Nobody said it was easy
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Nobody said it was easy: Chapter 12

T - Words: 5,502 - Last Updated: Jan 21, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Dec 05, 2014 - Updated: Dec 05, 2014
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Chapter 12


August 2022


Kurt is late. No strike that. At this point it will take a miracle to get him to the theater on time for the matinee. And to make things worse, he has no cell phone reception in the tunnel they are stuck in. Should have taken a cab after all, he thinks as he tries not to get too close to a group of sweaty German tourists who've clearly never experienced this particular New York underground phenomenon and are inching closer and closer to the emergency button, probably not understanding the train conductor. But he had taken Lexy to Central Park in the morning because it was such a nice day where they met Katie and the subway seemed like the fastest option.


After kissing his daughter goodbye and promising to give her a call in between shows he hopped on a C train to 42nd street only to end up stuck in a tunnel somewhere between Columbus Circle and 50 street and their train hasn't moved in the past thirty minutes because of a technical malfunction that will take a while longer before it's taken care of.


At least Kyle will be happy to perform, Kurt thinks, because so far he hasn't missed a single show after the producers made it clear that people were paying a lot of money to see him and Jesse and missing a performance was only acceptable if he was sick or something he had no control over prevented him from performing. Being stuck on the subway for more than half an hour should count as something he has no control over as far as he's concerned. Kurt just wishes he could call the theater to let them know that he probably won't make, because even if gets there before 2:30 he'll still need at least half an hour to warm up and get ready for the show and it's already 1:45.


“Excuse me, what is that man saying?” one of the German tourists moves away from his group and approaches Kurt. 


“Oh, just that the train broke down and they've sent someone to fix it. Could be another five minutes but it could also be another hour. It happens from time to time.”


Kurt's keeping his fingers crossed for five minutes.


Unfortunately, by the time he reaches 42nd street it's already 2:15 and Kurt's officially missing his first show. He pulls out his phone to let the theater know what they should already know anyway, that Kyle has to gone on instead. What he finds are thirty-four missed calls. The more recent are three missed calls from the theater, but then there are twenty missed calls from Blaine and eleven from Katie. As much as he wants to convince himself that this is just about the show, that everyone was looking for him because he didn't show up at the theater, deep down he knows that it's not.


With shaking hands he dials his voicemail, skipping the one from the theater to one left by his babysitter.


Katie sounds like she's close to tears in the voice mail and Kurt nearly drops his phone when he hears the words Lexy and hospital in the same sentence.


“Kurt, I'm so sorry but Lexy fell from the swing and her head was bleeding and her leg looked all wrong so I took her to the hospital. But now they won't tell me anything because I'm not family and you won't pick up your phone. I, I called your boyfriend because you said your ex isn't in town, but now they won't tell him about her either and he's kinda freaking out as well. Please get here as soon as possible. I've called the theater as well but they said you hadn't shown up yet.”


By the time he finishes with Katie's voice mail he feels as panicked as she sounded. And confused, because he is very, very sure that he doesn't have a boyfriend. But then he remembers all the missed calls from Blaine and subsumes that Katie must have misunderstood the nature of their relationship.


There's a text message from Blaine telling him where he can find them at the hospital and that the doctors are running tests on Lexy but refuse to let him or Katie into the room with her until they've gotten the okay from one of her parents.


Kurt silently curses James who tends to turn his private phone off during business trips and not even Kurt has his business number. By the time he finally gets to the hospital, this time in a cab not willing to risk another subway incident, it's been more than hour since the first calls and Kurt doesn't even want to imagine how scared his daughter must be.


Bypassing the elevators, Kurt sprints up to the second floor and skids to a halt in front of Blaine who's standing in front of the nurse's station begging for an update.


“Please, you have to let one of us be with her. We still haven't managed to reach her father, her other father is out of the country and her grandparents live in Ohio and London,” Blaine pleads with the nurse and Kurt mentally face palms because in his rush to the hospital he totally forgot to let people know that he got their messages. If he had thought more clearly, someone would be with his daughter already.


Quickly, he digs his driver's license out of his wallet and slams it down in front of the nurse, startling both her and Blaine.


“I'm Kurt Hummel and I demand to see my daughter.”


Moments later Blaine pulls him into a bone-crushing hug.


“Thank god, Kurt. I was so worried when Katie called me and then we couldn't reach you and the theater didn't know where you were either and when I got here they asked me if I was the dad but I hesitated for a moment so then they wouldn't let me see her until I could prove I was family, which I'm not because I'm stupid and scared and thought you would be better off with someone ready to raise a kid, but Kurt I was so scared because Katie said Lexy was bleeding from her head and I never want anything to happen to her because I love her,” Blaine rambles, his body shaking in Kurt's arms and Kurt holds him until the nurse clears her throat to get his attention.


“They're treating your daughter in room 2342.”


“Thank you,” Kurt tells her, before he takes Blaine's hand and drags him down the corridor.


Somewhere between 2314 and 2319 it hits him; Blaine said he loved Lexy and possibly something about regretting not being part of their family. He shakes his head to clear it though, because he has more important things to take care of right now.


When Kurt bursts into room 2342 Lexy is on a bed that's way too big for her, held in place by a nurse while a middle-aged doctor stitches a cut on her temple.


“Daddy,” she screams when she spots him and tries to wriggle free, but Kurt is beside her in a flash, making sure she doesn't move while she's getting stitches.


“Sh, daddy's here. I've got you, sweetheart. You'll be okay.”


He side eyes the doctor who nods before he finishes up.


“We've x-rayed her leg when she came in and luckily it's not a complicated break. But she'll still need a cast for the next six weeks, which means she'll have a harder time getting around for a bit. Apart from the cut, she's fine though otherwise and has been very brave so far,” the doctor turns to Lexy who's already sucking on a lollipop provided by the nurse.


Kurt breathes out a sigh of release. The cast isn't ideal, especially because he can't take the next six weeks off to take care of her, but it could have been worse. If it had been worse, he'd probably quit the show for her, because Lexy always comes first.


“I'm so glad you're okay, baby girl,” he tells her again before he carefully kisses her forehead next to her stitches.


“We'll put her leg into a cast in a bit and I want to keep her here overnight to make sure she doesn't have a concussion after all, but you can of course spend the night with her.”

“Thank you, doctor.”


“I've texted Katie and she's in the waiting room with coffee for all of us. I think she'd feel a lot better if she could see that Lexy is okay,” Blaine pipes up from his position next to the door and Lexy's eyes light up when she spots him.


“Blay,” she squeals and Kurt tightens his arms around her so she won't hurt her broken leg more than it already is.


“Hey Miss Lexy,” Blaine approaches her carefully. “Can I give you a hug?”


Lexy nods and Kurt moves a bit to the right so Blaine can squeeze between them and give Lexy a hug.


“Stay with her for a moment while I get Katie,” Kurt asks him because he has to make a few calls anyway and he'd rather get them out of the way right now and have the rest of the day to focus on Lexy.


“You're sure you're okay with me staying with her?” Blaine asks and Kurt nods, remembering Blaine's broken admission of ‘I love her'.


“Daddy will be right back, sweetheart,” he assures his daughter before living the room.


In the waiting room, he finds Katie on an orange plastic chair, her legs pulled up and her arms wrapped around her knees. Three cups of coffee rest on the floor in front of her and Kurt carefully sidesteps them as he approaches her. Katie's eyes widen when she spots him and she looks so young and scared that all he wants to do is hug her.


“I'm so, so sorry Kurt. This couple came up to me asking for the way to Bow Bridge and the moment they stepped aside I saw her climbing onto the swing, but I didn't get to her in time and she fell off. This is all my fault, I should never have taken my eyes off her,” Katie cries and Kurt sits down next to her and wraps an arm around her shoulders.


“Accidents happen, Katie, and I know how fast she can be. The first time she climbed on a chair at home I only caught her when she was already dangerously close to the stove, so I know how difficult it is to always have eyes on her. You've done such an amazing job since we met and in the grand scheme of things, a broken leg isn't the end of the world. She probably won't even remember this when she's older. The scary part for me was the not knowing, the seeing all the missed calls and fearing the worst, but she's okay. They're keeping her overnight to make sure she doesn't have a concussion, but she'll be okay and before we know it, the cast will be off and we'll have to run after her again,” Kurt comforts both of them because just like Katie, he had needed someone to tell him that it wasn't his fault when his daughter hit her head trying to climb onto the couch and fell back against the couch table about a year ago.


“Thank you,” Katie smiles through her tears. “Can I go and see her?” Kurt nods.


“And bring Blaine one of those coffees, he was practically salivating when he got your text,” he winks.


“Your boyfriend probably never had hospital coffee before,” Katie giggles and Kurt opens his mouth to correct her, but it can wait.


“You're probably right. I'll join you in a bit.”


When he is alone, the waiting area is surprisingly empty for a Sunday afternoon. Kurt calls the theater first to let them know he won't be able to do the evening show either. Everyone's sympathetic though and Kurt's just glad that this happened on a Sunday so at least he has tomorrow off any way.


Next is a quick email to James, letting him know about the broken leg and asking him to skype with his daughter as soon as he finds the time.


Finally, he pulls up his dad's contact and dials the number.


“Hey kiddo. Don't you have two shows on Sunday?” Burt answers the phone after a few rings and Kurt leans back against the hard plastic chair.


“I do, but Lexy got hurt on the playground so I'm at the hospital with Katie and Blaine right now. But don't worry, she's fine. Her left leg will be in a cast for a few weeks and she needed stitches, but she's already smiling and wriggling around again.”


“Good, I'm glad it's nothing worse. I don't know if you remember but your mom was mad at me for weeks when you broke your leg when you were four because I thought you were old enough to ride a bike without training wheels.”


“I don't. And how the hell did you manage to get me back on a bike when I was older?”


“I bought you the one with the pink streamers you had demanded,” his dad laughs before he adds. “So Blaine? Why's he with you?”


Kurt pulls his knees to his chest and wraps his free arm around them.


“I was stuck in a subway tunnel when it happened and when Katie couldn't reach me she called Blaine because she thinks he's my boyfriend and I gave her his number when he used to get Lexy from her during rehearsal. And Dad, he was so worried about her. He said he loves her and I think something about regretting not being part of our family.”


It's not something he ever expected to come out of Blaine Anderson's mouth.


“Well, have you talked to him about it?”


“Not yet. He's sitting with Lexy right now so I could make some calls, but what if it was just a spur of the moment thing? Maybe he only said it because he was worried and they wouldn't let him see her and he doesn't actually mean it?”


“You lost me there kiddo. He doesn't mean that he loves her? I'm sure he does even if it took him a while to figure it out,” his dad tries to reassure him.


“No, I meant when he said he regretted not being part of the family.”


Burt sighs. “I can't help you with that. You'll just have to talk it out and see if things have changed for him.”


Of course his dad is right. He won't know anything until he and Blaine have talked and it's a waste of energy to keep thinking about different outcomes when he isn't the one who can influence them.


“Thanks, Dad. I'll keep you posted and I'll call you and Carole on Skype tomorrow when I take Lexy home.”


Katie comes up to him just as he ends the call and Kurt looks at her questioningly.


“They want to put the cast on now and the doctor wants you to be there for it. And I wanted to see if there's anything I can do for your because I'm not much use here.”


Kurt considers her offer for a moment.


“Actually, if you could go to the apartment and pack a bag for her, that would be great. Just a pair of PJs – the purple one's should fit over the cast – a dress for tomorrow, her toothbrush and Dumbo.”


“Sure. Do you need stuff as well?”


Kurt shakes his head.


“I'm fine and they sell toothbrushes and toothpaste on the ground floor.”


Fortunately, because he had been on his way to a show, he's already dressed in comfortable clothes and it's just one night.


So as Katie heads out to his apartment, Kurt walks back to his daughter's room where she is sitting on Blaine's lap while a nurse sets everything up for her cast.


“Everything okay?” Blaine asks when Kurt reenters and Kurt nods.


“Yeah. I called the theater and spoke to my dad, but um, I was wondering if we could talk once Lexy is asleep. Unless you have somewhere you have to be?”


“Kurt, there's nowhere else I'd rather be. I'll be here as long as you want me to stay.”


Oh how much he hopes that Blaine isn't just talking about the hospital but the rest of their lives.




Blaine is waiting for him outside of Lexy's room when Kurt tiptoes out after making sure his daughter really is asleep.


“We should go and get food. I'm sure you haven't had anything since lunch either,” Blaine says and Kurt follows him silently until the step outside into the hot August night.


“There's a little Thai place around the corner with outdoor seating.”


They are quiet once more only speaking to order drinks and two dishes to share. And then it's Blaine who speaks first.


“I'm not going to take it back, if that's what you are thinking. I know I messed up before and I totally understand if you're going to tell me that it's too late, that I had my chance and now you've moved on, but it won't change the fact that I love her and I don't think I could have worried more if she were biologically mine.”


For the first time in months, Kurt feels hopeful but this time he has to be sure before he puts his heart on the line once more.


“If this is you asking for a second chance you're not doing a very good job,” he teases, giving Blaine an out if Kurt somehow misunderstood. Blaine's face falls though.


“I understand. I wish you'd give me a second chance but I understand if you won't.”


Kurt stares at Blaine, Blaine stares at his glass of water. Finally, he finds his voice again.


“You're really oblivious sometimes. You honestly think I've moved on, when I'm still pining for you even after you turned me down?”


Blaine's smile is sudden and bright. “You do?”


Kurt shakes his head fondly, not knowing whether he should laugh or cry.


“God, Blaine. As long as you're sure that you're ready for this, of course I'll give you a second chance, what ever that means.”


Kurt's certain he's showing teeth as he smiles, pinching his wrist to make sure this isn't just some elaborate dream and that Blaine really want's to be with him, wants to be a family.


“It means I want to take the two of you out as soon as Lexy is feeling better. I'd love to take you on a romantic date as well, but the first time we go out for real I want her to be a part of it. And I want to help you with her, really help you with her and not just be around for the fun stuff and leave when things get hard or you know, she needs another diaper or stuff like that. I want to be the one to put her to bed when you can't and I want to be the one who finally gets her to eat all her veggies. I just want to be a family. You, me and Lexy.”


Before he can stop himself, Kurt leans over the table, nearly knocking over their water glasses and presses his dry lips to Blaine's equally dry ones. The kiss is short and tame compared to the first time they kissed, but it's still better this time because it means something, it means more than admitting to their shared attraction.


“Yes, I'd love that. All of it,” he whispers after he pulls back.


Because it's all he's dreamed of since realizing his feelings for Blaine and now he can only hope that reality will be as good as his fantasy.




The following Monday, Blaine shows up at Kurt's apartment shortly after 7 am so he can start the day with Kurt and Lexy as he had promised. His daughter had taken to crawling on the floor and pulling her left leg behind her since she was released from the hospital, but hadn't been outside again because it was difficult to get her around when you didn't have help. So to say she is excited about their outing would be an understatement.


Kurt had seen Blaine almost daily since their talk, either at the theater or when he had dropped by to check on Lexy, but had decided to refrain from any physical intimacy until he and Blaine had a chance for another talk and though they'd seen each other, they hadn't had time to do so yet.


“Good morning,” Blaine greets him with a kiss on the cheek before handing him a cup of coffee. “I don't know how you do it, but it's too early to be outside without coffee.”


Kurt chuckles and takes the offered beverage.


“Trust me, before Lexy I wasn't a morning person either, and I still dream of the day when she won't need me anymore in the morning and I can sleep in again.”


“So you think I'll get used to it?” Blaine asks before he yawns.


It's such a big change, seeing Blaine so confident about his role in their lives all of a sudden and Kurt's about to lean in and kiss him, lack of serious talk be damned, when Lexy calls for him from her bedroom.


“Daddy, potty.”


Kurt raises an eyebrow in challenge.


“You said you wanted to do the not so fun parts as well. Why don't you go and help her while I make us breakfast. I hope you like blueberry pancakes.”


Blaine nods nervously before slowing walking toward Lexy's bedroom while Kurt carries his coffee into the kitchen, thankful for the pick me up.


“You're sure I can do this?” Blaine calls after him and Kurt smiles at him encouragingly.


“Worst thing that can happen is that you get peed on and even I survived that,” he says cheerfully before leaving a flabbergasted Blaine to deal with his daughter. He had offered to help after all.


He's just putting the batter for the first pancake into the pan, when Blaine walks into the kitchen, carrying Lexy in his arms and instead of putting her into her highchair sits her down on his lap so they can both watch Kurt cook.


“Hey sweetie, did Blaine help you all right?” he asks Lexy while he puts the first finished pancake on one of Lexy's Disney plates and makes a smiley face with blueberries and syrup.


“Blay make silly faces,” Lexy giggles and makes grabby hands for her plate.


He waits until Blaine has managed to put her into her highchair before handing it to her and returning to the stove to finish breakfast for him and Blaine.


Everything goes well during breakfast and most of the syrup on Lexy's plate actually ends up in her mouth instead of on her pajama. Kurt calls it a win.

He cleans up the dishes while Blaine helps Lexy get dressed for their drip to Coney Island, picking the location after he discovered that Kurt had never taken her to the beach before. Because of his pale skin, Kurt had never been a fan of sun-related pastimes, and it had actually never crossed his mind before to take Lexy to the beach because even after having lived in New York for ten years he'd only been once, when James' boss had invited them to his house on Long Island.


When they finally emerge, Kurt forces a smile on his face, because Lexy's clothing is rather mismatched, but Blaine looks so proud that he can't put her into something else.


Outside of Kurt's building, Blaine's rental car is parked and Kurt nods approvingly when he spots the car seat in the back. The trunk is full of beach toys because – “you can't go to the beach and not build a sandcastle, Kurt” – and thankfully, also a large beach umbrella. If Blaine bought all that just for today, then they'll definitely have to go back when Lexy can walk again, he thinks as Blaine tries to buckle Lexy into her car seat.


Because it's still early when they get there, only shortly after nine, they leave their beach stuff in the car for the time being and stroll through the Coney Island amusement park where Blaine manages to win two stuffed animals; a stuffed kitten for Lexy and a stuffed giraffe for Kurt. After Blaine's winning streak ends, they ride a carousel, squished together in a little teacup clearly not designed for grown ups, but Lexy loves it so they go again because she can't do much else at the moment because of her cast.


Shortly before noon, Blaine buys hot dogs for him and Lexy and corn dogs for Kurt before they head back to the car to get the toys and umbrella. While Kurt carries Lexy and a bag full of sunscreen, hats and towels, Blaine tries to carry the rest without stabbing the other New Yorkers taking advantage of the hot August day with his beach umbrella.


The beach is busy for a Monday afternoon but Blaine finds them a spot close to the ocean that isn't crowded yet and also close to the facilities. While Blaine gets them set up, he and Lexy walk up to the little café to get changed. Not ready to just walk back to Blaine shirtless, he pulls his shirt back over his head and applies another layer of sunscreen to Lexy's pale skin. There's nothing he can do about his own back, but somehow he doubts that Blaine will refuse to help him out.


When they get back to Blaine, their towels are already shaded from the sun and Blaine, who's gorgeous in just his swim shorts, tanned in a way Kurt will never be, even if he stopped avoiding the sun like a vampire, has already started on his sandcastle. Kurt sits Lexy down close enough to help but still in the shade and watches for a bit as Blaine explains how they will build a castle for Princess Alexandra.


“If you want to go for a swim we'll be okay here,” Blaine tells him as he shows Lexy how to build a tower and Kurt shakes his head almost violently.


“No thanks. I've never been in the ocean before and I don't have sunscreen on my back.” Blaine gapes at him.


“Never? But how? You've lived in New York for ten years!” Kurt shrugs because it never seemed to be a big deal for him.


“My parents and I, and later just my dad and I used to go to a lake a lot when I was younger but the ocean was always too far away and when I moved here, I was way more interested in the city than tipping my toes into the ocean.”


“Okay first,” Blaine says and crawls behind Kurt. “I'm gonna put sunscreen on your back so you don't have to stay put all the time and as soon as Lexy goes down for her nap, we're going in. I'll hold your hand the whole time and you don't even have to swim. Just get wet at least once.”


Kurt wants to refuse but then Blaine's hands are on him, pulling at the hem of his shirt until Kurt raises his arms and once Blaine actually applies the sunscreen, speech is not on the menu anymore.


They play with Lexy till her eyes start to droop and Kurt builds her a little nest for her nap. Once she's out cold, Blaine pulls him to his feet.


“We're not going far, okay. Just walk in and I promise will be right back with her in case she wakes up,” Blaine says as if already knew what Kurt's next argument was going to be.


“Fine,” Kurt concedes and follows Blaine to where small waves are coming to shore. The water's calm thankfully, but when he puts his toes in for the first time, he immediately pulls back again.


“That's freezing,” he complains but Blaine just laughs.


“I know the Atlantic never really warms, but freezing is a bit of an exaggeration. You just have to go in fast and then you'll be used to it in no time,” he tries to reassure Kurt, who's doubtful still.


And then Blaine just dives in, shaking his hair like a dog when he comes up again and spraying Kurt with the cold ocean water.


“Come on, Kurt,” he pleads and Kurt takes a deep breath before he lets himself fall forward as well, only to be caught by Blaine's strong arms the moment the water comes up to his chest.


He doesn't really understand why people want to swim here, because the water really isn't warm, but Blaine looks so happy that Kurt has to smile as well. Still, he only stays inside long enough to submerge the rest of his body in the water as well, before sprinting back to their towels. Blaine follows at a more leisurely pace and when he sits down next to Kurt he's careful not to spray Lexy as well.


“Still sure about this?” Kurt asks hesitantly as he watches Blaine watch Lexy sleep because Blaine looks like he needs a nap himself but Blaine nods and moves closer to Kurt.


“I know you're worried that I'll change my mind and run away as soon as things get serious, but I promise that I'll do my best to make this, us work. It doesn't mean that I'm not scared anymore, because I am, I'm so scared of screwing this up, screwing something up that could turn out to be the best thing of my life, but I promise to really try. And if it doesn't work out for some reason, I swear that you won't lose me, that I'll still try to be a part of her life because I'd never want to hurt her or you on purpose. That's all I can give you and I just hope it's enough.”


Kurt studies him for a moment.


“And you are absolutely certain that you understand that being with me means that you won't just be the fun uncle anymore, but will eventually help me raise her if everything works out?”


This is a big decision and he has to be sure Blaine really knows what he's signing up for, because while he's been around Lexy a lot since the fall, he always went back home after their outings while Kurt had to feed, bathe and take care of her.


“I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be, but I love you both and I want us to be a family one day,” Blaine replies, his brown eyes staring into Kurt's blues which widen when he processes what Blaine said.


“You love me?”


“I thought I already said that.”


“No, you only said you love Lexy,” Kurt says because he would remember if Blaine had said it before.”


“Huh,” Blaine scratches the back of his neck. “I thought I had because loving you was never the issue.”


Kurt swallows around the sudden lump in his throat. “Then in case it wasn't clear before, I love you too and I think we should head back to my apartment once Lexy wakes up and drop her off at one of her aunts on the way there.”


They've danced around each other long enough, and Kurt's more than ready to take the plunge; to finally be with Blaine.



AN: Next update will probably be on Wednesday. This ended up a lot less angsty than I had planned originally but I thought that those of you who still watch Glee could use a pick me up :)




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