Aug. 22, 2012, 12:31 p.m.
Aug. 22, 2012, 12:31 p.m.
Chapter 2: Nationals
Kurt could barely sit still on the bus to Chicago. After three years of swaying in the back he finally got his chance to be in the spotlight, even if he had to share it. He seriously had the best dad ever.
He felt Blaine's hand on his leg, probably to calm him down. "Nervous?" his boyfriend asked. "If you call me adorable, I might have to hit you," Kurt threatened with a smile on his face.
"You know, I would love to sing with you again, but at least I get featured this time," Kurt continued. "Well, you deserve it" Blaine smiled at him before his smile turned into a smirk.
"So, I guess you aren't mad anymore that I went behind your back and talked to your dad?" "I thought I proved a couple of days ago how much you are forgiven," Kurt whispered and then promptly grimaced.
He might not be a baby penguin anymore, but he still felt weird when he tried to talk to Blaine like this. Blaine, however, didn't seem to mind, if the smug look on his face was any indication.
"Maybe I should get you mad at me more often," he countered. Kurt could feel his face turn red and he quickly changed the subject, before he embarrassed himself in front of the whole club.
The night before the competition had been chaotic. Sam nearly got into a fight with Puck who was studying for a test he needed to pass if he wanted to graduate with the rest of the seniors and Mercedes, unfortunately, had gotten food-poisoning and no one knew if she would be able to perform the next day.
Finn was still sulking – the last few days at home hadn't been exactly pleasant – and Rachel kept checking her phone every few minutes, still expecting to hear back from Carmen Tibideaux.
Everyone was stressed out and Kurt was a nervous wreck himself. He couldn't wait for the next day to come so he could get it over with.
They had drawn the first slot and Kurt just hoped their performances would be strong enough to stay in the judges' minds.
Mercedes, thankfully, felt fit enough to perform in the morning and before they went on stage, they formed a circle and went around sharing their favorite memories of the last three years. They didn't need another pep talk. They all wanted to win this.
Kurt and Rachel were in the middle of their song when he saw her put on an even bigger show smile. He was curious to know why, but first he had to concentrate on finishing their performance.
As soon as they got off the stage, Rachel pulled him over and practically shrieked. "She came. Oh my god, she came. I knew she would want to hear me sing again." Kurt didn't show his surprise and just offered her a hug. After all, their duet had been amazing.
Before he knew it, the juniors were leading on "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" and all the couples paired up during the song to dance together. In a way, that was even better than dancing with Blaine at prom.
They received another standing ovation from the crowd before they shuffled off the stage to take their seats in the auditorium to listen to the other choirs.
Unique sounded great with Vocal Adrenalin and Kurt knew they would be their biggest competition yet again.
During an intermission, Kurt and Rachel made their way over to a concession stand to pick up some snacks for their respective boyfriends when they heard a voice call out their names. Rachel immediately turned around, dragging Kurt with her, and they came face to face with Carmen Tibideaux.
"Mr. Hummel. Another wonderful performance," Madam Tibideaux said and gave him a small smile. "Thank you," Kurt smiled back at her. The NYADA teacher then turned to Rachel, who was barely containing her excitement next to him.
"Ms. Berry, you sounded really good as well in that little number." Kurt saw Rachel's face light up.
"If you had followed my advice and delivered something like this at next year's auditions, you would have been a serious contender for a place in our school," Madam Tibideaux went on.
Rachel's face fell a little as Madam Tibideaux continued and handed her a letter.
"It's very unfortunate you didn't listen to me. You are a very talented young woman. I, myself, had to audition three times for Julliard before I was accepted, and I don't understand why you think rules don't apply to you."
Kurt heard Rachel gasp as she had opened the letter while Madam Tibideaux was talking.
"That's, that's a restraining order," Rachel cried out. Carmen Tibideaux nodded before she explained what the letter said.
"I don't know how you got my private phone number and address. Don't call me, mail me things or, god forbid, show up at my doorstep. Don't approach me should we be in the same place unless I approach you."
Rachel looked close to tears as the teacher went on. "You are still young and I hope you see this as a wake up call that we'll help you make smarter decisions in the future. Maybe, one day in the future, we will meet again and you can prove, you are someone I could work with. Good day, Ms. Berry."
Madam Tibideaux gave Rachel a polite smile before she turned back to Kurt. "Mr. Hummel, you should expect your letter by the end of the school year," she told him before disappearing in the crowd.
Kurt was shocked. He had warned Rachel numerous times that her plan might backfire, but he hadn't expected that. Tears were already running down Rachel's face and Kurt quickly decided to get Finn. If Rachel was anything like him, she'd want her boyfriend right now.
Kurt and Blaine were sitting in the back of the bus while the rest of the club – sans Rachel and Finn – was celebrating their win at Nationals.
"There's nothing more you could have done. You told her to let it go and she didn't listen," Blaine tried to assure him.
"But I still feel bad. We had plans to go to New York together until you join me next year." Blaine pulled him closer and Kurt put his head on Blaine's shoulder.
"And you will. Rachel is driven. She'll realize that this isn't the end of her life and come to New York with you to try to take it by storm."
"I wish I could have your optimism," Kurt told Blaine. "Don't worry, I have enough for the two of us. "I knew I kept you around for a reason," Kurt teased. Blaine just squeezed his side and smiled at him.
"Ready to return to school? Maybe Glee Club will finally get some respect now that we've won Nationals," "It would be about time."
Kurt wasn't that hopeful and when they opened the door and saw the other students lined up, holding slushies cups, his heart sank.
He was about to raise his hands to protect himself, when he was showered with confetti and the hallway erupted in cheers. All around, the Glee couples were hugging and kissing, and Kurt quickly took Blaine's hand and pulled him into the empty choir room where they had their own celebrations.
They had finally won Nationals and with the year Kurt had had – the play, the presidency, Sebastian and Karofsky – he felt it was about time that something good happened in his life. All he needed now was an acceptance letter from NYADA.
He wasn't worried about his relationship with Blaine. They would make it work.
Two day later, the whole club sang together on a stage one last time. They had agreed on "We are the Champions", because for the first time they felt like ones.
After they had finished their lines, Kurt and Quinn went into the audience and pulled Ms. Pillsbury onto the stage and handed her the "Teacher of the Year Award".
Out of all the teachers at McKinley, the petite guidance counselor had done the most for the students at the school, even when she was often uncomfortable with the topics she had to deal with.
Kurt would always fondly remember her quirky pamphlets and her objectivity when it came to Glee. She proved how much the students meant to her, when she allowed each and everyone of the Glee Club members to pull her into a hug.
Afterward, the whole club shared a group hug backstage. Their days might be numbered, but at least they went out with a bang.
Loved it. =) It was about time that something like this happened. I never agreed with how Will and Sue treated Kurt in that one episode and that Rachel of all people, who was a serious stalker, got into NYADA and Kurt who had a wonderful performance and didn't screw his up... didn't. So yay for you! =^-^= Just what I needed.
Glee makes me angry a lot, but the last 3 eps of S03 were just ... argh