3x20: Props Next Chapter Story
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Consequences: 3x20: Props

T - Words: 2,128 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Aug 22, 2012
773 0 2 0 0

AN: The summer is nearly over but I'm still pretty angry about season 3. No decent performing arts college would admit Rachel after her botched audition. They would be sued by every student who had had a good audition and still didn't get in.

So I decided to re-write the last three episodes. Just as a warning: I won't be very nice to Will and Rachel. I used to like Rachel a lot back in season 1, but Glee has destroyed the character in my opinion. Whenever Rachel and Finn are on screen now, I feel the urge to fast forward.

You are welcome to rant with me.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. If I did, the last episodes would have gone like this.

Spoilers: 3x20-3x22

Rating: PG 13

Word Count: 5.878 (total)

Chapter 1: Props

Kurt was pissed. It had come as no surprise that Mr. Schue was putting him in the back once again, but to be told that the only way he'd get featured at Nationals was if he put on a dress, was just. He didn't even have the words to describe it.

Mr. Schue might talk a great game about Glee Club's inclusiveness and call it a place where people weren't discriminated against based on sexuality, race or gender, but the outcome was always the same. The Rachel and Finn Show.

So Kurt was pissed. Beyond pissed. So pissed that when Mr. Schue told people to leave if they weren't willing to be team players, he followed Tina out of the choir room, just to overhear Rachel's insane justification as to why she deserved yet another solo.

He had to agree with Tina. Just because Rachel had choked on her NYADA audition did not mean she deserved another competition solo.

When Tina spotted him she fired at Rachel. "It's your chance to shine, because you are a senior, right?" Rachel nodded. "Well, what about Kurt, then? You've been in the same grade for four years and not once has he had a competition solo. Even Mike had more lines in ABC than Kurt, even though he cares much more about dancing than singing." Tell her how it is girl, Kurt thought.

"But I need that solo. I'm trying to get Carmen Tibideaux to come to Nationals to convince her to let me into NYADA. She hasn't responded to any of my calls yet, but I've sent her some gift bags and I'm going to see her in Columbus on Wednesday." Rachel explained with a bright smile.

"You are crazy, Rachel." Kurt couldn't help but say. "You really think you can bribe a NYADA teacher? That's not going to help you, that's going to get you blacklisted. I'm sorry you choked, but there is nothing you can do about it now. If they'd take you after you screwed up your audition, they'd probably get sued by every student who auditioned and didn't get in."

"But…" Rachel tried to argue back, but Tina interrupted her. "Save it, Rachel." Kurt could see that Rachel was gearing up for another tirade so Kurt quickly grabbed Tina's hand and pulled her away from the choir room, before shouting over his shoulder. "We got to go. Tina and I need some retail therapy after this." They left Rachel behind in the hallway who was opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish.


Burt was working on the books for the shop in his office when Blaine came in. "Kurt's not here. You know he only helps out when he needs money or wants to talk." Blaine nodded. "I know, he and Tina went shopping."

"So what's up?" Burt was curious to know what brought Blaine into the garage. "There are some things going on at school and I know Kurt's way too proud to complain about it." What the hell could have happened now, a few weeks before Kurt's graduation?

He was listening attentively as Blaine recounted what was happening in Glee. He couldn't believe Will. He hadn't changed at all since Kurt's sophomore year. When Blaine was done he patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks Blaine. Guess I'm going to have one last talk with your principle."


When Burt arrived in Figgins office, the principle and Will were already waiting for him. "How can I help you Burt?" Will asked after Burt had sat down.

Burt decided to jump right in. "If I understood correctly you've decided that the seniors would be singing lead at the competition of yours." Will nodded. "Care to explain why my son is excluded from that rule yet again?" Burt asked as calmly as possible. It wouldn't help Kurt's case if he lost his cool.

"Burt, we did offer Kurt a solo but he declined," Will tried to justify his actions. Burt scoffed. "Yeah, I heard that you and that crazy cheerleading coach told my son he would only get it if he wore a dress on stage." He couldn't believe an educator had actually said that.

Burt saw Figgins shoot a glare at Will. "Are you trying to get us a law suit, William? I'm seriously considering rehiring that Ms. Corcoran next year if you continue causing me problems. I never had any complaints from her students." Figgins threatened Will, who looked unperturbed.

"Burt, you have to understand how important a win at Nationals is for the kids and with Vocal Adrenalin's new weapon we have to bring the big guns too." Will explained as if that was reason enough to insult Kurt.

"Well, then shake things up. I love Finn like my own son, but he isn't the one trying to get into a performing arts college." Burt wasn't sure if he could stay calm much longer. All he got here were excuses.

"I'm sorry, Burt, but I believe Rachel and Finn are our best bet at winning." "Like you did last year," Burt countered. Luckily, Figgins interrupted at that point.

"William, you will hold auditions for your singing group," he ordered. "But it's too late for that," Will protested. "You and that club have been practicing for three years, don't tell me there aren't any numbers you could use instead of Ms. Berry's solo. I will ask Ms. Pillsbury and Ms. Beiste to sit in on the auditions to guarantee a fair result. And that's final."

Burt was pleased that at least once Figgins was trying to be helpful. "Thanks, I'll go and tell Kurt the good news," he told the principle before leaving his office.


Kurt couldn't wait to get to the choir room, the next Monday. Initially, he hadn't been too happy when he found out that Blaine had gone behind his back to talk to his dad, but if he could get a solo out of it, who was he to complain.

He sat down next to Blaine and gave him a grateful smile as Mr. Schue entered the room.

"Listen up," he tried to get the students' attention. "I had a conversation with principle Figgins on Friday about our set list and he has ordered me to change things up a bit," Mr. Schue explained once everyone was listening.

"What?" Rachel exclaimed. "I've earned that solo." "Why ever would she think that?" Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear.

"And so have others," the teacher continued to the surprise of many in the club, if there hushed whispers were any indication. "Principle Figgins has told me I have to hold auditions for the Nationals solos, but I propose to do things a little differently, because we don't really have the time to create a brand new set list this close to the competition," Mr. Schue explained.

"Says the teacher who sent you guys to last year's Nationals without any songs," Blaine whispered back and Kurt had to bite back a laugh.

"Now before you complain," at that Mr. Schue looked directly at Kurt, "please hear me out first." Kurt nodded and motioned for the teacher to continue.

"Those of you who have complained are right. This is your last competition together as a team and if we want to win it, it should be as a team." "Hell yeah," Santana explained from the other side of the room.

Mr. Schue waited until the room had quieted down again before he continued. "We'll keep the Troubletones' number "Edge of Glory", but I'd like to add Quinn if that's okay. Quinn nodded before turning to the Troubletones' members who gave her a thumbs up. "If Brittany can help me learn the choreography in a week, I'd love to, "Quinn smiled.

"Alright, so that's settled. Instead of the solo," Rachel tried to protest but Mr. Schue silenced her, "I propose Rachel and Kurt's "Get happy" duet. You did sound great together when you did it last year, and knowing you two, you could probably pull it off without having to rehearse that much."

Kurt nodded. That much was true and he and Rachel did sound good together. Rachel huffed, but then gave Mr. Schue a nearly imperceptible nod.

Mr. Schue gave them both a strained smile before he moved on.

"And to finish off, we keep "Paradise by the dashboard light, but with Tina, Blaine, Artie and Sam on the lead, to represent our underclassmen and Finn, Rory and Joe taking turns on the remaining lines."

As soon as he had announced it, Rachel jumped up. "You can't do that! Finn and I are the leaders of this club, so we should get a least a duet," Rachel exclaimed.

"You are only the leaders because no one else wanted the title back then, "Santana interrupted. "So shut it, Berry." "Santana, please," Mr. Schue tried to diffuse the explosive situation, before turning back to Rachel.

"Rachel, it has been brought to my attention that you and Kurt are the only seniors trying to gain entrance into a performing arts college, so the two of you should get the duet. Finn has been heavily featured since he joined this club and doesn't need another solo right now."

Kurt could see that Mr. Schue wasn't happy with that decision either, but he knew his teacher had to follow the principle's orders. He had to admit, though, that Mr. Schue had a great show smile.

"Now, can I get a show of hands to see who agrees with this plan, so I don't have to start at the beginning." Kurt immediately raised his hand and nearly everyone, apart from Rachel and Finn, followed suit.

"So it's decided. I want to start with "Paradise" because you all need to rehearse it together. Get in position, everyone."


Finn came up to Kurt after rehearsal had ended. "I know you sent Burt to Figgins. If we lose this is on you," he accused. Kurt couldn't believe Finn.

"First of all, I did not send my dad to Figgins, not even when teachers tried to bully me into wearing a dress on a stage and secondly, thanks for the vote of confidence. You've been given the lead for the past three years and you can't even let me have this one? And I thought Blaine's bother was the worst brother ever."

He quickly grabbed his bag and escaped the choir room before Finn could come up with more offensive things to say.


Wednesday afternoon, Kurt was waiting for Rachel to start rehearsing their duet, when Rachel came in looking distinctively unhappy.

"What's wrong?" he couldn't help but ask. "I went to see Madam Tibideaux and she told me to audition again next year and stop calling her." Kurt was tempted to say "I told you so", but held his tongue. Instead he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, well. I'm not giving up. I called NYADA and got them to tell me Madam Tibideaux's address by pretending to want to invite her to our high school reunion, and I'm going to send her tickets to Nationals when I get home," Rachel explained proudly.

"Rachel, seriously, don't." Kurt tried to advise her. "Are you trying to get that poor woman fired? You can't bribe your way into that school. You can still go to New York and audition for plays and if you want, you can audition again next year. You are so talented, Rachel. Please don't destroy your future over this," he pleaded with her.

"You are just scared I could take your spot," Rachel accused. Kurt rolled his eyes. "I haven't even been accepted myself and who knows if I will," he argued, trying to convince her that he really just wanted to help.

"But fine, go ahead and do it. Apparently there's no stopping your insanity." He was done trying if she wasn't willing to listen to anything he was saying.

"I will, and then she'll see me at Nationals and will have to admit me," Rachel huffed. Kurt sighed. "Lets just rehearse and get it over with." "Fine." "Fine."


Kurt really didn't want Rachel to destroy her chances at NYADA. There were times when they were best friends and his first year New York plans had always included her. He just hoped for Rachel that her plan didn't backfire.


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Ooh loved this. I feel so bad for Kurt. There are like 3 moments in the show if I remember where people try to get him to wear a dress or talk about him in a dress... The Rocky-Horror episode, the episode where he first meets Blaine and this one. =( Poor Kurt.

I totally forgot about that but you are right. That's why something Sue said in the new ep made me so angry because she was the one pushing people into dresses and when a character wants to wear one it's horrible !?!?!