Nov. 2, 2012, 9:51 a.m.
Nov. 2, 2012, 9:51 a.m.
AN: Things get a little steamy again but nothing graphic. And I finally decided on how to deal with Sebastian.
The italics recount a flashback in case that isn't clear
November - Part 1
Burt wasn't really sure how he turned from mentee to mentor, but there he was, sitting at a table in his favorite sports bar waiting for Paul Karofsky to show up. Saying yes to meeting up again after their talk in the principle's office, probably seal the deal though.
Burt was waiting for Blaine to finish up with the principle, when a guy his age sat down opposite him outside the office.
"Paul? Paul Karofsky? It's Burt Hummel, we went to McKinley together," he introduced himself to his former classmate.
"Burt? I didn't expect you to be here? Was it your kid who beat up mine?"
Burt shook his head. "My stepson, because apparently another son of yours had been bullying my son," he explained, hoping he didn't sound too accusatory.
"My other son?" Paul looked confused, so Burt filled him in on everything that had been happening.
"I'm so sorry, Burt. I didn't know all that. I'm gonna have a talk with Tim, tell him to leave Kurt alone." Burt felt relieved to hear that but there were a thing or two he was still curious about.
"Listen, Paul. You don't have to tell me, but how did you find out about Dave. Tim seemed so sure that it was Kurt who told you," Burt asked Paul.
"Oh, um, a coworker of mine saw him coming out of that queer bar in West Lima. I called Dave and told him I'd like to talk about it, but he hasn't returned any of my calls since then and refuses to come home."
Burt felt sorry for Paul in that moment because he looked lost and confused, like he had not too long ago.
"And how do you feel about that?" he wondered out loud, because maybe, if he could help Paul accept his son, the Karofsky boys would leave Kurt alone for good.
"I honestly don't know. With David refusing to talk to me, it's kind of hard to come to terms with it or understand what's going on," Paul told him and Burt was about to answer when Blaine left the principle's office.
"Burt, you can go in now. I guess I see you later tonight," Blaine told him, shooting a nervous glance at Paul, before he left for class.
"You're stepson?" Paul asked when Blaine had left. Burt shook his head. "My son's boyfriend," he explained, closely observing Paul's expression. Paul didn't look repulsed however, but he looked puzzled.
"Listen Burt, do you think we can maybe get together at some point and you can explain some things to me. You seem to do some much better with that kind of stuff," he implored.
Burt didn't know if he was the right person for the job, but the least he could do was share his own experience and hope for the best.
"Yeah, I'd like that," he replied, before he and Paul went inside to meet with principle Figgins.
Paul had supported principle Figgins decision to suspend Tim for a week, because he needed time to talk to his younger son, and Burt hadn't argued either when Figgins decided on detention for Finn, Burt remembered as he was waiting for Paul to show up.
A few minutes later, the man walked in and slumped down in the chair opposite Burt.
"Any development?" Burt asked once they both had a beer in front of them. He cherished the few nights he went out without Carole when he didn't have to drink that light crap.
"I sent him another message telling him I really wanted to talk, but he hasn't responded yet," Paul told him dejectedly. "But maybe that's good because I'm still not so sure what I'm going to tell him."
Burt thought for a moment. It had been different for him because he wasn't there when Kurt was growing up and so he easily believed Kurt's lies because he was relieved that his previous assumptions hadn't been true. But he still had suspected it for a long time, so it didn't come as a complete shock.
Paul's son was a typical jock who had bullied another gay teenager and Burt knew it must be difficult for Paul to reconcile that image with the new information that his son was gay as well.
"Ideally, you'd tell him that it doesn't change anything and that you love him just as much. But don't tell him that unless you really believe it," Burt advised as Paul took a long sip of his drink.
"But it does change everything, doesn't it?" Paul finally said, and Burt saw in him the guy he was when he went to his first PFLAG meeting. And maybe that was what Paul needed. To meet some gay couples like Roy and his family or the Berries to show him that Dave could still have the life Paul had wanted him to have.
And so that was exactly what he did, he invited Paul to come along to the next meeting because as much as he wanted to be a mentor for Paul, just as Hiram and LeRoy had been for him, there was only so much he could do to help, because in some respect he was still learning himself; he was still making mistakes from time to time.
And though he hated Paul son's for what he had done to Kurt, he hoped that the boy would be able to let go of his anger some day in the future, so he would stop taking it out on innocent others.
Sectionals was only a few days away and after all the things that had happened lately and with the election only a week away, Blaine was glad he and Kurt hadn't auditioned for competition solos. They would have another chance at Regionals as soon as they beat the Warblers.
He still had two good friends in the group, but with Sebastian as a council member and self-proclaimed lead he just wanted to crush them.
They had a good set list in his opinion and he knew Kurt was happy for Mercedes who finally got her first competition solo with 'Out here on my own'. Rachel and Harmony, one of their newer members, would duet on 'Anything you can do' which really fitted the competition the two of them had going on and they would finish their set with a song they were already rehearsing for the musical – 'Seasons of Love' with Santana and Artie on lead.
However, as much as he was looking forward to the competition he also dreaded having a possible run-in with Sebastian. The other boy had texted him a few times after Blaine had gotten expelled, but Blaine had deleted the messages without reading them and had blocked Sebastian's number and email address.
Luckily, when Saturday came and the three other choirs started to arrive at McKinley where this year's Sectionals was being held he didn't see Sebastian anywhere in the sea of blazers passing him in the corridor. Trent waved to him, and Blaine promised to talk to him after the competition because it would be nice to catch up with him and a few others.
The first club to go on stage was a Christian choir and Blaine was a little confused because he didn't understand why they were participating in a show choir competition.
He felt Kurt's hand in his tighten when the Warblers started piling on stage and Blaine was thankful to have Kurt next to him. To his surprise, Jeff took lead on an upbeat version of 'Uptown Girl', which they already had started rehearsing when Blaine was still at Dalton, but with Sebastian on lead.
Two of the new guys took over for the songs Blaine and Sebastian had been supposed to sing, but Sebastian was nowhere in sight. His first thought was that Sebastian was sick, but the songs sounded too well rehearsed to be a last minute change.
"Where's Sebastian?" Kurt whispered into his ear and Blaine shrugged.
It was all very strange but he had to wait for some answers until after their own performance was over.
They had kept their outfits simple, curtsey of Kurt and Tina, with the girls wearing black dresses with red trim and the guys wearing black suits with red ties.
Mercedes sounded amazing in his opinion as he and Kurt watched her belt out the song from the wings, and once Rachel and Harmony took over, they both could barely contain their laughter as they watched the girls' antics.
Finally it was time for their group number and Blaine took Kurt's hand on one side and Rachel's on the other. They sang their hearts out as they performed the song they had been rehearsing for weeks and were awarded with a standing ovation from the audience as Santana held the last note.
As soon as they were off stage, Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and dragged him behind him as he was looking for either Trent or Jeff. They finally found the two off them goofing of in one of the biology classrooms and Blaine quickly shut the door once he and Kurt were inside.
"What happened to Sebastian?" he got straight to the point because they didn't have much time until the winners would be announced.
"Hello Blaine, Kurt. Nice to see you too, great performance," Trent said sarcastically and Blaine could see Kurt rolling his eyes next to him.
"Sorry, you were great as well. Now can you tell me –" "-about Sebastian," Jeff finished his sentence. "You haven't heard?"
"Heard what?" Kurt piped up next to him, before sitting down on the teacher's desk.
"After we heard you got expelled even after explaining Sebastian's behavior toward you, we voted and he got kicked out of the Warblers," Trent explained.
So that explained why the other boy hadn't been at Sectionals.
"And he just accepted that?" Kurt asked incredulously. "He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who accepts a no."
Jeff smiled mischievously. "He sent daddy to talk to us, but let's just say that was a bad idea, because we told his dad all about Sebastian's deplorable behavior and how it was casting a negative light on Dalton and its students."
Blaine raised an eyebrow at that but apparently that wasn't the end of the story.
"Apparently, that wasn't the first time, Sebastian had caused trouble at a boarding school and his dad was getting fed up, because he's up for reelection and doesn't want his son to cause a scandal. So he decided to send him to public school as a punishment," Trent continued.
At Kurt's raised eyebrow he amended, "Not that there's anything wrong with public school but you know Sebastian's opinion on that."
Blaine was glad to hear that he had gotten a little justice after all, even if that didn't mean he could return to Dalton, because he was sure that if that had been an option the headmaster would have informed him as soon as Sebastian was gone.
"Where does he go now?" Kurt suddenly asked next to him. It was a good question because if he took into account that he had met Sebastian at a Lima gay bar, chances were he lived somewhere close.
"West Lima High," Trent told them, and Kurt gasped. "That's where Chandler is going."
Blaine didn't really want to meet Chandler, but he had to admit he was curious to find out how Sebastian was faring in public school as well, so he agreed to join Kurt and Chandler for coffee at the Lima Bean early the next morning.
A guy wearing hipster glasses and an even stranger outfit than Kurt wore most days was already waiting for them as they walked into the coffee shop and excitedly waved them over once he spotted Kurt. Blaine immediately recognized him from the pictures he had seen and told himself repeatedly to be nice, because for one the guy had backed off as soon as he found out Kurt had a boyfriend, and two, was seeing someone as well according to Kurt.
Once they were seated, Kurt immediately asked the question they were both burning to ask. "I heard you got a new student, Sebastian. How is he doing?"
Chandler furrowed his brow. "Don't get me started on him. He is horrible and tells everyone he comes across he is too good for this school. I was excited at first when I heard he was gay too, because there aren't many out kids at school, but one conversation was enough for the rest of the year."
Yep, that sounded like Sebastian and he was glad to hear others thought he was an ass as well.
"How are the students treating him?" Blaine asked curiously. He didn't want Sebastian to get bullied for being gay, but he wouldn't mind it if he were shown his place.
"He pisses people off constantly and he kept insulting the football team to their faces until they dumped like five slushies on him." Next to him Kurt looked pleased and that told him how much his boyfriend hated Sebastian because when he had explained to Blaine what slushies are, he had said he didn't even wish them on his worst enemies.
"He's also getting detention a lot," Chandler continued, "because he keeps asking the teachers where they bought their degrees and doesn't listen to what they are saying."
All this was balm to Blaine's ears and he and Kurt enjoyed listening to more stories about Sebastian in public school a little longer before Kurt decided it was time to go home so they could finally celebrate their tie with the Warblers at Sectionals.
Carole and Burt were out for the night, doing some last minute campaigning and Finn had plans to spend the night at Puck's for a COD marathon.
Before he and Kurt left he surprised himself by saying to Chandler, "why don't you and your boyfriend come out with Kurt and I some time."
He was really glad he had offered when he saw the look on Kurt's face. He would definitely get lucky tonight.
They had barely managed to get inside the house when Kurt immediately pressed Blaine against the front door, shutting it by pressing his body against Blaine's.
He licked Blaine's lower lip until his boyfriend opened his mouth and their tongues danced in a passionate kiss. Getting off both their coats was difficult with their mouths connected, but Kurt was unwilling to break the kiss until they absolutely had to break apart for air.
Blaine's cardigan came off on the first step and before Kurt could start on his own vest, Blaine pressed him against the wall and nearly ripped of the offending clothing to gain access to Kurt's neck.
Usually Kurt didn't allow Blaine to leave hickeys because he didn't want to wear a scarf with every outfit, but today after hearing about Sebastian and moving on to Regionals, Kurt couldn't be bothered at all, even going as far as tilting his head to the side to allow Blaine more room.
It took them the longest time to make it up to Kurt's bedroom because they kept pressing each other against the wall on the staircase while they tried to remove more layers of clothing at the same time.
Kurt was glad to no one would be home until the next day because they trail of clothing they were leaving behind would have been pretty incriminating.
By the time they finally reached Kurt's room, the were both in their underwear and undershirts and Kurt wasted no time walking Blaine backward to the bed until his boyfriend's knees hit the edge and he fell backward, taking Kurt with him.
Kurt straddled his boyfriend's hips intent on returning the hickey favor before yanking Blaine's shirt over his head and trailing kisses all over Blaine's naked torso.
Before he knew it, Blaine had flipped their positions and took Kurt's own shirt off as well, leaving little marks all over Kurt's body. It was a good thing no one was home because they both weren't exactly quiet but it had been a while since they had that luxury and Kurt was intent to make his boyfriend scream his name.
Unfortunately it wasn't Blaine who ultimately screamed his name. They were in the throws of passion, barely conscious about their surroundings, when an object hit the floor with a bang.
Kurt screamed and hurried to cover his and Blaine's naked bodies with the sheets he had pushed out of the way, to preserve his modesty, but judging by the look on Finn's face it was already too late.
Blaine looked mortified as well and for a moment Kurt remembered the day when they had first met Finn and he had called them gross just because they had shared a bed fully clothed.
It was a testament to Finn's growth that his brother only clapped his hands over his eyes and tried to stumble out of the room completely blind.
As soon as Finn was out of sight, Kurt jumped up to close the door and nearly stumbled over the objects that had landed on the floor – Finn's backpack and his and Blaine's clothes from the stairs.
"Kill me now," Blaine muttered. "That's even worse than when he overheard us in Grand Haven."
Kurt locked the door and turned around to face his boyfriend who had buried his face into a pillow.
"You think? At least you don't have to leave with him." Kurt yanked his bathrobe from the hook on his door and Blaine pouted when he put it on.
"No," he whined. "Come back to bed." Kurt raised an eyebrow at Blaine. He was definitely not in the mood anymore, but apparently that wasn't the case with Blaine.
"I'm going to go downstairs to do some damage control" he announce instead of commenting on Blaine's requested, picking up Finn's backpack before he left the room.
Finn was in the downstairs bathroom furious scrubbing his eyes when Kurt knocked on the open door.
"I'm sorry about that, but I thought you wouldn't be back till tomorrow morning," he apologized awkwardly.
"Forget a game," Finn mumbled, keeping his eyes on his hands in front of him.
"Like I said, sorry. But you didn't have to come into my room." This had been the most mortifying thing since his dad had caught him and Blaine making out in the backseat of his car.
"Your door was open," Finn argued. "I thought open door meant nothing was going on."
Kurt rolled his eyes because Finn could be so oblivious some times.
"And the trail of clothes on the stairs didn't give you a clue?" he asked sarcastically event though he was blushing while he said it.
Finn just shrugged still avoiding Kurt's eyes and Kurt thought it might be better to give his brother some space to process what had happened.
Kurt waited in the kitchen until he heard the front door open and close again and only then did he return to his bedroom where he promptly shut and locked his door.
Blaine was still lying on his bed, barely covered by the sheet and Kurt swallowed hard as his eyes roved over his boyfriend's gorgeous body.
"I think we still have a thing or two to celebrate," Blaine whispered seductively and Kurt decided to screw it and joined Blaine on the bed once he dropped the robe.
He might never be able to look Finn in the eye again, but he wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to celebrate Sebastian's demise in the one way Sebastian would never have Blaine.
Finn wanted the earth to swallow him whole when he saw which song they would be rehearsing the day after he had accidentally walked in on his brother and boyfriend. It just had to be La Vie Boheme, and it was especially bad because Ms Corcoran hadn't changed the lyrics after she made the students get signed permission slips.
He knew he turned beet red as soon as his brother started singing about masturbation, but he didn't even want to see the color of his face when they reached the point were everyone was dancing wildly on a table while Finn as Benny observed.
Bisexuals, trisexuals, Homo Sapiens,
Carcinogens, hallucinogens, men,
Pee Wee Herman
German wine, turpentine, Gertrude Stein
Antonioni, Bertolucci, Kurosawa
Carmina Burana
To apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstasy
Vaclav Havel- The Sex Pistols, 8BC
To no shame- Never playing the fame game
To marijuana
To sodomy
It's between God and me
To S & M
Finn was glad when they finally reached the part where his character interrupted what was going on in the life café, because by now even Ms. Corcoran had realized how uncomfortable he looked.
"Do you need a break Finn? You don't look so good," she asked and Finn's eyes quickly flashed to Kurt and Blaine who were standing closely together. Blaine paled when he caught Finn staring, but Kurt just glared at him, so Finn decided to take Ms. Corcoran up on her offer and left the auditorium to get some water.
When he got back, he saw Blaine, Kurt, Santana and Brittany standing close together.
"So let me get this right. Frankenteen is all jumpy today because he walked in on you getting it on?" Santana asked and the boys nodded.
"Are you going to have dolphin babies now?" Brittany piped up next to Santana and Finn nearly joked on his water. Was that a possibility after all?
"I'm just disappointed he's acting this way because I thought we moved behind that," Kurt admitted, and Finn felt a bit guilty because he had been avoiding Kurt the moment he had come home, faking a headache when Kurt told him dinner was ready.
"It's not like that," he interrupted their hushed conversation. "You caught me off guard and I didn't really understand what was happening at first, but I don't think you are wrong or anything like that. I mean how would you feel if you walked in on me and a girl?" Not there was anything to walk in yet, but he had promised Sarah to give her as much time as she needed.
"Ew," Kurt immediately exclaimed. "I get it. Let us just forget about this and never speak of it again." Finn quickly agreed to that and rehearsal ran more smoothly once the changed to another song.
True to his promise, Finn kept his mouth shut when their parents came back from Cincinnati and wanted to know if anything exciting had happened while they were gone.
Finn's voice had resembled Kurt's when he squeaked out, "nothing at all," but if they found his behavior strange, they luckily didn't investigate further. And this way, Kurt owed him another favor, which might just compensate for the fact that his eyes would be forever scarred.
"And we are live at the Lima community center, where candidate Burt Hummel together with family, friends and supporters is awaiting the results of the Ohio Senate race. Voting ended two hours ago and our latest projections show that it is going to be a close race between independent candidate Hummel and republican Richard Nelson. Candidate Sue Sylvester, going strong before Hummel joined the race, is not expected to reach double digits in tonight's election," a reporter of the local news station presented another update on the TV that was being watched inside the campaign headquarters.
Burt Hummel and his family were sitting closely together on a few couches in the corner, but one had to be close by to overhear what they were talking about.
From time to time, supporters came up to the small group to congratulate Burt Hummel, even though there wasn't a decision yet, and the candidate shook hands with each and everyone of them, proving how much the support meant to him.
With the family was another boy, one that the press had identified as the son's boyfriend and it was a joy to watch with what ease he seemed to fit in with the family. A few people were staring at the boys who hadn't released each other's hands since they had arrived at the Community Center, but so far no one had made an offensive comment about Burt Hummel's son.
On the other side of town, the atmosphere was a bit different with candidate Nelson riling up his supporters by promising to carry on his mission even if he didn't get elected. His supporters seemed sure however that their candidate would be able to beat Homo Hummel as they called him on posters.
In her office at William McKinley High School Sue Sylvester was glaring at the television screen, cursing Porcelain's father – a nickname of sorts for Mr. Hummel's son – because he took away something she thought belonged to her. In a fit of range, she and a group of cheerleader put toilet paper all over the school's choir room, but when the principle investigated Monday morning, no culprit was found and it was called a students' prank.
At exactly ten pm on November 8, 2011, the phone rang at Burt Hummel's headquarters and his supporters fell silent while his family gripped one another's hands in anticipation.
Suddenly the phone dropped onto the floor and a wide grin spread over Burt Hummel's face. The crowd erupted in cheers.
AN: Hope you are okay with how I dealt with Sebastian. (Another option had been Santana's idea from "Michael") The last scene is a bit different than what I usually do but I wanted to cover all bases on election day.