Dec. 15, 2016, 6 p.m.
Dec. 15, 2016, 6 p.m.
There are more details about Kurt's attack in this chapter. If you want to find out what happened first, go to the end notes.
Sophomore Assaulted On OSU Campus - Campus Police questioned suspects but no arrests have been made
The Columbus Chronicle - Sunday Edition, March 12, 2006
Ohio native Kurt Hummel, 20, was on his way home from Flannigan’s, a popular Ohio State University hangout where he’d met friends for drinks. He left early because of a headache, deciding to walk home instead of taking a cab. Only two blocks from his dorm building, three unknown males pulled Mr. Hummel behind an University administrative building, where they proceeded to hit and kick their victim. Homophobic slurs were hurled at Mr. Hummel, a member of OSU’s Gay and Straight Student Alliance.
Three Seniors scare off attackers
Melanie Thompson, Macy Greer and Jamie Bernstein were heading to a party on Greek Row when they heard the sounds of the attack. They three went to investigate while simultaneously alerting the campus police. What they found was shocking. The victim had been shoved against a wall and his pants and underwear had been pulled down. One of the attackers was threatening to teach Mr. Hummel a lesson he’d never forget. The three girls loudly called for help, causing the three attackers to flee the scene. The witnesses described them as three caucasian males in their early twenties, all around 6 feet tall. All three wore Buckeyes baseball caps hiding their hair color from the seniors.
Suspects questioned but no arrests
Campus Police started to look for the attackers immediately based on the witnesses’ descriptions. They confirmed that multiple suspects were questioned, but there was not enough evidence for any arrests. Mr. Hummel, who’d been admitted to Grant Medical Center, is currently being treated for various injuries sustained in the attack.
Member of Hockey Team Implicated in OSU Campus Attack - Claims selfdefense and poor judgment
The Columbus Chronicle - Thursday, March 15, 2006
“I know I should have called campus police instead of my friends when I noticed that that guy from Flannigan’s was following me,” Troy McNamara,22, said in a statement after being questioned by the police. “He’d already solicited me for sex when he followed me into the bathroom and he kept hitting on me even after I told him no. He was obviously drunk and seemed only interested in one thing. I left the bar early to get away from him, but he followed me. It was poor judgment to hit him instead of alerting campus police, but he was coming onto me again and I felt cornered, especially after he pulled down his pants. When my friends arrived, they pulled him away from me and unfortunately, that’s how we were found. I know it must have looked bad, but it was nothing more than selfdefense.”
Apparent clear - cut case develops into a he said, he said case
The case seemed clear after the alleged victim, Kurt Hummel, 20, talked to the police. In his statement, he said that he was beaten up and threatened with rape by three men who hurled homophobic slurs at him. Before they could follow through on their threat, three female students discovered them and called campus police. The alleged attackers ran off. When Troy McNamara was questioned in connections with the attack, he quickly admitted to hitting Mr. Hummel, but he told a very different story than the alleged victim. Mr. McNamara stated that Mr. Hummel had been the aggressor and he had only defended himself. The police are now looking for people who were at Flannigans on Friday, March 10th, to corroborate Mr. McNamara’s statement.
Witness identifies hockey player
One of the witnesses, Macy Greer, 22, a OSU senior pointed the police in Mr. McNamara’s direction. She hadn’t recognized him during the attacks, but had told the police that one of the men had seemed familiar and that she thought he played some kind of sport. She was shown pictures of members of all OSU sports teams and identified hockey player Troy McNamara.
Alleged victim refused to comment on new allegations
When contacted about Mr. McNamara’s statement, Mr. Hummel refused to comment. He’s set to be released from the hospital later today. The police also refused to comment further on the ongoing investigation.
OSU Campus attack settled out of court
The Columbus Chronicle - Monday, May 8, 2006
Troy McNamara, along with fellow OSU seniors James Winters and Patrick Johnson accepted a plea deal before what had happened on March 10 was dealt with in court. The three agreed to pay Kurt Hummel’s hospital bills and serve three months of community service in exchange for not being charged with assault and battery.
Mr. Hummel’s father, a mechanic from Lima, OH, was outraged when he heard about the deal. “Those men followed my son and assaulted him for being gay. And to make matters worse, they painted themselves as the victims. They should go to jail for this, they should get a record.” Kurt Hummel, the alleged victim, declined to comment. His friends claim, that Mr. Hummel does not feel safe at Ohio State University any more and is considering transferring to another university. Mr. McNamara, Mr. Winters and Mr. Johnson are set to graduate from OSU next week. One professor described them as bright young men with promising futures, who should not have their lives ruined because of a lapse in judgment.
It was everywhere. Wherever Kurt went, people either looked at him with pity or told him he was making things worse for actual rape victims. Ari was furious as well because one magazine had revealed that Kurt was working as Ari Gold’s assistant. And Blaine, well, he wouldn’t stop calling since Kurt had texted him two days ago to cancel their dinner.
But it was nothing compared to his dad. If Kurt had thought he was furious before, it was nothing compared to what he was now. It was good that he didn’t know who exactly was behind all this, because Kurt was afraid his dad would commit a homicide.
‘Why don’t you tell the press who’s behind this?’ his dad had yelled after the stories broke.
The problem was that they had no proof. Rebecca wasn’t stupid and had hidden her identity well. Kurt knew because Blaine had asked Lauren to see if she could proof that Rebecca was the source of the pictures. And with Loser Like Me about to go into syndication and the DVD box set coming out, Blaine would be crazy to accuse his former co-star of blackmailing him if he had no proof.
The absolute worst thing, however, was that people started to believe Karofsky because of the controversy surrounding his attack. If there was doubt that Kurt was the real victim then it was also possible that Kurt had lied about his high school experiences as well was the consensus on social media. The attacks from Blaine’s fans were usually the worst - they called Kurt all sorts of horrible names for hurting Blaine with his past. He wanted to hide in a cave until the whole thing blew over, but unfortunately he still had to go to work. And then Ari sent him out to get coffee, probably to punish him for dragging his agency into this whole mess. All eyes were on him as he waited in line at the closest Starbucks. He could hear people whispering about him and some people didn’t even try to hide it that they were taking pictures of him with their phones. Finally, it was his turn.
They barista’s eyes widened when she saw him and before Kurt could place his order, she spit in his face.
“You’re disgusting,” she yelled. “How could you do this to Blaine.”
Kurt turned on his heels and fled the coffee shop. By the time he reached his car in the employee parking garage, tears where streaming down his face. He managed to send Santana a text telling her that he had to go home and sped out of the parking garage. His apartment, blessedly, was empty when he pushed open the door. Kurt collapsed on the couch, pulled his knees up to his chest and started to sob. It had been bad enough at OSU when he had to finish the spring semester, but back then only the people he had classes with knew about the incident. Apart from going to class, Kurt had spent the rest of the semester in his dorm room after he’d been released from the hospital. But now everyone seemed to know about his past and he just knew that he couldn’t do it any longer.
‘I’m sorry, but it’s over. I can’t do it any more.’ he texted Blaine, his hands shaking so badly he dropped his phone twice. After, he immediately turned off his phone, because he was sure Blaine would try to call him again.
He didn’t know how long he’d sat on the couch sobbing into his arms when there was a knock on the door.
“Kurt, please let me in. Santana told me you’re here,” Blaine pleaded through the door.
“Go away,” Kurt yelled. He couldn’t face the actor right now.
“Please Kurt. I just want to talk, make sure you’re okay.”
“I don’t want to talk, Blaine. There’s nothing to say. Just go away and find someone with less baggage.”
The actor decided to fight dirty. “Please Kurt, do you want your neighbors to see me like this? The press would have a field day.”
Kurt wiped his eyes on his sleeve and stiffly got off the couch. Blaine walked through the door quickly after Kurt unlocked it and pulled him into his arms. Kurt didn’t have the strength to fight him. Behind him, Blaine kicked the door shut.
“I’m so sorry Kurt, but why didn’t you tell me? I’d never have pissed off Rebecca if I knew what she could uncover about you,” Blaine whispered.
Kurt pushed him away. “Because it was none of your business. We’d barely known each other when I agreed to the deal and I, I guess I just wanted to forget it ever happened,” Kurt cried.
But again he didn’t fight the actor when Blaine took his hand and pulled him onto the couch with him. For some reason he realized in this moment, that this was the first time Blaine was in his apartment. The small space he shared with three roommates really highlighted that they lived in two different worlds.
“You’re right, I didn't mean to accuse you of anything, but please Kurt, don’t end it now. Not because I don’t want bad publicity over our ‘break up’, but because I really like you, Kurt, you have to know that. I’ve never made a secret out of it,” Blaine pleaded and Kurt wanted to give in, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t handle the media attention that came with being with Blaine anymore.
“We never confirmed we were dating so there’s no need to break up anyway,” he evaded answering Blaine’s question, though it broke his heart a little knowing that he was throwing away his chance of being with Blaine for real.
“So you really don’t feel anything for me?” Blaine withdrew his hand.
“Even if I did, I’m clearly the wrong guy for someone like you. You should be with someone without baggage, someone who doesn’t flinch when someone touches him, someone who can handle a few mean comments online. You’d probably be better off dating another celebrity.” Kurt refused to look at Blaine, because he was afraid he’d change his mind if he looked into the actor’s eyes.
“If that’s what you really want,” Blaine said, voice strained.
Kurt nodded. He didn’t look up until the door had closed behind Blaine. Then he broke down.
There was only one reason why Blaine accepted Sebastian’s invitation to go to another party with him. He wanted to get shitfaced and forget about what had happened with Kurt.
“No Kurt tonight?” Sebastian greeted him inside the club, smiling smugly.
“He’s got a work thing,” Blaine lied, because he wouldn’t put it past Sebastian to call the press himself if he found out what had transpired between him and Kurt.
“Too bad,” Sebastian smirked, but Blaine decide to ignore it.
He pushed past the younger boy and headed for the bar, ordering his first of many shots. An hour later, he was beyond tipsy and dancing with Sebastian on the dance floor. He wasn’t too far gone though that he didn’t make sure Sebastian didn’t get too close. Everyone in the club probably knew he had a boyfriend and he didn’t want to be called a cheater on top of everything that was going on.
Another hour later, the room was spinning and Blaine clutched his head.
“I don’t feel so good,” he groaned.
“You wanna get out of here?” Sebastian asked, suspiciously sober himself. Even though he’d been to rehab twice, the party boy was notorious for his drunken escapades.
“Can you call me a cab?” Blaine asked. He’d given Jeff and Nick the night off and knew they were out partying themselves.
“Don’t worry about it, I can drive you. I didn’t drink tonight,” Sebastian confirmed his suspicion but Blaine didn’t protest even though he knew he should. But all he wanted was to get home.
On the way to his house, Sebastian had to pull over twice to avoid Blaine puking in his Porsche. He was proud of himself for managing to punch in his code at the gate without having to tell Sebastian the combination. Even his drunk brain knew that it probably wouldn't have been a good idea. Sebastian pulled up in front of the house where they were met by Wes and David who looked at him like two parents who caught their child drunk.
“Thanks Sebastian, we’ll take it from here,” Wes said sternly and it was clear even to Blaine that it was an order. Next to him, Sebastian looked pissed, but he didn’t argue with Wes when he pretty much dragged Blaine out of the car.
Together, Wes and David helped him upstairs where they pushed him into his shower fully clothed. The cold water helped him sober up a bit, but it didn’t stop him from having to throw up again. He knew that if he remembered this tomorrow, he’d be mortified to know he puked in the shower, but at the moment he really didn’t care.
“You’re lucky you have friends who care about you,” Wes told him as he and David helped him out of his clothes and into a shirt and underwear to sleep in. Under different circumstances, he would have been embarrassed, but at the moment he was grateful for their help.
“You’re the best,” he mumbled before he passed out on his bed.
Trouble in Paradise? Blaine Anderson caught partying with Sebastian Smythe
By Chris Snoop
Our favorite LLM alumn was caught dancing closely with party boy Sebastian Smythe at Why Not last night, rumored boyfriend Kurt Hummel nowhere in sight. The clearly inebriated star was later caught on camera leaving the club with Sebastian looking awfully cosy. What do you think? Is there already trouble in paradise. Or could Sebastian actually be the boyfriend and Kurt just a friend after all? Let me know what you think and check out the pics here.
“You need to stop reading those articles, Kurt,” Santana told him when Kurt showed up at her apartment, eyes red-rimmed from crying.
He knew she was right and that he also had no right to feel jealous and betrayed when he had been the one to tell Blaine to date another celebrity. It just hurt that Blaine hadn't even waited a day before he replaced Kurt.
“I never read the gossip magazines, they never say nice things,” a familiar voice piped up from Santana’s couch and Kurt’s jaw dropped.
“Hi Brittany,” he stuttered and turned to stare at Santana. “Am I interrupting something?”
“It’s okay, we can get our mack on later,” the dancer smiled easily and Kurt nearly choked on his own spit.
“You two are dating?” he gasped. How could Santana not have told him about this when he always told her everything. “You just met!”
Santana shrugged, a small smile on her face. “When you know, you know.”
Kurt sank onto her couch, took the bottle of red wine that was on the coffee table and took a swig.
“You shouldn’t worry about this Sebastian guy,” Brittany patted his back. “Blaine really likes you, he wouldn’t cheat on you.”
“We’re not together,” Kurt replied, forgetting for a moment that Brittany didn’t know his relationship with Blaine had been fake. Luckily, Brittany seemed to have forgotten that Blaine had introduced him as his boyfriend at the party.
“Why not? He likes you and you like him, right?”
It sounded so simple when Brittany said it, but she didn’t know the whole story and Kurt couldn’t tell her. He barely knew the girl. Fortunately, Santana understood.
“Britt, honey, could you get us some ice cream from the store?”
The blonde nodded and left the apartment.
“So, what’s really stopping you?” Santana asked after Brittany had left. “It can’t just be the media attention. I know you’re stronger than this.”
He really wasn’t. “You know why. I’ve never been with anyone and what if he’s not interested anymore when I tell him the truth. He’s already replaced me.”
“After you shot him down,” Santana reminded him. Kurt cursed himself for telling her about the conversation with Blaine. “He asked you if he had a shot and you told him no. What did you expect? That he’d wait around for you forever?”
The truth was a harsh mistress. “So what am I supposed to do?”
“You either tell him how you feel and tell him you need to take it slow and he either is okay with it or he isn’t. Then at least you know whether he’s a good guy or a jerk. Or you don’t tell him and move on. But then you don’t get to be jealous when he moves on as well. But you probably should make up your mind soon before you’ve really lost your chance.”
“If you call off your arrangement with Anderson, you can forget your screenplay,” Ari yelled when Kurt confessed a few days later, that he’d broken it off with Blaine. Well, it wasn’t as much a confession as a confirmation of what Ari had accused him off. Because in the last couple of days, more and more pictures of Blaine out with Sebastian had surfaced. And even though Blaine wasn’t doing anything but drinking with Sebastian in the pictures, Ari still had called him into his office.
“Why do you care who Blaine dates? He’s out and his fans still love him,” Kurt countered. He’d barely slept since Blaine started going out with Sebastian and was in no mood to play nice with his boss.
“Because he’s getting a bad rep hanging out with Smythe and no one wants to hire a party boy who spends every day of the week getting drunk or high. Rebecca’s pictures already did some damage, losing Blaine an audition for a family friendly comedy, but this, this makes my job so much harder. Shauna’s had calls all week about Blaine’s erratic behavior so you better get him under control before even more projects fall through and I might not just call off our deal but fire you as well,” Ari hissed.
“Oh come on. He’s just doing what a lot of actor’s his age are doing,” Kurt protested.
“Yeah, but other actors his age didn’t just come out. He doesn’t need to win over his female fans, he needs to win over their parents. And a monogamous gay actor who spends his nights eating romantic dinners with his boyfriend or doing other normal couple-y stuff with him, this is something parents can live with. A gay actor who spends every night doing god knows what in gay bars, not so much. So take him out to dinner and tell him what ever you need to tell him to get him to stop. Are we clear?”
“Cristal,” Kurt replied through clenched teeth.
“You can always come back home for a bit if you need to,” his dad told him when Kurt called and confessed that he needed a break.
“I don’t want to run away, dad, but people keep calling to ask for my side of the story and how I’m handling being cheated on and Blaine’s friends keep texting begging me to talk to Blaine before he does something really stupid and I just can’t deal with it anymore. And on top of that I might get fired, because my boss blames me for Blaine’s behavior.”
“I knew it was a bad idea to get involved with a celebrity,” his dad sighed. “But what’s done is done. Just know that you’re always welcome here, whether it’s for a weekend or longer, okay?”
“Thanks dad.”
Kurt ended the call and considered his dad’s offer. Getting away from L.A was all he wanted at the moment, but he knew that if he left now, he’d be out of a job and who knew if he’d ever get another one in L.A after Ari fired him. He couldn’t even hide out in New York with Rachel because fate was cruel and had cast her in the same production as Blaine. They’d spoken on the phone briefly after Kurt had found out and Rachel had revealed that she was considering moving to L.A if a pilot she’d filmed was picked up. She’d been super happy about maybe living in the same city again and here Kurt was, contemplating running back home to Ohio. It seemed like running and not going for things he wanted was all he did. A few negative remarks from his vocal teacher had kept him from auditioning for performing arts colleges, he’d run from OSU to L.A and now he was thinking about running again, instead of staying and fighting for the first guy he developed real feelings for. Maybe he needed a sign that would tell him what to do.
Be careful what you wish for.
Kurt Hummel’s Bad Luck With Men
By Jakob Ben Israel - Lima Daily News
We’ve all read a lot about Kurt Hummel in the past weeks, but did you know that Kurt’s string of bad luck with men started right here in Lima? Yours truly had the honor of going to high school with Kurt and let me tell you, he really knew how to pick them. Case in point.
1) Finn Hudson: Former McKinley High School quarterback and Kurt’s late stepbrother. Before Finn died in 2004, Kurt had a huge crush on him. It was so bad, he introduced Finn’s mother to his father so he could spend more time with his crush once their parents started dating. Rumors say, Kurt was still in love with his stepbrother when he died shortly after graduation.
2) Chandler Kiehl: Kurt knew him for three months when he found out that his boyfriend wasn’t actually his boyfriend. How embarrassing that conversation must have been. Was the lack of action not a give away, Kurt? Or did you think sex equals a relationship?
3) Numerous OSU students: A number of Ohio State University students claim to have gone on dates with Kurt, but it never went beyond a second. I checked out the guys and they all seemed nice enough. So why no third date, Kurt?
4) Troy McNamara: I think we all know how that story went. Fed up with getting rejected, Kurt didn’t take no for an answer and followed a guy home. Too bad the guy knew how to defend himself.
5) Blaine Anderson: The TV start traded Kurt in for a younger and more famous model only two weeks after going public with him. Bet he’s regretting this decision already with all the bad press Kurt’s brought him.
Hopefully, he’ll have better luck in the future. I know at least one guy here in Lima who’d definitely be interested. Give me a call, Kurt, and I set the two of you up.
Kurt didn’t even want to know, who JBI was referring to. Bringing up his crush on Finn had been the last straw. Even people who before had believed he was the true victim, were now questioning if maybe he hadn’t brought on his attack himself. And even though Santana had offered to help him release another statement, Kurt had declined. He was just too tired too fight back. Instead, he packed his bags, told his roommates to find a replacement for him and emailed Ari that he was going back to Ohio indefinitely. He left his company phone with Santana, so Ari couldn’t accuse him of stealing when he eventually fired Kurt.
A few hours later, his plane landed in Columbus and Kurt stumbled into his dad’s waiting arms.
“Is it okay if I stay a while?” he cried into his dad’s familiar flannel covered shoulders.
“You can stay for as long as you want.”
Kurt gets beat up by three OSU seniors on the way home from a bar. They hurl homophobic slurs at him and threaten him with rape to teach him a lesson. All this is covered through various newspaper articles reporting the attack.