Nov. 2, 2012, 9:51 a.m.
Nov. 2, 2012, 9:51 a.m.
Have some brotherly Furt - and more spying. The favorite past time of the Hudmels ;)
July - Part 1
Carole and Burt had invited their friends and neighbors for a fourth of July BBQ in their backyard, and so by the time Burt started the grill there was barely any space left in their yard. The boys had invited their Glee club and together with their parents there were close to forty people.
Carole kept a close eye on the neighbors because she was worried they might say something about Kurt and Blaine who were sharing a lawn chair in one corner of the backyard, but thankfully their neighbors didn't seem to be Nelson supporters.
She herself had read up a bit on Ohio politics to figure out how long people could announce their candidacy and what the job would actually entail. A few women were part of the Ohio State Assembly, which was a good sign, because Carole had decided that if no one else had announced a candidacy by the August deadline she would just run herself. Someone had to stand up for kids like Kurt, Blaine and Santana, and families like the Berrys. Unless of course – no she didn't want to think about that right now.
This weekend she wanted to celebrate with friends and family, finally having every member of her patchwork family under one roof again, at least for a few days. Carole had been a single mom for much longer than she cared for, and on some days she still couldn't believe she didn't just get a husband but two sons as well, because moving out or not, Blaine had become one of her boys as well in the time they lived together.
She was pulled out of her revelry when Tala came over.
"So I talked to Kurt and he agreed to come shopping with us next Saturday because Blaine has to work." Carole smiled at her. She knew it had been difficult for Tala at first, because she had gotten used to a certain lifestyle where her husband just bought her what he thought would look good on her, so she had offered Kurt's services.
"That's great. I don't know how he does it, but he always finds items for me I never thought I could afford, and according to him my wardrobe has greatly improved since he started taking me shopping."
They both laughed at that, because even though Tala hadn't known Kurt for long they had both been subjected to Kurt's criticism at least once.
"Well if LeRoy manages to work his magic as he promised, I'm going to buy that boy the coat he keeps talking about from the divorce settlement."
"So he thinks you have a chance even with the prenup?" Carole asked. Tala had been lucky she had been married for as long as she had, because at least she could stay in the country if she wanted and because Jarred had sign away his parental rights, she wouldn't lose Blaine to him in a divorce. But the prenup did state that she wouldn't get any money from him in case of a divorce.
"We're banking on Jarred wanting to avoid a scandal. I'm sure he'd want both me and Blaine to keep quiet about him kicking Blaine out or hitting me. LeRoy told him we would take him to court if necessary, so I think he's going to try and buy our silence, but that's fine with me. I just want to make sure Blaine and I have nothing to worry about money wise."
Carole had never met Blaine's father but from what she had been told she knew the guy was a homophobic and misogynist jerk. "You should take him to court either way so he gets what he deserves," Carole muttered, but Tala shook her head.
"Blaine doesn't want that. He says he wants to leave it all behind and I agree. I just want it to be over." Carole pulled Tala into a hug before the two women walked over to where their kids were sitting together, Blaine and Finn in a heated discussion about college football.
Yes, life was good right now and that's all she wanted to focus on at the moment. She would leave her worries for later.
Burt was enjoying a nice cold beer and another burger he had managed to sneak past Carole, waiting for the fireworks to start, when Finn approached him, looking pissed.
"I just talked to mom, and she told me Kurt gets to bring Blaine with him to the lake." Burt nodded. "What's the problem, Finn? I thought you got a long well with Blaine."
"I do. But why don't I get to invite Sarah?" Oh great, so they were entering another round of why is Kurt allowed to do something I'm not allowed to do?
"He probably just threatens to move out and gets to do whatever he wants because you don't want him to leave." Burt was actually glad, that Kurt hadn't thought about that yet. So far, he had gotten lucky because Blaine and Kurt hadn't see each other that much during the last couple of weeks but he dreaded telling Kurt that Blaine would still have to sleep in his old bedroom if he stayed over.
"Well, for one, Kurt and Blaine have been a couple for a long time and Blaine was part of our family for most of the year," he reminded Finn yet again. "And secondly, Kurt is eighteen and you are not. I also doubt that Sarah's parents would let their sixteen year old daughter go on a vacation with her boyfriend of four months."
"Four and a half months," Finn argued back and Burt shook his head exasperatedly. "Finn."
"Fine, they probably won't allow it, but you could have at least invited her. It's not fair."
He really should have expected something like this when Carole invited Blaine to join them on their trip. They tried to have the same rules for the boys, but the fact was, Kurt was eighteen, Finn was not. At home they had to follow the same general rules regarding having boyfriends and girlfriends in their bedrooms, but apart from that, Kurt had more liberties.
Burt understood that that sucked for Finn, but until his stepson turned eighteen the following April, Burt and Carole still made the rules and that was final.
"Look, if you and Sarah are still dating next summer you can bring her along as well, deal?" Finn still didn't look too happy, but he mumbled what sounded like "fine" in Burt's direction.
"If it makes you feel better, I let you choose if you want to share a room with Kurt or Blaine," Burt offered but Finn just looked at him confusedly.
"I'm not getting my own room?" "Sorry, but the hotel was pretty much booked and we only managed to get three rooms. You'll live."
"I guess. So, if I can get a beer, I promise I'll stop complaining," Finn tried after a moment of silence, and Burt nearly fell out of his lawn chair, because he was laughing so hard. He should never have given Finn that beer all those months ago.
"I guess that means no?" Finn asked, voice still hopeful though and Burt rolled his eyes. Finn apparently finally got the message that it wasn't happening and walked off to join the other teenagers in their backyard.
"What was so funny," Carole asked as she sat down next to him just as Finn had left. "Nothing really, your son just tried to bribe me with good behavior if I shared my beer with him."
"And I hope you didn't. You promised last time would be the only time," his wife reminded him, both eyebrows raised at him. Of course he hadn't managed to keep it a secret that he had given Finn beer back in Austin, because he just couldn't lie to Carole.
"Speaking of beer, do you want one?" he asked her, pulling a cold can from the cooler next to his chair. Carole shook her head. "No, I'm good."
Burt just shrugged and put the can back into the cooler. More for him.
"So is Finn going to be okay?" Carole wanted to know after they had both watched the fireworks for a while.
"Yeah, I guess sometimes the fact that he isn't an only child anymore is hard for him." "Well, there was always the chance he wouldn't stay an only child," Carole said. She was right of course. He had always hoped that he could somehow get his two families to meet, even if it was just for a summer. Of course that was before everything that happened last year happened.
"Mhm, I guess you're right." They dropped the subject after that and watched the rest of the fireworks explode over their neighborhood.
Blaine had to work again on Saturday but they had agreed to go out for dinner later that night and Kurt would stay over at his old house with Blaine afterward.
As promised, he, Carole and Tala left for the mall early in the morning and they spent the next couple of hours searching for affordable yet stylish outfits for his stepmom and Blaine's mom.
Close to noon they decided to take a break and Kurt offered to buy some drinks for them at the food court so they could rest their legs. Kurt wasn't tired at all, but he was the king of shopping after all.
When Kurt returned from the food court with the drinks for Carole and Tala he found the two women sitting on a bench in front of JC Penny. Carole looked worried as Tala was talking to her.
He didn't mean to eavesdrop – again – but he was curious to know what got Carole so worried.
"Are you sure?" Blaine's mom asked and Carole shook her head. "All I know is I'm late but that's it." Late for what Kurt wondered. And why would his stepmom be worried about that?
"Then we should get you a test to make sure," Tala suggests and Carole immediately agreed. "Let's wait till Kurt goes into another store though, I don't want him to find out about this."
Now he was even more confused. What was Carole hiding? He was missing something here, big time.
He announced his presence and Carole and Tala immediately stopped talking as soon as they spotted Kurt. He handed them both their drinks and after they had finished, he announced that he would visit the outlet store to check if they still had the coat he'd been eyeing for a few weeks now. Carole and Blaine's mom told him to go ahead and that they would meet in front of the Gap in half an hour.
Once he was out of sight he turned around and peeked around the corner. He felt like a spy as he slowly followed the two women through the mall. He was surprised when they left the mall and even more so when they crossed the street and walked right into a Walmart.
Kurt pushed his sunglasses on his face because if someone spotted him at Walmart they would have prime blackmail material.
He nearly lost Carole and Tala at some point, but at least it wasn't difficult to hide between all the other shoppers. He spotted them again just as Carole grabbed something from the female hygiene aisle, and she and Tala left afterward.
He had no idea what Carole could have bought that had to be kept a secret but once he reached the spot Carole had been in he picked up a box and then promptly dropped it again. He must have grabbed the wrong product because there was no way that … just no way.
He barley made it back to the Gap in time and once he met up with Carole and Tala again he told them he wasn't feeling so well, so he better went home to take a nap before his date.
If they found his behavior strange, they didn't mention it and soon they arrived back at the house where he said a quick see you later to Tala and pretty much ran into the house, nearly colliding with Finn.
"You and me, my bedroom now," he told Finn as soon as he found his balance again and when Finn didn't react and just stared at him, he grabbed him by the hand and dragged him upstairs to his bedroom.
Finn was staring at his stepbrother as if he had just grown a second head. "No way dude, just no way." Kurt must have been in shock too, because he didn't even tell Finn not to call him dude.
"Maybe you took the wrong thing?" he suggested because that was better than the alternative. Burt and his mom were way too old for that.
"There was nothing else there, Finn, and I don't think your mom would have snuck out just to buy tampons," Kurt shot back. "Maybe she didn't want to embarrass you?" Finn knew Kurt was rolling his eyes before he even looked at him.
"Yes Finn and that's why she needed Blaine's mom to help her." Finn usually wasn't that good when it came to detecting sarcasm but even he managed to recognized that Kurt was being sarcastic right now.
"But they are so old. Old people don't have babies?" Finn shuddered.
"Well to be fair, your mom is only thirty-five. That's not that old." That was not the point. If his mom was pregnant, that meant she and Burt had … no he didn't want to go there. He shuddered again, and Kurt catching on to his train of thought grimaced as well.
"What are we going to do about it, though? As much as I like having you as a brother now, I don't need another sibling. I mean we're going to college next year." " I agree Finn, but there's nothing we can do. And your mom said she wasn't sure." Maybe he should pray to Grilled Jesus again so his mom wouldn't be pregnant. It just seemed so wrong.
"Well first, we have to find out what that test says so we can prepare ourselves. Do you think she took it already," he asked Kurt who was chewing his nails, a very un-Kurt like behavior.
"I don't know Finn. I'm gay, I have no idea how those test work." Finn tried to remember what his ex-girlfriend had said when she thought she was pregnant. Luckily the test had been negative and he had found out she was cheating on him, because when he told his mom she explained that you can't get a girl pregnant the way Finn had thought he had gotten his then girlfriend pregnant.
"My ex took it in the morning," he blurted out, cursing his brain for having no filter. Kurt gaped at him open mouthed. "Don't tell me you have a child somewhere in Austin."
Finn immediately shook his head. "She wasn't pregnant and it wouldn't have been mine because we didn't have real sex," he blushed as he said this, remembering the last conversation about sex he had with Kurt that hadn't turned out so well.
Kurt just raised an eyebrow at that but didn't comment, for which Finn was grateful.
"Okay, so we keep an eye on my mom to find out what's going on," Finn suggested and Kurt nodded.
"You'll have to take the first shift though because I'm spending the night with Blaine. But I see if I can't convince him to come over here for breakfast," Kurt told him and Finn felt a bit jealous again, because he was barely allowed to have Sarah in his bedroom. At her house they even had to stay in the living room. But he was also happy for Kurt because that's what good brothers did, right?
"So are you okay again, then? I heard you got into a fight." Okay, so he might have overheard Rachel and Kurt talking about it during the BBQ.
Kurt hesitated for a moment before he answered. "Yeah, I think we're good now. I got upset about a few things and he got upset because another guy kissed me at camp, but we talked it out and now we both just want to move forward."
"Woah, you cheated on Blaine and he forgave you just like that? I mean I have been cheated on before and it just sucks." His brother rolled his eyes and Finn didn't understand why Kurt didn't take it more seriously.
"I didn't cheat on Blaine. The other guy kissed me because he didn't know I had a boyfriend but I didn't kiss him back, okay." Oh, that was different then, right? If something like that would happen to Sarah though, he would find the guy and punch him.
Kurt suddenly chuckled. "A year ago, would you have imagined you and I would ever talk about our relationships together." Finn shook his head. He had been a jerk last year and if Kurt would have tried to talk to him about his boyfriend he would have run away screaming. But he had spent enough time with Kurt and Blaine since then to see that were just a regular couple and he was proud that it didn't bother him at all anymore when he caught them kissing.
He told Kurt as much – the jerk part – he didn't need to know the rest. Kurt got up then and told Finn he had to get ready for his date, because Blaine would be here in 2 hours. Finn just rolled his eyes. He had learned by now, not to question Kurt's pre-date routine.
"So I'll let you know if there is any development before you come home tomorrow morning, okay?" he told Kurt before his brother left to get ready.
When he had been younger he always wanted to have a younger brother, but he didn't need that anymore. He had an older brother now, that though often annoying could be really awesome as well.
When Blaine came home with Kurt the following morning, they found Finn kneeling in front of his parents' bedroom. Blaine had no idea why Kurt insisted they'd have breakfast at the Hudmel house, but Finn's strange behavior probably had something to do with it.
"Any development?" Kurt whispered as they reached Finn and crouched down next to his brother.
"Mom and Burt are both inside. I think they are doing it now," Finn answered, whispering as well. Okay what was going on?
"Anyone care to fill me in why I had to forgo my mom's pancakes?" he asked the brothers as he sat down as well. "We're spying on mom and Burt," Finn told him as if that was a normal occurrence.
"And I'm here for that, why?" Definitely a question for his boyfriend. Not that he minded spending time with Kurt, but he could come up with a few things that were a lot more fun than spying on Kurt's parents.
"Because you picked me up last night and I needed to get home in time."
Finn suddenly jumped up and ran down the stairs, surprisingly without making too much noise. He returned only moments later with three empty glasses. When he saw Blaine's expression he shrugged. "It works in the movies, dude."
Kurt and Finn immediately pressed the glasses against the door, but Blaine was a bit more hesitant.
"Should you really be doing this? I mean whatever your parents are trying to hide, I'm sure they have a good reason," he tried to argue, but Kurt shushed him.
"Stop talking, please. I need to hear what they are saying." "Yeah, dude. We need to know if my mom's pregnant or not," Finn continued.
Blaine nearly dropped his glass. Carole was pregnant? He had always wanted a younger sibling because he and his half-brother had only met a couple of times, but for whatever reason, his parents didn't have another child after him.
"Wow, that's great," he enthused but when he saw Kurt and Finn's expression he amended. "Or it isn't?"
"It's not, but if it's true we'd like to prepare for the inevitable and who knows when Carole and my dad would tell us about it."
Blaine didn't really understand what the problem was, but he and Kurt could talk about that later. Suddenly his boyfriend sat up straighter and pressed the glass harder against the door.
"What's happening?" Okay, now he was curious as well, sue him. Kurt motioned to the third glass and Blaine reluctantly pressed it against the door next to Kurt's. Blaine just prayed that no one would open the door from the inside right now, because they must looked ridiculous.
Burt and Carole's voices were faint put he could still pick up on what was being said.
"How much longer?" Carole asked and Burt told her that it was less than a minute. Kurt gripped Blaine's hand and squeezed it hard, probably not even realizing what he was doing.
Waiting was torture and Blaine was glad he would never be in a situation where he would stare at a pregnancy test, hoping he wouldn't become a teen father.
"I think we can look now," Carole's voice came through the door and Blaine unconsciously leaned forward.
"What does it say?" Burt sounded nervous which didn't surprise Blaine at all.
He didn't pay attention for a moment, but in the end he didn't need to hear Carole's answer, because Finn and Kurt's faces fell all of a sudden.
AN: Venice is nice, I saw Rachel's new NAYADA teacher as she got off a boat and they have wifi in my hotel. Unfortunately I have to work most of the time, so the second part probably won't be up before Sunday.
So the test was positive - does that mean Carole is preggers? All we know is - the boys won't like that.
The Vacation will be in the second part. Can the Hudmeldersons can get through it without a fight?