NYADA Freshman Year
1x06: Sectionals Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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NYADA Freshman Year: 1x06: Sectionals

T - Words: 9,352 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2013
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AN: I wanted to have this up earlier but I got roped into grandma-sitting. Finally managed to finish it when she took a nap this afternoon. It's even longer that the last one, because Santana insisted on having her own POV. Chandler is finally dealt with this chapter and I hope it's satifying.

1x06: Sectionals

Previously on NYADA - Freshman Year:

Chandler took Kurt on a date but it didn't end so well, but Kurt prevail and showed Chandler who was the boss. Blaine and Kurt continued having non-dates at the Lima Bean and shared each other's baggage. After taking Kurt on a super-romantic non-date he called up Kurt's father, who already knows Kurt's gay but asked Blaine not to say anything, to get permission to take Kurt to a party in the Hamptons. Kurt wanted to know if Blaine wanted him to be his date and Blaine said yes. Instead of immediately saying yes himself, Kurt told Blaine he had to think about it. And that's were we are now...

Kurt's mind went into overdrive as soon as Blaine invited him to Wes' Halloween party. Did Blaine mean as a date? No, of course not. Blaine had made it clear that he couldn't date Kurt for some reason. He probably didn't want to show up at the party alone, especially with Sebastian pursuing him.

He vaguely registered asking Blaine if going together would mean they were on a date because he'd rather find out now than be disappointed later. Surely any minute now Blaine would start laughing and tell him, no just as friends.

Kurt nearly missed what Blaine said next and for a moment he thought he must have misunderstood, because did Blaine just say it would be a date if Kurt agreed.

Of course, instead of telling Blaine, god yes, his mouth opened and 'can I think about it' came out. There was nothing to think about. He'd spent the last month getting to know Blaine better and didn't agree to any dates – there must be more gay students at NYADA than he had thought – to prove that he didn't need to be in a relationship to be happy.

But it was different with Blaine now. He wasn't just a pretty face anymore who seemed to be nice; they were friends now who hung out constantly and told each other things they didn't tell other people.

Blaine was moving suddenly, Kurt registered and why was he moving away? Did he think Kurt didn't want to go out with him? Or had he said something Kurt had missed?

Come on Hummel, get off your butt, he mumbled to himself before he finally hurried after Blaine. He really should have paid more attention to his surroundings because he suddenly found himself in a bathroom and froze when he spotted Blaine who obviously was busy.

"Sorry," he squeaked and Blaine turned his head. Kurt was sure his face was beyond tomato red.

"Kurt?" Blaine asked and before he could stop his mouth, Kurt blurted out.

"I'd love to go on a date with you."

"And telling me that couldn't wait?" Blaine asked curiously and Kurt could hear the sound of a zipper being pulled up.

Kurt eyes widened because did he just seriously have a conversation with the boy he liked while said boy was using the bathroom. He turned on his heels and ran out of the bathroom after telling Blaine they could talk later.

He made it back to his dorm room in record time and buried his head under his pillow, wishing the earth would swallow him whole. Why did he always have to make a fool out of himself as soon as he and Blaine left the friend zone?

At least Jeff wasn't in the room so he didn't have to explain why he looked flushed and was blushing like crazy.

And if anyone asked how Blaine asked him out, he would insist it happened over coffee and that is all there is to it. Nothing else happened. Definitely.

Clothes were strewn everywhere in his and Jeff's room but he still had no idea what to wear for Wes party. Kurt wasn't a fan of generic costumes and had hoped he could make one from the clothes he already possessed, but so far nothing.

He was actually relieved when there was a knock on the door and San, Britt and Quinn were standing outside.

"We were wondering if you wanted to come shopping with us for Montgomery's party and judging by the state of your room, you definitely need a break," Quinn told him, her usual bored look in place. It was really too bad because she had a nice smile when she did smile.

Kurt hastily put his clothes back into the closet – and he would definitely have to iron a lot of them the next day – and followed the girls outside.

"Where to?" he asked Santana who knew the city best. "There are a few stores in the Meat Packing District I want to check out, " his friend told him and together they went to the nearest subway station.

Three hours later, Santana had a cat woman costume, Quinn turned into Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Brittany was a mermaid, but Kurt was still stuck. He had no intentions of going as a cowboy or something equally childish.

As they strolled through Soho, not wanting to go back to the dorms already where nothing more than homework was waiting for him, Kurt was frantically trying to come up with his own costume ideas when they passed a store that sold fabrics and all kinds of other stuff next to a souvenir store and a light bulb went off in his head.

He'd always liked working on his own clothes, making them tighter or adding little accessories, so actually sowing his own costume shouldn't be a problem.

He said goodbye to the girls, because he knew he would spend some more time shopping, before entering the store and started browsing fabrics. Once he was done he moved on to the souvenir store and picked up little trinkets that would complete his outfit.

Finally satisfied, he grabbed a tuna wrap on his way back to school, and dumped his bag on his bed because he had to finish his homework before he could start working on his costume.

Jeff eyed the beg curiously but Kurt wanted to keep his costume a secret until the party.

"So you're going to Wes' party as well?" Jeff asked when Kurt told him his purchase was for a Halloween costume.

"Yeah, I mean my dad hasn't said yes yet, but he hasn't said no either, so I think he'll let me go. Are you going?"

Jeff nodded and launched into an explanation of the plan he had devised to get his girlfriend to come as well, whose parents where a bit stricter than Jeff's.

"Are you going with someone?" Jeff asked then, aiming for nonchalantly but failing and Kurt wondered if everyone was aware that something was going on between him and Blaine.

Blaine hadn't said Kurt couldn't talk about it, so Kurt told Jeff about their talk in the coffee shop – of course not mentioning the incident in the bathroom – and he was surprised by how happy Jeff was for him.

He had always assumed that when he finally came out to someone other than Mercedes, no one would want to be near him anymore, especially not boys, but Jeff just hugged him and Kurt was beyond grateful that his dad had allowed him to come to NYADA.

It wasn't even a New York thing because most students at NYADA came from out of state and still he hadn't heard a single derogative comment about the clothes he was wearing or about the fact that his voice was higher than that of his peers like he had experienced in middle school.

Kurt discreetly wiped away a tear, because he didn't want Jeff to see how affected he was by that simple gesture, and than finally started working on the math homework he had been postponing for two days now.

He had barely finished solving the last equations when his phone lit up and Mercedes face showed up on the screen.

He quickly got off his chair and left the room because he didn't want Jeff to catch him squealing like a little girl when he told his best friend about the date with Blaine.

Three flours up, Blaine was having his own freak out surrounded by Wes and David who seemed to have the time of their life just watching him.

"I don't even know for sure yet that he'll be allowed to go but I need to look fabulous if he does," he mumbled going through Wes and David's closets because he couldn't find anything suitable in his own.

When he heard his two best friends laughing behind him he whirled around and glared at them.

"Stop laughing and help me," he ordered which sent them into another laughing fit.

"Okay, sorry," Wes finally told him. "You said he likes old black and white movies, right?" he asked and Blaine nodded not understanding how this would help him.

"Remember how you showed up here with a whole tube of gel in your hair and we told you to lose it because NYADA wasn't some weird preppy high school?" David continued and Blaine nodded again, even more confused now.

"Maybe it's time to bring it back." Were they messing with him? They had teased him because of his overuse of gel for a few days after he had first transferred and so he reluctantly had cut down on it even though people at his old school had made fun of him because of his curly hair and one time even had thrown chewing gum in his hair.

"What's his favorite old film?" Wes wanted to know and Blaine immediately answered not having to think about it, which caused Wes and David to start laughing again. "Casablanca."

"Then there's your costume. You can gel your hair as much as you like and no one's going to tease you about it."

"So are you saying I should be Humphrey Bogart?" He wasn't a fan of costumes that portrayed real people.

David rolled his eyes. "Is he always that slow?" he asked Wes and Blaine huffed because he wasn't slow, he just didn't get what they wanted him to do.

"Sure is, otherwise he would have asked Kurt out the first time Kurt told him how he felt," Wes was talking to David now as if he wasn't even there anymore.

"Guys," he called out to them. Wes and David finally stopped teasing and turned around to face him again.

"A little hint. His last name is your first name," David said and finally Blaine understood.

"That's brilliant. I'm sure Kurt would like that," he exclaimed, cursing himself for not coming up with it on his own, especially considering how he got his name.

"Hey, do you and Kurt want to ride with us to my house?" Wes asked suddenly and Blaine shrugged.

"I haven't asked him yet, but I think he might want to go with his friends. Thanks for inviting them as well by the way. I know you don't like having freshmen at your party."

Wes shrugged. "I thought he'd be more comfortable if there were others around his age and it would be easier to convince his dad if his friends were going as well."

"Well thanks. I've to go. I need to check out what kind of hats we have in our costume department. If I do this I want to do it right."

Blaine hopped off David's bed and went to the door. Before he left he turned around once more. "Do you think flowers are too much." The next second a pillow collided with his head.

"Dude, you're supposed to play a character not become it. It's a party. Where do you propose he'd put the flowers?"

Both his friends started laughing like crazy again and Blaine decided it was time to get back to his own room and away from their insanity.

"Hey Cedes, how are you?" he asked as soon as he picked up his phone and sat down outside of his room.

"Not important. Tell me about the party?" Kurt furrowed his brow. How could she know about that?

"What party?" he asked her curiously. "Don't lie, Kurt Hummel. I heard from Finn, who heard it from your dad that your 'friend'", Kurt could hear the quotation marks in her voice, "Blaine invited you to a party in the Hamptons."

"Finn can't just keep his mouth shut, can he?" Kurt muttered and Mercedes chuckled. "It was worth seeing Rachel get all jealous over it." That made Kurt chuckle as well.

"Alright, I'm going to tell you all about it, but first tell me how Sectionals went." McKinley's Sectionals was two weeks before they had their own, which would take place the week after Halloween.

"Sue, that's the crazy cheerleading coach, gave our set list to the competion and we only found out when we got there, which really sucked because I had a solo. But we switched some things around and ended up with Harmony singing 'Don't rain on my parade' and we sang 'Somebody to love' and 'You can't always get what you want' as group numbers so everyone got some lines. Rachel thought she and Finn should duet on the Rolling Stones' number because it was Finn's idea, but luckily Mr. Schue shut her down because we'd only ever sung it as a group before. So all we have to do now is win Regionals and then we can meet up for Nationals if you guys win as well," Mercedes recounted enthusiastically.

"Wow, congrats. I hope you have a video of it somewhere," Kurt told her honestly. It was just too bad Mercedes didn't get to sing 'And I'm telling you' because he thought she sounded amazing when she sang that."

"I don't have a solo either, but I'm sure with Blaine on lead we're going to kill this thing," he continued and was interrupted by a squeak.

"Okay, tell me about Blaine, now!" she ordered and Kurt stretched out his legs in front of him to get more comfortable.

"Okay fine. He called my dad asking if I could come to the party and later when we met for coffee he told me it could be a date if I wanted," he admitted.

"Tell me you said yes. You did say yes, right?" Mercedes asked and Kurt pretty much saw his friend bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Yes, Mercedes. I did say yes. And yes, I promise to tell you all the details afterward."

"You better," Mercedes mock threatened, before she seemed to call out to someone close by.

"That was my mom. She told me I have to get off the phone. Talk to you soon boo."

Kurt said goodbye as well and was about to go back into his room when his phone rang again, his father's name on the display. Kurt just hoped his dad was calling to tell him he could go to the party.

"Hey dad," Kurt said cheerfully. "Please tell me you're calling because I can go to Wes' party."

His father chuckled and Kurt hoped that was a good sign. "I've talked it over with Carole and I spoke to your friend's parents, so yes you can go but there's something I want to talk to you about first.

Kurt was sure he'd get the speech they always got when Carole and his dad weren't home. "I know dad. No alcohol, no drugs, no," he stopped. Usually his dad ended with no girls but that wasn't really an issue with him.

Luckily his dad didn't comment on his abrupt silence and just continued his own little lecture.

"Now, I don't expect there to be alcohol with the Montgomery's present, but if there is don't overdo it." "What?" Had his dad just given him permission to drink alcohol at a party?

"It would be hypocritical of me to tell you not to drink at all when Carole and I let you have a glass of Champaign for new year's and our wedding, but please be sensible about it. I'd rather you didn't drink at all till you're twenty-one, but I was a teenager once too, so I know what happens at parties. Which brings me to the second thing."

What else was there to discuss. He had already told his dad numerous times he wasn't interested in drugs. Maybe he'd try smoking pot in college to see what the bid deal was, but that was it.

"I know you'll have to stay overnight at the party, so I was wondering what the sleeping arrangements might be?" his dad continued. Kurt honestly had no idea.

"I don't know dad. We'll probably just sleep on the floor in sleeping bags or so," he offered. He didn't see what the problem was. He lived in a dorm, which was like a permanent sleepover.

"Then I expect you not to share that sleeping bag with anyone." Kurt finally got what his dad was hinting at and turned beet red. His dad wouldn't try to give him a sex talk over the phone, would he?

"I know you're young and hormones are going crazy but you matter Kurt and I don't want you to throw yourself at the first person available just because no one's there to supervise you." That was an unlikely scenario when he couldn't even kiss his costar, but that wasn't something he could tell his dad.

"I promise not to hook up with anyone at the party, dad. Can I go now? It's getting late."

He loved his father dearly but sometimes his over-protectiveness could be a tad bit annoying. He was a teenager. He was supposed to make mistakes and figure things out on his own without his dad holding his hand all the time.

"Fine," his dad sighed. "Just let me know when you get there and when you're back to the city. How are you getting there by the way?"

"Me and a group of others are taking the train and someone's going to pick us up at the station. Blaine's friends offered to drive us but I didn't want to leave my friends alone, " Kurt explained while shaking out his leg which had fallen asleep.

"Good. You call me if you need something. You know, aunt Kate is only an hour away."

Kurt rolled his eyes. He wasn't a baby anymore. "Okay dad. Thanks for letting me go. Love you," he told his dad so he could get back to his room and read a bit before bed.

"Love you too, kiddo. Take care."

They had barely made it onto the train leaving from Grand Central Station and Santana was already bored. True, she had Brittany by her side and Quinn on her other, but she could barely look at Porcelain and the hobbit who were sitting opposite her and kept looking at the other when they thought they weren't looking. They've been doing this for weeks now and it was time something happened.

But they didn't have to worry about that because Santana had a plan. A plan that involved vodka and a few rounds of spin the bottle. They could thank her later.

"Aren't they cute," Britt suddenly whispered into her ear and Santana nodded reluctantly. She always found it hard to disagree with anything Britt said.

Quinn for one didn't look bored at all as she was flirting with a dark haired junior, who however was staring at Brit. Santana sent him a death glare and tightened her arm around Britt's shoulders. The message was clear – back off, she's mine.

Five minutes into the train ride the hobbit got up and offered to get drinks for everyone from the dining cart and who was Santana to refuse that offer. She waited until he was out of sight before she leaned forward toward Kurt.

"So, have you tapped that yet? I don't think so but maybe you're a better actor than I thought," she drawled on purpose because she loved to see Porcelain blush. Contrary to what others might think, she liked the pale boy because he had style and could be as much of a bitch as she was.

"San," he exclaimed, looking around frantically and Santana laughed. "Didn't think so. Though I think you're missing out. I guess he could be taller but that ass is fabulous," she added just to see him turn even redder.

"Can you keep it down? And no we haven't done anything yet. It's our first date."

Santana remembered her first "date" with Brit at cheerleading camp a year ago and there was definitely more kissing and less gazing longingly at each other going on. But hopefully the party tonight would change that.

Not wanting to miss anything later tonight she closed her eyes and took a nap for the rest of the ride. The Montgomerys really must have money because their group was picked up at the train station by five black stretch limousines and Santana definitely approved.

She had grown up with money as well but her mom was in prison for fraud and her deadbeat dad had taken off as soon as her mom couldn't finance his hobbies anymore, which is why she ended up with her abuela in the Bronx.

She was just glad that her mom had managed to transfer some money out of the country before she got arrested so Santana could still afford certain things. And in only two more years she would get her mom and hopefully her lifestyle back.

The Montgomery's beach house was three times the size of her abuela's house and Santana quickly claimed a guest room for her and Brittany, while she discreetly put Kurt's bag into a room that Wes called Blaine's room.

She and Brittany were definitely one of the hottest couples at the party and after a while Quinn joined them with a round of drinks and they eyed some of the other costumes in distain. Looking like a slut most definitely didn't scream classy.

She spied the hobbit before she spotted Porcelain but once he came into the room there was no missing him. On his head he wore a crown just like the statue of liberty and his shirt was a street map of Manhattan complete with little yellow cabs and skyscrapers he must have sown onto it.

The hobbit next to him wore a fedora and a white dinner jacket with a black bow tie. She had no idea who he was supposed to be, but it didn't matter. Time to put her plan into action.

She got up from the comfortable couch and got Kurt a vodka tonic and a beer for Blaine because she didn't want him to suspect anything. Both accepted their drinks gratefully and Santana tried not to laugh when Kurt nearly spat his drink back out.

"Maybe I should drink gin," he told the hobbit and Santana was glad she wasn't the only won who looked confused.

"Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, he walks into mine," Porcelain quoted, probably from some weird old movie. Both boys started laughing though and Santana deemed it okay to leave them alone for a while.

Unfortunately she couldn't get them to join spin the bottle later, but when she saw them sitting closely together holding hands later that night she still felt like she had accomplished something, even if all her plans had failed.

Tire of watching the two boys who were so obviously into each other, she grabbed Britt's hand and brought her back to their room for their own version of spin the bottle.

Kurt burst out laughing when Blaine came up to him after they had both changed into their costumes and offered Kurt his arm. "Monsieur Liberté, Rick Blaine, pleasure to meet you," he introduced himself.

"That's awesome Blaine. You should have told me so we could have combined our costumes," Kurt told him, trying not to move his head too fast to prevent his crown form falling off.

"And have our love story doomed from the start, I think not," Blaine had answered staying in character and Kurt knew he could fall in love with that boy.

They walked through the house arm in arm, talking to a few of Blaine's friends from school and complemented Wes and David's costumes who were both a characters from Alice in Wonderland.

They were about to get some drinks when Santana came over, her long cat tail swishing behind her and handed Kurt a cup, which he eyed wearily and Blaine a beer. As soon as the burning liquid hit his throat he nearly spat it all out again, but he didn't want to act like a total baby in front of the other party guests, and so he just turned to Blaine and quoted a line from Casablanca, which they continued for the rest of the night.

The party was becoming rowdier as the night wore on and Kurt thought he and Blaine might be the only relatively sober people in the room.

"Do you want to get out of here for a bit?" Blaine asked when he realized Kurt wasn't having that much fun anymore. Kurt followed him without any questions because he trusted Blaine not to turn into a Chandler the moment they left the main party.

They walked around the house for a bit looking for a quiet place until they reached a door that was locked. Blaine jumped up though and swiped a key from the top of the door and quickly unlocked it.

Inside was a beautiful piano and Blaine quickly sat down in front of it and asked Kurt to join him. The moment he started playing Kurt instantly recognized the song and his eyes lit up as Blaine started singing after playing a bit.

You must remember this. A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh. The fundamental things apply. As time goes by.

And when two lovers woo. They still say, "I love you." On that you can rely. No matter what the future brings. As time goes by.

Kurt wanted nothing more in that moment but for Blaine to lean in and kiss him because it would be most romantic and he'd rather have his proper first kiss with Blaine than Nick on stage but Blaine just took his hand in his own and looked at Kurt intently.

"I'm so glad you agreed to come here with me tonight." Kurt gave him a shy smile before he repeated the sentiment.

"I didn't know you played piano," Kurt broke the silence after they'd been staring at each other for a while.

"Piano and violin are the reason my dad agreed to let me come here, so he wasn't very happy when I started concentrating on musical theater. I still love playing though. Do you play?"

"The piano a bit. But not like you," Kurt whispered because he didn't want to destroy the atmosphere in the room.

"Then we have to play together some time." Blaine took his hand and led him back to the main party after locking the door behind him.

Like he had done many times before, Blaine walked him to the room that he would share with Jeff and Nick for the night and Kurt wished he had the courage to just make the first move and kiss Blaine good night.

Instead Blaine hugged him tightly and whispered into his ear. "I had a great night Kurt. I hope we can do that again."

In that moment it didn't matter that Blaine hadn't even kissed him on the cheek because Blaine wanted to go out with him again. He had been polite and funny without expecting anything in return.

Kurt Hummel finally had had a perfect first date.

The week following Halloween, they didn't have much time to spend together because Blaine was busy rehearsing his solo for Sectionals, in addition to Spring Awakening and a piano recital he got roped into, while Kurt had to deal with assignments and his own rehearsals.

However, Blaine always made sure to hold his hand when they walked to classes together after breakfast or when they left the musical rehearsals, which more often than not earned him hostile glares from Chandler or downright crude gestures. At one point the older boy had even gone as far as suggesting to Kurt, when no one else was around, that he should come back to him when he was ready for a real man.

Kurt tried not to let Chandler get to him and rather focused on the competion ahead of them.

Because they both were busy Kurt wanted to take Blaine out as soon as Sectionals was over, but he was also looking forward to attending his first official NYADA party the school would throw regardless of if they won or not.

Saturday, they piled into a few cabs and drove to a private school located on the upper east side that would host this years Sectionals. Kurt was bouncing up and down in his seat, excited to get there and when he caught Blaine's eyes, he blushed, a permanent feature whenever he was around Blaine.

"You're adorable," Blaine whispered and squeezed Kurt's hand that was resting between them. Kurt thought his blush was more embarrassing than anything else, but if Blaine thought it was adorable, he wasn't going to argue.

They had gotten lucky, according to Alyson, because they had drawn the last spot, and Kurt was impressed with all the other show choirs as they watched in the auditorium.

Finally they all went backstage for a final warm up, and before they knew it it was time to go on stage.

Blaine kicked them off with an upbeat version of 'Bill, bills, bills' while the rest of them was dancing behind and around him, and Wes and David did some impressive backflips.

Kurt had been surprised when the duet had been announced, but he had to admit that Alyson and Nick sounded really good together. The two of them sang 'Time of my life' from 'Dirty Dancing' and had even managed to incorporate most of the original choreography, because of Nick's dance training.

As their final song they had chosen 'Man in the mirror' for which David, Wes, Chandler and Sebastian were alternating singing lead and the rest of VE was singing backup.

It was exhilarating seeing all those people in the audience, and Kurt couldn't wait for his chance to sing a solo in front of a huge audience one day.

Blaine's friends seemed to be sure they had it in the bag, but Kurt was still surprised when they were announced the winners of the competition.

Once they got off stage with their new shiny trophy the members of Vocal Explosion went back to school but Kurt and Blaine hung out in the foyer a bit longer to wait for Kurt's aunt who had promised to come to the performance.

"You were amazing," Kurt told Blaine as soon as the others had left, proud to hold his hand, especially after he'd seen the jealous looks some of the girls sent in his direction.

"I'm so glad you were here with me for that," Blaine answered, and the blush was back. "You know what would make that day even better?" he added as he took both of Kurt's hands into his.

Kurt shook his head, not daring to hope Blaine was going to say what he hoped he would.

"If you agreed to be my boyfriend. I know we haven't known each other for that long and have only gone out on one proper date, but you'd make me really happy if you said yes," Blaine told him, a shy smile on his face.

Kurt flung himself at Blaine, and they hugged for a few moments. "That's a yes in case you were wondering," Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear before he let go and then Blaine leaned in and …

It was probably for the best that Kurt didn't find out what Blaine's intention's had been because in that moment he spotted his aunt standing behind Blaine and Kurt took a step back and paled because the knowing smile on her face told him she had heard the whole conversation.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your," she paused, "friend?" aunt Kate asked and Kurt tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. She didn't look angry and as long as she didn't tell his dad all would be okay.

"Aunt Kate, this is Blaine. We go to school together," Kurt told her and let go of Blaine's hand. Blaine looked disappointed and because Kurt didn't want to hurt his feelings any more he decided to be brave and linked their hands together again.

"Blaine, this is my aunt Kate. You missed her during her last visit." "And there I though you were purposefully hiding the cutie," his aunt teased and Kurt turned pink yet again.

His aunt was almost ten years younger than his dad and had only celebrated her thirstiest birthday a few months ago, but most people thought she was only in her early twenties.

Kurt didn't know what to do next and his hesitation must have shown because Blaine let go of his hand and excused himself to the bathroom.

"He's cute," aunt Kate said as soon as Blaine was gone, "I hope I didn't interrupt anything."You already said that," Kurt said, not commenting on the other thing she said and waiting for the inevitable questions that would surely come.

"So you've been dating long?" aunt Kate asked when it became clear Kurt wasn't going to volunteer any information.

"As you overheard, no." "Kurt you don't need to be so defensive. I'm on your side," his aunt assured him and Kurt's shoulders slumped.

"Thank you, but please don't tell dad about this. He doesn't know," Kurt pleaded because if his dad ever found out, he wanted to be the one to tell him.

"Of course not, Kurt. But you should tell him. My brother might surprise you." Kurt shook his head. He had his suspicions that his dad might be okay with it, but as long as there was a chance his dad might hate him, he wasn't ready to say anything.

"Not yet," he whispered, just as Blaine returned and gave him an encouraging smile.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Blaine. I'm sure you guys have plans. Maybe we can all get together for dinner some time soon," aunt Kate told his new boyfriend – BOYFRIEND! – before she kissed Kurt's cheek and pulled Blaine into a short hug.

"That went well, right?" Blaine asked once his aunt had left and Kurt's hand was secure in Blaine's again.

Kurt nodded, a relieved smile on his face. To be honest he hadn't expected anything else from his aunt who was considered the wild child of the family, much to his conservative grandfather's chagrin.

"Come on, time to party." Blaine pulled him along outside, never letting go of his hand until they were in a cab on their way to their victory party.

The party was in full swing when Blaine and Kurt finally came down from Kurt's room, after spending an hour waiting for Kurt to find a suitable outfit.

Students were milling around everywhere in the two common rooms that had been converted into a party zone and one sip from his punch told Blaine that it had already been spiked.

He was looking for his friends or Kurt's but the room they were in was packed and it was hard to find anyone. As wasn't unusual for a NYADA party people who didn't go to school there were at the party as well and it took them a while to find Wes and David who were trying to pick up some girls in a corner.

Even thought that was the last thing he wanted, Blaine had to let go of Kurt's hand more than once to squeeze through the strong of partygoers.

They didn't stay long with Wes and David though because according to David, he and Kurt were cramping his style and Blaine set out to find Kurt's friend so his boyfriend wouldn't be alone while he went to get them more drinks.

Brittany and Santana were making out in another corner and a group of boys had already surrounded them to watch. Blaine left Kurt with them and set out to find a bar that had drinks that hadn't been spiked yet, because he didn't want to get too drunk around Kurt and it was a school sponsored party after all, and some teachers were around to supervise.

Drinks in hand, a bottle of water for him and a diet coke for Kurt, he was on his way back to Kurt when someone blocked his way.

"When you're done at the kiddies table, maybe you want to join me in some grown up celebration," Sebastian drawled, clearly not sober anymore. Blaine scoffed.

It wasn't the first time Sebastian had made jabs at Kurt's age since they started holding hands at school, even though the senior didn't seem to have a problem with Kurt being a freshman when Chandler wanted to get his hands on him.

"Leave me alone, Sebastian," he told the other boy, trying to walk around him but too many people were around and he didn't exactly want to shove Sebastian out of the way.

"Look Sebastian, I'm sure there are plenty of guys here who would love to hook up with you. So why don't you let met go," he tried to reason with Sebastian.

"But they aren't you," Sebastian pouted and for a second Blaine actually believed Sebastian might have feelings for him that went beyond wanting to fuck him. Not that it mattered. He had Kurt now, and even if he didn't have Kurt he still wouldn't be interested. He had been flattered at first when Sebastian had first started flirting with him the previous year, because it was the first time he didn't have to watch his back, but it had never been more than this and he had told Sebastian, because he didn't want to lead him on.

Sebastian was still looking at him with a weird expression in his eyes and eventually stepped aside, just as Blaine heard Kurt's high voice cry out, sounding distressed.

Blaine shoved past Sebastian and elbowed a few others out of the way, but by the time he reached his boyfriend, a teacher was already holding Chandler by the elbow while Kurt was sobbing into Santana's shoulder.

"What happened," he asked the teacher, trying to get closer to Kurt, but his math teacher Mr. Rogers wouldn't let him pass.

"Don't worry about it Mr. Anderson. We have everything under control." Blaine glared at him before he pushed past the teacher and Kurt flung himself into Blaine's arms.

"Kurt's my boyfriend, so tell me what Chandler did to him?" Mr. Roger seemed surprised. "Why do you assume Mr. Kiel did something to Mr. Hummel?"

"Because that wouldn't be the first time," Blaine yelled, keen on taking care of his boyfriend instead of playing twenty questions.

"Very well then. You may accompany Mr. Hummel to Dean Mayers while I take Mr. Kiel to the headmaster."

Blaine nodded and wrapped his arm around Kurt's shoulder to guide him through the other students who stepped back to let them through. He tried to catch Kurt's eyes but Kurt was staring at the floor though Blaine could still hear him crying when they left the noisy common room.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise."

Kurt had gotten bored when Blaine hadn't returned after five minutes and had walked a few steps away from San and Britt who seemed to be in their own world. And that mistake was what had landed him and Blaine in the office of the Dean, where Ms Carson was also already waiting for them.

Kurt sat down shakily on a chair next to Blaine and wiped his face before looking up to face the teachers.

"We are very sorry for the incident tonight, Mr. Hummel, but what we are even more concerned about is that Mr. Anderson stated that this wasn't the first time that Mr. Kiel had accosted you."

Kurt felt Blaine take his hand and shot him a grateful smile before he took a deep breath.

"No this wasn't the first time Chandler didn't accept a no when I told him so."

Both teachers looked concerned, but the Dean frowned. "Why did you not report it? That's what our harassment policy is for."

Kurt looked at Blaine who nodded. Time to come clean.

"I didn't say anything because I knew I would be in trouble as well." "Do continued, Mr. Hummel."

"I met Chandler at a college party my first week here. He kept giving me drinks and later, I guess, tried to hook up with me. I didn't want to and Blaine saved me. He apologized to me later on and asked me out on a date. He seemed really sorry for how he behaved and I had never been asked out before. We had a nice time but on the way home he kissed me without consent and wouldn't let me go. Tonight when Blaine left me to get me something to drink, Chandler suddenly showed up and shoved me against the wall. He said some horrible things about me that I don't want to repeat and when I told him to go away he tried to force himself on me again. Then Mr. Rogers showed up and pulled him off me."

Kurt was relieved to finally get it all off his chest although he was afraid of the consequences he would have to face.

"I'd like to start by saying we are not happy with the way you decided to spend your nights, but we don't actually have rules that tell you were you can and can't go as long as you're back in the dorms by your curfew," the dean was the first to break the silence.

Kurt bowed his head. "I wasn't back by curfew. I…" He couldn't tell the dean about the window because he didn't want to move to another room. "I got lucky because a few older students just got back as well and I went inside with them." Luckily the teachers seemed to have bought the lie, because they turned to Blaine.

"And how did you get back to the dorms, Mr. Anderson?" Dean Mayers asked. Blaine's hold on Kurt's hand tightened for a moment, before Blaine put on his most charming, a would make a great son-in-law smile.

"I was back in time for my own curfew, sir. Unfortunately I didn't not know that Kurt went to NYADA with me when we met, otherwise I would have made sure to bring him back safely."

The dean and Ms Carson both nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer.

"Alright, I want both of you to go back to your rooms now. I will call your father now." Kurt suddenly paled. His dad couldn't know about any of this because otherwise he would be on a plane first thing tomorrow morning.

"Please, do whatever you want to me, but you can't tell my dad. He doesn't even know I'm, that I like boys."

Both teachers looked sympathetic but Kurt knew they wouldn't give in to his pleads. "Rest assured, we will not mention the nature of Mr. Kiel's attack to your father or your other misdemeanors because we understand how much pressure new students are under and we like to deal with infractions of the rules ourselves. However, we do have to inform your father that you have been harassed and that we are taking care of the issues," Ms Carson told him before the dean took over again.

"As for punishment for breaking curfew, you will be suspended for two days, during which you are required to stay in your room apart from practice for the musical should you be part of it and meals of course. You are not allowed to have company other than your roommate who will be given your homework."

Kurt breathed out a sigh of relief. Had he known that punishment wouldn't be worse, he would have reported Chandler's actions weeks ago.

He and Blaine quickly left the office after that and went back to Kurt's room because Kurt didn't want to be alone after that.

Blaine was reluctant to step inside Kurt's room because Kurt wasn't supposed to have anyone in there with him, but one look at Kurt's face convinced him to come in for a bit.

Kurt sat down on his bed and after a brief hesitation he dragged Kurt's chair over and sat down on it. Judging by the look on Kurt's face that had been the wrong thing to do because his boyfriend's face fell.

"I understand if you don't want to be close to me. Who'd want someone as damaged as me," Kurt whispered avoiding to look at Blaine.

Blaine immediately scooted forward to take Kurt hands but Kurt pulled them out of his grasp. Only when Blaine tried to hold his hand again, Kurt relented and let him.

"Hey, don't say things like that. You're not damaged, but it's completely understandable if you're a bit shaken up," Blaine tried to comfort Kurt but wasn't sure if he got through to him.

"If you don't think that, then why was Chandler right?" Blaine saw a tear escape Kurt's eye and Blaine quickly wiped it away.

"What did Chandler say?" Blaine growled out but immediately softened his voice when he saw Kurt flinch.

"He said the reason you aren't kissing me is because you think I'm dirty and used, and you don't want his sloppy seconds but are too polite to say so," Kurt cried out, and Blaine started to hate Chandler even more if that was even possible.

"Please Kurt don't listen to a word he says. He is just angry because you rejected him and are with me now," he tried to convince Kurt who stubbornly shook his head.

"Then why won't you kiss me?" Kurt whispered in tears and Blaine's heart broke a little.

"Kurt, the reason I haven't kissed you yet, is because I want you to kiss me first. I need to be sure you're totally okay with it, and until you initiate it I can never be sure I wouldn't trigger another flashback, and I can't do that to you. I care too much about you and you deserve an amazing first kiss. One you're willing to give."

They were both in tears by now, but Kurt looked almost relieved now that Blaine had told him about the reason for the kissing embargo. He finally moved over to the bed to sit next to Kurt and pulled him into his arms, letting Kurt rest his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"Are you tired?" Blaine asked when Kurt had calmed down and Kurt nodded. He got up to let Kurt get some rest but was stopped by a hand on his arm.

"Please, don't leave me."

When the phone rang at close to ten on a Saturday night, Burt expected the worst. Maybe Finn had gotten into a car accident or had been arrested for causing trouble with that clown Puckerman.

Getting a call about Kurt was the last thing he expected, but he was glad he sat down when the teacher told him to.

Burt was getting angry when he listened to NYADA's dean explain the situation, because he had sent his son all the way to New York to keep him away from harassment just to get harassed again in a school that boasted it's zero tolerance policy.

He was ready to demand justice and yell at the dean until he got it – not that had ever worked with Kurt's teachers before - when something the dean said nearly made him fall out of his chair.

"Now, Mr. Hummel, nothing is set in stone until we investigate further, so we'd like you not to tell your son about it yet, but rest assured that this incident will not go unpunished."

Burt couldn't believe what he was hearing. They were actually punishing the boy who had hurt his son and he didn't even have to threaten them?

Once he had hung up the phone, he got himself a beer out of the fridge to calm his nerves before he called Kurt. It was getting late but it was a Saturday night, so he was sure Kurt was still up.

Finn came in a few minutes later but immediately disappeared upstairs probably to play one of his computer games. Once he had finished his can he went back into the living room and picked up his phone.

The voice on the other end of the line seemed familiar but Burt couldn't place it at first until the boy spoke.

"Mr. Hummel sir, this is Blaine." "Put Kurt on the phone, Blaine," was all Burt said as he sank down deeper into the couch cushions.

Kurt was snuggled up to Blaine when his phone started ringing. Not wanting to disturb the younger boy who had fallen into a fitful sleep after begging Blaine not to go he quickly unlocked Kurt's iPhone and accepted the call after checking the caller ID.

He wanted to ask Mr. Hummel to call again the next morning but when he was basically ordered to put Kurt on the phone, he put down the phone next to Kurt and softly shook him to wake him up.

Kurt's hair was tousled, his bangs falling into his face and he looked confused for a moment when he realized his head was basically in Blaine's lap.

"It's your dad," Blaine told him and then added more quietly. "Do you want me to give you two some privacy?" Kurt shook his head and sat up a bit, not leaving the safety of Blaine's arms however.

Blaine tried not to listen into the conversation but he still could hear Kurt's replies which consisted mostly of assuring his father that he was okay, and no he was happy where he was and his dad didn't need to come up early because he was surrounded by friends, the teachers actually cared for him and Thanksgiving would be in two weeks.

Listening to Kurt talk to his dad made Blaine wish his dad cared that much about him. He knew that his dad loved him, but he wished he was more involved in his life, not only calling to make sure his grades were still good and he was keeping up with his piano and violin lessons.

Blaine was so lost in his own thoughts that he missed Kurt ending the call and was only brought back to the present when Kurt snuggled up to him again.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" Blaine asked him, not exactly tired himself. Kurt shook his head. "Can you stay a bit longer?" he asked, a shy smile on his face.

Blaine knew that he shouldn't because it was past Kurt's curfew but he still nodded and got up to pick a movie.

Kurt pouted when Blaine moved away from him, but his face lit up when he saw the movie Blaine had picked. The Sound of Music.

"That was my mom's favorite movie. She named me after that," Kurt explained when Blaine joined him on the bed again. Blaine chuckled. "My mom might be a bitch, but apparently she and your mom have something in common.

"Don't tell me, 'Pretty in Pink'? Kurt teased but Blaine shook his head. "Casablanca."

Once they both stopped laughing they moved back on Kurt's bed to sit up against the headboard and Kurt snuggled up to Blaine again.

They had barely watched twenty minutes of the movie when Blaine looked over to Kurt and saw that he was fast asleep. Blaine extracted himself from Kurt's embraced and quickly put a pillow in Kurt's arms as Kurt shifted, before leaning down and pressing a chaste kiss to Kurt's cheek.

"Goodnight, Kurt," he whispered. "Sleep well."

As much as he wanted to stay with Kurt that night, he didn't want them to get into trouble and now that he had told a teacher about their relationship it was unacceptable for him to spend the night in Kurt's room.

He left a note for Jeff, letting him know what had happened in case he hadn't heard about it and quietly left the room with a smile on his face.

Getting suspended or more likely grounded on a Saturday wasn't such a bad thing because this way he only missed school for one day.

Jeff spent the whole Sunday with him, trying to cheer him up and he and Blaine managed to talk for a few minutes during meals. Monday was boring however and so he reorganized his closet, finished his remaining homework and wasting countless hours of his life playing Angry Birds on his phone.

He was actually looking forward to Jeff bringing him more homework and was wondering how Blaine hadn't gone mad when he had been grounded for a week.

Later that night he talked to Mercedes for a bit, telling her all about Sectionals but leaving out the ugly bits of the night, in the hope that his dad wouldn't tell Finn so Finn could go and tell the Glee club about it.

They both squealed like twelve-year-old girls when he told her that he was now Blaine's boyfriend and together they put together a plan for a date Kurt wanted to take Blaine on the following weekend because it would be his last free weekend before the madness of Spring Awakening tech week took over.

To his surprise his was called back to the headmasters office after his morning classes ended on Wednesday and he hoped the teachers hadn't reconsidered and wanted to tell him he'd get more punishment.

"Mr. Hummel, please sit down," headmaster Sanders told him as Kurt entered. Kurt had only seen the headmaster once before, on his first day of school, but the man had kind eyes, hidden behind large frames, his hair was graying and he was dressed in a suit Kurt approved off.

"The reason we called you here," only now Kurt realized that dean Mayers and Ms Carson were in the room as well, " is to inform you about the fate of Mr. Kiel."

"Mr. Kiel," the dean took over, "has been expelled, and vacated the premises early this morning." Kurt gasped because he honestly hadn't expected that. Not that he wasn't pleased, don't get him wrong. He was glad he could walk around on his own again without fear of running into the older boy.

"We did not make that decision lightly, but we had other students come forward who reported Mr. Kiel's behavior in regards to them. This has gone on for too long, and we do not wish to subject any more students to Mr. Kiel's deplorable behavior. I hope you can feel safe at this school again, now that Mr. Kiel has been removed."

Kurt nodded silently. Was he supposed to say something? And would he be an awful person if started jumping up and down joyously? He settled on doing neither.

"Thank you for letting me know. If it's all right with you I need to head to my voice class right now."

All three teachers nodded and Kurt left the office, only to run straight into Blaine.

"What happened? Did they make a decision?"

Kurt threw his arms around Blaine and embraced him tightly.

"He's gone for good. He got expelled," he told Blaine excitedly, keeping his voice down though because they were still in front of the headmaster's office.

"Oh thank god," Blaine whispered into his ear and then Kurt felt the press of Blaine's lips on his cheek and Kurt turned pink. When he turned his had he gave Blaine a big smile to show that he was totally okay with this.

Blaine licked his lips and for a moment Kurt thought it would be so easy to just lean in and kiss him on the lips but in that moment he also realized that Blaine had been right. He wasn't ready for that yet.

But soon he promised himself. And hopefully before he had to kiss Nick on stage.

Next time on NYADA - Freshman Year: The Hudmel family + Mercedes and a surprise guest arrive in New York for the opening night of Spring Awakening. Burt finally meets Blaine and Kurt tries to kiss Blaine before he has to kiss Nick on opening night. Thanksgiving at aunt Kate's house in New Jersey, but will there be Blaine for dinner? Mr. Anderson comes to town and Blaine introduces Kurt as his boyfriend. Will everything go well?

I have to admit I stole Kurt's costume idea from one of Chris Colfer's halloween costume (L.A). I hope to update soon because I'm back to cat-sitting and it's so much easier to write unless she decides to sit on my keyboard again.



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