Nobody said it was easy
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Nobody said it was easy: Chapter 9

T - Words: 3,307 - Last Updated: Jan 21, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Dec 05, 2014 - Updated: Dec 05, 2014
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AN: This chapter kicked my butt and Im not very happy with it, but no matter what I tried it also refused to improve. Unfortunately, I needed a transitional chapter, otherwise I would have scraped it all together...


March 2022

Blaine doesnt call while Kurt is visiting with his parents, but he cant say hes surprised after how they left things, with Kurt pretty much fleeing the state to avoid any awkward encounters with the man hes in unrequited love with.

Sunday night, thankfully late enough for Lexy to be tired and hopefully asleep on the plane, Burt and Carole drive him back to the airport.

"Do you think you can come visit again before your reunion or do Carole and I have to come to New York next?" his dad asks as Kurt takes his and Lexys luggage from the trunk of Burts car.

"Im not sure. It depends on whats going to happen with the musical. As far as I know, the producers are in talks with potential co-producers with connections to the Gershwin Theater." Burt furrows his brows.

"That names sounds familiar. Is that the theater you and your friends visited when your Glee club went to New York?"

With the way his dad emphasizes visited, Kurts pretty sure that Burt knows that what he, Santana, Brittany and Rachel had done when theyd travelled to New York for show choir nationals their junior year of high school, hadnt been totally legal.

"You didnt have trouble during your visit, right?" Next to Burt, Carole is sniggering behind the hand pressed to her mouth and Kurt just knows that his stepbrother had ratted them out all those years ago.

"Oh my God, Dad! Its not like I got banned from the theater or something. That guard didnt even know our names. He was actually pretty nice when he told us that we had one minute to get out before he called the police," Kurt confesses more than ten years after the fact. His dad pats his shoulder.

"I know kiddo. Cause trust me, we would have talked about this had the police been involved," he says while Kurt puts a sleepy Lexy into her stroller.

"So that would be a big deal for you then, right?" Carole takes over after giving her granddaughter a kiss goodbye. "Getting this theater."

Kurt nods. "I dont think Blaine would have started re-writes immediately after the previews if they didnt have a serious offer from somewhere. But I guess well find out soon enough."

After hugs and kisses from both of his parents, Kurt quickly checks his luggage, glad that his online check in lets him jump the line, before making his way through security. His phone pings just as hes putting his belt back on and Kurt digs it out of his bag to find a text message from Blaine. Its the first time hes hearing from the other man since Kurt left him at their rehearsal space and his hand shakes slightly as he unlocks his phone to get to Blaines full message.

Kurt, hope you had a good time with your family and a chance to relax. Kyle was a great help while you were gone, but Im looking forward to working on the changes with you. If youre already back in the city, can we meet up so I can catch you up? And if not – when will you be back? With my timing youre probably in the air right now ;) Anyway, let me know whats going on and Ill definitely see you tomorrow at 11 if not tonight. Blaine.

Kurt replies without thinking, a deeply ingrained reflex after months of friendship.

Security Check Columbus Airport. Back home around 10.

When he doesnt hear back from Blaine immediately, Kurt switches his phone to flight mode and pockets it before pushing Lexy toward their gate.

Shortly before ten, they land in New York after a thankfully uneventful flight and Kurt breathes a sigh of relief when his daughter doesnt wake up when he transfers her from her seat back into her stroller and thanks the flight attendant following with Kurts carry on luggage. Inside the terminal, while waiting for his checked bag, he turns his phone back on and finds a new message from Blaine.

Please tell me youre flying into LaGuardia and Im not at the wrong airport.

Kurt looks around, scanning the crowd for a familiar mop of curly hair and his treacherous heart, which apparently hasnt gotten the memo yet, skips a beat when he spots Blaine walking toward him in formfitting Diesel jeans, dark brown ankle boots Kurt had given Blaine for Christmas and the dark blue pea coat Kurt loves on him.

"What are you doing here?" he asks quietly, which is all kinds of ridiculous because if the noise on the main concourse hasnt woken Lexy yet, then this conversation shouldnt either.

The conveyor belt starts to move then and Kurt nearly trips over his carry on in his hurry to get to the first suitcase coming his way, which miraculously is his. Blaine reaches out a hand to steady him and Kurt recoils like hes been burned. He doesnt turn around to see the look in Blaines eyes after Kurts overreaction.

"I wanted to talk to you before rehearsal tomorrow, make sure youre in the loop as well," Blaine says emotionlessly before he adds, "and I remembered you telling me how much of a hassle flying with a young kid was when youre on your own so I thought I could help you out by picking you up from the airport."

Kurt feels like the worst person ever; making Blaine feel bad for his friendly gesture after Kurt assured him they would continue being best friends after he had his weekend to wallow. And now its a week later and no matter how much he wants it, nothing feels the same. He doesnt know if its still okay to casually touch Blaine or let Blaine casually touch him now that Blaine knows the truth; doesnt know whats acceptable behavior and whats not for best friends where one is in love with the other. Its unexplored territory that Kurt is stumbling onto without a map or survival kit.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," he settles on for the moment and doesnt protest when Blaine hefts Kurts suitcase – doing the second round – from the conveyor belt. His messenger bag and Lexys backpack stored under the stroller, he tries to grab the handle of his carry on again, but Blaine pushes his hand away.

"Let me," he says and Kurt nods because it is nice not having to struggle and not having to worry that whoever he asks to take his suitcases will run off with them.

Outside the airport, Blaine leads them to the waiting taxis and surprises Kurt by getting the car seat part of Lexys stroller out on the first try and without waking her. Once Kurts daughter is secured and the luggage in the trunk, Kurt squeezes into the middle, Blaines thigh pressing against Kurts because neither of them wanted to take the front seat and Kurt takes a few calming breaths.

"So tell me about your week," he smiles at Blaine, forcing his feelings for the other man to the back of his mind and trying to reset his brain to just friends mode.

"I think youre going to like what I wrote for you to replace the number you and everyone else seemed to hate," Blaine smiles back as the car pulls away from the airport, looking relieved that Kurts no longer giving him the cold shoulder.

Honesty has always been part of their friendship and so Kurt steels himself before telling Blaine whats on his mind.

"If Im acting weird or distant or just no being myself, please dont give up on me or our friendship. This is so important to me and I dont know what I would do if I lost you as a friend as well," he confesses before glaring at the eavesdropping cab driver through the rearview mirror.

When Blaine takes both of his hands, Kurt fights the impulse to pull back and angles his body so he can look at his best friend. See, brain successfully reset.

"Kurt, this is, uh, awkward for me as well, but youre my best friend and thats not going to change. I wont let it, okay. This friendship is way too important to me as well."

Even if its not what he really wants with Blaine it makes him feel better to know that the other man isnt going anywhere and hopefully in time, Kurt will learn how to act like a normal person again.

April 2022

"How are things with Blaine?" Melissa asks after Kurt puts Lexy down in the play corner with her toy cars and blocks.

"Better. At least I stopped flinching every time he touches me," Kurt replies distractedly while he searches his bag for his wallet.

"Good. Im sorry things didnt work out, but its good that youre moving on instead of clinging to false hope just because youre friends with a touchy-feely guy."

As he waits in line to order his coffee he considers what Melissa said. No matter how hard he tries to see Blaine as just as friend, he most certainly isnt over him, is still head over heels for his sort of boss, But its not because he thinks Blaine will change his mind because Blaine had been adamant about Lexy being a deal breaker. Its just difficult to fall out of love with a man who acts like theyre one big happy family when hes out with Kurt and Lexy just without the physical intimacy they would share as a couple; when Blaine still hugs him tightly and grabs his hand when he wants to show Kurt something, or rests his head on Kurts shoulder when theyre watching a movie together.

When he returns to the table with a steaming cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie, an unfamiliar man sits next to Melissa. He looks like hes in his late thirties with lightly greying hair at his temple, wearing a tailored but boring suit.

"Kurt, Tom. You both have kids, are going through a divorce and are fairly attractive. You should talk."

Kurt gapes at his friend who winks at him before turning around and leaving Kurt with a stranger. Tom smiles at him.

"To be fair, I already know quite a lot about you because I work with Melissa and been asking her if she doesnt know guys I could meet. So let me tell you something about me. My names Tom Wells, 39, corporate lawyer and father of a seven year old boy. And if all goes well, Ill finally be divorced next months."

Kurts going to kill Melissa. Because hes not ready to go on dates, not when his heart belongs to one man and hes in the process of divorcing another. Tom looks a bit nervous though, so Kurt doesnt have it in him to just get up and leave. The least he can do is talk to the guy and they have a lot in common so maybe it wont be too bad. After all, hes never met another divorced gay guy before.

"How long have you been married, Tom?" Tom grimaces.

"Nearly fourteen years."

"Wow," Kurt replies. "Im guessing Massachusetts." Tom frowns.

"No, Im from West Virginia and my family wanted me to get married in my home state."

Kurt blinks. Did Melissa set him up with a bi guy or some guy who wants to experiment?

"Can I ask why youre getting divorced?" Not that hes interested in dating Tom, but now hes curious. Because when he gets back into the game eventually, guys like Tom will be part of his dating pool.

"My father died recently, so I could finally ask my wife for a divorce without losing my third trust fund," Tom explains.

"So you married a woman, because…?" Kurt asks wide eyed.

"I wouldnt have gotten the trust fund that wasnt designated for college otherwise," Tom nods. "My stupid grandfather unfortunately had stipulated that the recipient had to be married to receive the five million and the marriage had to take place in the family church. I knew my ex-wife had been crushing on me since high school so I did her a favor really when I asked her to marry me."

Instead of feeling bad for Tom who thought he had to stay in the closet to get what he wanted, Kurt only feels bad for Toms wife whod been used when she was convenient and discarded when she became unnecessary. While Tom keeps going on about how he tricked both his father and his grandfather, Kurt pulls his phone out of his pocket under the table and goes to settings. Carefully and out of sight he clicks on sounds, makes sure his phone isnt on vibrate and selects the first ring tone on the list. When Lady Gagas oldie Applause blares from his lap, Kurt smiles at Tom apologetically.

"Im sorry but I have to take this. Its the theater," Kurt excuses himself to take the fake call. When he returns, he makes sure to school his expression into something resembling disappointment.

"Im sorry Tom, but Ive got to head into work. It was nice to meet you though (not) and if my husband and I hadnt decided to give our marriage another shot, Id be happy to see you again. (in your dreams) So best of luck to you and have a good afternoon."

Fortunately, Tom takes this as his cue to leave, so Kurt can take his time putting Lexy into her jacket and packing her toys into her backpack before walking her outside while he texts Melissa.

Please, please, please, never try to set me up again.

The next few weeks mainly consist of learning new songs, choreography and dialogue that Blaine and Dakota heap on them almost daily. Every Thursday, the cast and crew still goes out together, and Kurt finds himself spending more and more time with Jesse, whos bored out of his mind because Rachel is out of town and because he still doesnt know how to act around Blaine after their conversation. They are both trying, making sure they still spend as much time together as before, but its not the same. Kurts second guessing every touch and every smile, afraid to come on too strong when Blaine made it clear that hes not interested in a serious relationship, and having to remind himself that Blaines affectionate with everyone and his smiles and touches dont indicate a change of mind.

Those Sundays, when James takes Lexy out, Kurt makes sure to things for himself, something he had neglected for the past year and a half, catching matinees of musicals and plays, brunch with the girls or just spending an afternoon on the couch with a book. Even though, hes heart is still broken, hes content with how his life is at the moment. James is spending more time with their daughter than he ever had when they were together, the musical is close to securing a Broadway theater, his parents and Lexy are both healthy and he has a group of great friends who are always there for him when he needs them. Its not what he thought his life would be like at this point of his life, but after the tumultuous last year he can honestly say that he is content.

Six weeks after their out of town previews it gets even better…

Kurts on the couch, watching Tangled with his daughter when there is a loud knock on the door.

"Hey Kurt, open up!" Blaine calls through the door, apparently having made his way into the building without Kurt buzzing him up.

Lexy turns to the door as well.

"Blay, Blay," she bounces in her seat excitedly and Kurt ruffles her hair before he gets up to open the door for Blaine.

When he unlocks the door he is greeted with a grinning Blaine holding a bottle of Champagne in his hand.

"Call your babysitter, were going out tonight," he says in lieu of a greeting and thrusts the bottle into Kurts hand.

"Um, why?" Kurt frowns. Katie is out of town visiting family and he isnt sure he can get one of his friends to watch Lexy last minute if this isnt an emergency.

"We just signed the contracts," Blaine beams. "The Gershwin is ours starting June 10!"

"Seriously?" Kurt yells, startling Lexy whos still watching the television, before he pretty much jumps into Blaines arms, forgetting for once that maybe he shouldnt do that anymore.

Blaine just nods frantically.

"So were all going out to celebrate tonight. Call your friends and tell them to meet us at 9 at 34th and 7th so they can proper celebrate your success."

Kurt considers his options for a moment because there is no way he is missing this party, not after hed been dreaming about getting a lead on Broadway for half of his life.

"Ill figure something out," Kurt promises before he hugs Blaine again, because this is so fucking awesome. A real Broadway theater!

Blaine waves goodbye to Lexy before he pretty much bounces out of Kurts apartment, leaving Kurt with the task of convincing his ex-husband to watch their daughter over night, because he wants everyone else who could watch her at this party with him.

James picks up on the second ring.

"I have a huge favor to ask of you," Kurt opens with right away, because beating around the bush wont help him here. "Something big has come up, so I need you to come and get Lexy and keep her over night. I wouldnt ask if it werent important."

James sighs. "I have plans too, you know."

"And Ive been rearranging my schedule to accommodate yours for most of our marriage, so please do this for me."

"Fine. I can be at your place in two hours," James concedes. "But next time call me sooner."

After making sure, Lexy is still engrossed with Tangled, Kurt heads into the bathroom for a quick shower before styling his hair with copious amounts of hairspray while texting Santana and Brittany.

Unfortunately, he has no idea what to wear once he stands in front of his closet because its been forever since hes been clubbing and a text to Blaine had confirmed that they were indeed heading to a club.

After hes finally satisfied with his outfit, he quickly packs Lexys pajamas, toys, and diapers into a bag for James who knocks only moments later. His ex still has keys to the apartment, but Kurt appreciates that he is knocking and not just coming in when he knows that Kurt is home.

James greets them with a kiss on the cheek for Kurt and a hug for Lexy, before he picks up her bag while Kurt helps her into her shoes.

"Theres something I need to do tomorrow, so please pick her up before ten," James tells him and Kurt nods, glad that James is taking her in the first place. "Oh, and I got the papers in the mail today. I thought we could go over them together tomorrow before we sign them."

"Ill check the mail box on the way out," Kurt replies as he pulls Lexy into his arms.

"Sweetie, youre spending the night with Daddy James. Ill call to say goodnight before you go to bed, okay."

"Okay, bye Daddy," she says before she takes James hand and follows him out of the apartment.

Kurt follows a few minutes later, after making sure he has everything he needs for a night out. In his mailbox downstairs is a large envelope from his lawyers, which Kurt decides to pick up when he gets home from the club.

Fitting, he thinks as he walks toward the closest subway stop, that Im celebrating new beginnings the day I can officially end my marriage.

Happy Holidays, Frohe Weihnachten, Joyeux Noël, Feliz Navidad, Buon Natale, Veselé Vánoce, Wesołych Świąt, Selamat Natal, God Jul... and thats all I know. If youre not included, tell me how you say Merry Christmas in your language :)


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