NYADA Freshman Year
1x10: Regionals Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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NYADA Freshman Year: 1x10: Regionals

T - Words: 5,492 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2013
523 0 0 0 0

AN: I guess I kind of kept my update promise. It's Friday somewhere, right? ;) In honor of 4x14 you get some more Klaine making out :) And I gotta admit, if I weren't already writing Brittana, I might have tried my hand on Quintana.


1x10 Regionals

Previously on NYADA – Freshman Year: Kurt and Blaine both tried to surprise one another on Valentine's Day, but the real surprise was Blaine nearly burning down the kitchen in his attempt to cook a romantic dinner for Kurt. In the end it all worked out because when Kurt blurted out that he loved Blaine, Blaine told him he loved him too. Both boys auditioned for the spring musical and got the parts they wanted and Kurt made the decision to come out to his dad once he went back to Lima during spring break. And that's what you missed on NYADA – Freshman Year.

After Vocal Explosion had done pop songs for Sectionals, Alyson had degreed that they would do numbers from musicals for their Regionals performance. She had picked 'Seasons of Love' as the big group number because nearly all members of the glee club were already rehearsing it for the musical anyway, so they would only have to focus on preparing two additional songs. David and Sunshine were giving the two lead parts because they both had really incredibly strong voices.

Kurt was beside himself when he got a small part in their second group number after he had auditioned with a Beatles' song. He had been given Seaweed's part in the closing number from 'Hairspray' and would duet with Brittany on it. Blaine didn't get a solo this time either and to everyone's surprise he had been paired up with Quinn to perform Tracy and Link's lines, while Santana would provide the final lines of the song.

Their last song was a mash up 'Anything goes' and 'Anything you can do' were Alyson would face off against the rest of the team. Kurt thought their set list sounded great and was told multiple times not to worry because Vocal Explosion had made it to Nationals for the past ten years and most of the seniors wanted to go out with at least one national title.

After Santana instructed Brittany to keep her hands off Kurt, they retired to the girls' dorm room after official rehearsal was over to rehearse some more privately.

"Britt, why does San always tell you not to hook up with guys? Isn't that given because you are dating her?" Kurt had to ask at some point because he didn't think Britt was the kind of person to cheat on Santana, whether the fierce Latina wanted to put a label on their relationship or not.

"Oh, when San and I met at cheer camp I was going out with this boy, but San told me it wouldn't be cheating because the plumbing was different," the blonde explained and Kurt blushed, because that was kind of what he always did when someone mentioned sex or something like that.

"But she told me that now that we are together she doesn't like me making out with boys and she only said that at camp because she wanted me to be with her."

Kurt nodded because that sounded like something Santana would say to get what she wanted. Personally, he thought they were a bit young to have cheating histories all ready, but he kept his mouth shut, because it wasn't his place to comment on his friends' relationships. He just wished they would grant him the same courtesy.

Kurt stayed with Brittany until Santana returned from a study group, but as soon as the girls started kissing enthusiastically while he was still in the room, he quickly excused himself and texted Blaine to see if he wanted to hang out aka make out.

Blaine was game and Kurt spent the remaining time until he had to return to his own room on Blaine's bed, practicing his hickey giving technique.

As soon as he was sure New Directions had heard the verdict he called Mercedes who picked up with a sigh.

"I take it it didn't go too well?" Kurt asked because surely Mercedes would sound happier if they had won their Regionals competition.

"Let's just say Vocal Adrenaline wiped the floor with us." Kurt was surprised. He had heard Harmony sing when they had helped out in the homeless shelter over Christmas and that girl had pipes.

"What happened?" "Well, Mr. Shue insisted on having one solo performer carrying nearly all three numbers and when Harmony got food poisoning like right before we were supposed to go on – there are rumors Rachel knew there was something in the food she got Harmony that she wasn't supposed to eat – Rachel insisted on taking over, because of the deal with Mr. Schue, instead of us using some group numbers we had rehearsed in Glee. She wasn't bad, because as much as I don't like her the girl can sing, but she wasn't prepared like Harmony had been."

"I'm sorry, but you're only a freshman. You'll get another chance next year," Kurt tried to cheer his best friend up. He was extremely grateful that VE chose soloists after everyone had the chance to audition if they wanted.

"Maybe it's for the best. I don't think we would have stood a chance at Nationals anyway, not with half of the team so new to singing," Mercedes' sighed and Kurt had to agree. He was surprised the new club had come this far with all the jocks joining who didn't have much previous musical experience.

"Well, you know Nationals are in New York this year and you don't need the excuse to have a reason to come here. If your parents let you, you are always welcome to come for a visit," he assured her, happy that she was sounding much happier herself already.

"But you are coming home for spring break, right? It's been too long already."

"Yeah, I am. I think I'm going to come out to my dad when I'm in Lima," he confided in her.

"That's great, Kurt. And you know, if it doesn't go well for some reason and you need some space, you can always come by my house. My brother isn't coming home his spring break so his room is free."

Kurt was grateful for the offer but he really hoped he wouldn't have to take her up on it.

He had to cut the call short then because Blaine had arrived to take them for their usual Sunday coffee at the Lima Bean.

"Yeah, okay. Go see lover boy. Just promise your club's going to beat Vocal Adrenaline if you make it to Nationals," she joked. "Oh trust me, we'll give it our best. It's Alyson's senior year and she wants to beat her brother at least once. I think I told you her brother is the lead of Vocal Adrenaline."

"Well, good luck for Regionals. Let me know how it goes and don't be a stranger."

"Ready to go?" Blaine asked once Kurt had hung up, and Kurt let Blaine help him into his coat before they ventured out into the snow-covered streets.

"Are going back to Ohio as well for spring break. I might need a shoulder to cry on," Kurt asked between kisses that had grown increasingly more passionate over the past months. His boyfriend removed his lips from where he had been sucking a hickey into Kurt's neck and looked up.

"Yeah, I probably will now that things with my dad are going well. But why do you think you're going to be unhappy?"

Kurt stole another quick kiss before he explained. "I'm going to come out to my dad and if he's okay with it, I promise I'll tell him about us soon as well. I just want to give him a bit of time to get used to the idea before I spring a boyfriend on him as well."

Before Blaine could replay, Kurt pressed their lips together again, not stopping until they broke apart for air.

"Do you want me to be there when you do? As moral support," Blaine asked, slightly out of breath and Kurt shook his head.

"No, I think that's something I have to do on my own, just knowing you are somewhat close by is enough."

"Okay," Blaine agreed, before they went back to the task at hand. Kurt couldn't get enough of the feeling of Blaine's lips on his skin, wearing V-neck shirts a lot now when he knew he and Blaine would have some uninterrupted time, but he wanted to taste and touch more of Blaine's as well.

Blaine didn't seem to mind when Kurt let his hand travel up his boyfriend's back, first over his shirt and then under, but Kurt still wanted more. It was definitely a new feeling but at the moment he wanted nothing more than feel Blaine's skin against his own.

"Can we get them off, the shirts;" he panted into Blaine's ear but instead of feeling his boyfriend's hands on him, Blaine suddenly pulled back.

"I think we should cool down a bit," Blaine replied, rubbing the back of his neck, a gesture Kurt had learned meant Blaine was nervous.

"Why?" Kurt pouted, trying to pull Blaine back, but his boyfriend sat up and put some distance between them.

"Don't you think we are moving a little fast?" Blaine replied and Kurt rolled his eyes. "It's not like I asked you to sleep with me. We both know we aren't ready for that. But it's just shirts, right. Guys are shirtless all the time."

"Yeah, and then this won't be enough either, and before we know it we'll lose control and do something we both will probably regret if we rush things."

Kurt was sure he had better self-control and he had thought Blaine had as well. He still wasn't used to people finding him desirable like that.

"Look Kurt, you aren't even sixteen yet, which is the age of consent and I really don't want to take any of your clothes of until then. I'm too young for jail and too pretty apparently."

Kurt really didn't want to wait till May to see his boyfriend shirtless. "I promise we'll keep it at shirtless kissing. I know you wouldn't pressure me or ignore me if I said no," Kurt tried again, but the mood had already changed and he knew that if it was going to happen, it wasn't happening today.

"Okay, we can try it soon but if things get out of hand we won't again till you are older," Blaine finally suggested and Kurt grabbed his hand and shook it. "Deal. Now where were we?"

Before they could get back to kissing however Blaine's roommate Beatz barged in and flopped onto the bed on the other side of the room.

"Don't mind me," he mumbled. "I'm just going to die now. Whoever thought Dakota Stanley should be allowed to teach should get their heads examined."

Yeah, the mood was definitely ruined.

After navigating through a myriad of websites, Burt had finally managed to book his train ticket for the coming weekend.

"Are sure you won't be able to come with me to surprise Kurt?" he asked his wife when Carole helped him print out the ticket, but she shook his head. "I promised Mrs. Sanders that I help her with a few things at home. She still isn't very mobile and her kids left her as soon as she was discharged from the hospital."

Helping out their elderly neighbor who had broken her hip in a fall definitely took precedence over a surprise trip to New York and so he let it go.

He was very exited to take the train to New York for Kurt's show choir performance because he hadn't heard his new Glee club perform yet and he knew how happy it made his son, when he managed to come to his performances.

"What time's the performance?" Carole asked, a while later after he had wrangled his suitcase down from the attic and Burt checked the mail Kate had sent him.

"Kurt's group goes on last, around three pm. The train gets in at two and Kate's going to pick me up from the station and drive us straight to the school where the completion is being held," he explained while Carole held out a few dress shirts for him to pack.

Burt felt a lot more comfortable in his flannel shirts but he knew his son would like it if he dressed a bit better while he was in the big city.

"I'm sure Kurt's going to be so happy to see you. You need to ask Kate to video tape it again."

Burt nodded before his wife continued. "Just don't use the trip to spy on Kurt, okay?" Burt nodded again. "No, you were right. Kurt wouldn't hide something like his first relationship from me, so I have to trust him when he says he and Blaine are just friends. I'll just continue to be nice to Blaine so he'll know he has nothing to fear from me."

Carole gave him a big smile and Burt knew that had been the right thing to say. Deep down he knew that the reason he wasn't telling Kurt he was coming was that he wanted to see Kurt in his natural habitat so to speak, when he was unaware he could be watched. But he wouldn't go out of his way to find out if something was going on or not.

Regionals like Sectionals went really well for them and after 'Spring Awakening' Kurt felt a lot more comfortable performing in front of a big audience. They had gone on last and Kurt had been surprised and a bit disappointed that aunt Kate hadn't shown up before the show, but she had texted him moments before they went on stage that she had arrived and was setting up her camera.

They had agreed that she would take him out to dinner afterward, but when he had asked if Blaine could come as well, she had been acting a bit weird. So he couldn't wait to run into her to figure out what was going on.

It only took the judges fifteen minutes before they were called on stage and a few minutes later, Vocal Explosion was a consecutive elven-times Regional champion.

Aunt Kate met them outside after they had changed into their street clothes and Kurt ran up to her and hugged her tightly because it had been close to two months since he had last seen her.

His aunt embraced Blaine as well, but she seemed twitchy, constantly looking around the foyer. "Are you waiting for someone?" he asked when she looked toward the door again, but aunt Kate shook her head.

"Just thought I saw someone," she said but Kurt wasn't convinced. Just then her phone went off, signaling an incoming text and after she had read it her features relaxed.

"Alright boys, let's get you some food before you head off to your victory party," she announced with a smile and Blaine looked so happy because he was being included that Kurt didn't ask why she had changed her mind about Blaine joining them.

His aunt drove them to a small restaurant she knew in Chelsea and the three of them squeezed into a small booth in the corner, Kurt sitting down next to Blaine while they face aunt Kate.

They made small talk at first, him and Blaine telling her about the musical and other school related things before she changed the topic to something more serious.

"So have you told Burt about Blaine yet?" she asked and Kurt shook his head. "But I will. Soon. I want to tell him about me when I get home. That's a conversation that I need to have face to face."

His aunt's eyes widened for a moment but when she didn't comment, Kurt didn't ask her about it. Because he knew his aunt – if she didn't want to tell, she wouldn't tell no matter how many times you asked her.

"Good for you," she said before changing the subject again. "So, big plans for tonight?"

Blaine explained about the victory party Vocal Explosion was going to throw in one of the common rooms and when aunt Kate told them not to overdo it, they both nodded immediately, because while his aunt might be young and cool he wasn't sure she wouldn't tell his dad if she knew what NYADA parties were really like.

After dinner she drove them back to school where she reminded them again to have fun, but not too much, but Kurt just rolled his eyes because he had heard stories about his aunt as a teenager and she hadn't been a saint either.

Burt just had the worst of luck. He had gotten on the first train out of Ohio and for a while everything had gone smoothly, but by now he had already been stuck on an unmoving train for two hours and his son was going on stage in three. They were somewhere in Pennsylvania and all they had been told so far was that a blizzard had caused a few trees to fall over and some of them had landed on the tracks, making it impossible for them to move forward until they were all removed and electricity restored.

Not knowing what else to do he went to the small bar on board the train and ordered a beer while texting his sister to keep her updated. Time ticked by and after his third beer Burt realized that there was no way in hell he would still make it to New York on time, so he texted Kate again to tell her she didn't have to wait for him at the station anymore and to text him where she was taking Kurt to dinner so he could join them once he arrived in the city.

But apparently the universe was against him, because half an hour later, they were herded off the train and put on buses that took them to a large motel close to the train station. He was assured they would be able to continue their trip the next morning before he was dumped with a group of other travelers in front of the motel.

He knew he could have it worse, because at least he wasn't traveling with crying children, but it still sucked that he was stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere with no car rental place in sight instead of taking his son to dinner, after winning another show choir competition.

Resigned to his fate, he ordered some food in a small diner across the street after checking in and calling Carole to update her on his whereabouts. A man about his age sat down next to him at the bar and Burt recognized him from the train.

"You're on your way to New York as well?" he asked and Burt nodded. "Business or pleasure?"

"I was going to surprise my son at his show choir competition. He goes to a private high school in the city." He eyed the man closely expecting to see him frown, but the man just smiled.

"It sucks when your kids live so far away, doesn't it. My son, he's in his second semester at Julliard and he's so busy, I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving. And now I missed his first performance as well, so I know how you feel man."

Burt was clearly not in Ohio anymore when men his age readily accepted that he traveled all the way to New York to see his son in a show choir competition. They stayed a while longer after they finished their food, talking about Ohio and how hard it was for kids with performing aspirations in a public high school were only the jocks were popular.

He had never thought that was a bad thing until his own son started middle school and he started to realize how the other kids treated Kurt. If he had a time machine he would go back in time and hit his younger self over the head, because he had been kind of a douche in high school.

At close to ten he excused himself and went to his room, because he wanted to take the very first train to New York so he would at least have a full day with his son.

The party was already in full swing when Kurt's aunt dropped them off on campus. As usual, no teachers were around because when Vocal Explosion won competitions, alumni donations came in, and the school wanted their star show choir happy. It probably thought nothing too bad could happen as long as the students celebrated on campus in the safety of the dorm building.

Kurt excused himself to go change into a party appropriate outfit – probably one of the tight jeans Blaine liked a lot if he was honest– and Blaine quickly went to his own room as well, to fix his hear and change his shirt.

Half an hour later they entered one of the common rooms hand in hand, music blasting inside and a throng of students shaking their hips on the makeshift dance floor.

David was talking to a pretty brunet, Blaine thought he recognized from the competition, but it wouldn't be the first time that students who didn't go to NYADA showed up for one of the parties.

"I'm going to get us drinks. What would you like?" he asked his boyfriend, shouting over the loud music. "Something bubbly if they have. It's a celebration after all."

Blaine raised his eyebrow because it had only been a few weeks since Kurt had declared to never drink again. He pushed through the party goers while Kurt went over to his girls, until he found the makeshift bar were Wes was playing bartender for another girl from a rival show choir.

"That's Sandy. She and her friend are from a group from New Jersey and they decided to spend the night in the city. David and I offered to host them to get them off the street," Wes introduced the tall blonde and Blaine rolled his eyes, because if he knew Wes, he really meant it and hadn't just offered them a place to stay as a ploy to seduce them.

"What can I get you?" Wes continued. "Something bubbly for Kurt and a beer for me;" he told his friend who pulled a half full bottle of champagne out of a cooler to pour a glass, before digging around a mini fridge for the imported beer he had introduced Blaine to at his' New Year's Eve party the previous year.

Drinks in hand he fought his way back to Kurt, handed him his glass, and watched him down in one go. He had barely taken two sips from his beer before Kurt yanked him on the dance floor. "I love that new Lady Gaga song. Dance with me," he yelled and Blaine handed his drink to Nick who was just passing by, before linking his hands with Kurt's.

Kurt looked so happy and carefree when he twirled him around between the other students and they were both out of breath and thirsty after dancing to a few more up beat pop songs.

Kurt's friends Brittany and Santana had disappeared when they returned to the corner they had last seen them, but Nick was still there, entertaining Quinn, who was actually smiling for once.

"Wait here. I'll get us another round of drinks," Kurt whispered in his ear, before he disappeared into the crowd.

"Great performance tonight," a voice told him and Blaine turned around just to come face to face with Sebastian.

"Thanks, but I really didn't do much this performance," he replied, hoping that Sebastian would keep his promise and not hit on him again.

"Where's the kid? Did you send him to bed already," Sebastian continued after surveying the room and Blaine frowned.

"Sebastian, please. I know you don't like that I'm with Kurt, but I won't let you talk about him like that."

Sebastian immediately raised his hands in surrender. "Sorry, sorry. I can't help it. It's just that the only thing I ever really wanted I can't have and it pisses me off from time to time. I'll get out of your face. There has to be someone here I haven't hooked up with yet."

Blaine watched the older boy go, wondering not for the first time what had happened to Sebastian to make him act the way he did. Before he could ponder it any further, Kurt returned with fresh drinks, and Blaine immediately refocused his attention on his amazing boyfriend.

"What did he want?" Kurt basically growled and man, that shouldn't sound as sexy as it did.

"Just the usual. I told him off and he apologized. I don't think he'll bother us again tonight. Too much fresh meat here."

Kurt relaxed again and for a few minutes they just sipped on their drinks and observed their friends and classmates going crazy. Blaine dragged Kurt back out on the dance floor when the music changed and Katy Perry came on, and after a while he lost track of how many drinks they had had and to how many songs they had danced.

Around two o'clock the party was slowly winding down and when Kurt pulled him along to his room for a proper kiss tonight, Blaine didn't protest. Jeff was spending the night in a hotel with his family, which had flown in from Chicago to watch their performance, so they wouldn't be disturbed if one kiss good night turned into a few more.

As soon as they entered the room, Kurt took his vest off and threw it onto his desk chair, and Blaine stared at strip of exposed skin when Kurt's shirt rode up in the process. Why had he been against taking their shirts off again?

When he looked up, Kurt was smiling shyly, clearly having caught him staring and Blaine blushed because he felt out of depth here.

"Do you want to sit down?" Kurt asked, patting the space on the bed next to him and Blaine rushed over and sat down next to Kurt after taking his shoes off.

It didn't take long until they both were lying on the bed, both on their sides, propped up by their elbows, Blaine's tongue exploring Kurt's mouth.

"If you still want to, we could take out shirts off," he suggested before he could stop his mouth, but when Kurt nodded eagerly he told his brain to shut up.

"You first," Kurt told him and it was the first sign that his boyfriend was actually nervous, because his voice got even higher. Blaine nodded and quickly unbuttoned his shirt, fingers slipping a few times because his hands were shaking slightly.

When he was done and his shirt was off, he looked up again. Kurt was staring at him with wide eyes and his hand was twitching on his thigh as if he was having a hard time to not reach out and touch.

"Now you," Blaine told him, suddenly a bit self-conscious even though Kurt was staring at him like he wanted to eat him. His boyfriend was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and when he slowly lifted it up to pull it over his head, Blaine's eyes followed its way until all he could see was Kurt's pale skin.

A moment later Kurt was gone though and Blaine froze because maybe it had been too much too soon but then the main light was turned off and the room was only illuminated by the lamp on Kurt's nightstand.

They lay down next to each other again when Blaine felt the bed dip next to him, but now that they were both partially naked neither of them made a move to touch. It was probably for the best. He put his hand on Kurt's cheek and pulled him in for a deep kiss, breathing out through his nose when Kurt buried his hand into his hair.

He was kissing down Kurt's neck, refreshing the hickey on his collarbone he had left a few days ago when Kurt suddenly yawned before he slapped his hand over his mouth and blushed. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he whispered, looking mortified but Blaine suddenly realized how tired he was as well.

"Let's get you into bed," he told Kurt but when he tried to get up, Kurt wouldn't let go of him. "Stay with me? Please. Jeff won't be back till tomorrow afternoon and I'm pretty sure no teachers will be doing room checks this late in the night," his boyfriend pleaded and Blaine immediately gave in.

He didn't like sleeping with his contacts in, but he also didn't want to drag his ass back up to the third floor when he could spend the night in Kurt's bed.

"I don't have any PJs," he replied after assuring Kurt he would stay but Kurt just cuddled up closer. "Doesn't matter," he mumbled before his breath evened out and his hold on Blaine tightened.

Blaine shook Kurt once, because sleeping in skinny jeans couldn't be comfortable but Kurt only smacked his lips before unconsciously moving even closer. Blaine sighed, thankful for the fact that he never wore pants as tight as Kurt's, and reached across Kurt with his free arm to turn off the lamp. A few minutes later he was out like a light as well.

A sign of getting old, Burt thought, was that he didn't sleep well on cheep mattresses any more. Or maybe it was just because Kurt had taken Carole shopping for furniture when they had moved into a bigger house and a comfortable bed was all that he was used to nowadays.

He reached the station shortly before five am, after a fitful sleep, and boarded the first train to New York with a few other early birds. He must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing he knew was someone shaking him and telling him they had reached the end station.

It was only shortly after nine and Burt grabbed a cup of coffee and a bagel in a coffee shop inside Grand Central Station before hailing a cab. He had only been on the subway twice so far and the last thing he needed after his two day trip was getting lost somewhere underneath the city.

Fifteen minutes later the cab dropped him off outside the NYADA campus and Burt made his way over to the dorm building. It was locked however and Burt didn't have a keycard to open his door, so he pulled out his phone to call Kurt, but his battery had finally died. A young girl walked outside that moment and Burt quickly slipped in before the door could close behind her.

It had been a while since he had last been inside the dorm building but luckily he ran into another kid who told him the way to the boys' dorms. When he finally found Kurt's room, he knocked a few times, but when no one answered he tried the door because he really didn't want to sit outside his son's room until Kurt decided to get up.

He froze after the door had swung open because whatever he had expected to see was not what was in front of him. One bed was empty but on the other was Kurt, wrapped around Blaine. A thin sheet covered them up to their waists and Burt was very much hoping they were wearing clothes under it, because otherwise he might just have to kill the two teenagers. His eyes quickly surveyed the room but from where he was standing he could only see shirts flung over a chair and he hoped there wasn't more behind the bed.

Finally he unfroze after taking a whiff of the room. It smelled like a bar in there and Burt seriously needed to know what the hell was going on in that school.

"Kurt Elisabeth Hummel! What the hell is going on?"

His son's 'just friend' immediately shot up, eyes wide. "Where am I?" he mumbled, rousing Kurt with his movements.

Burt locked eyes with his son, who suddenly went paler than Burt had ever seen him before and for a moment he worried about him before he remembered that he had a right to be pissed.

"Shit! Dad, I, I, it's not. What are you doing here?"

AN: Party time's over boys, I'm afraid.


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