Jan. 21, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 21, 2015, 6 p.m.
February 2022
They're back in Boston after a week of playing small town theaters on the New England coast to very differing audience reactions. Over all, people had responded positively, though not as well as everyone had hoped.
James is waiting for him outside of the theater, having come up from New York to watch Lexy per their agreement and to give Kurt a few hours to himself after working on changes to the show.
Blaine is with him as he leads Lexy outside, pushing her stroller and carrying Kurt's bag like the supporting friend he's been since Kurt told him about his impending divorce.
“Look, daddy James is here,” Kurt tells his daughter who waves at his ex and runs over to him when Kurt gives her a little push, while he and Blaine follow at a more leisurely pace.
“Blaine, good to see you again,” James greets him, and maybe Kurt really is paranoid, but whenever Blaine and James meet he gets the feeling that James doesn't like Blaine very much.
It would probably bother him more if they weren't getting a divorce – knowing that his husband and best friend don't get along - but as it is, James' approval or disapproval doesn't really matter anymore. They're already living separate lives and while Kurt is glad they parted on friendly terms, they both know the only reason they still talk as much as they do and see each other this often is because of their daughter. James will be a part of his life at least as long as Lexy is a child and can't take care of herself; so okay, maybe he actually wants James' approval, especially should he and Blaine ever find a way to get together.
“You too, man,” Blaine replies, and Kurt barely refrains from rolling his eyes because Blaine is no better than James, always acting tougher and more macho than he is when he is around Kurt's ex.
Maybe he'd find it hot if he and Blaine were actually sleeping together and there was an actual reason for Blaine to get all possessive over him, but Blaine's unfortunately just a friend, so it's more annoying than anything else.
James actually rolls his eyes as he picks up Lexy.
“Say goodbye to your daddy, Alexandra.”
“Bye Daddy, by Blay,” Lexy surprises them all when she includes Blaine as well.
Though it shouldn't be all that surprising because Blaine had been the one to watch her during every show this past week and even before had been part of many outings.
“Goodbye, Miss Lexy. Kurt, I need to head back in,” Blaine tells him, leaving Kurt alone with his soon to be ex-husband.
James' eyes stay on Blaine until he's rounded the corner before he turns to Kurt.
“Be honest, Kurt. Did you leave me for him?”
Kurt crosses his arms over his chest and stares right back at James.
“I didn't cheat on you, if that's what you're asking.”
James smiles softly and gives his right hand a brief squeeze.
“I know you didn't. You would have told me if you had.”
James is right, because that had been the deal. If one of them strayed they had to tell the other, no matter how much it would hurt their relationship.
“But you have feelings for him,” James continues and Kurt shrugs helplessly.
“I'm in love with him. I'm so sorry, but I can't help it. I love him and he has no idea. And I can't tell him, not with the baggage I come with.”
James looks at him with something akin to pity in his eyes.
“I just hope you're happy, now that you've chosen this. Cause although we're over I only want the best for you.”
Out of the corner of his eye Kurt thinks he spies a flash of black disappear behind the corner and his heart stops for a moment when he contemplates how much Blaine could have overheard.
“Thanks, James. I'm gonna pick Lexy up from your room around ten.”
James nods and Kurt kisses Lexy's cheek before he hurries back inside to continue rehearsing the new song.
If Blaine overheard anything, he doesn't bring it up, not when Kurt gets back on stage and not afterward when they're leaving the theater together, their gloved hands swinging dangerously close to the other. How he wishes he could just close the gap, but Blaine probably doesn't feel the same for him, because otherwise he could have made a move after Kurt told him about his impending divorce.
“I didn't think we'd be done so soon, so I told James I would pick Lexy up at ten. Do you maybe wanna get a drink?” Kurt asks Blaine as they are walking toward the hotel they're staying at. “One of my friends from high school went to Harvard. I'm sure she could recommend a bar.”
“Sorry, Kurt, not tonight, okay,” Blaine replies, his eyes fixed on a man's back in front of them and Kurt's heart shatters into a million pieces. Because Blaine never says no to a drink with Kurt and him saying it now can only mean that he's overheard Kurt's talk with James after all.
March 2022
“So can I ask why you've been distant?” Kurt asks Blaine with trepidation when he finally manages to get him alone their last day of touring New England.
They're in New Haven, Connecticut, a city mostly known for being home to Yale University, the sky dark and cloudy as they leave the theater. Lexy is asleep in her stroller, exhausted from the constant changes in scenery and Kurt knows it will be incredibly good for her to return to New York and a regular schedule.
Blaine glances at Lexy as if to make sure she doesn't eavesdrop on their conversation. Do you even call it eavesdropping when talking about a nineteen months old, Kurt muses briefly.
“Is there anyone who could watch her so we can talk?” Blaine asks, his voice tight and avoiding eye contact like he's been doing since James was in town. Briefly, Kurt wonders if maybe James and Blaine had talked and things had turned sour. Still, he considers Blaine's question.
“Alessa is visiting Nick,” he remembers. “I could ask her.”
“Please,” Blaine responds and if they were a couple Kurt would be certain that Blaine is gearing up for the break up talk with how serious he sounds.
Alessa, Nick's Italian girlfriend, is happy to watch Kurt's little angel – her words – and Kurt drops her off at Nick and Alessa's hotel room, before he follows Blaine to his room a floor up.
Inside, he copies Blaine and removes his coat before tentatively taking a seat on the edge of Blaine's bed as the only chair in the room is covered in pieces of paper.
“So what's up?” he forces himself to say, his voice shaking with nerves. Blaine wrings his hands before he sits down on the other side of the bed.
“I heard you talk to your husband last weekend,” Blaine admits and Kurt fears the worst. “After I left I heard my name and I know it was wrong to listen to your private conversation, but I was curious.”
It's as bad as Kurt's feared. His stomach is in knots and for a moment he feels like he can't breathe.
“Oh,” he exhales, mind alarmingly empty. “How much did you hear?” Blaine smiles wryly.
“Enough to make me change the way I see you. Because Kurt, you really took me by surprise. I mean you were always my married best friend and that's the only way I ever saw you. I couldn't allow myself to see you any other way.”
For the first time since entering Blaine's hotel room, Kurt feels a glimmer of hope. Because that doesn't sound like Blaine finds him repulsive.
“But I'm not married anymore,” he says. “Well technically I still am, but only because getting a divorce takes a lot longer than I thought it would,” Kurt adds jokingly. Blaine doesn't smile though.
“I want to make one thing very clear, Kurt. I care about you a lot. I've never met anyone like you before and before I met you I didn't even know I was missing someone like you in my life, but,” he stops and Kurt barely refrains from yelling, “but what?!?!”
“But you've only just gotten out of a long term relationship and are in the middle of a divorce, so how can I be sure that what you're feeling isn't just a result of that?”
Kurt stares at Blaine like he's lost his mind.
“I've been in love with you since October, possibly even longer,” he admits because the cat is out of the bag anyway, but Blaine gapes at him in shock.
“Since October?” he repeats incredulously and Kurt forces himself to keep eye contact as he nods.
“But I need you to know that I don't expect anything from you. I wouldn't even have told you, at least not until after my divorce is finalized,” Kurt states, needing Blaine to understand that Kurt's not trying to pressure him into anything.
Blaine just keeps staring at him and if they were older, Kurt's would seriously consider whether Blaine didn't have a stroke.
“Please say something,” he whispers pleadingly, his heart in his throat.
Blaine suddenly gets up and starts pacing the room. He keeps running a hand through his hair, a nervous gesture Kurt's very familiar with by now.
“Jesus, Kurt! You can't tell me you don't expect anything and then look at me like this,” he exclaims.
“Like what?” Kurt frowns.
“Like making me feel like the biggest idiot for not seeing it. God, I kept calling people crazy who tried to convince me you had a crush on me. Because how could you? You're older, married and have a kid.”
Kurt's cheeks turn bright red and he buries his head in his hands, because oh my God, had he really been that obvious about his feelings for Blaine?
“I have to quit the show,” he mumbles, his voice muffled by his hands, but Blaine apparently still understands him.
“Kurt, they were just teasing, mostly because they thought I had a crush on you.”
They're on opposite sides of the room, but the distance between them feels bigger.
“Did you?” Kurt finally dares to ask after a silence that seems to last forever. Blaine sighs.
“I thought you were incredibly cute when you came in to audition. And your voice was just as astonishing as Jesse said it would be. But then you said you were married and had a kid and I adjusted the way I saw you. And I was dating Pablo,” Blaine winces.
Kurt hates that Blaine's still dancing around the issue at hand and he's getting impatient because he really needs to know if there's a chance that they will happen or if he should just run back to his room now before he loses the rest of his pride.
“Blaine, just forget all that. Is there something here?”
For the longest minute of his life, Blaine just looks at him, obviously thinking hard about how he's going to phrase his answer and Kurt just knows that if Blaine says yes, he'll have to embellish the story of how they got together, because this right here is not romantic, this doesn't feel like the beginning of a great love story.
“There is,” Blaine finally replies, but he isn't looking at Kurt. “And if you'd only broken up with your boyfriend a few months back, I wouldn't hesitate to ask you out. But Kurt, it isn't as easy as that. You're still married and then there's Lexy. I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. Because no matter how slow we'd take this, eventually you'd expect me to raise her with you and I can't. Not now and maybe not ever. So if you'd be content with us just having a good time every now and then, I'd really be okay with that. But that's all I can offer you, I'm sorry. And Kurt, trust me, I've been thinking about nothing else since I heard you talking to James.”
Kurt's shoulders slump. He wants to be angry with Blaine for not giving them a real chance just because he has a child, but unfortunately he understands. Because he isn't sure he would have reacted differently when he was Blaine's age. Still, he can't help but feel disappointed after all he's given up just so he could be with Blaine. Maybe disappointed isn't a strong enough word. Devastated is more what he feels like in this moment, though he can't allow himself to show it.
“I can't do friends with benefits with you,” Kurt declares, “because I would always hope that you'd want more as well eventually. And I have Lexy to think of. I can only date someone who is serious about committing to both my daughter and I and if I can't find someone who's willing to do that, then I can only be with men who will never find out she even exists. But you can't be one of them. She's already become attached to you, so if we have to stay just friends for you not to suddenly disappear from our lives then that's what I'm going to take. It's going to take time though until I can see you as nothing more than a friend.”
Blaine looks disappointed as well, but Kurt can't have sex with him knowing they'll never have more than that. No matter how much he wants to indulge at least once.
“I need some time alone,” he tells Blaine. “So could you tell the others that Lexy wasn't feeling well so we took the train back.”
“Kurt,” Blaine pleads, but Kurt shakes his head.
“I'll see you Monday and we're going to be all right, but for the rest of the weekend I'm going to need junk food and cheesy rom coms to get over having my heart broken.”
Blaine's eyes widen and Kurt rushes to add.
“I'm not angry with you for being honest with me and I'm not saying this to pressure or hurt you. But I'm feeling like shit and I will need time to get over it. So I will collect my daughter and go back to New York tonight. Hopefully, when we'll see each other again on Monday, I can act like nothing happened.
“I understand,” Blaine concedes before pulling Kurt into a bone crushing hug that makes Kurt want to forget about all the reasons why giving in to Blaine's offer would be an awful idea. “Doesn't mean I don't wish things were different; easier.”
Kurt leaves then, not wanting to cry in front of Blaine. Outside in the hallway, he sits down on the hopefully clean carpet and wraps his arms around his knees as tears start streaming down his face. It'd been easier to have hope when Blaine didn't know how Kurt felt about him, but now all he feels is hopeless and for a terrible moment he wishes he didn't have Lexy because then Blaine would want to be with him or he could at least drown his sorrows in alcohol instead of having to make sure his daughter gets home safe.
He doesn't know how long he sits in front of Blaine's closed door crying silent tears, but at least no other hotel guests walk by. Eventually, he wipes the tears from his eyes and takes the elevator down to the first floor. Kurt's certain that his eyes are red rimmed when he knocks on Nick's door, but he can't bring himself to care.
“She just woke up,” Alessa informs him with a smile and if she notices that Kurt's been crying, she's nice enough not to comment on it. “Nick's in the shower,” she adds as Lexy runs into his arms.
Kurt picks her up and takes her bag from Alessa.
“Thanks for watching her. And could you tell Nick I'm not feeling well, so I'm taking the next train back to New York.”
Alessa nods and for a moment he thinks she's going to ask what's wrong, but then she just smiles and nods.
“Safe trip home. Hope you feel better soon,” is all she says instead.
Back in his own room he quickly throws his and Lexy's belongings into his suitcase and double checks that he has all her toys. Downstairs, he thanks the hotel staff for organizing a crib for Lexy before taking a cab to the train station. Luckily, they get to the station just in time for the 7:46 train to New York. Travelling for nearly two weeks had unfortunately screwed up Lexy's sleep schedule, but by the time they get into Grand Central Station two hours later she's out like a light again.
Kurt thanks a young, college aged girl profusely when she helps him bring his suitcase outside so he can carry Lexy without having to wake her up once more - he'll have to get her stroller from the bus when the rest of the cast and crew gets in tomorrow afternoon – and thanks his lucky star when his next door neighbor Mrs. Fields gets home at the same time as Kurt pays his cab driver and offers to take his suitcase up.
Upstairs, he manages to put Lexy to bed without rousing her and once he's certain she isn't going to wake up again, he pulls a carton of vanilla ice cream from the freezer and pours himself a very generous glass of red wine.
The next morning, he wakes up on the couch in yesterday's clothes when he hears Lexy calling for him through the baby monitor he had the presence of mind to turn on before passing out the previous night.
Sadly, waking up also means remembering last night's events and Kurt bursts into tears once more though he's embarrassed by how much Blaine's rejection is affecting him. There's no way he can take care of his daughter like this or see Blaine. So he pushes aside his pride and texts Jesse to ask him to bring Lexy's stroller to his and Rachel's apartment before he calls Rachel to beg her to watch Lexy for the rest of the day.
“I'll pick her up in an hour,” Rachel promises, “and tonight when you come to get her, you're going to tell me why you sound like you've spent the night crying.”
All his friends know about his divorce, but Kurt hasn't told a single one of them about his feelings for Blaine. Only his dad and Carole know about them and he doesn't want to change that, especially now. He's known Rachel for years though and is aware that once she's smelled blood she won't give up until Kurt spills his guts to her.
“Fine,” he agrees, “ but you better have cheesecake waiting for me.”
After all, he plans to stuff his face with ice cream and other junk food during the day, so a change of comfort food for dinner will be in order.
“Is there some kind of bug going around?” Jesse greets them as he maneuvers Kurt's stroller through the door, his suitcase balance on top precariously.
Rachel kisses him while Kurt furrows his brows in confusion.
“Well, last night, Blaine said that Lexy wasn't feeling well and then Alessa said that you are also sick. And this morning, Blaine took the first train back to New York claiming he wasn't feeling well either after refusing to go out with us last night,” Jesse explains and Rachel gives Kurt a knowing look.
“Don't worry, baby. The only sickness going around is heart sickness,” she winks at Kurt who glares at her in return. Jesse frowns.
“Did you and Blaine break up?” he asks and Kurt nearly spits the wine in his mouth back into his nearly empty glass.
“Wha, what?” he stammers, his cheeks flushing and hands shaking.
“Oh, no, you did. I'm sorry man. We were all rooting for you guys.”
Kurt can't believe what he's hearing because this is so much worse than everyone thinking he has a crush on Blaine.
“You knew about Kurt and Blaine and didn't tell me!” Rachel screeches and smacks Jesse's shoulder, and Kurt listens with baited breath, but thankfully, Lexy doesn't wake up. Jesse shrugs.
“I thought he told you, but swore you to secrecy. Though, I have to say I was surprised you stayed quiet,” Jesse adds and Rachel huffs.
“I can keep secrets. I didn't tell anyone for weeks when we got back together,” she argues.
“But only because you knew your friends wouldn't like it.”
“Guy, guys!” Kurt interrupts their bickering because they have more important things to discuss. “Blaine and I are not together, we've never been together and we never will be together.”
Rachel and Jesse shut up immediately and stare at Kurt who blushes after his outburst.
“I'm sorry, Kurt. I can tell you really like him,” Jesse says and unexpectedly pats Kurt's shoulder. They get along surprisingly well during rehearsals, but they aren't usually affectionate with one another.
Somehow, Kurt ends up between Rachel and Jesse on the couch, alternately crying on both their shoulders as he tells Jesse what he's already told Rachel about his conversation with Blaine.
“Maybe he'll change his mind,” Rachel tries to comfort him, but Kurt can't see it happen because Blaine had seemed pretty certain in his conviction that he can't be with a man with a kid.
“No he won't,” he sobs before wiping the tears from his eyes. “But it's going to be okay. He's still my best friend and amazing with Lexy. As long as I don't lose that I'm going to be all right,” he tries to convince himself, hoping that one day he'll believe it too.
Kurt's dreading seeing Blaine the next day at their meeting to discuss their trial run and the changes Blaine will have to make to the musical to get it Broadway ready.
Katie shows up at eleven as usual though, after having two weeks off, and at least Lexy is happy to see her. His daughter runs into Katie's arms as soon as she's through the door, babbling excitedly about her adventures.
“Did you have a good time while we were gone?” Kurt asks her as he buttons his coat and slips into his boots. His workout clothes are still in the dryer but fortunately there will be no rehearsal today because Kurt isn't in the right mindset to convincingly play his part.
“Just a lot of studying unfortunately,” Katie grimaces. “Who knew getting my masters would be so much work.”
Kurt gives her a sympathetic smile, glad he didn't go for a master's degree of his own.
“I'm sure you'll do great as usual,” he assures her before kissing his daughter's cheek and leaving the apartment to face the music so to speak.
Blaine's already at the studio when Kurt arrives but thankfully in deep conversation with Nick and Dakota. When Jesse waves him over, Kurt sits down next to him and Greg, Jesse's understudy, who's recounting how he got lost on the way to their hotel.
“…so yeah, never drinking Tequila again,” Greg concludes, rubbing a bruise on his elbow.
“Seems like I missed out on a fun night,” Kurt remarks and Jesse laughs when Greg winces.
“You feeling better?” Greg turns to Kurt who nods, not wanting to get into it.
“I'm good,” he says as his eyes meet Blaine's, who gives him a shy smile before returning to his conversation.
“Probably the fish,” Greg continues,” cause I think only you and Blaine had it for dinner.”
“Right,” Kurt nods again, grateful when Nicky, one of the dancers, falls into the chair next to Greg and Greg recounts once more how he got his bruises.
“Listen up,” Blaine takes the floor, effectively shutting up all conversations. “We had a good two weeks. We didn't do as well as I had hoped but this gives us the opportunity to iron out the kinks thanks to the nice people who gave us feedback after the shows. So for today, we only want to go over the changes Nick and I have already talked about, but afterward you'll have the rest of the week off so I can go back to writing,” he announces and Kurt releases a breath he hadn't been aware he was holding.
Getting a few days off means he can go to Lima and see his dad; get a much-needed hug after the weekend he's had.
“Hey Blaine,” Kurt approaches him when their meeting is over. “You don't need me in New York this week, right? I was hoping I could go and see my dad.”
Blaine's face falls and Kurt's quick to assure him that his sudden decision to fly to Ohio has nothing to do with them. (Even if it does.)
“It's just that I haven't seen him since Christmas and who knows when I'll get the chance again,” he explains and Blaine nods.
“I can ask Kyle to help me out if I need to hear how a song sounds,” he assures Kurt.
Kyle is Kurt's twenty-six year old, thankfully very straight and engaged understudy who he knows from NYU. Otherwise, he might be jealous knowing that Kyle will probably spend some one on one time with Blaine while he's in Ohio. And Kurt doesn't want to be that guy, especially because Kyle is really great and Kurt has already planned to miss a few shows so his understudy can have his moment to shine as well.
“Thanks, I'll see you next Monday then. And Blaine, I'm only a phone call away if you want me to listen to something or try a song for you. You know how much I like giving you feedback.”
Kurt stops himself from winking just in time because flirting with Blaine is so not what he should be doing right now.
“I will,” Blaine promises and for a second Kurt thinks he's going to hug him but then Blaine settles on an awkward wave, which makes Kurt wince internally.
No matter how much they may pretend that they're okay, they clearly aren't.
Lexy is a nightmare on the flight to Columbus and Kurt apologizes multiple times to the older woman sitting next to him, when Lexy knocks over her coffee trying to climb into Kurt's lap. His daughter just won't sit still, alternating between wanting to sit by the window or have Kurt take the window seat. She's also loud and no matter what Kurt tells her or tries to bribe her with, she just won't shut up.
Somewhere over Pennsylvania, she starts kicking the seat in front of her and Kurt wishes back the times when she spent the whole flight sleeping.
“Stop it!” he hisses, aware that more than one pair of eyes are on him. He's also pretty sure he's heard someone mutter that kids shouldn't raise kids, which he takes as a compliment on his youthful appearance though. “If you keep kicking the seat, I'm going to leave you in Ohio.”
He certainly isn't proud of himself in that moment but at least his nineteen months old stops kicking. Unfortunately, she starts crying instead and Kurt begins to regret his decision to visit his dad.
“I'm sorry, sweetheart. Daddy didn't mean it,” he pleads quietly as Lexy keeps wailing and the lady in the next seat glares at him.
By the time Burt picks them up at the airport, Kurt's exhausted and Lexy's still crying in her stroller. Luckily, another kid close by is throwing a proper temper tantrum and drawing attention away from Kurt.
Of course his daughter quiets immediately when her grandpa lifts her from the stroller and Kurt gives his dad a grateful smile when he hands Kurt the keys to the car so he can sit in the back with his granddaughter.
“I wanted to strangle her on the plane,” Kurt confesses later that night when Lexy's asleep and Carole out with friends from work. “But I knew she's just cranky because I've been dragging her around the country for the past two weeks.”
“Kids her age are never easy but I know you're doing your best with her,” his dad comforts him and Kurt slumps back against the couch.
“I really hope so.”
“So why the surprise visit?” his dad changes the subject. “Got something to tell me? You and that guy you like?” Kurt sighs.
“The opposite actually. He found out about my feelings.”
“I take it it didn't go so well?” Burt asks as he pulls a bottle of Bourbon from the liquor cabinet and pours two glasses.
“You can say that,” Kurt nods. “He's interested but he doesn't want to be with me because of Lexy, Said it would be too much responsibility.”
“Well. He is right, ain't he? Raising a kid is a lot of responsibility even when you have help,” his dad remarks, but right now Kurt wishes his dad wouldn't be the voice of reason. “But for what it's worth, I'm really sorry kiddo. I was rooting for; was hoping this guy would make you happy.”
“Me too, Dad. Me too,” Kurt sighs, before he downs his glass in one go, revelling in the burn.
“So what's the plan now? James isn't giving you trouble with the divorce?” Burt changes the subject again and Kurt shakes his head.
“No. Everything should go smoothly once we can sign the papers and so far he's been good about taking Lexy out when he's in town. As for plans, I don't know Dad. Keep being friends with Blaine, hopefully get on Broadway and maybe meet someone one day who's ready for the responsibility of raising a child with me.” Burt nods.
“She knows what's going on?”
“I don't think she's old enough to understand it. And James was never around much before either so at least it isn't too much of a change for her. She never asks about him either, so yeah, at least the transition was easy.”
Eventually, he'll have to explain to her that her daddies aren't together anymore, but Kurt hopes that it will be a while before she can fully comprehend it.
“Oh, before I forget. An invitation to your ten year high school reunion came in the mail today. Are you panning on going?” his dad hands him an envelope containing a picture of Kurt's graduating class of 2012.
Kurt considers it for a moment. On the one hand, he really doesn't want to see the assholes who made his life a living hell all through high school, especially now that he's getting divorced, but on the other hand, it's been ages since he's last seen Mercedes and Artie Abrams who both live in L.A or his friends Tina and Mike who according to Facebook have recently gotten engaged up in Chicago. Tina and Mike are high school sweethearts just like Brittany and Santana, and sometimes he wonders what his life would be like if he and Blaine were the same age and had met in high school; maybe at a show choir competition or when Kurt had driven up to Dalton after a particularly bad day at school to check out the safe haven for queer teens in Ohio that his dad could never have afforded. He tries not to think about his brother who never even got to graduate from college and in the end, his desire to see old friends again wins out. And if Kurt's lucky, his former tormentors will have ended up exactly as he had predicted in high school.
“Yeah, I'll go. Santana and Rachel would rip my head off anyway if I didn't come with them.”
“Good, good. Another visit to look forward to then,” his dad smiles brightly and Kurt leans into the embrace, inhaling the familiar smell of motor oil stuck to his dad's flannel shirt.
AN: Dont hate Blaine, I bet most 23 year olds would say the same...