Oh Father, where art thou?
Chapter 23: Dad - Part 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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How Kurt Hummel lost and found his family

Oh Father, where art thou?: Chapter 23: Dad - Part 3

T - Words: 1,227 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 29/29 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Aug 22, 2012
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Chapter 23: Dad – Part 3

The dance floor was packed when they finally left the bathroom and Kurt made sure to hold Blaine's hand tightly, because the last thing he needed now was getting separated. He really had to stop thinking about worstcase scenarios because with his luck they always happened.

He was pushing through an opening between dancing couple when he ran into someone. The sorry got stuck in his throat when he looked up to apologize. Dave Karofsky was staring back at him with a smile on his face Kurt had hoped he would never have to see again.

"Hello Kurt, long time no see." Before Kurt knew what was happening Karosky had grabbed the hand that wasn't holding Blaine's and was trying to pull him off the dance floor. Behind him Blaine was struggling as the sudden pull had knocked him off balance, but then suddenly Blaine's grip loosened and before Kurt could do anything to stop him Blaine lunged at Karofsky.

Kurt had told Blaine about his former bully, but he doubted that Blaine knew who he was dealing with right now. The former jock had filled out even more and was towering over Blaine who was unsuccessfully trying to get him away from Kurt.

Kurt was trying to free his hand from Karofsky's grip when he saw a guy staring at Blaine from the corner of his eyes. For a split second, Kurt thought the guy was going to help him but then he saw how he licked his lips as he was staring at Blaine.

Blaine's cry of pain next to him brought him back to the present as Karofsky had finally managed to shove Blaine away. Before Kurt could do anything to help Blaine, the creep that had been staring at Blaine, threw his arm around Blaine's shoulder and pulled a still stumbling Blaine away with him. Before he dragged a barley standing Blaine away he turned and yelled in Karofsky's direction.

"He's all yours now. Enjoy." Kurt was fighting harder against Karofsky's hold now, praying that Blaine would push the creep away, but his boyfriend was still stumbling after being pushed by Karofsky.

Karofsky had tightened his hold on Kurt as well, but a quick look around confirmed that no one was paying them any attention. Suddenly Karofsky's hand was on his ass, squeezing it and the former jock leaned in even closer and whispered in his ear. "I can't tell you how long I wanted to do that. I was really disappointed when you didn't come back to school last year, but I knew you'd come back to me eventually."

Kurt felt his stomach lurch and he knew that if he didn't do something to get away from Karofsky he'd probably throw up on both their shoes. So he finally did what he should have done when Karofsky had pressed him against a locker and had stolen his first kiss with a boy. He kicked Karofsky hard between his spread legs, proving that he could be on the football team if he were interested in it.

The sweaty ex jock groaned and let go of Kurt who used the opportunity to get away as fast as possible. He pushed through the throng of dancers in the direction he had seen Blaine being dragged off and found his boyfriend crowded against a wall trying to keep the creep away.

He had enough with people who didn't get that no meant no, and used all the adrenalin currently pumping threw his body to push the creep away from Blaine.

Blaine had just helplessly witnessed as a big older guy drag his boyfriend away from him when Sebastian had grabbed him and had pushed him in the other direction. He had valiantly tried to get away, but all the vodka Sebastian had bought him was starting to really affect him.

Sebastian had pushed him up against a wall in the back, whispering dirty things into his ear, but Blaine had at least succeeded in keeping his body away from Sebastian's. Just as the other boy was leaning in again, he was suddenly pushed aside and Blaine stumbled into Kurt's arms who took his hand and pulled him away from Sebastian who was glaring at him from the floor.

Before he really realized what was happening, they were back in the girls' bathroom and Kurt pulled him down to the floor with him. They were both shaking and the sudden pounding on the door didn't help.

"You can't hide in here forever," the guy that had assaulted Kurt yelled. "You can't just taunt me for a year and then deny me, it's just not fair." The guy sounded like a crazed lunatic and Blaine could feel Kurt tremble even harder in his arms.

"I don't know what that guy's problem is, but Blaine, we had a nice night tonight and if you come out I'm sure I can make you feel even better." Shit Sebastian was still there as well. They couldn't very well stay in the bathroom until the bar closed. It wasn't even midnight yet.

He pulled his trembling boyfriend to his feet and led him into the corner furthest away from the door.

"You have to call your dad, Kurt. I don't know who else could intimidate those guys." Kurt was frantically shaking his head.

"My dad would never come into a bar like this." Kurt's father had punched his own after he had insulted Kurt. He was sure Burt would come and save his son. He told Kurt as much, before he added.

"This week, when I kept avoiding you, your dad called me and told me I had to talk to you, because he didn't want to see you feeling so miserable. Please call him, I don't know what else to do."

The pleading tone in Blaine's voice must have swayed Kurt because he pulled out his phone after taking a couple of deep breaths.

Burt was rudely awakened by his phone ringing on his bedside table. He should really learn to turn that dreaded thing off during the night.

The caller ID identified the caller as Kurt, which was strange because Kurt should be in his bedroom right now. At first Burt thought he must still be dreaming because Kurt was asking him to pick him up from a bar.

"What the hell Kurt? Are you drunk?" He tried to keep quiet because he didn't want to wake Carole but it was hard. He knew Kurt was upset because of Blaine but sneaking into a bar was unacceptable behavior.

"No, but Blaine is and some guy wouldn't leave him alone so he asked me to pick him up, but when we tried to leave this guy, Karofsky, who did some stuff to me my first time at McKinley grabbed me and now we're hiding in the girls' bathroom because they are waiting outside for us."

Burt felt his blood boiling. His son was being harassed by some drunk homophobe in a bar. "Where are you?" "Scandals, that's the gay bar on W High St," Kurt sobbed into the phone. Burt paled, because he suddenly understood what Kurt had meant when he said that some men wouldn't leave them alone.

"Stay where you are Kurt. I'm coming." He hung up the phone and rushed downstairs not bothering with getting dressed. No one was allowed to touch his son without permission and he would make sure those creeps would learn their lesson.

Up Next: Angry Burt


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