NYADA Freshman Year
1x01 Fresh Meat Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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NYADA Freshman Year: 1x01 Fresh Meat

T - Words: 6,526 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2013
790 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Disclaimer: I own nada and after looking up some spoilers I'm glad I don't own Glee. Spoilers: None. Ratings for this chapter: PG 13. Word Count: 6.942

1x01: Fresh Meat

Kurt was standing in front of a tall, old looking building on Manhattan's Upper West Side. It screamed old money, even though he was aware that twenty-five percent of NYADA's students received a scholarship just like him.

The last few days had gone by in a blur. His father had accompanied him to New York where they had met up with his aunt Kate, who was living in New Jersey and had promised his father to check in on him from time to time. It was the first time Kurt and his father had come to the city and his aunt had shown them around the tourist attractions and they had even seem a real life Broadway show. Kurt couldn't really believe yet, that this city was going to be his home for at least the next four year.

Saying goodbye to Mercedes and his family had been tearful, especially after his dad and Carole had move up their wedding so Kurt could attend it. Finn had sung a song for him, and had publicly apologized for not protecting Kurt from the bullies when they were still in the same school.

Finn was starting his junior year at McKinley this fall, but he had been his chief tormentor Karofsky's classmate until the bully had to repeat 8th grade. When Karofsky had pushed Kurt around, Finn had looked the other way, because he thought it would hurt his popularity if he stuck up for Kurt, and so when Carole and his dad had first started dating when Kurt was in 7th grade, things at home had been tense for a while, especially when Carole and Finn had moved in and Finn and Kurt had to share a room.

Finn had complained about it, but his dad had defended him and had made Finn apologize. It was one of the reason's Kurt was afraid to come out to his dad, because who knew if his dad wouldn't suddenly side with Finn, if he knew about Kurt, or even worse, the crush he had on Finn in 6th grade.

After Karofsky had pushed him against the dumpster, after an argument about an incident Kurt desperately wanted to forget, his father had taken him out of school and he only had to go back to take his finals before school was out in May.

He spent most of his summer helping out in his dad's shop or lounging around the house with Mercedes, watching reruns of Project Runway. He knew Mercedes was sad he was moving away but she still tried to cheer him up by telling him about all the fabulous clothes he would be able to buy in New York.

Finn friends from the football team, Puck, Mike, Matt and Sam spent a lot of time at their house as well and surprisingly even Puck had been nice to him. The only person he couldn't stand being around – they had been frenemies since elementary school when they fought over a role in the school play – was Rachel.

Rachel had finally managed to get together with Finn before the summer and when she had heard about his transfer to the prestigious New York based performing arts high school, she had immediately begged her fathers to let her transfer as well, but the school had told her they usually didn't accept older transfers - and Rachel would be a sophomore come fall - from non-performing arts school unless the specific circumstances surrounding the student in question warranted it. Rachel had been angry, because the school wouldn't see how special she was and Kurt had fled the living room to let Finn deal with his crazy girlfriend.

Finn and Carole had said goodbye at the airport in Columbus, because school at McKinley had already started and Carole hadn't felt comfortable leaving her sixteen-year-old son behind left to his own devices. The party that got out of hand this summer apparently was proof enough that Finn shouldn't be left in charge of an empty house.

Kurt had sworn up and down that he hadn't been involved in the planning and hadn't been aware the punch was spiked, when his dad found him hung-over the next day, and Kurt new it was a testament to his developing acting skills that his father had immediately bought it. To make it up to Finn, who had to deal with the brunt of his dad's fury, Kurt had offered to clean the whole house while his parents went out for lunch.

He hadn't liked Finn that much at first, but he had to admit his giant stepbrother was growing on him and he would definitely miss him. He had promised to come home for Thanksgiving, but as his father had lamented, that was still months away.

Kurt's thoughts about the past summer were interrupted by a tall woman who must have approached them while he reminisced. She introduced herself as Ms. Carson, responsible for all incoming students.

Before he knew it, it was time to say goodbye to aunt Kate and his dad. After many tearful hugs and promises to call at least every second day, Ms. Carson helped Kurt wheel one of his three suitcases to the dorms, which were left of the main building. He took one last look at his dad's retreating figure before he squared his shoulders and straightened up his posture. Kurt Hummel did not get homesick.

Kurt had followed Ms. Carson inside a large building that housed both the girls' and the boys' dorm. The left wing would be Kurt's future home, Ms. Carson continued explaining as she led him down a corridor to room 117. Freshmen were on the first floor, sophomore on the second floor and so on. The same applied to the girls' dormitories, which were in the right wing.

Boys and girls had shared common rooms, but were not allowed into the boys' rooms after eight o'clock and vice versa. The door had to stay partially open to prevent couples from doing things they wouldn't feel comfortable doing in public.

Kurt just nodded along as Ms. Carson explained the rules. He had no desire to do anything with a girl in a room, but that was something Ms. Carson didn't need to know. He knew the school had a zero tolerance bullying policy, but he wasn't sure how well that would be enforced in the dorms. He just hoped his roommate wasn't homophobic in case Kurt ever found the courage to come out.

Before he knew it, Ms. Carson was knocking on door 117 and a boy, not much taller than Kurt, with a bad dye job opened the door. Ms. Carson gave him a card with her number on it in case he had more questions and then he was alone with the stranger who was studying him rather curiously before grabbing one of Kurt's suitcases and dragged it inside.

"Man, what did you pack? Stones?" Kurt huffed and took his suitcase back before dropping it in front of a closet that looked barely big enough to house all his clothes.

"That's my shoe collection. We can't all run around with ratty sneakers like you." To his surprise the other boy laughed. "You sound exactly like my girlfriend, and my friend Nick, come to think of it. I'm Jeff by the way."

The boy, Jeff, held out his hand and when Kurt didn't react immediately he grabbed Kurt's hand, put it in his own and shook it. Kurt was surprised that the other boy had touched him willing, and gave him a small smile. "Kurt."

"Where do you come from?" Jeff asked him as he started pinning his favorite Broadway posters to the wall. "You don't sound like a New Yorker." Great, Jeff probably thought he was a country boy from Hicksville. "Ohio. You?"

"Chicago, my parents actually wanted to send me to a private school in Ohio, Dalton Academy, because my dad's an alumni, but luckily I could convince them to let me come here. I dance," Jeff added after a moment.

Kurt looked up in surprise. "My dad wanted to send me to Dalton too, but it was a little pricy," he mumbled embarrassed. Hopefully, Jeff wouldn't think any less of him because his family wasn't wealthy.

"That's cool man, my friend Nick is on a scholarship too." Kurt smiled in relief. This school was supposed to be a fresh start for him and he didn't need to trade insults about his rumored sexuality with insults about his less privileged upbringing. Maybe he should stop watching Gossip Girl. It was only his first day and he was already acting paranoid.

Jeff picked up a magazine while Kurt finished unpacking and decorated his half of the room. Much too soon he was done, trying to come up with a topic to talk about.

"You said your girlfriend likes shoes too. How long have you been together?" Finn always liked talking about his current girlfriend so this seemed like a safe topic.

"About 6 months. We went to school together in Chicago and luckily her parents sent her to an all-girls' school on the Upper East Side, so we can still see each other." "That's great." "Yeah, so what about you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Kurt froze. Was now the point where Jeff would tell him he was disgusting? And was he really that obvious? "I'm not gay", he forced out. Jeff gave him a sympathetic look. "You know, it wouldn't matter to me if you are. Nick says there are plenty of gay guys in this school."

Kurt remained frozen in his spot. Was Jeff telling the truth or was he just trying to get Kurt to admit it before he showed his true colors?

Suddenly Jeff jumped up from the bed and Kurt took a step back, but instead of hitting him Jeff opened his mouth to sing.

If you were gay,

That'd be okay.

I mean 'cause, hey,

I'd like you anyway

Oh dear God, was Jeff singing Avenue Q to him? He took another step back, but his new roommate just continued.

Because you see,

If it were me,

I would feel free

To say that I was gay

(But I'm not gay)

"Jeff, please! I am trying to decorate."

If you were queer


I'd still be here,

"Jeff, I'm trying to uhm, hang this poster."

Year after year


Because you're dear to me


And I know that you

Would accept me too,

If I told you today

"Hey! Guess what,

I'm gay!"

(But I'm not gay.)

I'm happy,

Just being with you

"High Button Shoes, Bow ties…"

So what should it

Matter to me

What you do in bed

With guys.

"Jeff, that's GROSS!"

"No it's not!"

If you were gay

I'd shout hooray!

"I am not listening!"

And here I'd stay

"La la la la la!"

But I wouldn't get in your way.


You can count on me

To always be

Beside you every day

To tell you it's okay

You were just born that way

And, as they say,

It's in you're DNA

You're gay

"But I'm not gay!"

If you were gay.


Kurt and Jeff both collapsed laughing on their respective beds. Somewhere along the line Kurt couldn't help it but take over Rod's lines and adapt them to their current situation.

Jeff sat up again and gave Kurt a serious look and Kurt felt the atmosphere shift again. "Listen Kurt, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, but I'm here if you want to talk."

Kurt gave him a watery smile. People weren't usually so nice to him when confronted with his sexuality. "Thank you, I think I'm going to unpack my bathroom stuff now." Jeff smiled back, before he excused himself to go look for his friends.

Jeff had shown Kurt to the dining hall the previous night and before he knew it, it was morning and Kurt got ready for his first real day of school. He put on tight black skinny jeans, his white lace-up Doc Marten's, and a white dress shirt with a silver vest on top. He still packed a second outfit, because even though he'd been assured he wouldn't be bullied, you never knew.

Jeff, who had been on campus for the summer dance academy, where he had met Nick, led him through the school to a huge auditorium where freshmen orientation would take place.

They were running a little late because Kurt's hair wouldn't cooperate at first, and so they sat down in the back, before anyone could see them. Ten minutes into the welcoming lecture from the dean of education, the door behind him opened again, and three pretty girls sneaked in, sitting down next to Kurt and Jeff.

The blonde one next to him leaned over after a few minutes to whisper into his ear. "Are you a dolphin?" Kurt was confused and quickly shook his head. The blond turned to the dark haired girl sitting next to her and whispered, loud enough that Kurt could hear it. "See, I told you he wasn't one San." San rolled her eyes as if she was used to the blonde's antics. And she probably was. All three girls were wearing matching bracelets on their left wrists.

Kurt tried to focus his attention back to then dean, when the blonde leaned in again. "I'm Brittany. Do you want to make out? I'm bored." Kurt looked at her incredulously. "Not right now, thank you," he stuttered out. Since when did Kurt Hummel stutter? Then again, Kurt Hummel had never been propositioned before.

The blonde, Brittany, pouted before turning back to her friend. "He's no fun. Can we make out then, San?" Kurt did a double take when he heard San's answer. "Later tonight, I promise." How could they be so casual about that? The blond girl on the other side of San was scowling at her friends and told them to shut up, because her dad would kill her if she got in trouble the first day of school. Surprisingly, San and Brittany stopped talking immediately. Other blond must be the leader of sorts, Kurt guessed.

There had been cheerleaders in Kurt's old school, but Kurt had been way too unpopular to get close to them, but he assumed that the three girls sitting next to him would have ruled his school had they gone there.

Once the assembly was over, Brittany dragged Kurt along with her as her friends left. Before he knew it he was standing behind the auditorium where Quinn casually lit a cigarette. Kurt gaped at her. The girl must be a freshman like him and she was smoking.

The girl must have caught his expression, because she smirked at him. "Relax, it's not like I do it all the time, but the lecture was such a waste of time." San rolled her eyes next to her. "Quinn stop watching Sex in the City. Just because you're a New Yorker now doesn't mean you have to smoke." So the third girl finally had a name too.

"You're pretty. What's your name?" Brittany suddenly appeared next to him and leaned in. Did she just lick him? "Kurt, Kurt Hummel." "That's a funny name. That's my best friend Santana," she pointed at the dark haired girl, "and that's Quinn. We met her at cheerleading camp last summer?"

So he had been right about the cheerleading part. "Are you guys from New York?" It would be helpful if he knew a couple of locals to show him around.

Brittany shook her head. "Quinn's from Connecticut and I'm from New Jersey. Santana used to live in the Bronx, but her grandma doesn't want her to live with her anymore because we were kissing in Santana's room, but now it's even better because we can share one." Kurt wondered if the administration knew about the girls' relationship or whatever it was they had. Probably not.

Quinn meanwhile had stabbed out her cigarette and was now checking her Blackberry. "Come on, we need to get to class. I don't want to end up in a school run by nuns because you keep making me late."

She turned around to leave and Santana immediately followed her, while Brittany kissed him on the cheek and waved at him as she left. Kurt stayed rooted to his spot for a couple more seconds before he pulled out his map to find his way to his own first class. Was he just making friends with the popular kids?

The first half of the school day was devoted to academics and Kurt was glad the curriculum was a little more demanding than it had been in his old school or at McKinley. He had helped Finn with homework a couple of times, so classes couldn't be that hard in Lima.

Afternoons were reserved for the performing arts program, and after finishing his lunch Kurt made his way to his voice class. He had tried to take voice lessons in Lima, but most teachers wouldn't take him on because they wanted to wait until his voice changed. Now at fifteen, it was still high pitched and Kurt had given up on it ever changing. Now he just had to learn how to proper utilize it.

Santana, Brittany, Quinn and Jeff were all in the class as well and when their teacher told them to form groups of five, Brittany came over and pulled Kurt and Jeff back to the rest of the girls. Each group was given sheet music and they had the remaining hour and a half to prepare a performance of the song, because their teacher wanted to see how they worked under pressure and as a team.

Jeff had nearly choked when he saw that their teacher had handed them a Spice Girls songs, but Kurt was ecstatic because he had loved rocking out to them when he was a little kid.

Their performance was received relatively well, but the teacher criticized them for not including choreography in the performance. They were told to keep rehearsing the song and to present it again, in costumes and with choreography in a couple of days.

Kurt immediately offered himself as costume designer, while Jeff and Brittany wanted to take care of choreography. It felt as if a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders when he realized he could talk about clothes all he wanted and no one made fun of him, apart from Santana, but he somehow knew she didn't mean to really hurt him.

It might have taken twelve stitches to get him where he was now, but if every day was like that first day, he would gladly take them again.

Kurt joined Jeff again in the dining hall, where he met Jeff's friend Nick. Nick, like Jeff, was nice and asked him all kinds of questions, especially after he realized that Kurt was from Ohio as well. They shared a laugh when Nick told them, his parents had wanted to send him to Dalton Academy as well, but had protested just like Jeff did.

Kurt was about to excuse himself to go back to his room to call his dad and Mercedes, when Nick stopped him. "Hey, Kurt, are you going to audition for Vocal Explosion?" Vocal what? Nick chuckled before he explained.

"It's our show choir. A lot of our members graduated last year, so we need fresh meat." Kurt didn't know the school had a show choir but he knew he would have joined the one at McKinley, even though, according to Rachel, it was led by a creep.

"When are auditions?" he asked Nick as he put his tray away. "Friday, but we are performing tomorrow night so that anyone who's interested can see what we do." "Cool, I'll be there."

He said goodbye to Nick and Jeff before going back to his room. His phone call with his dad was short. His dad had made it safely back to Lima and Kurt assured him that everyone was treating him all right at his new school so far.

Mercedes was next and Kurt settled back on his bed to prepare for a lengthy chat. His best friend was excited because McKinley had apparently gotten a new choir teacher, and she, a girl named Tina, Artie from junior high and Rachel had joined up. Rachel was trying to convince Finn to join as well, and if they got enough members they would be able to compete.

Kurt in turn told her about Vocal Explosion and the audition he had planned for the following Friday. The talked about song ideas for a bit, until Kurt was interrupted by a knock on his window. He quickly said goodbye to Mercedes and promised to keep her updated.

When he opened the window, Santana, Brittany and Quinn were standing outside, all dressed in short skirts and tight tops.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered even though Jeff wasn't back yet and it was another hour till curfew.

"We've come to take you to a party with us," Brittany announced excitedly bouncing on her toes. A party? He hadn't heard about a party yet, and it was a school night.

"There's one at the Fordham campus like right across the street," Santana added in a bored voice, "and Brit insisted we take you with us."

Kurt wasn't sure if he should join the girls, because he didn't want to get into trouble his second day of school, but then again, his room was on the first floor and it would be easy to sneak back in. He would finally get to be part of the in crowd and a party sounded like a good way to celebrate the start of a new chapter in his life.

"Give me ten minutes to get changed," he told the girls before ducking into his tiny bathroom with a pair of tight, bright red jeans. He quickly switched his top and shoes as well, add more hairspray to his hair and left Jeff a note asking him not to lock the window before he stealthily climb out of it.

Like Santana had said the Fordham University campus wasn't far a way and soon they approached a sorority house where music was blasting threw the windows.

No one stopped them from going in, but Kurt wasn't surprised seeing as all eyes were on the girls. Before she left them to get drinks, Santana quickly pulled him aside. "If anyone asks, you are a freshman, major undeclared. You look like an eleven year old milk maid, so make it believable."

Kurt followed Brittany and Quinn to a corner where they waited for Santana to return with drinks. The house was packed and he hoped he wouldn't get separated from them. He was pretty sure he could find his way back to his dorm, but he wasn't exactly keen on having to return on his own.

Santana came back after a couple of minutes and thrust a red cup into his hand. "It's jungle juice. Apparently, that's what all the college kids drink" Kurt accepted the drink and sniffed it before taking a sip. It didn't taste particularly strong and he quickly finished his first one.

He hadn't realized that the girls had left to go dance, but when he came out of the kitchen second cup in hand, they were gone. Kurt shrugged and focused on the tasty cup in front of him.

He finished it quickly again not knowing what else to do and turned around to head back into the kitchen, when a full cup was put into his hand. He looked up to guy, dressed like a hipster with black-framed classes on his nose.

"Hey, didn't I see you in English 301 today," the guy had to yell because it was so loud in the house. Kurt shook his head. "I'm a freshman." The guy suddenly smirked and leaned in. "I like my men fresh."

Kurt could feel his face flush. Did he just get hit on? Maybe he should flirt back. This was a college party after all. People probably wouldn't care that he was gay and the girls had gone off somewhere. No one would know.

"I'm Kurt," he said as confident as possible. The older boy took his hand into his own. "Chandler, why don't we go somewhere more quiet so we can talk?" Talking sounded good, so Kurt nodded and followed Chandler to the back porch.

He sat down on the steps, careful not to spill his drink, and Chandler sat down next to him. He didn't know why he sat so close, but didn't want to tell off the first openly gay guy he met.

"I guess this is your first New York party, Kurt?" Chandler asked and Kurt blushed again. Was it really so easy to tell. He nodded nevertheless. No reason to deny it.

"Well I'm glad you came to this one," Chandler whispered into his ear and Kurt scooted a bit to the left. That was all going a little fast and it made him remember an incident he really wanted to forget. If Chandler noticed he didn't say anything, but he handed Kurt another cup of the tasty stuff.

Chandler asked him a couple more questions before he moved in closer again and put his hand on Kurt's thigh. Now Kurt may have been a bit tipsy at this point, but that didn't mean that guy could just touch him like that.

He tried to move Chandler's hand but the older boy kept a firm grip on his leg. "Come on, stay. I'll make it worth your time," he whispered as Kurt struggled to get up. Suddenly he wasn't feeling so good any more.

Chandler suddenly leaned in and Kurt was sure he was trying to kiss him, so he quickly turned his face away. Luckily, Chandler's lips didn't even get close to his, because suddenly he was being yanked back by another boy.

"Chandler, leave him alone. He's clearly not interested." Chandler looked annoyed as Kurt breathed out a sigh of relief. "Fuck off, Blaine. Just because you aren't getting any, doesn't mean I'm not getting any either."

The guy glared at Chandler until he finally got up and left. Kurt brought his knees up and wrapped his arms around them as the guy, Blaine, regarded him with curiosity.

"I feel so stupid. I shouldn't have come out here with him. He kept giving me his drinks and I should have known that was a bad sign." Blaine cautiously stepped closer and sat down on the stairs close to Kurt, but not too close.

"It's okay. We're allowed to make mistakes?" Kurt opened his eyes again when his head started spinning. "Why did you come out here?"

"I saw him leave with you and I got worried because I know what he can be like and – no offense – but you looked a bit young." Kurt gave the slightly taller boy a grateful smile. He was good-looking, but had a nice smile unlike Chandler's smirk.

"None taken. Someone told me tonight I look like an eleven year old milk maid." Blaine laughed. Kurt liked to hear him laugh. Chandler had laughed too when they had talked. Maybe he was a funny guy but hadn't known it yet.

"Well I wouldn't say eleven because then you definitely shouldn't be here, but I guess you are in high school." "You don't look old enough to drink that either," Kurt retorted, pointing at the beer next to Blaine.

"You're right. I would have come sooner, you know, but I was ambushed by a guy as well." Blaine rolled his eyes. "You're gay too?" Kurt asked, his mouth probably hanging open unattractively.

"Mhm. I guess where you lived before, there weren't many out gay guys." Kurt shook his head. "I was the only one, and I wasn't even out. Tonight was the first time I even admitted it out loud."

Blaine gave him a sympathetic smile. Before he could answer though, he's phone alerted him to a text and after reading it, Blaine quickly finished his beer and stood up.

"Well, it was nice talking to you Kurt, but I got to go. See you around." He smiled at Kurt, before disappearing back into the house. Kurt himself had no plans to go back inside because he didn't want to run into Chandler again, and so he stumbled around the house only to crash into Brittany who was dancing on the lawn.

"There you are," came Santana's annoyed voice from behind him. "Time to get back. We have class tomorrow," Quinn added, looking equally bored.

Together they stumbled back to their dorms and after saying goodbye to the girls, Kurt made his way back to his window that luckily was still open a bit.

Kurt pushed open the window and pulled himself up, only to land gracelessly on the floor. A light close to him was turned on, and before he knew it he was pulled onto his feet.

"I don't feel so well," he mumbled as Jeff, it had to be Jeff, guided him into the bathroom where he promptly threw up most of the alcohol Chandler had handed him.

He could feel Jeff's hand rub soothing circles on his back until he was finished and managed to sit up.

"Must have been quite the party, hu?" Jeff joked and Kurt tried to glare at him. "If you count flirting with a guy who turned out to be a jerk, you are right. It was quite the party." Kurt realized too late what he just said and froze.

But Jeff just smiled at him and handed him a glass of water and some aspirin. "Like I said. If you ever want to talk, I'm here. And I promise I won't tell anyone, until you're ready okay."

"Okay," Kurt answered sleepily. Jeff left him alone in the bathroom and after swallowing the aspirin, he quickly changed into his pajamas and crawled into his bed. The alarm clock on his nightstand told him it was one o'clock in the morning and Kurt just hoped he would be able to sleep it off in five hours. Otherwise, he had to forego his moisturizing routine a second time.

School was horrible the next day, and when he saw Quinn, Santana and Brittany, they were all wearing sunglasses. Why hadn't he thought about that. Somehow he made it through the day though, and he was grateful their dance instructor decided to start lecturing them about the history of dance instead of teaching them choreography.

He couldn't wait for six o'clock to come, because then he would get to see Vocal Explosion in action.

There was already a crowd forming in the studio theater and Kurt snuck threw a few taller students to the front of the room. A few choir members were already on the small stage and Kurt smiled when Nick waved to him.

Suddenly music started up and Kurt recognized it as Katy Perry's Last Friday Night. A party song. How fitting.

Kurt expected one of the girls to take the lead, but a tall boy stepped forward. He would have been handsome, if he weren't smirking like Chandler had.

To Kurt's surprise the tall boy wasn't the only lead and Kurt turned beet red when he recognized Blaine as the second lead. So he wasn't in college either, but then, he had never said so.

Kurt tried to hide behind a taller boy but before he could disappear, Blaine's eyes found his and Blaine's widened in surprise.

The performance continued with the taller boy heavily flirting with Blaine and Kurt had to admit he was a bit disappointed. But of course, a gorgeous guy like Blaine already had a boyfriend. It was probably his boyfriend who had texted him last night.

Kurt scanned the performers to see what Nick was doing during the performance, when he froze. Because their was Chandler, winking at him. Kurt shuddered. Of course he went to this school as well. That explained how Blaine knew him. He quickly turned away and focused all of his attention on the two leads.

The performance ended with applause from the spectators and a tall, pretty girl announced that auditions would be held Friday afternoon. Blaine was gone by the time Kurt tried to spot him again, but he watched as the tall girl strode up to the tall lead singer and glared at him.

"What the hell, Sebastion. I'm not letting you sing lead again, if you can't keep your eyes to yourself." Sebastian didn't seem to be bothered by the angry looking girl. "Oh, please Alyson. You're just jealous I wasn't looking at you."

The girl, Alyson, scoffed. "I wouldn't even let you close to me if we were stranded on a deserted island." Kurt sniggered. He knew he would like that girl, because she put slimy looking guy in his place. Why was Blaine dating such an asshole?

When Kurt realized Nick was gone too, he left the small theater and nearly collided with Blaine who apparently had waited for him.

"I guess I wasn't wrong when I said you were in high school," he said with a teasing smile. "I haven't seen you around here before, so I'm guessing you are a freshman." Kurt nodded, trying not to blush.

"Aren't you a bit young then to sneak off to college parties." The teasing smile was still there, but it was nice instead of creepy.

"I'm fifteen. How old are you?" If Blaine was still in high school he couldn't be much older. "Sixteen. I'm a junior though." "Oh." Kurt didn't know what else to say.

"So are you thinking about joining Vocal Explosion?" Blaine asked after they were both silent for a bit and Kurt was staring at his shoes. He nodded without looking up, because he knew was probably bright red by now. Why did Blaine have to be so cute.

"I can help you with preparing for your audition if you want," Blaine offered and Kurt's head shot up. Blaine was willing to spend time with him. The yes was about to leave his lips when he remembered the other lead, Sebastian.

Why torture himself by spending time with a guy he didn't have a chance with. "That's okay. My roommate wants to audition too and we promised to help each other." For a moment Kurt thought Blaine looked sad, but it must have been wishful thinking. His phone chimed in his bag and he saw that his father was calling. Saved by the bell.

Blaine smiled at him and told him he would see him around before Kurt wandered down the corridor to talk to his dad.

Blaine hadn't actually planed to go to the party because he knew Sebastian was going and Sebastian, like his best friend Chandler, didn't seem to accept a no. The two seniors had a horrible reputation as it was and Blaine had no intention of becoming the newest conquest. He'd rather finish high school a virgin than let Sebastian touch him.

In the end it had been Wes and David, now in their senior year, who had convinced Blaine to come out with them. They both knew he needed a pick me up after being forced to spend the summer in his parents' house in Ohio. It wasn't that his father hated him, but he became distance after Blaine came out, and it got even worse after Blaine got beaten up at a dance at the beginning of his sophomore year.

It had been his much older brother Cooper, who had suggested NYADA to his parents, and because of "the incident" he was allowed to transfer 5 weeks into his sophomore year.

Wes, who for all appearances seemed to be incapable to do something forbidden, had managed to make a copy of their dorm's back entrance and they had been sneaking out together since they met in Blaine's sophomore year.

Students were allowed to stay out till after curfew if they wanted to see a show, but only if their parents signed off on it and because Wes parents were out of the country most of the year, he had found a way to duplicate the key.

Wes had promised to pass on the key to Blaine after their graduation, but until then, the upperclassmen had to depend on Wes to let them into the dorm after curfew if they didn't have permission to be out.

The party was loud, like most of the college parties Blaine had been to, and he grabbed a bottle of beer from the kitchen to have something to occupy himself with. He knew he didn't have a high tolerance for alcohol and so he stuck mostly to beer when he went out with friends, to avoid doing something stupid.

He was looking around the living room to make sure Sebastian wasn't close by when he saw Chandler lead a young looking boy out back. The boy was swaying slightly and was clutching a red cup with was probably not his first drink of the night.

He quickly made to follow them to make sure Chandler wouldn't do anything stupid when he was stopped by a hand on his arm.

"Hey baby, where are you going? I just got here." Blaine shrugged Sebastian's hand off and rolled his eyes. How many times did he have to tell this guy he wasn't interested.

"Not now Sebastian," he told the boy blocking his way and tried to walk around him to follow Chandler. Of course Sebastian wouldn't let him get away that easily. "So is that a promise for later. Because I don't know if I can wait that long."

Sebastian was really starting to piss Blaine off. The older boy had started hitting on him at the end of sophomore year and still hadn't let it go.

"I said, not now," he said angrily and shoved past Sebastian before he could say anything else. Luckily, he found Chandler and the boy in time and made sure the boy, who introduced himself as Kurt, was okay.

Blaine knew Kurt wasn't in college, he wasn't stupid, and he was a bit disappointed that he didn't know what high school Kurt went to. Before they could continue their talk, Wes texted him and Blaine had to leave if he wanted to get back into his dorm.

His performance the next day was good, even though Sebastian wouldn't stop flirting with him on stage, but he nearly missed his cue when he spotted Kurt in the front row.

If Kurt went to NYADA that probably meant he was a freshman though and it wouldn't look too good if a junior went after a freshman. Well, clearly Chandler didn't have the same reservations.

He was a bit relieved afterward, when Kurt told him he was fifteen, but he decided Kurt needed a friend more than a boyfriend, if Chandler really had been the first out gay boy Kurt had met.

He was disappointed when Kurt denied his help to say the least, but he knew there would be other opportunities to spend time with Kurt if Kurt got into Vocal Explosion.

Kurt was still at the other end of the corridor when Sebastian came up to proposition him yet again. He knew they had a no bullying policy at the school, but if Sebastian didn't stop it soon, Blaine would punch him in the face. Maybe he shouldn't let his boxing lessons go to waste.

Sebastian luckily left when Blaine told him so, but when Blaine turned to return to the dorms himself, he spotted Chandler staring at Kurt, who was still on his phone, totally oblivious to his surroundings.

He had a bad feeling about Chandler watching Kurt, but he hoped he was wrong and Chandler wouldn't try anything with Kurt again.

I've been looking up way too many Glee spoilers and I got pissed again, so I had to make sure Kurt got into NYADA when Rachel couldn't.

Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading :)



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thats song was hilarious and im loving brittay already! lol oo hes going to a party! aaahhh!! blaine!!!! its so weird that chandlers such a creep! lol also i cant wait for kurt and blaine to start hanging out!!

I needed a bad guy for Kurt and Sebastian was already busy running after Blaine and Karofsky is stuck in Lima. Using him seemed more fun instead of some OC :)