Feb. 9, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2014, 6 p.m.
AN: Sorry for the delay. The internet in my apartment did not like me the past couple of days.
Things get a bit steamy during a few lines, but I dont think it warrants an M- ranting.
Chapter 4: Our reunion
Christmas 2038
"The summer of 2013, uncle Kurt finally caved and told me everything about New York and I may have made some impulsive decisions."
They met for coffee the day after Caroles graduation and Blaine knew that the upcoming conversation would either save or finish their relationship. So it wasnt just the unreasonably hot May day that made him sweat on the way to the Lima Beam. His hair was longer than ever, curling like crazy thanks to the humidity he was dealing with in addition to the heat, but there hadnt been time for a hair cut. He had freed his face from the beard hed been hiding behind the past few weeks however, because he knew Kurts opinion on excessive amounts of facial hair.
Kurts Navigator sat in the parking lot when he arrived and when he approached the front door he spotted Kurt sitting behind the wheel, his hands clutching it so hard that his knuckles had turned white. Blaine rapped on the window, causing the other boy to nearly jump out of his seat before he locked eyes with Blaine and relaxed.
Two minutes later, they stood in line, both fiddling with their sleeves and not looking at one another after another awkward greeting in the parking lot. When it was their turn Blaine stepped forward but Kurt beat him to it.
"Hi, can I get one medium drip and a double espresso. And two oatmeal cookies to go please," Kurt ordered while Blaine looked at him in surprise.
"You changed your coffee order," Blaine remarked for lack of anything more intelligent to say and Kurt hummed in agreement, before he bit his lip, apparently debating what he should tell Blaine.
"I got a job in a coffee shop and when you have to make those crazy kinds of coffees for other people all day, you learn to appreciated the simple things. And regular coffee is cheaper," he added, his eyes fixed on the cake display in front of them.
Blaine wished he knew whether Kurt really didnt like his favorite coffee anymore or just didnt want to admit that he couldnt afford it and it hurt that he didnt know those things about his best friend anymore.
"Well if you change your mind, the next ones on me," he settled on and Kurts eyes briefly lit up.
While they were waiting for their coffee Kurt suggested heading to a small lake they had discovered the previous summer so they could have their talk away from the noisy crowd in the Lima Bean and Blaine whole heartedly agreed. Theyd made some good memories by that lake, which they had stumbled upon by accident when theyd been looking for a place to park and make out.
He held the two coffees and cookies while Kurt unlocked his Navigator and climbed into the drivers seat and Blaine followed once Kurt had relieved him of the hot beverages. They drove in silence, a regional radio station playing in the back, and Blaine burned his tongue with the scalding hot coffee because he was too eager to occupy himself.
"You okay?" Kurt asked when Blaine hissed and Blaine nodded even though Kurts eyes were trained on the road.
"My mom is really looking forward to working with Carole," Blaine said after another moment of silence to keep the conversation going. Kurt just hummed again.
They found the clearing in the woods leading to the small lake on their second try and Kurt put the Navigator into park underneath a large pine tree to keep it out of the sun. Fortunately no ones else was around and Blaine grabbed the blanket Kurt kept in the back of his car and spread it on the tiny pier while Kurt carried their purchases from the Lima Bean.
For a while they just stared out onto the water and sipped their coffees. Blaine was sweating underneath his thin t-shirt and he wondered if Kurt would object to him taking off his shirt or diving into the lake to cool down.
"You wanted to talk," he eventually broke the silence because he didnt have all day and wanted everything to be sorted out before he went back to Providence.
"Im so sorry," Kurt suddenly blurted out and when he turned his head, Blaine saw a tear trickling down the other boys face.
"I royally fucked up and then I was too proud to admit that I made the worst mistake."
"Santana told me you werent happy in New York, but I didnt tell you I knew either," Blaine offered and while Kurt looked surprised he just nodded.
"I hated it. I hated not having you there. I hated Julliard because the students there were horrible. And I wasted half the remaining insurance money on something that made me unhappy," Kurt admitted and Blaine pulled him into his arms when he realized Kurt was shaking, tears flowing freely by now.
"And the worst part is that I ruined everything between us. I threw it all away because I couldnt accept that growing up means that plans can change. Im pretty sure youre my soulmate and I ruined my chance at happily ever after," Kurt sobbed into his shirt, turning it damp where Kurts face was pressed against it.
Christmas 2038
"Soulmates, dad? Seriously. What were you, like twelve?" Ella interrupts, rolling her eyes, but Kurt shushes her.
"Wait till you fall in love, honey."
"I am in love," Ella huffs and he and Kurt share a look, because their daughter has known the boyfriend three months and she was way to young to be in love.
"Anyway, your dad was breaking down in front of me and I knew I had to make him stop hurting," Blaine continues, after making sure Ella didnt see the look they shared.
"You didnt ruin everything, Kurt," Blaine assured him when the boy, no, young man in his arm continued shaking, and his exclamation startled Kurt enough to pull back. Red-rimmed eyes met Blaines and he gave Kurt his most reassuring smile.
"I love you Kurt and I never stopped loving you even when I was angry. And if you are willing to make us work, so am I."
He didnt know what propelled him to say what he said next but he didnt regret his impulsive and out of the blue decision one bit.
"Move in with me. When you head back to school in the fall."
Kurt froze before he tackled Blaine. The force of it made him lose his balance and his hand gripped Kurts t-shirt. It didnt stop him from toppling over and pulling Kurt into to the lake with him.
When he broke the surface after swallowing some water, Kurt was already treading water, looking like a drowned rat.
"You are lucky I love you and my phones in my bag," Kurt glared at him before he pushed Blaine under again. Blaine didnt mind at all – after making sure his phone wasnt in his pocket either.
Fortunately, the lake wasnt deep where they had fallen in and as soon as he could feel the ground beneath his feet, he pulled Kurt closer and smashed their lips together. Blaine licked into Kurts mouth before sucking on his tongue until he had to pull away to take a breath.
They struggled to get out of their drenched t-shirts and threw them onto the pier before they came together again, hands roaming over the others body, reacquainting themselves after months spent apart.
Kurts shoulders were broader and as his eyes travelled downward, they stopped on Kurts chest.
"Is that a tattoo?" Blaine asked incredulously, before he squinted to read the inscription above Kurts heart.
"Elizabeth," he read out loud before he met Kurts eyes.
"Santana got one and I was drunk enough to be convinced to get one as well," Kurt explained and wrapped his arms around himself self-consciously.
"Dont hide. I think its very sweet," Blaine assured him, after getting over the shock that Kurt had his mothers name tattooed on his chest. "At least you didnt get something ridiculous or a tramp stamp."
Kurt let his arms fall to his side and Blaine softly kissed the tattoo before he focused his attention on his boyfriends nipples, already erect from the still cold lake. Kurt moaned and Blaine looked around to make sure they were still alone.
They made out in the water until he started to shiver and Kurts lips turned blue. Back on land they tried themselves as best as they could with the blanket before Kurt took his hand and lead him to his car. They climbed into the back wordlessly after discarding their wet pants as well and Kurt got rid of their underwear before they even touched the backseat.
Contrary to what their friends and possibly parents thought, they never had sex in the car before, always too afraid to be discovered, but Blaine was very willing to take a chance right now. Kurt didnt protest when Blaine pulled him on top of him either and before long they were grinding against each other as best as they could in the cramped space.
Neither of them had brought any supplies because the plan was for them to just talk, so Blaine licked his hand and wrapped it around Kurts erection, eliciting another loud moan from his boyfriend.
Christmas 2038
Kurt smacks his husband hard.
"Have you lost your mind?" he hisses and pointedly looks at his children who only look mildly amused while his nephew fidgets in his seat.
To his surprise Ella and Alex burst out laughing.
"Whats so funny?" his nephew asks, still not looking at either him or Blaine and Kurt wonders the same thing.
"Dad and Papa only learned how to lock their bedroom door after Alex and I walked in on them … twice," Ella explains, a slight blush staining her cheeks though she tries to act like its nothing.
Kurt has nearly forgotten about the incidents because they happened years ago, when their kids were still young enough that they believed it when Blaine explained that they were cuddling naked because he spilled hot cocoa on both of them.
Next to him Blaine is blushing, and Carole who joined them again during the last part of the story sniggers. Kurt rolls his eyes.
"What Papa meant to say is that we sat in the sun while we waited for our clothes to dry and had a mature discussion about our future," he insists though he knows he is fooling no one.
"Thats what they told Grandpa when he asked why their stuff was wet," Carole interrupts and Kurt glares at her because he doesnt want his daughter to think that having sex in the back of a car is okay. Its probably good that they barely take their car out of the garage in New York.
"Moving on. After we got back to Grandma and Grandpas, we started making plans for the fall, because your dad still had to catch a flight the next day while I was staying in Lima for the summer."
Back at his house they snuck upstairs and quickly shed their soiled clothes before tumbling into the bathroom together for a nice hot shower. Because Blaine hadnt brought any other clothes, Kurt found him an old Dalton P.E t-shirt and jeans cut-offs hed deny owning if someone asked. Showered and dressed, Blaine sat down on his bed, while Kurt went downstairs for his laptop.
"Why was your stuff all wet?" his dad suddenly asked from his place in front of the TV and Kurt shrieked because he hadnt seen him before and assumed they were home alone.
"We fell into a lake," he mumbled and his dad frowned.
"Do I want to know?" Kurt shook his head and his dad focused his attention back on the baseball game he was watching.
The windows were open to let fresh air in and out back he could hear Ethan laughing with his friends, while Carole and Uniques voices drifted in from the kitchen. He didnt know if any of them knew that Blaine was here, but he couldnt wait to tell his family that they were KurtandBlaine again.
His laptop was where he had left it the previous night and he hightailed it out of the living room as soon as it was securely in his grasp and before he dad could change his mind and ask questions after all.
In his bedroom, Blaine was sprawled out on top of the sheets, his fingers tapping out the rhythm of a song only he could hear. Kurt shoved his right leg out of the way and sat down next to him.
"All right. I guess the first thing we need to figure out is where we are going to live. Because we will still be going to different schools," Kurt started them off, when Blaine just kept gazing at him, his eyes full of love.
After consulting Google Maps they discover Norwood, Massachusetts a small town off I-95 about half way between Brown and Berklee and more importantly a few train stops away from Boston.
"It probably makes more sense to keep the Navigator and sell my car," Blaine offered, following Kurts line of thoughts. They both knew that moving in together meant that they couldnt afford two cars anymore, not even when his dad was a mechanic.
"Though it does seem unfair to ask you to move in with me and then tell you you have to take the train to school," his boyfriend continued but Kurt shook his head.
"You dont even want to know how long it took me sometimes to get from my dorm to Rachels apartment in Brooklyn. I honestly dont mind taking the train and its not like its even a possibility for you."
"Im going to get a job. Maybe if I make enough we can keep both cars," Blaine suggested, apparently feeling really bad about asking Kurt to take the train to school. Not that it mattered to him. If it meant he could actually live with Blaine, he would walk to Boston and back every day if that was the only way to make it happen.
"Well both need jobs, Blaine," Kurt reminded his boyfriend. "I know your trust wont cover housing anymore when you move out of the dorms and I need to use the rest of the insurance money for tuition until I get my scholarships back."
Blaine nodded and Kurt found the homepage of a realtor in Norwood. Ideally they would find an apartment close to the railway station and Kurt jotted down the number of the realtor. They looked at a few apartments to get an idea about price range and size before Kurt called the realtor to check if he knew about any apartments they could afford.
"Wait. I think I know the apartment. Isnt it the one in the picture in the music room?" Alex asks. Blaine nods.
"Yep. Our first apartment together. We lived there for three years before moving to New York after graduation."
"And grandma and grandma just let you?" Ella demands to know and Blaine nods again.
"So I can move in with my boyfriend after I graduate high school as well?"
Kurt nearly chokes on the cookie he just took a bite of but after sharing a look with Blaine he nods reluctantly.
"Id be hoping that you were dating that person for a while already, but we wont stop you from making your own decisions once youre eighteen," he promises his daughter before returning to the story.
"Youre what?" his dad asked when they came back downstairs to share the good news.
Blaine had called his mom and asked her to come over as well and so his whole family was already in the living room when they made their announcement.
"Were moving in together," Kurt repeated enthusiastically. "I just spoke to a realtor and hes going to show Blaine a few apartments next week. Once hes narrowed them down to two, Ill drive up and help him choose."
It was a good plan and Kurt was prepared to defend his decision but to his surprise the adults just smiled at them.
"If this is going to make you both happy then we are happy for you," Carole pulled him into a hug, passing him off to his dad when she was done with him. Next to him Tala did the same with Blaine.
"So where are you going to live?" his dad asked once they were done hugging and he and Blaine quickly filled his dad in.
"Seems like you thought of everything. And if you want to leave early, Id understand," his dad offered but Kurt shook his head.
"I promised Id help out in the shop over the summer and I want to be involved with remodelling the restaurant."
"I guess I should be honored that hes letting me pick our future apartment," Blaine teased and Kurt lightly smacked his shoulder.
"I know you wont let me down."
They kissed right in front of everyone because they had to make up for lost time and how could he abstain when Blaine was looking at him like this.
Christmas 2038
Kurt leans in and presses his lips softly against Blaines because even though they are in their mid forties now, he can still never stop himself from kissing his husband when he looks at him with hearts in his eyes.
"I cant believe you ran the restaurant with only Nana in the beginning," his daughter turns to Carole who shrugs in a what can you do sort of way.
"Well, we had a lot of help but we still barely fixed it up in time for the opening."