smut ;) ) Also, I wonder how many repeat seniors Dalton has ;) I think they should win Sectionals though – they were just better. I fear I might give up on watching Glee soon and just watch stuff that sounds remotely interesting on youtube. And I'm usually not a TV show quitter :(

Chapter 18: Burt Hummel vs William McKinley High School – Part 2


Burt called the principle's office first thing Monday morning and after some yelling was granted an "audience" with principle Figgins.

When he walked into the office that afternoon that crazy lady from TV walked in behind him while that incompetent choir teacher was already inside.

"What are you doing here?" Schuester asked the McKinley cheerleading coach who proceeded to insult his hair before she turned to Burt.

"I like knowing what's going on in my school. Someone has to be in charge," she replied, glaring at the principle and Burt immediately liked her a lot more.

"What's your excuse William?" Schuester spluttered indignantly for a few seconds. "Well, Kurt and Blaine are in my glee club so I think whatever is going on concerns me as well."

Burt was tempted to yell at him in front of everyone for only acting concerned when the principle got involved but he needed to keep his cool if he wanted to achieve anything.

"What can I do for you Mr. Hummel?" the principle asked and Burt started by explaining what had happened Friday night. Coach Sylvester was visibly angry while the principle looked apologetic.

"This is quite unfortunate but I really cannot do anything about things that do not happen on school property."

"Yeah well, you don't do anything about the things that do happen on school property either, so why am I not surprised?" Burt pretty much growled.

"Mr. Hummel, I'm sure," Schuester tried to interrupt but Burt was sure as hell not letting this guy stop him from telling it how it was.

"No, you listen! I sat my boys down Friday night and trust me I was not happy about what I heard about your sports teams throwing a student into a dumpster for years, pushing him so hard he had bruises and scars that had nothing to do with his father, destroying his clothes which got him into even more trouble at home – and what's worse, your teachers either look the other way or they aren't even monitoring the hallways between classes. I expect to be able to send my kids to school without having to worry if they'll make it out alive. Something needs to be done!" Screw being calm, Burt thought. They needed to understand how serious the situation was.

"Mr. Hummel, I understand your frustration but Kurt isn't the only one of my glee kids who gets shlushied, but I don't see their parents or whatever you are to Kurt here."

Burt thought it was none of his business what his relationship with Kurt was – also not surprised the teacher wasn't aware he had custody of Kurt.

"Well maybe they should if you are doing nothing to help their kids."

"Mr. Hummel, if I may," the principle finally joined the discussion. "If it were up to me, I would have gotten rid of the slushie machine ages ago, because do you know how much it costs me to have it cleaned up? Unfortunately the school board is against taking something away the football team likes, and as long as no teachers really complain about it, my hands are tied."

The principle sounded so resigned, Burt actually felt sorry for him for a moment. But then Schuester just had to butt in again.

"How do you expect me to help if I don't know what's going on? Neither Kurt nor Blaine have ever said anything to me about bullying. I can't read their minds."

Before Burt could tell him that was bullshit, because how could he miss the reason his glee club was acting as bodyguards for Kurt, coach Sylvester snorted.

"Seriously William, you are either blind or the hair gel has finally seeped into your brain."

Burt immediately turned to face her. "If you are so all knowing then why the hell aren't you doing anything?" It was really hard staying calm when faced with such incompetent teachers.

There was a knock on the door and a large woman Burt recognized as the football coach stepped inside. Great, another one who doesn't do anything, Burt thought just as coach Sylvester started talking again.

"I'm sorry but I have my own girls to protect. Shannon and I have been patrolling the hallways more though since she caught on to what her team is rumored to be doing.

"So there's nothing you are going to do?" Burt asked incredulously.

"Unfortunately, I can only throw people off the team or get them suspended if I catch them in the act but so far they have been careful when I was around. I wish there was more I could do because I don't want people on the team who hurt people off the field," the football coach explained, looking angry as well.

It was frustrating when Schuester and Figgins echoed her statement, but Schuester just had to make it worse again.

"From what I've seen Kurt is always surrounded by members of the glee club – shouldn't that be enough to keep him safe."

Burt clenched his hands into fists but couldn't stop himself from yelling. "My kids shouldn't need bodyguards so they can go to school without fearing for their lives. No kid should!"

The principle looked uncomfortable, but while the coaches nodded in agreement, Schuester just shrugged.

"You are right M. Hummel," coach Sylvester told him, " so here is what I can offer you in the meantime. Kurt looks scrawny enough to fit into a uniform. Tell him to meet me in the gym tomorrow afternoon. Trust me, no one dares to touch one of my Cheerios, not even the dumbest jocks."

Burt sighed. He had no idea if that was something Kurt would even consider to do, but he had to at least pass the message along. There had to be something else he could do though, because he really didn't want to wait until his kids got hurt publicly for the school to take action. He was just a simple man, but maybe there were some legal actions he could take against the school.

It was definitely time for a parent – parent conference.


"So in conclusion – the only way I'm going to be safe is if I become a cheerleader," Kurt finished recounting what had happened during the conversation Burt had had with the school.

"Hijo de puta!" Santana yelled and the rest of the glee club that was already present joined her in cursing out the school and its teachers.

Rachel sat down next to him with tears in her eyes. "Why didn't you ever tell someone how bad it was?"

Kurt shrugged. "I thought it was pointless and now I have proof that no one cares apart from you guys." Blaine squeezed his hand and Kurt leaned further into him, glad to have people around him who gave a shit.

"So, does that mean you are becoming one of us?" Quinn asked after the group had quieted down. Kurt shook his head. "I shouldn't have to join a popular after school activity to be safe at school. If I ever do, it's going to be because I want to and right now I have enough on my plate as it is," he explained and Brittany pouted.

It was nice to know the Cheerios in the club wouldn't actually have a problem with him joining but he just couldn't see himself as a cheerleader. And wouldn't that just be a huge cliché – the cheerleader dating the football player? Though he was sure it would piss off some people even more if a male cheerleader would date a football player. He shook his head to rid himself of the thought. Right now, no one outside the club knew they were dating, apart from Karofsky – and Kurt really wanted to know who had told him – so he didn't have to entertain the thought of him and Blaine walking down the hallway hand in hand, both in their uniforms.

Puck, Kurt noticed, had been awfully quiet during the discussions, so he jumped when the jock suddenly kicked his chair over. "They want proof – I'll get them proof," he yelled before storming out of the choir room. Kurt wasn't sure he wanted to know what Puck's plan was, because everyone knew about his brief stint in juvie.

"Why don't you do anything then, oh mighty quarterback?" Santana turned to Finn who was sitting in a corner, pretending not to listen. Finn shook his head.

"The team is divided enough as it is. And my job is to make us win games not tell the other players how to behave in school. No one is going to take me seriously if I go against them."

Kurt saw Blaine clench his hands into fists from the corner of his eye and he rubbed his thumb over the back of his boyfriend's hand to calm him down. He disliked Finn as much as Blaine did, but he knew they couldn't force the tall jock to help them.

"Ignore him," he whispered and Blaine gradually relaxed again next to him.

"Can we just go home?" Blaine asked. "I'm really not in the mood for glee today." Kurt nodded and said a quick goodbye to his friends before he followed Blaine out of the choir room where they ran into Mr. Schuester.

"Where are you going? Class only just started," he asked and Blaine glared at him. "Now you care," he spat before pulling Kurt with him to the parking lot.

As soon as they reached the car, Kurt burst out laughing though there was nothing funny about their situation, but the look on Mr. Schuester's face had been priceless.

He just wished he could stand up to his bullies like Blaine had done with Mr. Schuester.


Blaine wasn't surprised the school wasn't doing anything but he was still pissed, because it reminded him of his old school and how nothing had been done after he had been beaten up.

They were sitting on the bed in Kurt's newly finished bedroom while his dad was watching TV downstairs.

Kurt must have realized how tense he was, because he pushed him forward until he could sit down behind Blaine and started massaging his shoulders. Blaine gradually relaxed into his boyfriend's arms and leaned into his embrace once Kurt stopped his ministrations.

The sat together in silence for a while before Blaine got up to retrieve his laptop from his room and Kurt picked a movie for them to watch.

Blaine raised his eyebrow in surprise when Kurt handed him Moulin Rouge because they had already seen the movie more than once. "I thought we might want to not watch a movie," Kurt suggested shyly and Blaine put the DVD into his laptop before he pulled Kurt into his arms.

"What do you want to do instead?" he asked, aiming for seductively, and it must have worked because Kurt's lips were soon on his. Taking a chance, Blaine swiped his tongue over Kurt's lower lip, which caused Kurt to tense for a second, before he slowly opened his mouth.

Compared to Kurt, Blaine had kissed plenty of people but he knew he had to take things slow with Kurt so he wouldn't scare him away. So he kept his tongue in his own mouth for the time being and bit down lightly on Kurt's lower lip which caused his boyfriend to gasp. Encouraged by Kurt's reaction he finally allowed his tongue to dip into Kurt's open mouth and stroked his tongue. Fortunately his boyfriend was a fast learner and soon their tongues were tangled together while Christian tried to convince Satine to give him one night.

Wanting to take another chance he slowly moved one hand from Kurt's cheek and put it on his boyfriend's hip, but like before Kurt immediately jerked away and Blaine apologized once again.

He wished Kurt would just tell him what the problem was because he didn't seem to have a problem with putting his own hands on Blaine's hips, but Kurt just dove in again, trying to distract him with another kiss.

Blaine couldn't really focus anymore though because Kurt felt even skinnier than the last time he had tried to put his hands on Kurt, but he knew by now that it was pointless to try to talk about it with Kurt. He had tried once, but Kurt had tried to convince him that he was just stressed and that he was sure his appetite would return once things had returned to normal.

He didn't want to go behind his boyfriends back, but he was seriously worried by now, so he knew he had to tell his dad if Kurt didn't gain any weight soon. He had been shocked when he had seen Kurt without a shirt a few months ago, but that had been because Kurt's parents didn't give him enough food. Now though, Kurt had plenty available but instead of gaining weight he seemed to be losing it.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered hoping Kurt would believe him and stop whatever he was doing. Kurt just gave him a fond smile. "That's sweet of you to say, but I know I'm not. God knows what you see in me," he added, his eyes widening when he realized he had said the last part out loud.

Blaine rearranged his body until he was facing Kurt, and he could take his hands into his own. "I told you months ago you are perfect to me and that is still true. You are smart and funny, you have flawless skin, and you have the prettiest eyes. And best of all, you put up with me. Trust me, I'm the lucky one," he assured Kurt, but his boyfriend didn't look convinced.

He would just have to remind his boyfriend every day until Kurt finally believed him. Until then, he had to keep him away from people who were trying to tell him the opposite, trying to convince him he was worthless. Because to him, Kurt was everything.

AN: I'm house sitting for the next few days so I'm going to try to update at least every second day :)


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the warblers were also on steroids which is why they were so great at sectionals. i would hate to see blaine tina artie britt sam sugar lose their senior year. great chapter! i love how blaine is with kurt. =] also glad burt did something. i also found it utterly amusing when blaine yelles at mr schue. oh yea loved sue too!!

Sue is the secret champion of the underdogs. The whole Sectionals - Regionals thing was stupid to begin with, especially when ND got to go to Regionals after the Warblers got disqualified ... I mean whatever happened to that other choir?