3x22: Goodbye Previous Chapter Story
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Consequences: 3x22: Goodbye

T - Words: 1,698 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Aug 22, 2012
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Chapter 3: Goodbye

Kurt couldn't remember why he had agreed to open his NYADA letter together with Finn and Rachel. On his dad's insistence, he had also applied to Ohio State and had been accepted, but New York was really the only option for him. He just didn't need any witnesses when his world came crumbling down, but it was too late to back out now, without pissing of his brother and friend.

The seniors had already said goodbye to the underclassmen in song and Kurt had been shocked to find out that Brittany wouldn't be graduating with them. Even more shocked that apparently no one had known.

How had she been allowed to be class president if her grades were that bad and why had none of the teachers tried to help her, like they had done for Puck. Kurt really was glad to leave McKinley behind.

The underclassmen had sung a sweet song as well, dedicating it to their friends and loved ones. Blaine, Tina and Artie had been named the new leaders of the club and the best news had come in the form of principle Figgins, who had announced that Mr. Schue would get a permanent co-director come fall, because he didn't want to be threatened with a lawsuit over a singing group ever again.


Blaine had tried to corner him a few times over the last couple of days to talk about Kurt's impending graduation, but Kurt wanted to remain in denial a few days longer. At least until his NYADA letter came.

His dad had given him the best graduation gift ever. A reenactment of the Single Ladies dance including Tina and Brittany as back-up dancers.

He finally had what he had always wanted; acceptance and people who loved him. Now all he had to do was convince Rachel that she wasn't destined to stay in Lima as Mrs. Finn Hudson.

Just because Finn had no clue about what he wanted out of life – and being an actor was certainly not it, otherwise Finn would have at least tried out for West Side Story – didn't mean he had to drag Rachel down with him. If he couldn't convince Rachel, maybe he would have better luck with Finn.


He found his brother later that afternoon in the living room killing zombies or something like that.

"Can we talk?" he asked as he sat down next to Finn. Finn grunted and Kurt took it as a yes.

"You need to convince Rachel to go to New York. She shouldn't be forced to spend her life in Lima, just because of one mistake. You know she is only staying because she thinks you are all she has left."

Kurt didn't want to hurt his brother, but when it came to talking to Finn it was often better to be blunt if you wanted to get your point across. He hadn't lied to Finn all those mouths ago, when he had told him he was talented, but Finn just didn't know how to access it properly and he lacked the drive and ambition he and Rachel possessed.

"Maybe if I get into Pace, she'll come to New York with me," Finn suggested. "I nailed that audition." Kurt didn't have the heart to tell his brother that he had no chance in hell of getting into that school.

"But what if you don't? Rachel belongs in New York. You are the only one she is going to listen to," Kurt tried to reason with Finn. If Finn couldn't convince Rachel to get out of Lima, NYADA or not, no one could.

"Maybe she will get in. Rachel said that lady that came to hear you sing isn't the only one who makes that decision."

Kurt shrugged. "I highly doubt it, after that restraining order, but who knows. Please just promise me that you'll talk to her." Fine," Finn agreed. "Can I get back to my game now?" he asked as he unpaused it.

Kurt nodded and got up to check the mail box for the fifth time that day.


The letters arrived on graduation day and the three of them decided to open them after receiving their diplomas. Kurt was pulled into a hug by Blaine, Carole and his dad, before strutting on stage. He was finally done with McKinley.

Rachel and Finn demonstrated again that they couldn't be on a stage together without inappropriate kissing, and before Kurt knew it he was throwing he cap into the air with the rest of the other graduates.

He endured the endless pictures Carole insisted on taking of Finn and Kurt and their respective partners, before he was finally allowed to take off the awful gown and he, Finn and Rachel walked over to the choir room, letters in hand.


When they reached the choir room, they were all just standing there in silence at first. Kurt was anxious to know what his letter said, but didn't want to go first. Luckily, Finn volunteered.

"I didn't get in," Finn said after he'd opened his letter. Kurt felt bad for his brother, but wasn't surprised.

"I guess I'll go next", he offered and slowly opened his own letter before scanning its content.

"Well, what does it say?" Rachel demanded impatiently. "I got wait-listed, but they are offering me a guaranteed spot for the spring semester," Kurt forced out.

"Congrats, dude. What are you going to do now?" Finn asked after releasing him from a hug. "I don't know. I have to talk to Blaine." Finn nodded and turned to Rachel. "Your turn."

Rachel gave them her best show smile and took Kurt's hand. "You won't be made if I got your spot, right?" Kurt gave her a tight smile, trying not to jump up and down. He had gotten in, maybe not right now, but some day soon.

Rachel slowly opened her letter and read through it, before she gasped and let it fall to the floor. Kurt picked it up and scanned its content.

Dear Ms. Berry,

We regret to inform you that you have not been accepted to New York Academy of Dramatic Arts.

We would also like to ask you not to audition for our school again, due to circumstances surrounding your previous audition.

We wish you the best for your future, wherever it may lead you,

NYADA, Admissions Office.

Kurt looked over to Finn who was holding a crying Rachel in his arms. "I've got this," Finn mouthed. Kurt nodded and exited the choir room, clutching his letter to his chest. It was time to finally talk to Blaine about their future.


After Blaine had read the letter he nearly tackled Kurt and proceeded to kiss him passionately in the still empty class room they had met in.

"I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it," Blaine gushed. "It's just the waiting list," Kurt reminded his boyfriend.

"So what? You'll audition for plays for the next couple of months if you don't get in right now and start classes in January." As long as he had Blaine looking at him like he was the best thing that had ever happened to Blaine, he knew he could do anything.

Blaine quickly checked that the room was still empty and kissed him again. "You are finally getting out of Lima," Blaine whispered against his lips.

Kurt sat back and took Blaine's hand into his own. "I can stay here for a semester and work for my dad," he offered. "And you could take summer classes, so you can graduate early. We could move to New York together for the spring semester."

Blaine gave him a sad smile. They had talked about this before, and Kurt knew the answer but he had to try again.

"You know my parents won't allow it. They only let me move to New York and still pay for college if I get into Columbia and if I apply now, I wouldn't get in," Blaine told him once again.

"I know. I just don't want to go without you." Kurt didn't want to leave Blaine behind, but he knew that if he wanted to make it to New York, he'd have to be there alone for at least nine month.

"We'll make it work, won't we?" Blaine asked. Kurt hated it when his boyfriend looked so insecure. So he proceeded to tell Blaine how he envisioned the rest of his life … together with Blaine.

When all was said and done, Kurt felt relieved. They still had all summer to figure things out before Kurt would leave for New York.


Rachel was moping around Kurt's house most of the summer while he, Finn and Rachel's dads made plans to get Rachel to New York.

On Rachel's supposed wedding day at the end of the summer, Finn had constantly been pushing it back, Finn dropped her off at the train station where Kurt and all their friends were already waiting.

Rachel's parents had found them a small apartment in Brooklyn and were waiting for them at the end of the line to help them get settled. Burt and Blaine had agreed to drive a van with the rest of Kurt and Rachel's stuff to the city, where Blaine would stay the three days before the start of his senior year at McKinley.

Kurt held a sobbing Rachel until they crossed the Ohio – Pennsylvania boarder. After she had calmed down, they started to plan their fabulous new life in New York. They might not be where they had wanted to be at this point, but it was a start.

A new direction.

AN: Thanks for reading. :)

I tried to keep this as realistic as possible so I looked up the American Academy for Dramatic Arts to check if it was even possible to get in at a time other than the fall semester. They do accept students for their spring semester, because the 2nd year is by invitation only anyway. I'm assuming NYADA was modeled after AMDA and therefore, in my head canon, Kurt could start at NYADA in January.

I'm thinking the reason RIB created a fictional school instead of just using a real one was so that they could pull that Rachel crap without getting complaints from existing performing arts schools about unrealistic portrayals and giving their applicants false hope...

If season 4 sucks as bad as the spoilers suggest I might just write my own version of season 4.


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Now that's what should have happened... *sigh* Best bit - Emma getting teacher of the year :'D i must admit i share sue's distaste for Will and his goodfornothing hair! Good job! :) You should totally write season 4! :P

Yeah, I have no idea how a guy who couldn't even speak the language of the subject he was supposed to teach could get the teacher of the year award ... maybe because it was the easiest class for all those stupid jocks ;) I'm really tempted to write season 4. But unfortunately I have to finish way too many other fics first. But knowing the Glee writers I'll probably get pissed pretty soon and start it anyway ;)

*gives you all the hugs and love* Why can't wonderful people like you write this show?

Because I'm unfortunately still stuck in Europe and RIB seems to love to hire men in their fourties ;)

lol... XD Awesome. Totally more realistic then the show... but of course... Glee isn't completely meant to be realistic. >.>

Well RIB said he was breaking all the couples up because he wants to show realistic real life experiences ... I wish that would translate to the rest of the show, because what school would allow the crap Will pulled and is still doing?

I did have plans for rewriting season 4 but the season was so f-ing frustrating that I'm not sure I want to go there. Because it would have to be completely AU to work for me. But I did start the first chapter at one point, so who knows what the hiatus will bring...

This is exactly how the season 3 should have finished. It's amazing. You should write a fic of season 4 because it's the same thing boring and unrealistic thing as season 3..(well,I don't really watch it anymore,but I read spoilers XDD)

Thank you for putting things right. I loved that Kurt got to shine as well as the underclassmen. I loved the restraining order something that went through my mind several times during those episodes. That Emma got what she deserved was just icing on the cake. My only critisism is that you've apparently joined the "principle" wagon and since I now seem to have made it my life mission.. it is spelled principal. principle is something altogether different.Good job. keep on writing.

You are not the first one to tell me, but I was too lazy to fix it on every site I published this. I probably should put a disclaimer that if you want to read the hopefully cleaned up version you have to head over to AO3 ;) Maybe the next time I get super bored I'll fix it here as well. The restraining order was the first thing on my mind too and that they probably invented a college so that the real ones wouldn't sue them after the crap they pulled. Thanks for the review :)