Aug. 22, 2012, 12:22 p.m.
Aug. 22, 2012, 12:22 p.m.
Chapter 23: Dad - Part 4
Burt had never thought he would ever set foot into a gay bar, but here he was, standing in the parking lot in front of one, trying to hide his pajamas under his coat.
His was angry that the boys had snuck into a bar, but Kurt had sounded so scared on the phone that he had to come and get him. He hadn't protected his son from the bullies in his life before and it was time to take action.
He approached a bored looking doorman who didn't even look up when he passed him. No wonder, Kurt had managed to get inside without a fake ID.
Inside, it was surprisingly packed. To the left, Burt spotted two pool tables and a couple of small tables where a few people were eating and playing, but most people seemed to congregate on the dance floor in the middle of the bar.
The whole bar was not what Burt had expected. It wasn't flashy, but more like the bars Burt had frequented in his youth and most of the people inside seemed to be around Burt's age. He had no idea there were that many gay people in the Lima area.
He approached the barkeeper, who pointed him into the direction of the restrooms, and Burt balled his hands into fists. Showtime.
Kurt and Blaine where huddled together in the back of the room, while Karofsky was still taunting him through the door. Kurt was scared, because he knew Karofsky could easily overpower him and Blaine wasn't much help either, but he knew his dad was on his way. He also had his hands full with Blaine, who was suddenly starting to puke his guts out.
Once Blaine was done, Kurt pulled him back into his arms, and Blaine started another round of apologies and declarations of love. He did his best to assure Blaine that he loved him too, and that everything would be fine in the end. It was as much for his benefit as for Blaine's.
At least the other creep hadn't said anything anymore, but Kurt didn't know if he was still out there or not and Kurt had no plans to find out. If they had to stay locked in a bathroom until his dad came to save them, so be it.
When Burt approached the girls' bathroom he saw two guys hanging around in front of it. One was slightly taller than Kurt and didn't look much older either, while the other one was big and looked like he would have played football in high school. That had to be Karofsky then.
He walked up to the boys and blocked their way before he cleared his throat to get their attention. "Everything okay here, guys?" The one he thought was Karofsky sneered. "Mind your own business old man."
Burt narrowed his eyes and glared at Karofsky. "You're Paul's son, aren't you? He and I went to McKinley together. It's been a while since we talked, but maybe he and I should get together and talk about how his son sexually assaulted mine." It was an empty threat after he had told Finn numerous times not to out people, but Karofsky didn't need to know that. The boy in question paled.
"You ah, must confused me with someone else," he told Burt, but the stutter gave away that he was lying. "Aha, now here's what's gonna happen. I would call the police on you, but my boys are underage and that would get them into trouble as well. But if I ever see you near Kurt again, I'll take out a restraining order against you, are we clear?"
Karofsky glared at him and Burt turned to the other boy. "I don't know who you are but the same goes for you. Stay away from Kurt and Blaine or I will track you down and have a little chat with you parents."
"Whatever," the younger boy said before he walked away. It was down to Burt and Karofsky now, who made the mistake to underestimate Burt.
"If you tell anyone you saw me here I'm going to kill you," he threatened, his speech slightly slurred when he did so, before he took a swing at Burt. Burt ducked and punched the former jock in the face. Karofsky clutched his nose and then finally seemed to realize that it would be better for him to leave, before he encountered the full wrath of Burt Hummel.
Burt took a few calming breaths and shook out his hand before he knocked on the door of the girls' bathroom.
Blaine had just finished throwing up again when Kurt heard a commotion outside the bathroom. A few moments later there was a knock on the door. "Kurt it's me. Open up."
Kurt helped Blaine sit down again before he walked over to the door on shaky legs and opened the door before flinging himself into his dad's arms. His father took a step back because of the force with which Kurt had flung himself.
"Dad, you came! I was so scared when Blaine called and then Karofsky was here too and took me away from Blaine." Kurt sobbed into his father's coat.
"It's okay, buddy. They're gone and they're not coming back if they know what's good for them. It's over," his dad tried to calm him down. Kurt had never been so glad to see his dad as in this moment.
After a few minutes he was finally ready to let go of his dad and took a step back to wipe away his tears. He knew he must look like a mess, but for once he didn't care. His dad had come through and had saved him and Blaine.
Together they helped Blaine to his feet and guided him out of the bathroom. They made it outside without another incident and Kurt pulled Blaine into his dad's car's backseat. Blaine was way too drunk to drive and Kurt didn't want to leave him alone in his condition. They could pick up their cars the next day.
The drive home was silent. Burt wanted to lecture the boys but it could wait until the next morning. They've both been through enough as it was, so they didn't need that right now on top of everything.
By the time they arrived home, Blaine was asleep in the backseat, but Burt told Kurt to wake him up, so he could take some aspirin and drink some water before he went back to sleep.
He helped Blaine upstairs into his bedroom and then asked Kurt to follow him into the kitchen where he poured a class of water and handed Kurt the pills. "Why don't you stay with him tonight? I'd feel better if someone was with him to make sure he doesn't choke or something like that."
His son nodded. "Thanks, dad. I don't know what we would have done without you." There it was again. His son called him dad for the first time in years. At first he had thought Kurt had only said it because he was scared, but Kurt looked somewhat collected again as he was facing Burt in the kitchen. Burt couldn't contain the huge smile on his face any longer.
"No problem son. I couldn't let those assholes harass you and Blaine. But we'll still talk tomorrow." As much as he wanted to put all this behind him, they had to talk about it.
Kurt didn't look too happy but he nodded nevertheless. "Goodnight Kurt." "Goodnight dad," Kurt answered before he climbed upstairs, glass of water and pills in hand.
Blaine was nearly asleep when Kurt came back upstairs but he managed to sit up and accept the aspirin and water from Kurt. Once he had swallowed them down, Kurt helped him into his pajamas and Kurt quickly went to his own room only to return in his own pjs.
He pushed aside his comforter and patted the space next to him. "Unless you don't want to share with me. I'll be fine on my own, if you want to sleep in your room." Blaine wasn't sure where he and Kurt were standing at the moment, but as much as he wanted Kurt to stay, he would understand if he didn't.
But Kurt crawled under the blankets next to him and pulled him closer. Blaine sighed. He knew they would still have to talk to Burt in the morning and talk about their own relationship, but for now his was content with letting Kurt hold him.
"I really am sorry and I promise to stop running away from my problems," he murmured sleepily, but he meant it. No more running. From Kurt or his mom.
He didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but it was a chance to start over again for all of them.
Up Next: Redemption.