Aug. 22, 2012, 12:22 p.m.
Aug. 22, 2012, 12:22 p.m.
AN: I wanted to let Santana, Brittany and Mercedes do the Adele mash up for Sectionals before I remembered the album only came out in January 2011 and we are still in 2010. Hope you still like my set list. Also, can you guess who Rachel's boyfriend is? I gave you a clue in chapter 5.
CHAPTER 15: History Repeated
Kurt couldn't wait to get to Glee. Ms. Corcoran would announce today which of the songs they had rehearsed would be used for Sectionals in a few days. Rachel's mom had insisted they'd get more than the requisite three numbers competition ready, just in case they had to make any last minutes adjustments.
Kurt hadn't been part of the club when Mr. Shuester had run it, but from what he'd been told, the teacher hadn't even started rehearsing until a week before Sectionals and had given all the solos to Rachel. They had managed to get to Regionals where they had placed only fifth. The Warblers had fared slightly better at their own Regionals; they'd come in second after Vocal Adrenalin, a four time national champion that Ms. Corcoran used to coach.
After his final class had finally ended, Kurt nearly ran to the choir room. He and Blaine had presented a duet version of Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" and he wanted nothing more than sing it at Sectionals.
Apparently he wasn't the only curious one, because most of the club was already in the room when Kurt arrived. He dropped his bag unto the seat next to Blaine and tried to calm his nerves.
Ms. Corcoran showed up five minutes late but went straight to business once she had settled. "I guess you all want to know the final set list, am I right?" Kurt nodded enthusiastically. "Alright. Here goes. We're going to start with Mercedes and Santana singing "River deep/ Mountain High" with Mike and Brittany doing choreography."
Kurt saw Mercedes and Santana high five each other. They had sounded amazing together and so he couldn't help but be happy for one of his best friends.
"Alright, now for the duet." Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and squeezed it hard. "As you know, it is either going to be Rachel and Puck or Kurt and Blaine. I've thought a lot about it, but in the end I decided to go with the boys, because their arrangement sounded great. Congrats boys."
Oh my god. He was doing a duet with Blaine on a competition stage. Not just a Christmas concert for family and friends. Before he knew it, Rachel had pulled him into a hug. "You deserve it. The only way I could have beat you was if I had sung with Blaine," she whispered in his ear.
He was touched because he knew how Rachel could be if she didn't get what she wanted. But he guessed the new structure in the club worked for her as well. At least now she knew that when she got a solo she had actually earned it instead of it just being handed to her.
At least that's how it worked for Blaine. Kurt just liked that for the first time ever he actually had a chance to get solos as well, instead of just singing backup for either Rachel or Blaine.
Once the room had quieted down, Ms. Corcoran announced their final number. Kurt saw Finn's face fall when he realized that Rachel's mom had chosen the number in which he was relegated to swaying in the back and singing back up. Next to him however, Rachel was jumping up and down in her seat.
They would finish their set with "You can't stop the beat" from Hairspray. Rachel and Sam would take Tracy and Link's lines, Quinn and Puck would play Penny and Seaweed, and Artie would take Mrs. Turnblad's solo, while Tina, Mercedes and Brittany would take turns on the last solo with the rest of the club singing back-up.
"I'm sorry Finn, Sugar, but you just aren't there yet. Maybe, if you work hard, we can feature you at Regionals." Sugar clapped enthusiastically. The freshman girl didn't seem to mind too much, but Finn looked pissed. Kurt knew his stepbrother wasn't used to being put in the back, but he couldn't focus on that right now. They had a fantastic set list and would surely win Sectionals.
"Before I let you get back to rehearsing, one more thing. I'd like to thank Mercedes, Tina, Sugar and Kurt for getting us the awesome costumes we have now. You've all become such a great team in such a short time, and I'm really proud of you. Just do your best on Saturday and we've got this in the bag." Rachel's mom sure knew how to give a pep talk.
Finn couldn't believe he didn't even get a single line. Not that he liked Glee that much, but he was always good at what he did. What was worse, he had already told his mom and Burt about his solo and they had promised to come to the performance to watch him, Kurt and Blaine.
He spotted Rachel on the other side of the room and walked up to her. The girl was annoying but talented and seemed to like it when he complemented her. "You know, if you had agreed to sing a duet with me, I'm sure she would have picked us. We'd make a great team." Rachel smiled at him. He got in the bag. She might not be a cheerleader but she was still quite attractive.
"That's sweet of you to say, Finn, but I need a partner that can keep up with me vocally and that's not you." What? That was not how this was supposed to go. Girls like Rachel usually craved the attention of good-looking jocks.
"I am looking for a replacement for my previous duet partner, now that my boyfriend is in college and maybe if you work on it we could try again in the future, but right now, you'd only bring me down." He needed to get away from her. He spotted Brittany leaving the room and followed her.
He had heard from Puck that Brittany and Santana sometimes made out in front of other people and maybe he could convince Brittany to let him join them one time. That would certainly boost his coolness factor.
He found Brittany in front of her locker and just as he was about to lean in and give her a flirtatious smile, Santana grabbed him and yanked him back. Who did she think he was? "I'm sorry Santana for trying to talk to your girlfriend. Didn't know I wasn't allowed to do that." He could hear a few people gasp behind him and Santana suddenly looked murderous.
"I thought that was a secret, San." Brittany said looking confused. What? But hadn't everyone already known? He probably should get away from Santana before she went all Lima Heights on him, whatever that meant. "Sorry, I got to go. Kurt's my ride."
He turned around quickly and left before he would experience Santana's wrath. How was he supposed to know that was a secret? They were always sitting close together in Glee, just like his stepbrother and Blaine.
Kurt and Blaine were already waiting for him outside and while Kurt and Blaine were practicing their duet in the car, Finn stayed quiet in the back. There was no need to get worried; things like that always blew over quickly in High School, didn't they?
Burt had been surprised that the McKinley Glee club had won the competition. Not because they'd been bad, but because his son and Blaine had sung a duet together. He was surprised the judges hadn't cared about that. This was Ohio after all. He had to admit though that they had sounded good together. Elisabeth had always praised Kurt's voice but he had thought it was just a mother's biased opinion.
He and Carole were still looking around for their kids when he finally spotted Finn in a corner. He grabbed Carole's hand and moved toward her son. When he got closer, he realized that something must be wrong. Finn had been backed into a corner by the Latina girl who had sung first and Kurt and Blaine were standing behind her, Kurt with the blonde dancer in his arms.
He was about to intervene when he heard what the dark haired girl was saying. "It's all your fault my grandma kicked me out. I can't believe you told everyone that Brittany is my girlfriend. Are you really that desperate for a date?"
Finn, at that point, was standing with his back against the wall. Burt heard Carole gasp next to him, and the grip on his hand tightened. Hadn't Finn learnt anything in Austin?
Burt decided it was time to interfere. "Finn, go to the car now. The rest of you, please stay. I'd like to talk to you." The dark haired girl took a step back and let Finn pass.
"First of all, what's your name? I'm Kurt and Finn's dad." The girl arched an eyebrow at that and just stared at him for a few seconds. Finally she answered. "Santana. Santana Lopez. I'd say pleased to meet you, but that would make me a liar." Burt didn't know what to say to that. Even Kurt had never been that rude. Burt opened his mouth to say something, but Carole was faster.
"You said, your grandmother kicked you out. Can I ask where your parents are?" Santana seemed to mull it over before she nodded.
"They work for MSF in Somalia and won't be back before Christmas." "Where are you staying right now?" Carole wondered. "Brittany, but her parents will be back from a trip soon and they don't like me very much. They think I'm not good enough for her." Santana explained.
"You can stay at our place until your parents get back," Burt surprised himself by making the offer. "We have a guest room you could use and it would only be for a couple of weeks." Carole took over quickly. Maybe it was time to let Carole handle the situation. She was always better with things like that.
"I know you must be pretty angry with Finn, and believe me I understand. I feel, the least I can do to make up for his behavior is letting you stay with us for a while. You already know Kurt and Blaine, so it wouldn't be like you were staying with strangers," Carole continued.
Santana didn't say anything at first, but just looked at them. Burt felt like he was lying under a magnifying glass. "Can I come visit San if she's staying with you?" the blonde girl in Kurt's arms asked. That must be Brittany then.
"You can, but there are rules," Burt told her. He couldn't have separate rules for each of the teenagers staying in his house. "Fine, I'll do it. If I can't beat Finn up, I can at least make him feel … guilty." Burt wasn't sure he wanted to know what the girl had wanted to say. But she was right, Finn had screw up again, and maybe this way he would learn his lesson.
"Why don't we swing by Brittany's house and you pick up your things so we can all go home." Carole suggested before turning to Kurt and Blaine. "That's not going to be a problem for you, is it?" Burt hadn't even thought about that. But luckily, both boys immediately nodded and started telling the blond about all the fabulous sleep-overs they could have together. Thank god it was only six weeks till Christmas.
Kurt was glad he and Blaine had come with their own car so they didn't have to be in a car with Finn, Santana and his parents. He was so angry at Finn right now, it was good they were physically separated at the moment.
"I can't believe he did that. First he outs me and than Santana. Does he have a personal vendetta against all gay people?" Kurt fumed. He was glad that Blaine was driving right now. "And don't tell me he doesn't know any better. Carole sat him down after he outed me and told him that wasn't okay."
"Maybe we should talk to him, when we get home. I'm pretty sure Santana won't want to talk, but maybe we can explain why what he did was wrong."
Kurt sighed. Blaine was ever the optimist. He didn't understand why his boyfriend always had to try to help people whether they deserved it or not.
"Sorry, Burt wants to have the honors and I'm definitely going to listen in on that one. Who knows what he's going to tell him, PFLAG or not." Kurt felt Blaine's hand on his knee as he squeezed it gently.
"Alright. Why don't you go spy on your dad and I'll make sure Santana is doing okay." "I knew there was a reason why I love you," Kurt joked. Kurt knew that Blaine didn't exactly agree with him, but at least he was still being supportive.
Burt found himself, once again, on the back porch with his stepson, but this time had only brought a beer for himself. He definitely needed one for another talk like that.
"You know that what you did was wrong, right?" he asked the boy sitting next to him. "I didn't know it was supposed to be a secret. I thought everyone already knew and besides, no one's going to care. It's two girls, people are going to think that's hot."
Burt couldn't deny that he had enjoyed watching porn that had two girls in it at some time or other but that was beside the point he was trying to make.
"Well someone did care. Otherwise Santana wouldn't be staying with us right now. It's not your place to decide when someone opens up about something private. Usually they have good reasons to keep things hidden." Burt watched as Finn was trying to process what he was saying.
"So I shouldn't say anything about someone's relationship unless I know it's okay to do so?" Finn mused. "But if they wanted to keep it quiet, why did they act like a couple in Glee?"
"I guess the people in that club of yours are all friends and they probably thought they didn't have to hide anything there." Burt explained. At least that's what Carole's been saying.
"I wasn't thinking when I said that. I was angry and I wanted to take it out on her. But I never meant for any of that to happen." Finn confessed. Burt understood, he really did. He'd said at lot of things out of anger that he wanted to take back afterward, but he was trying to work on it.
"You need to start thinking before you talk, otherwise getting someone kicked out of their house might not be the worst thing you could cause." Burt shuddered. He had been shocked when some guy at the PFLAG meeting had talked about the suicide rate among gay teens. He'd done some bad things too in his time, but he hoped he had never made his son consider doing that.
"So, your mom and I have decided that you'll come to future PFLAG meetings with me. Maybe we can even all go together as a family. God knows the two of us need some help getting through all this. And it's not up for discussion, you understand?" Finn just nodded. "Good, now let's go to bed, and tomorrow I want you to apologize to Santana." Finn just nodded again, as Burt stood up and went back inside to tell Carole what he had talked to Finn about.
Carole had wanted to be the one to talk to Finn, but Burt had thought it would be more effective if it came from him. He had been looking forward to a quiet Sunday with his family, but now that they had added another teen, he knew it would be anything but quiet.
Kurt was hiding behind some curtains, while his father talked to Finn. "What have I missed?" a voice suddenly whispered next to him. Kurt nearly jumped a foot into the air. "Santana, what are you doing here? I thought Blaine was talking to you." "Got bored and told him I was going to bed."
Kurt wasn't surprised that Santana had fled. Blaine could be intense when he was trying to play big gay mentor. They watched Finn and Burt's talk together in silence and as Burt stood up they quickly retreated into Kurt's bedroom.
"Your dad gives surprisingly good talks. From what I've heard about him I'd expected something different. I didn't think he would tell Frankenteen that he was wrong." Kurt had been surprised too. He didn't expect Burt to acknowledge that what he had done in the past had been wrong. But one positive talk wouldn't make up for all the shit his father had put him through. If he wanted his forgiveness he had to work a little harder than that. Or actually tell Kurt that he had been wrong.
"He does seem to have a talent for them if they are with people that aren't me. But I get it. I'm just too weird for him." Santana gave him a sympathetic look, but he didn't want her pity. She had her own problems.
"Are you doing okay?" he asked to take the focus off of him. "Geez, would you all stop asking me that. So my grandma, who basically raised me, turned out to be an asshole. I'll live. Like your dad said it's only until Christmas and then my parents will be back at least till summer. Worry about your own shit."
Kurt knew she didn't mean to hurt him. Insulting others was her defense mechanism and he could emphasize with that because he tended to do the exact same thing, at least when it came to the bullies in his life.
"Well, if you say so. I need to start my moisturizing routine. You know where to find either Blaine or I if you do want to talk." He made shooing motions with his hands and Santana left for the guestroom. Life just couldn't give him a break.
Blaine was late for Glee Club but he still caught the tail end of Ms. Corcoran's speech. "… best if you didn't come for a while. It will be up to Santana and Brittany if you'll be allowed to come back. Glee Club is a save space for many of its members and with your actions you have proven that you don't deserve the trust people put in each other in this room."
Half the class looked murderous, and Finn looked like he couldn't wait to get out of the choir room. He hadn't had the chance yet to talk to Kurt's stepbrother, but according to Kurt, Burt had actually done a good job. Still, he wanted to talk to Finn as well. If he could just get one bully to change he wouldn't feel so bad about running away to Dalton.
He saw Finn grab his bag after Ms. Corcoran was done and made to follow him when he felt a tug on his arm. "Where are you going?" Kurt demanded. "I want to talk to Finn," Blaine explained and freed his arm. He didn't understand why Kurt didn't make more of an effort with Finn. They were brothers now and that had to count for something.
He got up and quickly followed Finn when he heard Kurt's unmistakable footsteps behind him. Finn had just passed a row of lockers when a group of cheerios cornered him and dumped a multitude of slushies on his head, before walking on as if nothing had happened.
Blaine gasped. He had never experienced a slushie himself but Kurt had told him how bad it felt to receive one. "I guess you want to help him?" Kurt asked from behind him.
"You told me how difficult it was to get cleaned up after one, especially if you are on your own." "And I'm doing this because…?" "I guess you know the phrase 'Kill them with kindness' right? If we are nice to him, then he won't have a choice but be nice to us. " Kurt gave him a fond eye-roll. "The things I do for you."
Finn was already making his way to one of the restrooms when they caught up with him. "Blaine demanded that I help you, so please follow me." Blaine gave Finn what he hoped to be an encouraging smile as Kurt grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the girls' bathroom.
"Dude, I'm not a girl," Finn protested weakly while trying to get the slushie out of his eyes. "This was the slushie bathroom my first year here, because it was closest to the choir room." Blaine hated that Kurt had to have a slushie bathroom and was beyond thankful that slushies weren't really happing anymore.
Kurt cleaned up Finn quickly and efficiently and sent him on his way to his next class. "You'll better make it up to me Blaine Anderson," Kurt threatened, but there was a small smile on his face. "Well, I guess Finn owes you one now and we do have an anniversary coming up," Blaine tried to flirt back.
Kurt took a quick look at the closed door and after making sure it was locked, pressed Blaine against the wall and then tried to leave probably the biggest hickey known to mankind on Blaine's neck. If that was what he got for helping out Finn, Blaine would assist the giant teen more often.
Up Next: Thanksgiving at the Hudmelson household and Klaine's one year anniversary.
In case you couldn't guess who Rachel's boyfriend is - I found all those lovely deleted Glee scenes recently and this is one of Rachel and her bf: here
There won't be any Finchel in this. I get that a lot of people love them, but they just don't work for me. Sorry.
Btw, MSF stands for Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without boarders)