Aug. 22, 2012, 12:22 p.m.
Aug. 22, 2012, 12:22 p.m.
Chapter 23: Dad - Part 2
Blaine was sitting on the bathroom floor, his phone clutched to his chest, when there was a knock at the door.
"Hey Blaine, you've been in here for a while now. You're not hiding from me are you?" Blaine heard Sebastian's slimy voice come through the door. He clutched his phone even tighter and willed Kurt to make it to the bar faster.
He couldn't give it away to Sebastian though that he was scared because then he might never leave.
"I'm not feeling so well right now. I'll see you on the dance floor," he managed to get out. "Can't wait killer. I want to see you shake that ass."
God, could that guy get any worse. But he needed Sebastian to be gone when Kurt arrived. "Sure. See you in a bit."
What had he gotten himself into? He should have trusted his instincts, and his instincts had clearly warned him that going to a seedy bar would be a bad idea.
Kurt arrived at Scandals twenty minutes after Blaine's call, praying that he wouldn't get caught speeding, but Blaine had sounded so desperate on the phone that he didn't want to leave him alone any longer than absolutely necessary.
Once he was in the parking lot he tried to think about ways to get into the bar. Even after his growth spurt last summer he didn't look even close to twenty-one and even if the bar let you in at eighteen, his birthday wasn't for another three month. Trying to convince the doorman that he was old enough and forgot his ID was out.
He could tell someone that Blaine needed help but what if that got Blaine into trouble for using a fake ID?
He watched the entrance closely for a few minutes, trying to figure out if there was a way to sneak in. He had to come up with something fast, because Blaine was still locked into a bathroom waiting for him.
The doorman seemed bored with his job, and barely looked up as a group of people reentered after having had a smoke. Maybe he could convince some of the people outside to take him with them when they went back in.
Kurt got out of the car and approached a group of twenty-something's standing at the corner. He squared his shoulders and tried to look as mature as possible.
"Excuse me, is there any way you can help me get inside?" he asked the man standing closest to him. The stranger looked him over and laughed. Great. "What are you, like fourteen?" Kurt huffed. He knew he looked young but fourteen was just insulting.
"I'll be eighteen in May, but I really need to get in right now," Kurt apparently was not above begging anymore. "What got a hot date waiting for you inside?" another man asked. Kurt didn't really like the way he look at him, but he needed their help.
"My boyfriend called, because some guy inside won't let him leave, so could you please help me?" Don't start to cry, don't start to cry.
"Why didn't you say so in the first place," the first man said and stabbed out his cigarette. "Just stay in the middle of the group so we can get you in. If you need help inside just holler."
Kurt gave him a grateful smile and hid inside the group of smokers as they went back inside the bar.
After what felt like forever, Blaine finally heard another knock on the door and Kurt's voice drifted through it. He quickly unlocked the door and pulled Kurt inside before locking it again.
"I'm so sorry Kurt. It's all my fault. I didn't talk to you and then you told me that we should break up, and I thought getting drunk would be a good idea, and you still came." Blaine couldn't stop his crazy rambling as he threw himself into Kurt's arms.
Kurt was holding on tight as well and Blaine had never been gladder. But then Kurt took a step back and looked at Blaine like he was crazy. "You thought I wanted to break up with you?" Blaine nodded. That's what Kurt's text had said, hadn't it?
Kurt gaped at him with his mouth hanging open and then he hit Blaine's shoulder. "I didn't want to break up with you. Rachel said your behavior indicated that you broke up with me and in case that was true I wanted you to at least do it face to face."
Blaine felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulder. Kurt hadn't planned to end their relationship after all. He felt guilty though for making Kurt believe they had broken up because of his behavior this past week. Yes, he was angry and disappointed, but he wouldn't give up what they had without trying to work out their problems somehow. Only he hadn't done that. He had run away from his problems yet again. He was such a coward.
His mental beat down was stopped by Kurt's hand on his jaw. "I love you and I'm not giving up on us. But right now we need to get out of here, before we get caught or my father finds out I snuck out of the house. I promise we can talk tomorrow if you want to."
Blaine leaned into the touch of Kurt's hand before closing the distance between them and pressed his lips against Kurt's. It had only been a week since he had last kissed Kurt, but it felt much longer.
Kurt froze against his lips and for a moment Blaine was worried he had overstepped but after a few torturous seconds Kurt finally kissed him back. Somehow the touch of Kurt's lips against his own assured Blaine that they would be okay somehow.
"Come on, let's get out of here," Blaine whispered against his boyfriend's (still boyfriend!) lips and unlocked the door.
The dance floor was packed when they finally left the bathroom and Kurt made sure to hold Blaine's hand tightly, because the last thing he needed now was getting separated. He really had to stop thinking about worstcase scenarios because with his luck they always happened.
He was pushing through an opening between a dancing couple when he ran into someone. The sorry got stuck in his throat when he looked up to apologize. Dave Karofsky was staring back at him with a smile on his face Kurt had hoped he would never have to see again.
Up Next: Part 3 - Trapped