NYADA Freshman Year
1x11: Papa, don't preach Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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NYADA Freshman Year: 1x11: Papa, don't preach

T - Words: 7,541 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2013
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1x11 Papa, don't preach

Previously on NYADA – Freshman Year. Vocal Explosion performed at Regionals and came in first the eleventh time in a row. Burt planned to surprise Kurt at the competition, but a blizzard derailed his plans and stranded him in Pennsylvania for the night. Kurt and Blaine partied hard at the VE victory party and ended up in Kurt's bed with their shirts off. That's how Burt found them the next morning and he was less than pleased. And that's what you missed on NYADA – Freshman Year.

Kurt was having a nice dream – he and Blaine were singing a duet for the Queen's birthday – when yelling and movement next to him woke him up. Blaine was still were he had left him the night before, but he was staring toward the door with wide eyes, and when Kurt followed his line of sight, he froze, because, shit, his dad was glaring back at them.

"It's not what you think it is," he tried again after his first reaction before he yanked the sheet up to his chest, suddenly wanting nothing more than his shirt back on. He was still in his jeans and as uncomfortable as sleeping in them was, he was glad he and Blaine hadn't taken their pants off as well.

"Those hickeys are telling me it's exactly what I think it is," his dad retorted. "It's nothing, dad, I promise. We didn't do anything," his mouth just wouldn't stop and he shivered when his dad glared at him again.

"You smell like a bar, are barely dressed and have marks all over you – don't tell me this is nothing. You're fifteen, for god's sake!" Kurt was pretty sure he didn't have more than two hickeys but he didn't think now was the right time to correct his angry father.

"I'm going to wait outside and in five minutes I want Blaine dressed and gone, are we clear?" his dad continued, and from the corner of his eye he saw Blaine nod frantically. So much for being there for him when his dad found out he was gay. But he didn't have it in him to defy his dad either.

The door slammed shut behind his dad – Kurt seriously hoped the other students were either still asleep or already gone because he didn't need people finding out about this – and Blaine immediately jumped off the bed and rushed over to the chair where they had left their shirts.

In a different situation Kurt would have stopped to admire his boyfriend's body, illuminated by the sun, but he had an irate family member waiting for him and doing his best to avoid completely freaking out.

"I'm so sorry Kurt. I knew I shouldn't have stayed the night." Blaine sat down next to him on the bed, fully dressed again, and handed him his own shirt. Kurt pulled in on before he looked up and studied Blaine's face intently, just in case this was the last time he would see his boyfriend.

He could feel tears trickling down his face and when Blaine wiped them away they only started to fall faster. "I really wanted him to be okay with it," he hiccupped, "I wanted to believe everyone who told me it would be okay and that my dad wasn't going to hate me if he found out I was gay. But I've seen the way he looked at us, he hates me."

"I'm sure he was just shocked. Your dad doesn't –" "Don't, don't make me get my hopes up. He might be okay with gay people but apparently only if they aren't his own kid."

Kurt pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them while his whole body shook, tears streaming down his face.

"Five minutes are up;" his dad yelled through the door and Kurt tried not to flinch when Blaine kissed his wet cheeks. "It's going to be okay, I promise," his boyfriend whispered but Kurt didn't reply and buried his head between his knees instead.

He didn't look up when the door opened and closed quietly, willing himself to disappear so he didn't have to face his dad's wrath.

Blaine knew he had to speak to Kurt's dad before he could confront his boyfriend. After all, it was his fault they were in their current predicament.

"Mr. Hummel, please. Can I talk to you for a moment," he pleaded as he stepped in front of the door to block the entrance.

"I don't have anything to say to you right now, Blaine. So get out of my way," Kurt's dad glared at him, but his feet were glued to the floor.

"Please, don't be mad at Kurt. We didn't do anything, I promise." "You promise? Like you promised you and my son were just friends. I don't like being lied to, Blaine, just so the two of you can do whatever the hell you want," Mr. Hummel yelled back and Blaine took a step back, because as much as he didn't believe that Kurt's father would hit him, he didn't want to test the theory.

"We didn't keep it from you on purpose. I wanted to tell you, but Kurt, he wasn't ready and I had to respect that. I couldn't force him to tell you before he was ready," Blaine tried to explain, because he needed Mr. Hummel to understand.

"Of course that's when you decide to respect him and don't pressure him. How convenient! You respect him when it serves a purpose." "I don't –" "Don't interrupt me, Blaine! You got my fifteen-year-old drunk and I find the both of you barely dressed and you expect me to believe you didn't have ulterior motives. Kurt may be naïve enough to believe it, but I wasn't born yesterday. You could have refrained from starting a relationship with him until he was ready to be honest with me, but you liked that I didn't know, because I invited you into my house and didn't say anything when you spent the night. You and Kurt took advantage of me not knowing about what was going on, but Kurt's still a kid, so yeah I'm blaming you for this."

Blaine's jaw had dropped during Mr. Hummel's rant because the last thing he ever wanted was take advantage of Kurt and now he was wondering if other people saw them like this as well.

"I swear I didn't touch him, I mean I did, but not with out his permission," he replied hoping to fix things before they got even worse but Mr. Hummel glared even harder at him.

"Stop talking and move, before I decided this was the last time you've heard from my son," Kurt's dad hissed and Blaine knew that he had lost this battle. He could only hope he and Kurt would win the war. Not that he wanted to fight Kurt's dad. He just wanted everyone to be happy.

"I love him," he whispered as he stepped aside. "I thought you should know. I love him and I would never do anything to hurt him on purpose."

The only response he got was the door opening and closing behind him, but he hoped Mr. Hummel had heard what he had said.

Kurt heard his father yell at Blaine in the hallway and curled up tighter, sobs shaking his frame. He couldn't understand what was being said, but he had never heard his dad this angry before, at least not when he was involved.

What was his dad even doing here? Under different circumstances he would have been so happy to see him, but now he wished he had never come to New York. He had the perfect speech planned out and if his dad didn't take it well, he would have stayed with Mercedes for a few days and returned to New York by the end of the week, to get out of his father's sight. He had no clue what would happen now and he was scared. Not knowing when he would be attacked or ambushed had always been the worst part of the bullying, because he had lived in constant fear while he was still in Lima, but being afraid of his own father was even worse.

Finally the yelling stopped outside and Kurt pressed his head against his knees when the door opened because he didn't want to see his father's disgust written all over his face.

"Go pack your bags, Kurt. You're coming back to Lima with me," his dad ordered and Kurt's head shot up, because no, he couldn't leave his sanctuary.

"Dad, please no. I can't go back. Please don't make me go back," he pleaded, finally looking at his dad but his dad didn't react to his pleading.

"You are leaving me no other choice, Kurt. I thought you were trustworthy enough to go to school in another state, but clearly I was wrong. I'll talk to Finn and tell him to keep an eye on you at school, but you are not staying where you think you can do whatever you want because your parents aren't here."

Kurt started shaking harder, because he couldn't go school with Karofsky and all his other former bullies.

"Please, dad. I'm sorry. I do anything. I'll get a girlfriend, whatever you want."

"This isn't about-," his dad started but Kurt didn't want to listen anymore. He couldn't go back and if his dad wouldn't listen to him, he had to find someone who would make him listen.

He jumped off the bed and pushed past his dad before he could stop him, racing down the corridor and out of the building. He had to find Ms. Carson and tell her what was going on. He didn't care if he got into trouble for the drinking and the sleep over, as long as he could stay at NYADA.

Kurt had always been a good kid, never breaking curfew and generally only getting into trouble when he was helping Finn avoid getting into trouble. Maybe that was why he was so angry because he had expected more, hadn't expected Kurt to pull a stunt like that.

He wasn't angry about the gay thing though and by the time he realized that was what Kurt thought, his son had run out before he could tell him. Burt didn't know where he had run off to, so all he could do for now was sit down and wait for Kurt to return so they could have a talk. It was probably for the best if he had some time to cool down.

Kurt's phone was lying on his nightstand so Burt picked it up and dialed Carole's phone number because he need his wife's perspective.

"Hi honey," Carole answered. "It's me," he replied before filling her in on what had happened. "Did I overreact?" he finished because Carole was always the more level headed in the relationship.

"You have every right to be angry, Burt. If Finn had pulled something like this, I would be pissed too and Finn is seventeen," Carole replied, immediately making him feel less guilty about yelling at his son.

"So you think I'm doing the right thing, taking Kurt back home where we both can keep an eye on him?" The line went silent for a moment.

"That's not a decision I can make for you, Burt. Even though we are married now and I care a lot about Kurt, he is still your son. Would I like having him around more, sure, but you have to think about what's best for Kurt and make your decision based on that. I will support whatever decision you make, but this is one I can't make for you."

Before he could ask her what she would do, he was interrupted by the woman who had welcomed Kurt at the beginning of the school year.

"I've got to go, Carole. Kurt's back," he told his wife before hanging up Kurt's phone. He offered the teacher one of the chairs while Kurt stayed by the door, looking ready to bolt.

"Mr. Hummel, I don't know if you remember me. My name is Julie Carson, I'm responsible for the students studying at NYADA. Kurt has come to me and told me what had happened last night, and I assure you we will punish Kurt and Blaine for breaking the school rules. They will be grounded to their rooms when not in classes and will not be able to participate in after school activities for the next week. Usually we'd probably give them two weeks but because spring break is the following week and both boys are going home, we will let the parents deal with the rest," Ms. Carson told him and when Burt looked over to where Kurt was standing, his son was nodding frantically.

"While I'm glad to hear someone is taking responsibility I have decided to take Kurt back to Ohio with me. This is not the first time something happened to him on school grounds and I just don't feel good about letting Kurt stay here. Please let me know what papers I have to sign to take him out of school."

Burt expected more pleading from Kurt, but his son just looked at the teacher expectantly.

"Mr. Hummel, I understand that you worry about your son and while we don't condone his behavior either, no one has gotten hurt. I promise you that we well keep a closer eye on the boys in the future, but you should at least consider letting Kurt finish the school year. While our curriculum is quite advanced it will be difficult for him to transfer to a regular school in the middle of the semester. If by the end of the school year you still don't feel comfortable with Kurt going to school here, we understand if you want to enroll him in a different school for the rest of his high school career, but taking him out right now, wouldn't help your son."

Burt sighed. That was what Carole had meant when she had said to consider what was best for Kurt. Deep down he knew that it was counterproductive to pull Kurt out of school in the middle of the school year and force him to change schools.

"Fine, he can stay till the end of the school year," he agreed before looking straight at Kurt. "But if I get one more call about you from school, I'm pulling you out that second, do you understand."

His son was still looking pale and scared but he nodded. "That means no more parties, no more breaking curfew and no more sleep overs. You go to school and that's it. If you want to go out with your friends, you call me first and ask for permission. That's my offer, take it or pack your bags." Kurt nodded again and Burt turned to Ms. Carson.

"Thank you for speaking to me. I'll talk to my son now," he told her and the teacher excused herself, citing she had to make a call to that boy's parents.

As soon as the door closed behind her, he pointed to the bed and once Kurt was seated he spoke up again. "I'm going to stay here for the week. I haven't taken time off of work for a while, so I'm going to get a room nearby and the two of us are going to talk, and I mean really talk, no more lying."

Kurt nodded. "Good. Now get dressed, I'm taking you out for coffee."

Kurt was still shaking on the way to the Lima Bean, but at least the worst was over, right? He could at least finish the school year and by then his dad had hopefully calmed down and would allow him to come back for his sophomore year.

They were both silent while they walked and Kurt avoided looking at his dad as much as possible, because the look on his dad's face told him how disappointed his father was.

As soon as they received their coffees they sat down at a table in the corner, the place thankfully relatively empty for a Sunday morning. Taking a few sips of his coffee he steeled himself for a conversation he didn't really want to have.

"Okay, first, how long has this been going on between you and Blaine?" It sounded like an easy question but the truth wasn't easy at all.

"We officially got together after Halloween," he whispered and he could see his dad doing the mental math. "Five months? Jesus Kurt. And what to you mean by officially?"

Kurt sighed because that was the part he didn't want to tell. "Some people I met the first day of school took me to a college party a few blocks away. I didn't want anyone to find out I wasn't in college so I had a few drinks and met a guy who kept giving me more. When we went outside to talk he got a bit too flirty for my taste and Blaine got rid off him for me. I didn't know he wasn't in college but he realized I was in high school and told me to be careful. I found out he and the other guy went to NYADA as well the next day."

He took a deep breath before he continued. "I pretty much had a crush on Blaine the moment we met but Blaine denied having feelings for me because he thought I was too young for him. I was hurt so I agreed to go on a date with the other guy, Chandler, after he apologized. Blaine warned me about him, but I did it anyway, because I was pissed at Blaine and at least the other guy was interested in me. Turned out Blaine was right about Chandler and he wasn't a nice guy after all. A few weeks later he got handsy at a school party and when the school found out they expelled him."

"So, wait. This Chandler is the guy I got a call about? Why didn't the school tell me what was really going on?" "Because that would have meant outing me and you didn't need to know all the details because they were taking care of it."

His dad looked like he wanted to protest but then he changed the topic back to Blaine. "And Blaine?"

"After that horrible date I decided to not go out with anyone again until I knew them better and did it for the right reasons not just because I wanted to be normal and go on dates like everyone else. Blaine asked me to be his date for the Halloween party and we made it official afterward. Blaine wanted me to tell you but I was afraid to do so."

"Why were you afraid to tell me?"

"I didn't want you to hate me."

Meanwhile, Blaine was pacing in his dorm room, annoying his roommate so much, he left for the library on a Sunday morning. He knew he had fucked up but didn't know how to fix things if he couldn't talk to Kurt or his dad.

The sound of his phone ringing startled him and he sat down on his bed with a sigh when he saw who was calling him.

"Hi dad, I take it the school called you?" he asked his dad, hoping he wouldn't be too mad after all the progress they had made in the past few months.

"You know, a few years ago I was used to getting calls like that on Sunday mornings, but I thought they would stop with Cooper graduating. I didn't think you were a saint, just better at not getting caught than your brother was," his dad replied and Blaine was relieved to hear that his father apparently wasn't too mad.

"I'm sorry dad. I know I screwed up but nothing happened between Kurt and I, I promise. I would never take advantage of him like that."

"I most certainly hope so. The last thing I need is Mr. Hummel calling the police on you and from what that lady told me he wasn't too happy," his dad replied. Not too happy didn't really cover it. "He was pissed," he admitted.

"And he has a right to be angry. You're the older one, you're supposed to make smarter decisions." As if he didn't know it himself.

"I'm sorry I acted like a teenager," he replied, because sometimes he didn't want to be the responsible one, the one who was supposed to be more mature. He was still just a kid himself and he should be allowed to make mistakes.

"I know and I understand. You know I went to an all boys boarding school and trust me, all we cared about was sneaking girls into the school. I don't really care about that sort of thing as long as no one gets hurt or caught, because trust me, the worst kind of gossip in our country club is gossip about kids who are troublemakers at school."

"And there I thought having a gay son would tarnish your reputation the most," Blaine deadpanned. It was a testament to their growing relationship that he could joke about things like that now.

"Yeah well, apparently the Westerville country club doesn't care who their kids sleep with as long as they don't knock anybody up or have a bad reputation. At least a dodged a bullet with the first one," his dad replied after a beat.

"So what now?" Blaine asked because he was lost. "How do I deal with Kurt's dad?" His dad sighed. "You give him time to calm down and if you want we can both talk to him when you are back in Columbus. I know I wasn't supportive of your relationship in the beginning, but I can tell you really like Kurt, so I'm on your side. I'll help you as much as I can."

Blaine had tears in his eyes when he hung up a few minutes later, feeling a lot better already.

"I could never hate you. You are my son and I love you." His father's words were on loop in his mind and Kurt nearly knocked over his drink when his dad pulled him into a hug.

"You don't?" He had to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. "You don't hate that I'm gay?"

They were standing in a corner of the Lima Bean and Kurt couldn't care less when his dad hugged him even tighter. After his dad released him they sat down again and to his surprise his dad had tears in his eyes as well.

"Kurt, I've suspected it for years so I've had plenty of time to get used to the idea. Do I sometimes wish you were straight? Yeah, but not because I hate it but because I worry so much about your safety and when stuff started up in middle school my worst fears were confirmed. If I hadn't been so afraid for your safety I would never have sent you to school in another state."

"Then why are you so mad if it's not about me and Blaine?" He usually never got into trouble and he didn't get why his dad was so pissed when he made a mistake for once.

"Oh, I'm angry about you and Blaine too. I'm angry because I gave you plenty of opportunities to come clean, I'm angry because you went behind my back, that you took advantage of the fact that I thought Blaine was just a friend, a friend I suspected you liked, but just a friend nonetheless. And I don't like that you are moving so fast, especially with someone older and more experienced."

"But we didn't do anything, I told you," Kurt replied, a huge weight off his shoulders.

"Kurt, you were both drunk, half naked and you had hickeys in places I don't need to see on my fifteen year old. That is not nothing. You are way too young for sex and you are most definitely too young to get drunk at parties. Just because we let you have a class of champagne at the wedding doesn't mean it's okay for you to go out and act like you are already twenty-one."

"So if I promise not to go to parties anymore and to not do anything with Blaine I can stay at NYADA?" Kurt asked, hoping that his dad had calmed down enough to reconsider his decision. Burt the look on his father's face told him he hadn't changed his mind.

"You make sure you make it through the rest of the school years without further incidents and if you can earn my trust back over the summer we can talk about it again, but from where I'm standing right now, you're going to McKinley next fall, or another school close to Lima."

It wasn't the answer he had wanted to hear, but it was something he could work with.

"And I can still see Blaine?" His dad sighed and Kurt's face fell. "We'll talk about it some more when you are back in Lima. For now, you can text him to let him know that you won't have your phone or Internet access for the next week because you are grounded. And I will come by every day to make sure you're not breaking my rules again."

Kurt knew that arguing with his dad was the worst thing he could do right now, so he sent a quick text to Blaine, explaining why they couldn't see one another or talk and told him he was hoping they could meet in Ohio if his dad allowed it.

"So, who else knows about this?" his dad asked then. "I don't want to accidently out you to anyone either, but I will tell Carole what's going on."

Kurt looked away, playing with his napkin when he answered. "In New York, pretty much everyone at school I guess and aunt Kate, and in Lima, the whole McKinley Glee club."

His dad's eyebrows shot up. "Please explain how I am the last one to find out when you apparently didn't have a problem with telling everyone else."

"I didn't tell any of them," Kurt rushed to explain. "Aunt Kate overheard Blaine and I talking when she came to Sectionals and Finn and Rachel found out when they were visiting. I asked them to keep it a secret, but Rachel blurted it out to the rest of the club when we were together during Christmas break."

"I didn't realize you and that club hung out over Christmas. I remember Rachel and Finn not being part of that shelter thing," his dad replied and from his tone of voice Kurt could tell that his dad already knew or suspected the answer.

"They might have been over for a while on New Year's Eve," he admitted before adding, "please don't tell Finn I ratted him out."

His dad just smirked. "Carole might think she's sneaky but I knew there was a reason she called you to let you know we were coming back home early. We didn't say anything because neither of you looked hung over, the house was in order and Blaine on the couch. He did spend the night on the couch, right?"

He probably should tell the truth but if Finn hadn't gotten into trouble yet for the party he was sure he wouldn't tell his parents about Blaine sleeping in Kurt's room. "He did," he said because his dad had enough ammunition against Blaine already and didn't need to know that this wasn't the first time they had shared a bed.

His dad nodded and it looked like he had bought the little white lie. Kurt didn't feel too guilty about it because he vowed not to lie to his dad again in the future, at least not about things that concerned him and Blaine.

They stopped talking about him and Blaine then because his aunt showed up to take him and his dad to dinner and when he saw the look on her face he finally understood her behavior the previous day.

"A little warning would have been nice," he hissed when his dad went to the restroom, but his aunt just shrugged. "Sorry, kiddo. He wanted to surprise you and it's not like I can foresee the future. Not my fault you got caught," she smirked and Kurt scowled before putting on a smile because his dad came back to put his coat on.

"So, Kurt tells me you knew all about what was going on here," his dad told his sister, and at least now it was his turn to smirk because suddenly she didn't look so smug any more.

The past week without Kurt had sucked because he was used to hanging out every day now. He had only caught a glimpse of his boyfriend once, when they had been in the same hallway between classes, but before he could talk to him, Kurt had disappeared into another classroom.

Now that he was back in Ohio he hoped things would be different. He and Nick had flown out together because Kurt was taking the train with his dad, but he hoped that maybe Mr. Hummel would let him and Kurt travel back to NYADA together. Well, he hoped Kurt's dad would let him see him, period.

His patience lasted one day and by the end of his second day back his dad apparently was fed up with his behavior too.

"I will personally drive you to Lima tomorrow and speak to Mr. Hummel if you will stop your moping. I wanted to spend time with my son this week, not some emo teenager," his dad complained and Blaine looked up in surprise because he hadn't known his dad even knew the term emo.

"You're right," he hedged. "But I need to deal with this on my own. I need to show Mr. Hummel that I can be responsible and own up to my mistakes."

Blaine nearly started crying then and there because of the proud look on his father's face. "Okay, but if you don't succeed, my offer stands. Now get out of here before you're driving me crazy."

Thirty minutes later, Blaine was dressed and ready to go. He had gelled down his hair a bit, not as much as he had for Halloween but enough to make him look polished and mature, and had dressed in comfortable clothes because Kurt had told him enough about his dad to know that Mr. Hummel preferred Flannel shirts over anything else.

He hadn't heard from Kurt yet - he assumed he hadn't gotten his phone back - and so he didn't tell him about his plans, because he didn't want Mr. Hummel to know he was coming before he pulled up in front of the shop.

The drive to Lima felt a lot longer than the last time he had made it, even though this time he was dreading arriving at his destination while before he couldn't wait to get there because he knew Kurt's parents wouldn't be home.

Two hours later he arrived in front of Hummel Tires and Lube and parked his dad's Prius in front of him. He wouldn't have minded driving his old Station Wagon now that the roads weren't covered in ice, but his dad had suggested taking the Prius because he was sure a mechanic wouldn't let Blaine leave in his old car without checking it out first and Blaine didn't really have money for any repairs at the moment.

When he got out of the car, a man in coveralls walked up to him. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked. "Uh, could I talk to Mr. Hummel about this, we've uh, spoken before," he mumbled and the mechanic shrugged before he walked back into a garage and yelled. "Burt, new costumer. Some kid to see you outside."

Blaine quickly opened the car's hood to keep up pretenses, and he nearly banged his head against it when a hand on his shoulder startled him.

"Please tell me you didn't mess with your car just so you had an excuse to come here. Kurt's not working today," a gruff voice came from behind him and Blaine carefully took a step back before he lifted his head again.

"I'm not, I mean I didn't. I totally forgot that Kurt helps out here when he's home," Blaine rambled while Mr. Hummel stared at him. "I, uh, came to see you, sir."

Kurt's dad wiped his hands on a rag before he turned on his heels and jerked his head in the direction of the garage. "Let's talk in my office. I'll have one of my guys do a quick check up on your car." When Blaine tried to protest, he added. "If you're going to drive my son anywhere in the future, I want to know it's safe."

Blaine nodded, making a mental note to either get his car serviced the next time he was in Ohio or convince his dad to let him use his car whenever he was taking Kurt out. He followed Mr. Hummel through a narrow hallway until they reached a small office that looked like a tornado had passed through.

"Don't mind the mess. It's the only way I can do book keeping and the other boring parts of owning a business," Kurt's dad said and pointed at a chair that wasn't covered in paper. Blaine smiled because his dad was a numbers guy and what Mr. Hummel found boring, his dad found exiting.

"So, if you're not looking for my son, what are you doing here, Blaine?" Mr. Hummel asked once they were both seated and had a cup of coffee in front of them. Blaine took a sip of it before he put the cup down to answer,

"Well, I was hoping I could talk to you, sir. I wanted to ask your permission to see Kurt this week," he explained as politely as possible.

"Okay, first of all drop the sir crap, Blaine. You can still call me Burt, okay? And secondly, I gotta be honest with you, I don't feel very comfortable with you and Kurt hanging out alone at the moment. I know both you and Kurt assured me that nothing happened before I found you in bed with my son and though I define nothing differently, I'd rather it stayed that way for a long, long time."

Blaine immediately nodded. "Of course, Burt. I understand." He hadn't expected that Mr. Hummel would let him and Kurt go places as soon as they both returned to Ohio, but he was still hoping he would be allowed to see or at least talk to him.

"That being said, you can come over for dinner tonight. I promised Kurt I wouldn't keep him from seeing you, but you are playing by my rules now. Rules which I will explain after dinner and which you will not break if you want to keep seeing my son, okay?" "Yes, si-, Burt."

"Good, now how much do you know about cars? We still have two hours to kill," Mr. Hummel asked before handing him coveralls that could only be Kurt's because they had been decorated with a bedazzler.

Blaine accepted the coveralls with a sigh. The things he did for love.

Kurt knew he might be a bit melodramatic because not seeing your boyfriend for ten days really wasn't the end of the world, but right now he just felt like it was. He still hadn't gotten his phone and Internet privileges back but he had at least been allowed to call Mercedes from their landline and have her over the day after they came back to Lima.

They had bitched about their parents for a while though Mercedes thought his situation wasn't too bad because if her religious parents had found her in bed with a straight guy, dressed or not, she wouldn't be allowed to see him again and would probably be grounded till she left for college.

"I mean, I can have Sam over but only when my parents are home and we have to stay in the living room where they can watch us. The only time we have some sort of privacy is when we go to the movies because I'm not allowed to go to his house either when his parents aren't home," she had complained.

"At least you can kiss him in public without people saying mean stuff about you," Kurt had replied but when Mercedes had told him that sometimes people made comments about them as a couple because Sam was skinny and white and she was neither, Kurt had been outraged.

"I wish I could just take you back to New York with me. This place is toxic," he had ranted, trying not to think about the possibility that he might not be in New York much longer either.

But that had been two days ago and Kurt was just bored at home now when he wasn't helping his dad in the shop. Finn had offered him his phone and computer but Kurt didn't want to get him into trouble or prolong his punishment if his dad found out.

So he dutifully helped Carole prepare dinner after his dad called to tell her that he would be home soon. He didn't think much of it when Carole told him to set the table for five because sometimes his dad brought one of the mechanics back home for dinner.

When he saw who his dad had really brought with him, he nearly dropped the pitcher of water he was about to put on the table before he shrieked, put it down and rushed over to Blaine, throwing his arms around him even though his dad was standing right next to his boyfriend.

"Missed you so much," he whispered, his head pressed between Blaine's head and shoulder and as soon as he saw his dad disappear into the kitchen from the corner of his eye, he smashed their mouths together for a moment, reveling in the feeling of Blaine's slightly chapped lips against his own.

"I missed you too," Blaine replied, once Kurt let go of him and Kurt took his hand and led him over to the living room couch. He didn't care that his parents were right next door when he cuddled up closely to Blaine, their hands entwined between them and his head resting on Blaine's shoulder.

"I can't believe you are here. How are you here?"

"I went to see your dad at the shop and he invited me to dinner;" Blaine explained and it was the final proof he needed that his dad really had no problem with him being gay.

"I was so scared I would never get to see you again," he admitted. "After you left, my dad told me to pack my bags because he was pulling me out of school." When Blaine's face fell he quickly added. "But Ms. Carson convinced him to let me finish the school year."

"So, wait. Does that mean you're not coming back next year?" Blaine asked with a frown and Kurt shrugged. "Right now it does, but we have a few more months to make him change his mind. I just need to be on my best behavior but I'm going to do whatever he asks if it means I can go back to New York in the fall."

"Sounds like plan," Blaine replied before leaning in for a kiss, but before their lips could touch, his dad cleared his throat behind them and Kurt jerked back.

"Dinner's ready," his dad announced, glaring at Blaine, and Kurt quickly pulled Blaine off the couch and led him into the dinning room, pointedly not letting go of Blaine's hand however. They were dating after all and while they were both in Ohio there weren't many places where they could act like a couple.

Burt kept an eye on Kurt and Blaine during dinner and now that he was aware of their relationship he couldn't believe he hadn't seen it before. Sure, he and Carole had suspected Kurt had feelings for the boy but whenever they had been together in front of them they had bought their just friends charade because they hadn't known what to look for.

Now that he knew though, it was hard to miss. They weren't even holding hands anymore, but the way they looked at each other told him everything he needed to know. He had chalked Kurt's proclamation of love up to him being a teenager in his first relationship but now that they both weren't hiding anymore, he could see that the feelings were true for both of them.

He and Carole had discussed how they would handle the boys, especially now that Kurt was going back to New York for the rest of the semester and they had come up with a set of rules they expected them to obey if Kurt didn't want to spend the rest of the school year in Lima.

After dinner he and Carole sent Finn into the kitchen to wash the dishes while they told Blaine and Kurt to sit down in the living room.

"Alright, I guess Kurt already told you about my conditions for him staying at NYADA for the rest of the school year?" Burt asked when they were all seated and Blaine nodded.

"No drinking and no sleep overs," Blaine replied and Burt nodded. "Yes that's part of it. If you want to take him off campus, Kurt will have to ask for permission first. I want to know where you are going and I will check with the teachers to make sure you are back in time for Kurt's curfew."

"Is that all?" Kurt asked and Burt shook his head. "I know we never talked about dating rules before, because I didn't think it was necessary yet, but it clearly is now because you thought you could do whatever you wanted just because you weren't living at home."

"What your dad is trying to say is that if you were living here, you would have to obey certain rules, just like Finn," his wife added.

Kurt nodded, but he didn't look too happy. "Hey, wipe that expression of your face. I'm being more than reasonable here. So here are the rules. No more hanging out in each other's rooms if your roommates aren't there. If you aren't comfortable doing something in a common area, you shouldn't be doing it at all. Don't make me call your roommates and ask them to spy for me. Ms. Carson promised me to keep an eye on both of you, but I know she can't be there all the time, so I need to trust you on that one."

"You can trust us," Blaine replied and Burt held back a snort because yeah, trusting them was what had caused the situation they were in now. "I mean, from now on," the boy quickly added when he saw the expression on Burt's face.

Burt turned back to Kurt then. "So what are the rules, Kurt?" he asked his son.

Kurt rolled his eyes but quickly stopped when Burt glared at him. "I can't have Blaine in my room when Jeff isn't there and I can't be in his room if his roommate isn't there. If I want to go somewhere off campus I have to call and ask for permission," Kurt reiterated and Burt nodded.

"And what happens when you break the rules?" "You take me out of school immediately."

Burt nodded. "Good, Carole and I are going to finish cleaning up the kitchen. You can watch a movie in the living room if you want but no going up to your room."

Neither Kurt and Blaine looked too happy, so he quickly added. "I'm not telling you you can't act like a couple here, but remember, if you wouldn't be comfortable with seeing me and Carole doing certain things on our couch, you shouldn't do it either."

Both boys nodded and he and Carole retired to the kitchen to finish the rest of the dishes after telling Finn he could go.

"You okay?" Carole asked when they were alone and Burt sighed. "I just miss my little boy. How did we get from tea parties to me having to sit him down because he's dating."

His wife just smiled. "I know it's hard, realizing that your kid isn't really a kid anymore, but we can't stop them from growing up. All we can do is help them as best as we can and hope they turn out okay."

Burt sighed again. "I know. I just never thought I would miss tea parties this much."

AN: The next one is the 'season finale'. I'm trying to have it up by Thursday.


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