NYADA Freshman Year
1x03: Spring Awakening Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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NYADA Freshman Year: 1x03: Spring Awakening

T - Words: 6,868 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2013
673 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Disclaimer: I own nada and after looking up some spoilers I'm glad I don't own Glee. Spoilers: None. Ratings for this chapter: PG 13. Word Count: 7.153

AN: Another early chapter because I'm struggling finishing a chapter for my other story and I had to finish something before the weekend...

1x03: Spring Awakening

Kurt was excited for his first acting class that wouldn't consist of just playing games and he was not disappointed when he went to class Monday afternoon.

"Alright, everyone. A lot of people think about Shakespeare when they talk about the theater." A few of his classmates immediately groaned when Ms Corcoran mentioned the playwright.

"And this is exactly the reaction I expected to get from you. Most young people, when they hear Shakespeare, think of stuffy costumes and difficult to understand language. So what I want you to do for your first assignment is pick a short scene from a Shakespeare play and translate it to our time. You can change the language to modern English but you don't have to. Just think about the kind of clothes your characters would wear and the setting."

That could be fun, Kurt thought. He had loved Baz Lurman's Romeo and Juliet after all.

"I'm going to announce pairs now. You have two weeks to prepare your performance. Additionally, I want a few pages where you explain the setting and the costumes you have chosen for your characters. I don't want you to build a set, okay? You can wear costumes, but you don't have too? Everything clear so far?"

Kurt nodded, already planning the perfect outfit for the few Shakespeare plays he knew.

"Quinn Fabray and Mark Greyson, Brittany Pierce and Jeff Sterling, Christina Jacobs and Jacob Thompson, Santana Lopez and Kurt Hummel."

Kurt stopped listening when his own name was called. He and Santana were somewhat friends, but he never really knew what the girl was thinking and when to take her seriously.

When class ended he walked over to her, ready to start planning. "I was thinking we could do something out of "Romeo and Juliet". Maybe the masquerade ball at the beginning, because I could do amazing costumes for that."

"Okay, listen up Porcelain." Well, that was definitely nicer than some of the names he'd been called before. "I ain't no Juliet and besides, that's probably what all the other losers are going to do. I need something fun, I need a girl who knows what she wants and speaks her mind, okay?"

Kurt nodded. She was probably right when she assumed that most of his classmates would use Romeo and Juliet. "I don't know that many Shakespeare plays but maybe we can go to the library and get some of his plays."

"Forget reading, just get a couple of movie versions. I don't have the time to read a bunch of old English shit." "Fine."

They were about to leave the classroom when Ms Corcoran stopped them.

"Last announcement before you leave. The cast list for Spring Awakening will go up at the end of the week. Auditions for A midsummer night's dream will start in two weeks. Have a good afternoon."

Santana grabbed his hand and dragged him off in the direction of the library. "Let's get this over with. Britt and I have plans for the night."

They had nearly reached the large school library when they almost ran over Blaine, whose face immediately lit up when he saw Kurt.

"Kurt, I was looking for you. Maybe you can give me your number so I can stop searching the school when I want to talk to you."

Kurt prayed that he didn't turn red when Blaine asked for his number, but he was probably not very successful judging by the smile on Santana's face. When Kurt didn't move she thrust a pen into Blaine's hand and held out Kurt's for him.

"Just right it down, Kurt will text you later." Kurt glared at Santana but she just smiled at him innocently.

"Why were you looking for me?" he finally found his voice again. "Oh, I was wandering if you wanted to get coffee later tonight at the Lima Bean."

Shit what was he supposed to say? He couldn't use his usual excuse because Santana was standing right next to him.

"He'll be there at 7," Santana unfortunately answered for him and when Blaine gave him a big smile, Kurt just had to smile back, before Blaine turned and walked away.

"So did you two hook up or what was that all about?" Santana asked once Blaine was gone. "What? No, of course not. He has a boyfriend."

"So you would like to hook up with him. Well, he asked you for coffee, maybe he wants to hook up too." Kurt shook his head, blushing furiously. Then he realized what she had asked him.

"Is it really that obvious that I like boys?" he asked in a small voice, studying the floor to avoid having to look at her.

"Well, it's for me, but I have awesome gaydar. But fuck labels. Just because I like making out with Brittany doesn't mean I'm a lesbian, okay?"

The look on Santana's face quickly convinced him to go along with what she was saying.

"Just do what you want and if others need to label you, let them. Doesn't mean you have to do it yourself."

"But what do you say when someone asks you?" Kurt wanted to know. "It's none of your goddamn business, that's what I say."

Well, so far only Jeff had asked him and Chandler and Blaine had just assumed. Maybe he didn't need to make a big announcement and just keep doing what he was doing. And maybe, he was ready to stop lying when someone asked him about it. There were plenty of out people at NYADA, and so far he hadn't seen anyone get bullied. Maybe he was really safe here.

Blaine was already sitting at a table in a corner, two cups of coffee in front of him, when Kurt entered the coffee shop. He hoped he wasn't interrupting Blaine's coffee date because he was ten minutes early.

To his surprise Blaine immediately waved him over when he spotted Kurt. "Hey, good timing. I just got us coffee. I hope a latte is okay."

Kurt nodded. He usually drank non-fat mochas, but Blaine has bought him coffee. If he didn't know better, he would have thought they were on a date.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to." "That's okay, you can just get the next one." Blaine smiled and Kurt finally sat down on the chair opposite of Blaine.

"Thanks for the text Kurt, but I don't get why you called me a hobbit?" Blaine was just adorable when he looked confused, Kurt thought. "That was Santana," he then blurted out. "She gives everyone weird nicknames. She calls me Porcelain now." Sometimes he really hated his pale skin because he could never hide his blush.

"Well, I'm glad you've already made friends. I transferred to NYADA five weeks into my sophomore year and it was hard at first because most people already had a clique they hung out with. But I got lucky because Wes and David, they are in Vocal Explosion as well, took me under their wing."

Maybe those were the boys Blaine sat with during breakfast and dinner.

"I got lucky I guess. My roommate is pretty nice and Santana and her friends ask me to hang out a lot too. It's a nice chance from my previous school." Kurt stopped himself there. He didn't want to tell Blaine his whole sob story the first time they hung out.

Blaine, though, surprised him with his answer again. "I get what you mean. I was the only out kid at my old high school and I got taunted a lot. I complained to the faculty but they just ignored me. I begged my parents to let me transfer, but I never told them how bad it got, so they didn't let me at first."

"What changed?" Kurt couldn't believe he finally met someone who understood what he'd been going through.

"Something happened at the beginning of my sophomore year and my brother convinced my parents to let me come here. They were always really proud of my piano skills and thought I'd want to pursue that, so they agreed."

Kurt wanted to ask what had happened, but he didn't know Blaine well enough yet, and if he was anything like Kurt, than he probably didn't want to talk about it anyway.

"I told you I wasn't even out at my old school, but I don't think it mattered to people. They still treated me like crap and luckily my aunt found this school for me and convinced my dad to let me apply. He just got remarried and he didn't want me to move out of state, but the private schools in Ohio were just too expensive for us."

No one had made fun of him yet because he was on a scholarship so why lie. Blaine had gone to public school too, so maybe he was on one as well.

"You are from Ohio as well? I'm from Columbus." Blaine told Kurt who was surprised to hear that. "Don't tell me you've tried to get your parents to let you transfer to Dalton?"

Now it was Blaine's turn to look surprised. "How did you know?" " Just a guess. You are the fourth person at NYADA, including me, who nearly went to Dalton." "No way. "Way."

They both started laughing uncontrollably until Blaine nearly spilled his coffee.

"Ms. Corcoran told us the cast list will go up soon. Do you think you got the lead?" Kurt asked once they had stopped laughing.

"I'm not sure. Last year the teachers gave notes to everyone who auditioned before the list went up and that was an indication for some people. Ms. C told me I would have been a good Moritz but she liked me as Melchior as well. For all I know that could mean that I get Moritz, or Melchior or nothing. But let me know if she talks to you."

"Okay." Kurt took a look at his watch and was surprised to see that it was already close to nine. He hadn't realized how much time had passed, but he had to get back, to finish the rest of his homework.

Blaine walked back with him, and told him he had fun before he went upstairs. Kurt's phone announced a new text as he settled on his desk to brave his math homework. "Next time, coffee's on you. Blaine "

Kurt sighed again. Their coffee outing would have been a perfect first date, if Blaine wasn't dating someone else. But if Blaine still wanted to be friends, Kurt would make sure he was a good friend. A friend who didn't daydream about kissing said friend.

Kurt was on his way to practice with Santana, a translation of their scene in hand. They had both watched a few of Shakespeare's comedies and had agreed to do a scene from "Much Ado About Nothing" because Santana liked Beatrice and Kurt had to agree that he enjoyed the banter between Beatrice and Benedick as well.

He must have gotten lost somewhere along the way because suddenly he was in a hallway he hadn't been in before. He spotted a rehearsal room to his left and looked in through the window in the door to check if anyone was in there.

The room most certainly wasn't empty. A boy, Kurt had never seen before, was being pressed against the opposite wall by another boy. Kurt was about to leave to give them some privacy when the boy who had his back to the door, turned his head slightly. Kurt gasped, because one of the two boys making out was Sebastian, and the other was most certainly not Blaine.

Before he could really process what he was seeing Kurt's phone rang in his pocket and he quickly stepped away from the door, afraid that the boys inside would see him.

It was of course Santana who told him to hurry the fuck up. It took him another ten minutes to find the room where Santana was waiting for him and as soon as got there she took the papers out of his hands.

"Let me see what you did?" she demanded before handing Kurt back his part so they could read through it.


Sweet Beatrice, would you come if I called you?


Sure, and leave if you wanted me too


Then stay till then


Then is now, so goodbye, but before I go,

give me what I came for, which is

knowing what has happened between you and Claudio


Only foul words; I'm going to kiss you now


Foul words are nothing but foul wind and fould wind is

Nothing but foul breath and foul breath is disgusting.

I'm going to leave unkissed


You have frightened the word out of its right sense,

So strong is your wit. But I have to tell you plainly

Claudio faced my challenge and either I should hear

From him shortly or I have to call him a coward

But, please, now tell me, for which of my bad parts

have you fallen in love with me?


For them all together; which maintained such a

State of evilness that they wouldn't allow a good part

To mingle with them. But for which of my good parts

Did you first suffer love for me?


Suffer love! a good epithet! I do suffer love

indeed, because I love you against my will.


In spite of your heart, I think; Poor heart!

If you spite it for my sake, I will spite it for

yours; for I will never love what my friend hates.


You and I are too wise to court peaceably.

"Wow, you seriously call that shit modern," Santana exclaimed once they had read through their lines. Kurt scowled at her. She let him do all the work and then dared to complain.

"It's the best I could do, but you're welcome to give it a try if you think you can do it better," he shot back angrily.

"Wow, what got your panties in a twist?" Santana asked after his outburst. Kurt wasn't sure he should tell Santana about Sebastian, but he could need some advice.

"I saw Sebastian make out with some guy," he explained. Santana raised one of her eyebrows. "Sebastian? I thought you were hot for Blaine."

"I am, I mean I don't like Sebastian." He wasn't hot for Blaine. Sure he wouldn't say no if Blaine asked him out, but he didn't think about him like that.

"Sebastian is Blaine's boyfriend, and I don't know if I should tell Blaine," he continued when Santana just kept staring at him.

"Ha, I didn't know that. They don't give off that vibe." Santana shrugged her shoulders. "Chandler told me that they want to keep it a secret."

"Another guy? Damn Hummel, we've only been here for a few weeks and you already scoped out all the hot gays." Kurt could feel himself blush for what must be the millionth time since he started at NYADA.

"It's not like that. Do I tell him or not?" "If you want Blaine you tell him. He'll be eternally grateful that you told him about his cheating bastard bf and he'll be all yours."

As if it were that easy. Still, he thanked Santana for her advice after swearing her to secrecy, before heading back to his room to start working on the costumes for their performance.


On Thursday Kurt was back in the Lima Bean with Blaine. He still hadn't made up his mind about telling Blaine about Sebastian and decided to just observe Blaine's behavior to find out if he already knew or not.

"So Ms. Corcoran stopped me after class today to critique my performance." He hadn't been surprised by what she said, because he knew he had been distracted by Blaine.

"What did she say? I thought you did very well," Blaine told him with a smile on his face. Kurt never knew with Blaine. Was he flirting or was he just friendly like that with everyone?

"She said I lacked the confidence in my performance that Nick had, but I still did a good job for it being my first audition and she would like to have me in the production."

"That's great Kurt! Maybe you get to play one of the other boys." Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and squeezed it briefly and Kurt tried to disguise his blush with a cough.

If he was completely honest, it wouldn't be the end of the world if he didn't get cast as Hanschen. Just being a part of the production would be amazing, because he could spend more time with Blaine – as friends of course.

They spent the rest of their coffee non-date mostly talking about their favorite music and discovered their shared passion for Vogue. It was a nice evening but Kurt thought that Blaine was sending him mixed signals.

Another question was – did he even want Blaine to flirt with him? He'd been angry when he discovered Sebastian with another guy, so wouldn't that make Blaine a cheater as well.

Who knew high school outside of television drama could be so complicated. He couldn't just meet a nice single guy who would immediately fall in love with him. Damn those Disney movies and their happily ever after endings.

The next day after Vocal Explosion rehearsal Kurt, Jeff and the girls made their was over to the auditorium with most of the other VE members following closely behind them.

Kurt soon cursed the fact that he still hadn't experienced a growth spurt because he couldn't even see part of the list and so had to wait until some of the older students let him through.

After a few minutes of nervously waiting around he could finally look at the list.

Cast list "Spring Awakening" PG 13 version

The Girls

Wendla ... Alyson St. James / Sunshine Corazon

Martha ... Sarah Brightman

Thea ... Brittany S. Pierce

Anna ... Santana Lopez

Ilse ... Quinn Fabray


The Boys

Melchior ... David Thompson / Blaine Anderson

Moritz ... Sebastian Smythe / Wes Montgomery

Hanschen / Rupert ... Nick Duval

Ernst / Reinhold ... Kurt Hummel

Georg / Dieter ... Jeff Sterling

Otto / Ulbrecht ... Chandler Kiehl


The Adult Women ... Shelby Corcoran

The Adult Men ... Bryan Ryan


Kurt heard Brittany shriek next to him before he was pulled into a short hug by Blaine. "I got a part," Kurt mumbled still a little dazed.

"Told you would get something," Blaine said after releasing him.

"And you got Melchior, that's so great," Kurt exclaimed happily. He didn't get Hanschen, but he still got a part where he had some lines and got to sing. And doing all that on a stage with Blaine, didn't hurt either.

"We gots to go out and celebrate," Santana suddenly yelled. Quinn and Brittany immediately agreed, but Jess excused himself because he had a date. Kurt saw the glimmer in Santana's eyes, but Kurt couldn't stop her in time.

"So Blaine, you want to join us? Maybe you could give us newbies some advice. Unless you have something better to do?" she drawled.

Blaine shook his head, and told Santana he would meet her outside the dorms at eight. Once he was out of sight, Santana leaned in and whispered, "you can thank me later," into his ear. Kurt pushed her away, because in that moment he could strangle her.

The five of them met up outside the dorm building shortly after eight, Quinn, Santana and Brittany again in short skirts that reminded Kurt of cheerleading outfits. Kurt himself had paid special attention to his outfit as well, but he convinced himself he only did it because they were going out to celebrate.

"Did you leave your window open as instructed," Santana immediately asked when Kurt joined them and he nodded.

The freshman had to be back in their dorms by ten, because their keycards didn't work past their curfew. Blaine as a junior was allowed to stay out till midnight on weekends but if he got caught letting them in, he would be in a lot of trouble.

They had no plans to return early that night though and therefore had to sneak through windows again.

Blaine brought them to a small karaoke bar which let them in as long as they weren't drinking, but Santana quickly flirted some drinks out of a group of college boys.

Kurt eyed the coke and rum in front of him with distaste at first, but after he took a sip he had to admit that he liked it a lot more than the jungle juice he had at the party, because it was less sweet and he could actually taste the alcohol this time which cautioned him not to drink too much.

Santana must have concocted an evil plan to leave him alone with Blaine most of the times, because the girls were constantly up on stage, to the cheers of the audience. Kurt didn't like how some of the boys were looking at his fifteen year old friends, but luckily the girls didn't pay them any attention.

When Santana came back with a fresh drink in hand, she sat down next to Blaine and looked him up and down for a few seconds, before she smirked. Kurt really had a bad feeling about the night now.

"So Blaine, are you happy with the people you'll be performing with?" she asked innocently.

"Yeah, I've done stuff with Wes before so I know we work together well, but I'm excited to be paired with Sunshine because we've never been in the same production before," Blaine explained, oblivious to Santana's scheming.

"So you're not sad that Sebastian is part of the first cast?" Kurt tried to kick her under the table but he unfortunately couldn't reach that far.

"To be quiet honest, I'm glad I'm not?" Santana quickly looked over to Kurt before turning back to Blaine. "How so?" she asked, still managing to turn it into an innocent question.

"Well, ah, he can be pretty intense, and I like to focus on my performance, if you know what I mean?" Santana just smiled at him. "You bet I do."

Blaine excused himself soon after to get another drink and as soon as he was out of sight, Kurt scooted over to Santana.

"Santana, what the hell are you doing?" "What? I'm just trying to help you. Either they broke up or he gets turned on when they are together. For your sake I hope it's the first. Come to think of it though; why would they still be together after you told him about Sebastian."

"I haven't told him yet," Kurt hissed. Santana raised her eyebrow in question. "What if I tell him and he confronts Sebastian, and Sebastian denies it and makes me look like a jealous jerk who's trying to break them up."

"Whatever, I'm done playing couples' therapist for the night. I need to get my dance on."

An hour later, Kurt was staring to feel his coke and rum and told the others he was heading home. Blaine offered to take him, and Kurt was tempted to refuse and tell Blaine to stay and have fun, but the look on Santana's face told he it would be safer to accept Blaine's offer.

They said goodnight out side of Kurt's window, and Blaine again briefly hugged him, before he climbed through it. Could that boy just stop confusing Kurt? Jeff wasn't back yet, so he left the window open and did an abbreviated version of his moisturizing routine before falling into bed, and dreaming of Blaine – a-freaking-gain.

Saturday morning, Kurt thankfully woke up without a hangover and after finishing a healthy breakfast he got dressed and got on a subway to 42nd street. It was still early in the morning but Times Square was already crowded by tourists and Kurt couldn't even imagine what it must have looked like with cars driving around.

He sat down on the red steps and pulled out his phone to call his dad.

"Hey buddy, how are you doing?" his father asked after he picked up. "I'm great dad. I got cast in the school musical, but that means I can only come home for three days for Thanksgiving because we start performing that week."

The line went silent for a moment, and Kurt knew his dad was disappointed. "Well, than we just have to come to you. We're not missing you're first big production," his father announced to his surprise after a few seconds had passed.

"Finn's never been to New York and maybe you can ask Mercedes if she wants to come with us as well. We'll just have to do Thanksgiving at your aunt Kate's this year."

"Really, dad? That would be great. I'd love for you to see me on stage."

"Than it's decided. You get us tickets and we'll come up for opening night and stay the week. I hope though, you're not taking on too much. I mean, you're already part of that choir thing."

"I'm fine dad," Kurt interrupted quickly because he didn't want to tell his dad he had worried about the exact same thing.

"It's not too much. Right now I'm at Time Square playing tourist because I already finished most of my homework and I figured I deserved a break," he continued.

"I'm not sure how I feel about you running around New York on your own," his dad answered, worry evident in his voice.

"But dad, I'm a New Yorker now. And nothing's going to happen to me in broad daylight. When we go out in the evening we always go as a group," Kurt quickly assured his dad. He had to be careful though because he had nearly slipped up and said when we go out at night.

"I hope so. I trust that fancy school of yours to keep you safe." Kurt felt a bit guilty at that because of the sneaking out past curfew they had been doing, but he was a teenager, he was supposed to break curfew and go to parties his parents wouldn't allow him to go to.

"And I am safe. I promise. No one is harassing me at school." "Good, well you keep me updated. I have to go now, breakfast is ready. Love you Kurt.

"I love you too, dad." After hanging up his phone, Kurt snapped a picture of the brightly lit advertisements for the various Broadway shows and sent it to Mercedes. His best friend would be the next on his list of calls he wanted to make that day, but it was only nine o'clock in the morning, so he might as well walk around a little longer before calling her.

Kurt ended up in Chelsea where he discovered some lovely little boutiques and before he knew it was noon and he stopped at a deli for lunch before calling Mercedes.

"Hey Cedes, did you get my message?" "Sure did, and I can't tell you how jealous I am." She was laughing though and Kurt smiled as well.

"Well, my dad just told me you could come with my family to New York for Thanksgiving if your parents allow it," he told her and then promptly removed the phone from his ear when she started yelling.

"Oh my god. I want that so bad. Can you imagine the two of us going Black Friday shopping." Oh how he wished that was possible, but now that he wasn't working in his dad's shop anymore he didn't really have the money for elaborate shopping tours. And besides, they would be in New Jersey for Thanksgiving.

"We'll see about that. Now tell me what's going on in New Directions. Finn isn't much of a gossip and we don't really talk that much."

"Okay are you ready? Sam and I got partner up for a duet competition and if we win we get to go to Breadstix for dinner and then maybe he'll think it's a date. Wouldn't that be great?" Mercedes gushed.

"He would be crazy not to take you out on a date," Kurt assured her. Maybe one of them could actually get the guy they wanted.

"Harmony got paired with Finn, so Rachel got another reason to hate her, though Harmony's totally not interested in Finn, because rumors are she has a fling with Puck."

"How scandalous of her. I don't get why Rachel is so insecure. I know that Finn loves her. I had to listen to him telling me how great she is all the time this summer."

"Who knows? She probably doesn't like the fact the Harmony shares her solos with me and Tina while Rachel only gets lines in group numbers. But it's her own fault. I she didn't constantly antagonize Harmony I'm sure she would share with Rachel as well."

"You know I'm really glad now that Vocal Explosion holds auditions for all their solos and duets. Granted I haven't gotten one yet, because they mostly go to the older students who've been a part of the group longer."

"I'm sure you'll get one soon. You're great." "Thanks Cedes. I knew there was a reason why you are my best friend." Kurt told her.

"So have you done anything scandalous yet?" Mercedes asked after a brief moment of silence. Kurt debated for a second if he should tell her, but he figured he could tell her a bit without giving away too much.

"I went to a college party with some girls I met on my first day and yesterday we went to a karaoke bar and had to sneak into our dorm after curfew," he finally confessed.

"Wow, you're life is just so much more interesting than mine right now. The worst I did was sneak tots into the library."

"Then I think you are the real rebel. I would never dare to bring food into our library here." They both laughed at and continued their gossip for a while longer until Kurt got a text from Santana telling him to meet him for a rehearsal in an hour.

Mercedes promised to talk to her parents about Thanksgiving before they both hung up and Kurt tried to find the right subway line to get back to school.

Kurt came to the auditorium fifteen minutes early on Sunday and as expected Nick wasn't there yet. They had decided to rehearse their main scene in private a few times before actual rehearsal started on Monday.

He had planned to wait outside of the auditorium but when he heard music through the door he got curious and stepped inside.

Blaine was sitting at the piano playing the opening notes for what Kurt thought was "The Guilty Ones." Kurt could have stood there and watched forever, but unfortunately Blaine stopped playing once he spotted Kurt.

"You're not Sunshine. She was supposed to be here ten minutes ago to rehearse with me," Blaine joked as Kurt approached the stage.

"Sorry, I just heard music while I was waiting for Nick and I got curious." Kurt explained as he climbed on stage.

"Well, maybe you can help me out until she comes. Would you sing Wendla's part with me." Kurt gulped nervously but nodded still, because he had really enjoyed singing with Blaine during his audition.

Blaine put his iPod in the dock and then motioned for Kurt to join him in the middle of the stage, after handing him the sheet music.

When it was time for Kurt to start singing Blaine gave him an encouraging smile and Kurt took a deep breath before starting.


Just too unreal, all this.

Watching the words fall from my lips…


Baiting some girl – with hypotheses!

Kurt and Blaine

Haven't you heard the word of your body?

Blaine reached, tentatively, took Kurt's hand. They began a private pas de deux.


Don't feel a thing – you wish.


Grasping at pearls with my fingertips.


Holding her hand like some little tease.

Little tease indeed, Kurt thought. Why did Blaine have to be so confusing?

Kurt and Blaine

Haven't you heard the word of my wanting?


O, I'm gonna be wounded.

O, I'm gonna be your wound.

O, I'm gonna bruise you.

O, you're gonna be my bruise.


Just to unreal all this.


Watching his world slip through my fist…


Playing with her in your fantasies.

Kurt and Blaine

Haven't you heard a word – how I want you?


O, I'm gonna be wounded.

O, I'm gonna be your wound.

O, I'm gonna bruise you.

O, you're gonna be my bruise.

They finished together, both of them panting a bit, and Kurt realized he had to tell Blaine the truth about Sebastian because if Blaine found out later that Kurt had known and hadn't told him he would probably lose him as a friend.

"Hey Blaine, I have to talk to you about something important." He realized that he was stilling holding Blaine's hand, as must Blaine because he let go of Kurt's hand at his request.

Kurt heard a door open behind him and a small girl Kurt had seen at his first Vocal Explosions rehearsal ran up to them.

"Sorry, I'm late Blaine. Mr. Stanley wouldn't let us leave until everyone in class could do a split. Luckily Ms. Corcoran saved us before anyone got hurt. I'm Sunshine." She thrust her hand in Kurt's direction.

"Kurt." Kurt looked at Blaine imploringly, trying to convey with his eyes that it was really important that they talked. Something that looked like fear briefly flashed over Blaine's face, but Kurt quickly dismissed it.

Why would Blaine be afraid if Kurt wanted to tell him something?

"I need to rehearse with Sunshine now. But we'll talk later, okay?" Blaine briefly squeezed his shoulder and Kurt knew he had been dismissed. He said goodbye to Sunshine and left the auditorium, just as Nick approached for their own rehearsal. The talk with Blaine had to wait then.

Blaine's heart was pounding in his chest. He knew he shouldn't have taken Kurt's hand. Singing the song was enough without acting out the scene as well. He was sure, Kurt had been about to confess his crush on Blaine.

He wasn't stupid. He had noticed how Kurt acted whenever he was around him, and he hated that he couldn't reciprocate.

Rehearsing with Sunshine took his mind of things for a while, but he dreaded the conversation with Kurt. Unfortunately, he couldn't avoid the boy forever. Courage, he told himself. If Kurt really confessed his feelings for Blaine, Blaine would just have to let him down gently.

Kurt was trying to figure out Blaine's confusing behavior with a pint of ice cream on his bed when Santana barged in without knocking and immediately closed the door behind her.

"Hey, I'm not supposed to close the door if I have a girl in my room," Kurt reminded her but Santana just scoffed. "Please, as if anyone would believe the two of us are fucking."

Kurt blushed because he wasn't use to people using such crude language around him.

"So have you told the hobbit yet? Is that why you're stuffing your face with ice cream?"

Kurt shook his head. "I tried to tell him but than Sunshine interrupted and he told me to leave. It was like he didn't even want to talk to me all of a sudden."

Santana flopped down on the bed next to him and stole his spoon, before she ate some of his ice cream.

"Don't worry, as soon as you tell him, you can get all up on him. He's kinda small but he has strong arms, so I bet he could take you against the wall."

Kurt wished the floor would open and the earth would swallow him whole. "Santana. Can you please not say stuff like this." Santana handed him his spoon back and he put it on his bedside table because he did not want to share her germs.

"Relax, baby gay. I'm just joking. I'm sure you have your own ideas of what you want to do with him." Couldn't she see she was making him uncomfortable? He had to get rid of her before she said more things he wasn't ready to hear just yet.

Luckily, Jeff came back into the room a few minutes later and Santana took that as her cue to leave. Kurt knew she would be the death of him some day.

Unfortunately, Kurt didn't see Blaine at all during his morning classes on Moday and he had to postpone their talk yet again. That same afternoon brought the dreaded voice lesson where he had to present his outside of his comfort zone piece. It was the worst song that he could come up with, but he knew his dad would have loved it.

He had barely finished the first two lines of John Mellencamp's "Pink Houses" when Mr. Ryan stopped him.

"Please, dear god stop. It's not terrible, but I can't listen to that. Reminds me of that assbackward town I grew up in."

Kurt immediately stopped singing and turned bright red as his classmates were laughing in the back.

"Try some classic rock next time Kurt, okay," his teacher suggested and Kurt nodded frantically before heading to the back of the classroom.

Santana was looking at him, as if he had suddenly grown a second head, but Brittany kissed him on the cheek and told him her offer to make out with him was still good. Well, at least someone had enjoyed that trainwreck.

In terms of getting to talk to Blaine, Vocal Explosion rehearsal wasn't much help either, because before he could go and talk to Blaine, Chandler cornered him and steered him away from the main group.

It wasn't that Kurt didn't enjoy compliments, but at that moment he would rather talk to Blaine, who kept glaring in their direction, instead of listening to the top 100 cheesiest pickup lines Chandler was using on him.

He finally managed to escape when Alyson arrived and they got in formation for Pink's "Raise your glass", lead this time by Blaine and Wes. At least he didn't have to watch Sebastian flirt with Blaine during a song again.

Blaine had sort of been avoiding Kurt, because he dreaded the talk Kurt wanted to have with him, but when he saw Chandler talk to Kurt in a corner he still saw red again. Why couldn't Chandler just move on to his next victim? There were plenty of other freshman boys and girls around – not that he wanted any of them to get hurt either.

So far Kurt had turned down Chandler, and he hoped Kurt was strong enough to resist his charm – because sure, Chandler could be charming when he had a goal in mine – but he knew from experience that a lot of people gave in, when Chandler persistently pursued them, just to get hurt in the end.

In some way, he had been lucky that Sebastian was interested in him, because it had kept Chandler away and Sebastian did accept a no when it counted. He still flirted with him all the time and kept making lewd innuendos, but at least he had never touched Blaine against his will, as Chandler had done with Kurt.

So maybe he had to stop avoiding Kurt – again – and listen to what he wanted to say, before trying to warn Kurt about Chandler – again.

Kurt was already sitting at a table in the corner of the Lima Bean when Blaine arrived, and pushed a steaming cup of coffee in his direction.

"I hope I got your order right," Kurt mumbled, blushing adorably. "You didn't have to buy me coffee Kurt," Blaine told him as he sat down opposite Kurt.

"You paid the last two times," Kurt reminded him before he looked down to his cup and fiddles with the lid.

"Why did you want to meet me here?" Blaine asked after a few moments of silence. "Not that I'm not happy to have coffee with you, but your messaged sounded rather urgent."

Blaine could see that Kurt was steeling himself for the answer and Blaine hoped it wasn't what he thought it was. It just wasn't possible. What came out of Kurt's mouth then, was not at all what Blaine had expected.

"I saw Sebastian make out with a boy last week," Kurt nearly whispered. Blaine was confused. Did Kurt like Sebastian now? The few times Kurt and Sebastian had been in the same room he had caught Kurt glaring at him, but maybe he had misinterpreted the situation.

"Well if you like Sebastian, I guess he's a better choice than Chandler, because he at least can keep his hands to himself," Blaine offered after taking a sip from his own coffee.

Now it was Kurt's turn to look confused.

"You wouldn't mind if I liked your boyfriend? Not that I do," Kurt exclaimed, looking rather shocked.

Why would Kurt think Sebastian was his boyfriend? Sebastian didn't usually hit on him in public because he didn't want anyone to see him getting rejected but maybe Kurt had misinterpreted Sebastian's flirting during one of their Vocal Explosion numbers? Or maybe someone had told Kurt they were dating? But no, that couldn't be it, because most people in their social circle were aware that Blaine wasn't interested in Sebastian's advances.

"Kurt, Sebastian is not my boyfriend. I don't like him at all. Did someone tell you we are dating?" He had to know if Sebastian or someone else was spreading rumors.

Kurt unfortunately wasn't answering his question at first. "You are not?" Blaine shook his head. "And you never have?" Blaine shook his head again.

Kurt then suddenly jumped up and grabbed his bag before running toward the exit.

"Kurt, where are you going?" Blaine called after him. Kurt stopped for a moment at the door and he looked angry when he looked back in Blaine's direction. "I have to talk to Chandler," was all Kurt said before running out of the coffee shop.

It took him a moment to process what Kurt had just said, but when he did he was furious. He couldn't wait to confront Chandler as well because he had some choice words for the lying bastard. But with any luck, Kurt would take care of it, if the look in his eyes as he left was any indication.

Up Next: 1x04: Out of time




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glad the sebastian blaine thing is finally settled... wishing blaine would get over the age thing though and PRONTO!!

Well I used him as the super villain in too many stories already. It was time to make him into only a minor d-bag :)