Oh Father, where art thou?
Chapter 23: Dad - Part 1 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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How Kurt Hummel lost and found his family

Oh Father, where art thou?: Chapter 23: Dad - Part 1

T - Words: 1,822 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 29/29 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Aug 22, 2012
936 0 0 0 0

Warning: People not accepting that NO means NO. But nothing too graphic.

Chapter 23: Dad - Part 1

Blaine knew he had to talk to Kurt eventually, either to break up with him or to find a way to trust Kurt again. If it had been anyone but Kurt he would have forgiven them by now, but Kurt had promised to always be honest with him. How was he supposed to trust Kurt again, when he couldn't be sure that Kurt wouldn't do something like that the next time he thought Blaine couldn't handle the truth?

Apparently Santana had enough of his moping, because he was rudely awakened by a pillow to the face Friday morning.

"I don't care what you do, but I'm done watching you look like a kicked puppy. We're going to Scandals tonight and we're going to have fun." Santana wanted to go to a gay bar with him? He wasn't sure that was such a good idea, because alcohol made him act a little crazy sometimes. But maybe getting wasted was exactly what he needed right now.

"Can I think about it? "Fine, but I'm getting us some fake IDs today and the only excuse I accept is you getting back with Porcelain today, otherwise you're going."

Blaine made it through school like he had the rest of his week, keeping his head down, eating lunch under the bleachers and staying as far away from the choir room as possible. He knew he had to go back to Glee on Monday because otherwise Ms. Corcoran would give his part to someone else and Rachel would probably skin him alive.

He still hadn't made up his mind about Scandals when he got a text from Kurt. At first he wanted to delete it without reading it, but in the end his curiosity won out. He read through Kurt's text a couple of times, before he called up Santana.

"I'm in." "What changed your mind?" Santana asked and it almost sounded as if she cared. "Kurt wants us to break up."

Kurt's fight with Blaine was officially ruining his life. He couldn't concentrate in class, staring at the back of Blaine's head most of the lessons and he kept screwing up in Glee, but fortunately Ms. Corcoran had given him till Monday to sort himself out, otherwise she would takes his lines away as well.

He needed to get Blaine back to Glee, because right now their fight kept them both from doing what they loved.

Rachel came up to Kurt after rehearsal was over and offered to talk to Blaine, before giving him what she considered advice. "I know it's hard having to share a stage with an ex, but when Jesse and I broke up briefly before Regionals last year I channeled my emotions into my performance. You have the perfect song, use your pain."

Kurt hadn't really been paying attention to Rachel, but caught up when she called Blaine his ex. "Blaine's not my ex," he quickly said, but Kurt could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed you broke up because he keeps avoiding you and hasn't come to Glee in a week." Kurt could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Was that what Blaine had been trying to tell him, by refusing to be in a room with him, if he didn't have to.

"You think he broke up with me?" he forced out while trying to keep his tears in." Rachel shrugged. "If you don't know, how should I know? But you should find out, so you can get over it."

Had he really ruined his relationship because of one mistake? Kurt knew it was a big one, but he couldn't believe Blaine wouldn't break up with him face to face if that was what he wanted.

Once he got home, he took out his phone and started composing texts he wanted to send to Blaine. In the end he settled on something simple and to the point. "If we are breaking up, can we at least do it face to face?"

Santana's fake ID had gotten him past the bored looking doorman outside Scandals without a problem. He was on his second beer when Santana texted him that Brittany came over unexpectedly and she couldn't make it. He considered leaving for a moment but then decided to stay a little longer, if only to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

Blaine was about to order yet another drink, when a glass filled with clear liquid was being pushed in front of him. "Vodka Tonic, you look like you need it."

"Thanks," Blaine said as he looked over to the guy who had paid for his drink.

He was taller than him, had brown hair and looked at Blaine with a predatory smile that made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Have we met? You look really familiar," the guy said looking Blaine up and down. Blaine rolled his eyes. That was the best this guy could come up with? The guy seemed to be his age, so Blaine was pretty certain he would remember it if he had met another gay teen in Lima.

"I don't think so," he answered politely. He felt flattered by the attention but something about the guy felt off. Blaine quickly gulped down his drink and the guy ordered him another one. Blaine knew he should say no, but he was already feeling pleasantly buzzed and so he shoved his worries about the guy to the back of this mind."

"Sebastian Smythe, where do you go to school?" At Blaine's panicked look he added, "Don't worry I'm in school to. I attend Dalton Academy in Westerville."

Blaine was surprised. He didn't know all the students at Dalton, but he was certain he had never seen that Sebastian guy there before.

"Are you a freshman? I went to Dalton for two years before I transferred last summer." Blaine blurted out, and immediately knew it was a stupid thing to say when Sebastian smirked.

"Do I look like a freshman?" Sebastian asked as he leaned in closer. Blaine could feel Sebastian's hand brush his thigh but he wrote it off as an accident. "Now I know why you look familiar. The Warblers just won't shut up about you. I guess they were right, you are sex on a stick."

Blaine couldn't believe anyone in the Warblers had described him like that. They had all been – as they called it – team Klaine from the start. The hand was back on his knee and this time Blaine had to admit to himself it wasn't an accident.

Blaine gave Sebastian a polite smile and quickly finished his drink, which tasted even stronger than the last one. The hand on his knee moved up his thigh.

"I have a boyfriend," Blaine forced out even though he wasn't sure if it was still true. But even if he and Kurt were no longer together, had no interest in becoming Sebastian's next one-night-stand.

"Doesn't matter to me." When had Sebastian come this close? "I'm sorry, I really can't do this with you. I'm not a cheater." Sebastian's hand moved even further up and Blaine wanted to push it away, but he was afraid to fall off the bar stool if he let go off the bar.

"If you care so much about your boyfriend you wouldn't be here on your own and if he cared about you he wouldn't have let you come here alone," Sebastian's mouth was pretty much pressed against his ear, but the guy's comment struck a nerve.

He wouldn't be here if he hadn't refused to talk to Kurt all week. He needed to get away from Sebastian and call Kurt.

He managed to push himself off the stool without falling over, but accidentally pushed against Sebastian's hand on his thigh. "Bathroom," he tried to excuse himself, but Sebastian just smirked.

"So I see you changed your mind about me then." Shit, that was not what he had meant. He felt Sebastian's arm wrap around his waist and tried to free himself but Sebastian wouldn't let go.

He turned his face around to the entrance and managed to yell out a greeting to an imaginary friend. Luckily, Sebastian fell for it and momentarily loosened his hold on Blaine, which Blaine used to flee toward the restrooms. He was afraid Sebastian would follow him in there, so he quickly locked himself into the girls' bathroom and tried to get his phone out of his pocket without dropping it because of his shaking hands.

He was drunk and scared and he needed Kurt. But for all he knew Kurt wouldn't even want to talk to him after how he had treated him all week.

Kurt was sitting in front of his vanity, staring at the creams in front of him. He had forgone his moisturizing routine the past couple of days, but it was time to do damage control especially after the extensive crying he had done.

His phone rang on his bedside table and for a moment he considered letting it go to voicemail, but he hadn't heard from Blaine after he had sent that text message and still wanted to know where they stood.

As he had suspected Blaine's face showed up on the display and Kurt quickly unlocked his phone. "Blaine?" he asked tentatively.

"Oh Kurt, thank god you picked up. I love you and I'm so sorry." Blaine's speech was slurred and Kurt wondered where he was and why he had drunk dialed Kurt.

"Are you drunk?" he asked incredulously because drunk Blaine could be fun, but he could also do stupid things. They've been to enough Warbler's parties together for Kurt to know that.

"Yes, and I'm sorry but you have to come get me," Blaine pleaded. "You want me to do what? Why don't you call Santana?" Who knew if Blaine still wanted to see him when he was sober again the next morning?

"Please Kurt, Santana stood me up and there's this guy who won't leave me alone and I'm hiding in the girls' bathroom," Blaine sounded like he was crying and Kurt suddenly realized how bad the situation was Blaine was in.

"Where are you? Stay where you are until I come and get you," he ordered.

"Scandals, that's a gay bar on W High Street. Please come quickly."

"I will. I promise," Kurt assured Blaine before he hung up. He might be mad that Blaine had been ignoring him this past week, but he couldn't leave Blaine alone in that bar where god knows what could happen.

He quickly got dressed again, grabbed his car keys and quietly made his way downstairs thanking his lucky star that he could hear his father's snoring coming from his and Carole's bedroom.

He had no idea how he was supposed to get into that bar without a fake ID and without getting Blaine in trouble for being there in the first place, but he couldn't think about that now. He needed to get to Scandals without crashing his car, because otherwise Blaine was doomed.

Up Next: Part 2 - Kurt to the rescue?


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