Jan. 21, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 21, 2015, 6 p.m.
AN: Im not so good with ratings but I guess the first part of the chapter is R – rated. So if you want to skip that you wont miss anything important. Just start reading at December 2022 instead of August.
Late August 2022
Luckily, it takes little to no begging to get Rachel and Jesse to agree to let Lexy spend the night before he takes Blaine home with him.
The rental car abandoned around the corner, shoes are kicked off without care as they fall through the door, both unwilling to separate their lips for even one second.
"Bedroom," Kurt gasps as Blaine nips on his bottom lip and soothes the sting with his tongue. "Please," he adds breathlessly, more turned on than he has been in a long time.
"No," Blaine whines. "The couch is closer."
Kurt shakes his head though. "Were not having sex on the couch I bought with my ex."
"Good point," Blaine agrees before he pretty much drags Kurt to his bedroom.
Thankfully, because of the beach trip theyre both in only t-shirts and shorts, which are shed quickly once they are inside Kurts bedroom. Down to their underwear, they fall onto the bed, kicking the blankets off as they both try to touch as much skin as possible.
Kurt doesnt protest when Blaine crawls on top of him and grinds their erections together, both helplessly aroused after months of unresolved sexual tension.
"Can I?" Kurt asks, slipping his fingers underneath the waistband of Blaines boxer-briefs and tugging on it. His new boyfriend nods eagerly, making his curls fly around wildly.
"God, yes, Kurt. Need to feel you," Blaine moans as he pushes into Kurts hand.
Once Blaines underwear is off, Kurt doesnt hesitate before he strips his own off as well. Then theyre finally, finally, naked, pressed against each other from head to toe and Kurt gasps when Blaine grinds against him without any layers between them.
"Why did we wait so long to do this," Kurt whines as Blaine keeps moving against him, the friction dry, but oh so good.
"Because I was an idiot and you had morals," Blaine moans before he spits into his hand and wraps it around both of them.
When his first ever boyfriend had done that, Kurt had been repulsed but with Blaine he finds it hot, not even blushing when he moans in pleasure.
"What do you want?" Blaine gasps, still jerking both of them off and he has to repeat the question before Kurt registers it.
"You, I want you," he moans, unable to form proper thoughts. "Its been so long."
Ten months to be exact since he realized his feelings for Blaine and stopped sleeping with his ex-husband.
"I havent been with anyone since James," Kurt confesses even though it should hardly come as a surprise.
"Me neither, since Cameron and I broke up. Something inside me must have known that the only one I wanted was you," Blaine admits in return.
Unfortunately, Kurt remembers a tiny, but important detail then.
"I dont have condoms," he blurts out to his own mortification. Because he hasnt needed them in years and hadnt planned to take anyone home until Lexy is in college.
"Me neither," Blaine pouts. "I was hoping youd give me a second chance, but I never dared to hope it would actually come to this."
Theyre suddenly way too coherent for Kurts taste and he intends to rectify this as soon as possible.
"Im clean," he assures Blaine. "James promised he never cheated on me, but I had to make sure nevertheless."
Theyve long stopped moving, lying side by side as they plan the next step in their only hours old relationship.
"Me too," Blaine tells him. "So if you still want to we can."
Kurts still desperately aroused, so theres really only one answer.
"God yes!"
In the beginning, its strange to have a man inside him again after such a long time, but Blaines an incredibly attentive lover, checking that theyre both okay every step of the way. Soon though, hes got Kurt moaning underneath him without a care for the neighbors who are probably just sitting down for dinner.
"Dont stop," Kurt begs, his back arched and his legs wrapped around Blaines waist.
Blaine responds by wrapping a hand around him, making Kurt push back into his tight grip.
When theyre done and theyre both exhausted, sweaty and sticky, the sun still high in the sky, Kurt cuddles into Blaines embrace.
"And youre absolutely sure that youre ready for this? You wont change your mind?"
Because even after the fantastic sex they just had, he has to be certain; has to ask one final time.
Blaine presses a kiss to Kurts heart.
"Im sure. Now that I have you, I wont ever let you go."
December 2022
Blaine moves in four months after they start dating. Some may say its too soon, but theyve been dancing around each other for months and played platonic family even longer. Its just before Christmas and Lexy keeps running around the apartment, looking into every box Blaine brings up in the hope of finding an early Christmas present.
Both he and Blaine had tried to convince her that Santa wouldnt deliver before Christmas Eve, but his daughter is certain Santa already brought presents because he only has their New York address.
They are spending Christmas in Lima, Christmas Eve with his parents at the Andersons who have fallen in love with Lexy the first time they met her and Christmas Day with their own families. Blaines set to spend the rest of the trip with the Hummels, but they had agreed that Christmas Day would be spent with their own families so Blaine could see his brother Cooper and Coopers new girlfriend who apparently is already pregnant after dating for a few months.
"Presents, presents," Lexy sings excitedly as she digs through a box of dishware that will probably end up in storage anyway.
"Sweetie, we havent even gone to see Santa yet. How would he even know what to bring you?" Kurt asks her in the hopes of drawing her attention away from anything breakable.
"But he know," Lexy insists. "Daddy James bring gift from Santa."
Kurt sighs. James is spending Christmas in England with his family and had dropped off Lexys present the previous day.
"Thats because Santa still had your list from last year. And he has to start work early in England so he can be back in America in time for Christmas," Kurt explains, while Blaine, arms full with another box, tries not to laugh.
"I want to go to Engaland," Lexy huffs. "I want presents now."
Blaine drops his box and scoops her up.
"Me too," he tells Kurts daughter. "So do you think we can wait for Santa together?"
Lexy considers it for a moment.
"Fine," she pouts, and in that moment she looks so much like Kurt, even though she has Brittanys blond hair and all she seems to have inherited from Kurt is his nose.
"Good," Blaine tells her. "I wasnt sure if I could wait this long on my own. So why dont you help me unpack these boxes and then we can go and tell Santa what we want for Christmas."
Three hours and most of Blaines stuff unpacked later, the three of them are standing in line to meet Santa at Macys. The line is long, but Blaine keeps Lexy entertained by telling her about all the fun things they are going to do at her grandpa Burts house. Finally, they are in front of a tall man, dressed in a Santa suit with a long white, probably fake beard. Lexy climbs onto his lap eagerly.
"Ho ho ho, little Miss. What can Santa get you for Christmas?" the man asks Lexy while Blaine takes pictures of her with his cell phone.
"I want dolls, puzzles, dresses and coloring books," Lexy tells Santa. "And I dont want Daddy Blay leave like Daddy James," she adds, making Kurt nearly drop his own cellphone.
He and Blaine had tried to explain to Lexy why Blaine was moving in with them and what he meant to Kurt, but he never expected that because Lexy never called Blaine anything other than Blay. Kurt shares a quick look with Blaine to make sure he isnt freaking out, but Blaine has a huge smile on his face, like this is the best Christmas present ever.
"You are a lucky little girl, having so many daddies," Santa tells Lexy, who happily bounces on his lap.
"I have," she looks at her fingers and slowly counts them like Kurt had taught her. "One, two, three daddies."
"Thats great," Santa assures her. "I only had one daddy."
"Poor Santa," Lexy pats his knee like shes seen her grandpa do with Kurt and Blaine, and Kurt quickly takes another picture, because if this is the Christmas where Lexy starts seeing Blaine as her dad, hell want to remember it and have something for her to look at when shes older.
"Thank you. Now Ms.," Santa looks at Kurt who whispers Alexandra, "Alexandra, if you have been a good girl, Santa will bring you what you asked for."
Lexy claps excitedly before she reluctantly climbs off Santas lap and into Kurts arms. Kurts just glad that theyd gone over her wishes weeks ago, so most of the things she wants will be under the tree come Christmas Day.
Flying with a two and half year old is so much easier if you arent on your own, Kurt thinks on their way to Lima. He can focus on getting his daughter on the plane, her small pink backpack slung over his shoulder, while Blaine takes care of the stroller and his and Kurts carry ons. On the plane, Lexy sits between them and while Kurt makes sure there are no open beverages around, at least they dont disturb any strangers when Lexy cant make up their mind whether she wants to sit on daddys or Blays lap. Kurt even manages a short nap over Pennsylvania, when Blaine pulls out Lexys new coloring books and helps her paint pretty princesses in the colors of the rainbow.
At Columbus airport, Lexy is the first to spot grandpa Burt, perched on Blaines shoulders. Kurt has a trolley full of suitcases while Blaines pushing the stroller carrying Lexys backpack and Kurts messenger bag, so Kurt can wave his dad off when he offers his usual help.
Its the third time the three of them have flown together and Kurt already has a hard time remembering how he ever managed it alone.
The second time had been shortly after he and Blaine had gotten together, when Blaines parents had insisted they come to Ohio for Labor Day so they could meet Kurt and Lexy.
Blaines parents had fallen in love with Kurts daughter immediately and had practically kidnapped her so Kurt and Blaine could have some alone time. By the time they had returned from the park and Kurt and Blaine had made sure they were presentable again, Lexy was calling Blaines parents grandma Susan and grandpa Jack.
When they had driven down to Lima the next day, Kurts parents had been ecstatic about Kurts brand new relationship as well and while they thought it was a bit too short notice to get together with the Andersons, plans were made to get the families together for Christmas as Kurt and Blaine were going to spend Thanksgiving with their New York family like they had done the previous year.
Its going to be Kurts first big family Christmas because even when he had been married, Kurt had always spent Christmas with his parents in Ohio and New Years with James parents in New York no matter how many times his ex-husband had invited him to celebrate in London. Had the invitation extended to Burt and Carole, Kurt wouldnt have hesitated and moved their Christmas celebrations to England, but James had never said anything about them and Kurt never wanted to spend Christmas away from the little family he had left.
"So, this thing tomorrow," his dad interrupts his musings. "How fancy is that gonna be?" Next to Kurt, Blaine blushes.
"My parents can go a bit overboard especially when its their turn to entertain, but they know that this is just Christmas dinner with family and not a dinner to impress my dads new boss. I even managed to convince my mom not to have dinner catered, so Kurt and I will go over earlier to help my mom with cooking dinner."
"You taking Lexy with you?" his dad asks, not used to having to share his time with his granddaughter yet. Kurt nods.
"Blaines parents only get to see her one night and youll have her for the next six days, when Blaine and I will be very happy to have two such amazing babysitters."
Burt chuckles. "So Im guessing the two of you are gonna take advantage of me and Carole being crazy about the little munchkin while you are here."
Kurt nods and when Blaine blushes, his mind probably coming up with less PG-rated plans for their alone time, Kurt inconspicuously smacks his shoulder and whispers pervert into his ear, making Blaines cheeks turn even redder.
When they reach Kurts house, he and Blaine drag their luggage upstairs to Kurts room while Carole fawns over Lexy and Burt mumbles something about eggnog. Upstairs, Blaine bounces on the mattress, a big smile on his face as he watches Kurt unpack his suitcase.
"What?" Kurt asks him as he hangs tomorrows outfit into this closet.
"I just thought that while I have nothing against your couch, Im very happy that I can stay up here with you now."
Knowing that his daughter is safe and happy downstairs with his parents, Kurt pushes Blaine onto his back and crawls on top of him before kissing him deeply.
"Actually, my dad would have let you stay with me the first time you were here," he admits in between kisses down Blaines neck.
"Then why didnt I?" Blaine whines when Kurt sucks an impressive hickey just below Blaines collarbone where it well be easy to hide.
"Because back then, all you wanted from me was sex and I knew that if I let you into my bed my resolve would crumble and I would give in in a heartbeat."
"Well, Im glad I came to my senses then," Blaine winks, "because that would be some truly spectacular sex I would be missing out on otherwise."
Theres no way Kurts going to dispute this claim and instead he rolls them so that Blaine is on top of him.
"Truly spectacular you say?" Kurt pushes Blaines cardigan off his shoulders. "I think I need a reminder to know that you speak the truth."
Later, when theyre exhausted but sated, Kurt thinks that he should leave Lexy with her grandparents more often if this is the outcome.
The next day, Kurt and Blaine drive to the mall to get the gifts they didnt want to take on the plane with them, while Burt and Carole take their granddaughter to the park for some sledding. Just after theyve bought the last item on their list – a new tool belt for Burt – Kurt gets a text from Mercedes inviting him to coffee at the Lima Bean, their former after school hangout.
"I could drop you off and pick you up later when youre done," Blaine offers, assuming that he isnt invited as well, but Kurt shakes his head.
"No way Im going to send you home when I can show you off instead."
Blaine blushes adorably but agrees to accompany Kurt to meet his best girl friend.
"Okay, please dont judge me, but Im a bit nervous about meeting your friend," Blaine admits when they are back in Caroles car and driving toward the Lima Bean. "I mean, she won a Grammy last year."
Kurt looks at Blaine like hes lost his mind. "Honey, you won two Tonys for your first musical when you were twenty-one instead of just finishing your junior year of college like the rest of your former classmates, so in case you have forgotten, youre kinda famous yourself." Blaine shakes his head.
"You know thats not true. People know my name but not even a musical fan like you knew who I was when we met. Your friend has a bodyguard and fans who want to take pictures with her. Thats huge."
"If you hadnt missed the Tonys back then," Kurt teases, "I probably would have known who you are. And when you are at the theater, people always want you to sign their Playbills."
"I didnt think I would win, so I didnt want to cut my first trip to Australia short," Blaine pouts. "And as you said, I was twenty-one and suddenly had money for spontaneous trips wherever I wanted to go in the world. An award show where I didnt have a chance in hell anyway, didnt seem too important."
Kurt rolls his eyes. "Im telling you right now; if I ever get nominated for a Tony, were gonna be there no matter what our previous plans were. Only exceptions are health issues in the family, do you understand?" he mock threatens.
Blaine nods dutifully, a smile on his face however as they pull into the parking lot in front of the Lima Bean.
Mercedes is already waiting for them in a corner, her back to the other patrons to avoid being spotted by her fans. After pulling Kurt to her chest, he isnt surprised when she pulls Blaine into a tight hug next.
"So I finally get to meet the famous Blaine," she smiles and Kurt beams at her because he wants his friends to like Blaine. Back in New York, everyone had been happy for them when he and Blaine had finally gotten their shit together and while he didnt expect a different reaction from Mercedes, it makes him happy to know she approves.
They spend an hour with Mercedes at the Lima Bean, Kurt sipping his tall Moccachino, and Blaine a venti Pumpkin Spiced Latte, before its time for them to go home and change to make it to Blaines parents on time.
"How long are you in town? Do you have time to meet up again?" Mercedes asks when Kurt and Blaine say their goodbyes.
"Im flying back early on the 27th because I cant miss too many shows, and Blaine and Lexy will follow on the 30th. So yeah, if youre free before the 27th we can meet up again," Kurt replies and Mercedes raises her eyebrow.
"Blaines taking her back to New York on his own?"
Blaine fidgets under Mercedes scrutiny so Kurt laces their fingers together, Ohio coffee shop patrons be damned.
"Its really not that big of a deal, Mercedes. Blaine and Lexy are alone together all the time when Im on stage and this way my parents can spend more time with her and Blaine can visit with friends from Dalton."
"Thats great," Mercedes assures them. "Just give me a call on the 26th when you are free."
Back in the car, Kurt notices that Blaines a little pale.
"Hey, you know she wasnt questioning your ability to take care of Lexy, right?" Blaine shrugs and continues to stare out of the window.
"I know and youre probably right. Ive never had a problem taking care of her before, but what if something goes wrong on the plane?"
Kurt just smirks because its been a long time since he worried about leaving Lexy in Blaines care.
"Then youll find out what its like when everyones staring at you and silently judging you for your apparent inability to handle your kid." Blaine groans, but hes already looking less pale.
"You always know just the right thing to say. Remind me again why Im doing this?"
"Because you love us," Kurt sing-songs, still on cloud nine even though its been months since Blaine said it for the first time.
Blaine takes advantage of the red light theyre at and draws Kurt in for a brief kiss.
"Yes, I do."
Kurts just finished changing into his outfit for dinner in Blaines old bedroom after helping Susan cook dinner, when the doorbell rings and he rushes downstairs to be there for the first meeting of the Hummels and Andersons.
Caroles wearing the dress Kurt helped her pick the previous year and even his dad has forgone his usual flannel shirt and baseball cap combo, wearing dark jeans, dress shoes and a lovely dark blue shirt underneath a blazer instead. His parents still look a bit underdressed compared to the Andersons though, who are wearing a full suit and a designer dress.
While Kurt and Blaine got changed after cleaning up the worst of the mess they made in the kitchen, Susan helped Lexy into her new dress, violet with black dots and put a bow in the same colors into her hair. Spying her other grandparents, she twirls on the spot, showing off her new outfit to Burt and Carole who coo over her and tell her what a pretty girl she is while Jack takes their coats to the coatroom.
"Mom, Dad, these are Kurts parents Burt and Carole," Blaine introduces everyone when Jack returns. Blaines dad shakes hands with Burt while his mom kisses Carole on both cheeks catching her by surprise just as she had Kurt when theyd been introduced.
"Nice to meet you both. Im Jack and this is my wife Susan."
The six of them plus Lexy move into the Andersons living room then, the adults sharing a bottle of white wine before dinner while Lexy manages not to spill any hot chocolate on her new dress. Just for that, Kurt thinks about labeling the evening a success.
Dinner is carrot-ginger soup followed by a pumpkin risotto for the grown ups and chicken noodle soup followed by Spaghetti with meatballs for Kurts daughter because he know from experience that she wont eat the soup and theres plenty of wine in the risotto. Its not what theyre usually having for Christmas dinner, but because the Andersons are the hosts Kurt and Blaine had let Susan decide what they are making. Dessert is all Kurt however, cheesecake and ice cream in addition to his homemade gingerbread cookies.
After the first course, Kurt and Blaine combine forces as they try to convince Lexy to wear a shirt over her dress for the main course to avoid getting tomato sauce on it, which ends with both Kurt and Blaine wearing old Dalton hoodies Blaine kept in his old bedroom over their fancy dinner outfits because Lexy refused to wear hers if her daddies didnt do the same.
Its a bit confusing for him and Blaine, because while Lexy refers to Blaine as her daddy as well, she still calls him Blay, but theyve decided together to let her make up her own mind and let her call Blaine whatever she wants.
When they are sitting back down for dinner, Kurt and Blaine in matching Dalton Academy hoodies and Lexy in one of Blaines old Dalton P.E t-shirts thats so big on her it covers her whole dress, both sets of grandparents snap pictures of them with their cell phones and while Kurt scowls and pretends to hate it, he already knows that hell print multiple copies of the picture so he can have one for his dressing room, one for his wallet and one for their apartment as its the first proper picture showing the three of them as a family.
Per the Hummels family tradition Lexy is allowed to open one present before shes sent to bed in her new big girl bed the Andersons have bought for occasions like this where Lexy is spending the night. Happy with her new doll, she takes a bath without a fuss and falls asleep quickly after he and Blaine duet on White Christmas for her.
"Lexy asleep?" his dad asks, when he and Blaine come back downstairs to another bottle of wine and cookies Susan has bought at a local famers market because she doesnt know how to bake herself. It doesnt surprise him, because before Kurt started teaching Blaine a few things in the kitchen, his boyfriend had been living on take out and pasta.
Shortly before midnight, Jack raises his glass for a toast. "To the merging of our families," he smiles. "May this be the first of many shared family Christmases."
Even though its not New Years Eve, he and Blaine still share a kiss when the clock strikes midnight moments later, because this is what Kurts been wanting since the moment his crush on Blaine turned into something more.
A shared future together.