Alternative Season 6
613: Dreams Come True Previous Chapter Story
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Alternative Season 6: 613: Dreams Come True

K - Words: 7,261 - Last Updated: Dec 15, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Jan 20, 2015 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
366 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I'm dedicating this last episode to the amazing Amber Riley who I had the pleasure to see in her West End debut as Effie White a few weeks ago.


6x13 Dreams Come True


Here's what you missed on Glee. In 2009, an unhappily married and unqualified Spanish teacher started a new Glee club at William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio and named it the New Directions. I still maintain that he must have been drunk or stoned when he came up with the name. 10 years later the Glee club lives on, thanks to the ‘We Built This Glee Club' foundation. Every former member has claimed that Glee club changed their lives for the better, which sounds like a bad after school special to me. But hey, I only do the voice overs, what do I know? Here's what the former Glee clubbers are up to now.


Platja de Sant Sebastià, Barcelona


Music is pumping from the speakers someone had set up next to a beach chair displaying the W Barcelona logo, a hotel further down the beach. Neither of the twins is familiar with the artist, but the beat's great for dancing. Madison laughs when Mason spins her again.

“I want to stay here forever!” she exclaims. “Can't we finish college here - one term isn't enough.”

Mason replies by dipping her back until her hair touches the sand. When she comes back up, Carmen from her Catalan Literature class is right next to them.

“Sois tan lindos juntos. ¿Cuánto tiempo ha usted estado saliendo?”

Mason lets go of Madison's hands immediately. His Spanish may not be as good as his sister's, but after 4 months of living in Spain he does get by. It's Madison who answers though.

“No, no, no. No somos una pareja! Mason es mi hermano. Somos mellizos.”

Carmen just smiles though.

“En ese caso,” she turns to Mason, “quieres bailar conmigo?”

Madison's phone bings in her short's pocket and she pulls it out as Carmen drags Mason off. It's a new WhatsApp message from Kitty.

“Great timing, Kitty,” Madison rolls her eyes as she types out a reply. It's like Kitty had somehow seen what happened with her classmate.

With Mason off dancing with Carmen, she hits send with a smile on her face. Because as much as she loves living in Barcelona, she's also looking forward to seeing all her glee club friends again.



Kitty's bedroom - Chicago


Meanwhile back in the States, Kitty is sitting in her bedroom, the smallest  in a three bedroom apartment she shares with two other girls in Evanston close to the Northwestern Campus. Her table is overloaded with books for a biology final, but she puts down the book on molecular biology when her phone alerts her to a new message. The message is from Madison, who together with her brother Mason, is studying abroad in Barcelona. Kitty may just be a little jealous, but she had turned down her own chance to study abroad to focus on her studies. With a smile on her face she looks at the acceptance letter on her pillow before she types out a reply.




MIT Computer Lab - Boston


Roderick is sitting in a MIT computer lab talking to a group of likeminded students.

“Geek, geek, geek, degeek, geek, geek, geek, geek, geek, degeek, geek.”

A message on his phone interrupts him. Sandy, the girl he's been crushing on since sophomore year, leans over his shoulder and reads his message. Anyone else he would admonish for reading his texts, but with Sandy he's helpless.

“You were in a Glee club?” Sandy asks surprised. “You should sing to me some time.”

All Roderick can do is nod. Because had he known he could impress Sandy with music, he would have told her about the New Directions years ago.


Gay Bar - Boston


Flashing neon lights illuminate the dance floor of Boyzone, Boston's hottest new gay bar. Spencer is behind the bar, wearing nothing but a pair of gold shorts, his chest covered with glitter. It's obviously not his dream job, but tips are great and until he can actually live off of his music working at Boyzone beats some of the shitty jobs his singer - songwriter friends do to pay the rent.

Paul, one of Roderick's nerdy friends, approaches the bar, and Spencer leans forward to greet him. They'd hooked up a few times since Spencer broke up with his last girlfriend who turned out to be a total asshole when he told her he was bi. But whatever, Paul is cute in a nerdy way and exactly what he needed after the breakup.

“Roderick tried to call you, but you changed your number?” Paul says with a frown on his face. He has to shout to be heard over the music and Spencer leans even closer.

“Lost my phone,” Spencer whisper into Paul's ear, “but I'll make sure you'll get my new number,” he adds seductively. “What did Roderick want?”

Paul hands him a piece of paper. Kitty called. Wants to know if you're going to the ND reunion. She wants us all to meet up for old times sake.

“Tell him, I'll go if we can drive to Ohio together. I don't have the money for a plane ticket right now.” On a whim he adds. “You're welcome to join us. Show you where I learnt my moves.”

Paul's face turns bright red. “Call me when you get off?”

Before Spencer can reply, Tony, who's technically his boss, calls out to him.

“Stop flirting and get back to work. There's plenty more cute boys who actually want a drink.”

Spencer quickly mimes call you later to Paul before he gets back to serving customers.


OSU Class room - Columbus, Ohio

Jane is sitting with Carly who does the layout for The Lantern, Ohio State's College Newspaper. She's just finished her critique of the drama department's Macbeth and unless Bettina, their editor-in-chief is unhappy with the piece, she'll be taking a break for the summer, heading back to Lima to work with Will Schuester's charity.

“Have you told your parents that you changed your major to journalism?” Carly asks as she creates tomorrow's edition in InDesign.

“Not yet,” Jane shakes her head. “I think mine are the only parents who are going to be disappointed that their kid doesn't want to be a singer anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love it, but a career in journalism is just more interesting to me now. I don't think I could handle all the uncertainty and instability an artist's life would bring. So many of my friends are trying to make it as actors and musicians, but only a few of them have actually succeeded. I'd rather know where my next meal is coming from than being a professional singer.”

“Then you shouldn't go into journalism either,” Carly laughs. “But I get it. When I was in high school, I was in a band and we were so sure we were the next big thing. Unfortunately our ‘audiences' didn't seem to agree. But I love what I do now.”

“Me too. And I still get to sing all summer with Will's Kidz. And we have a big glee club reunion coming up. There's no way we are all getting together and not sing. Not with Rachel Berry in the group.

“The Broadway actress? You never told me you went to school with her.”

“I didn't. She graduated before I transferred to McKinley High. But I met her a few times because she's involved in this save the arts in Ohio high schools foundation that helped save my Glee club.”
“Cool,” Carly replies. “You should totally interview her and write an article about the foundation. No one else on the team knows anyone famous.”

“Then I probably shouldn't tell you that I know Santana Lopez too,” Jane teases her friend.

“Sure you do. Next you're going to tell me you're friends with Mercedes Jones.”

“Actually,” Jane grins. “She used to be my Glee club coach when I was a junior in high school.”


The Roxy - Los Angeles

The room is packed with the typical L.A Friday night crowd, when Marley and Unique start on their closing number. They've been performing here every Friday night for the past year, showcasing their talent with a mix of Marley originals and covers and while music is in no way paying the rent yet, every Friday is the highlight of their week.

“Thanks everyone for coming out tonight to see us. As always, we let you pick our closing number, so I hope you'll enjoy it,” Unique addresses the crowd before Marley turns to the band that accompanies them every Friday. “Hit it.”



Hi - Hi! Were your Weather Girls - Ah-huh -

And have we got news for you - You better listen!

Get ready, all you lonely girls

And leave those umbrellas at home. - Alright! -



Humidity is rising - Barometers getting low

According to all sources, the streets the place to go

Cause tonight for the first time

Just about half-past ten

For the first time in history

Its gonna start raining men.



Its Raining Men! Hallelujah! - Its Raining Men! Amen!

Im gonna go out to run and let myself get

Absolutely soaking wet!

Its Raining Men! Hallelujah!

Its Raining Men! Every Specimen!

Tall, blonde, dark and lean

Rough and tough and strong and mean



God bless Mother Nature, shes a single woman too

She took off to heaven and she did what she had to do

She taught every angel to rearrange the sky

So that each and every woman could find her perfect guy

Its Raining Men! Hallelujah! - Its Raining Men! Amen!

Its Raining Men! Hallelujah!

Its Raining Men! Ame-nnnn!



I feel stormy weather / Moving in about to begin

Hear the thunder / Dont you lose your head

Rip off the roof and stay in bed



God bless Mother Nature, shes a single woman too

She took off to heaven and she did what she had to do

She taught every angel to rearrange the sky

So that each and every woman could find her perfect guy

Its Raining Men! Yeah!



Humidity is rising - Barometers getting low

According to all sources, the streets the place to go

Cause tonight for the first time

Just about half-past ten

For the first time in history

Its gonna start raining men.


Its Raining Men! Hallelujah! - Its Raining Men! Amen!

Its Raining Men! Hallelujah! - Its Raining Men!


They finish the song slightly out of breath but it's all worth it because the crowd applauds, cheers and whistles and from experience Marley and Unique know that many will come back next week to hear them perform again.

“Great show,” Ryder pulls himself up on stage and approaches his girlfriend and friend and hands a bottle of water to each of them.

“Thanks honey,” Unique takes the water bottle and kisses Ryder briefly, earning her a wolf whistle from the remaining audience. “How was school?”

“It was good, but I'm still looking forward to summer break.”

“New Directions reunion,” Marley and Unique sing in unison.

“So we really are going?” Ryder asks.

“Don't tell me you got cold feet,” Unique frowns and Ryder shakes his head frantically.

“No, of course not. I love you and I don't care what bigoted Ohio might think.”

“Good answer,” Unique smiles. “I'll reward you later.”

“And that's my cue to find somewhere else to stay tonight,” Marley rolls her eyes good-naturedly as the three of them walk out of the bar together.


Special ED classroom - Los Angeles

Ryder is sitting with a young boy of about 10, helping him read from his text book. The boy is struggling to get the words right, but Ryder is patient and gives the boy tips on how to get the words out. Spencer's been with the class for four month now, working as a teaching assistant to get his own teaching qualifications. He's struggled so much in school because of his dyslexia so when he went to college and had to decided on a major, getting a special ed teaching degree seemed like the natural choice. And he hadn't regretted it. After graduating from Dayton University last year, he'd moved to L.A on a whim and his first time out in the city, he'd ended up at the Roxy where Marley and Unique were performing for the first time. And instead of restarting something with an old girlfriend, he'd started to get to know Unique with an open mind. Every Friday for two months he went to the Roxy to see the girls perform before he dared to ask Unique out. First, she'd thought he was trying to get back at her for what happened in high school, but eventually she accepted that his feelings were genuine and they went out on their first date. Their relationship wasn't always easy, but Ryder wouldn't give it up for the world.

“The Atlantic ocean separates Europe from the east coast of northern America,” his student finally reads without stumbling over the words and Ryder smiles at him.

“Very good, Aaron. Let's move on to the Pacific.”


Julliard Dance Studio, New York City

A dance studio at Julliard. Jake and Bree are performing a complicated dance routine under the watchful eyes of a woman who could be Cassandra July's twin. Both are out of breath when they finish to a smattering of applause from their classmates.

“Excellent footwork you two,” their teacher praises them and Jake and Bree high five.

“Drinks later tonight at mine?” Bree asks when the teachers excuses them. “Bring your girlfriend, I wanna know where she got that dress she wore when we went to see Flashdance last week.”

“I'll ask her. By the way, did you also get an invite to the New Directions reunion?”

Bree nods. “I'm not sure I should be going though. I wasn't part of the group for long and no one really liked me.”

“Come one, I'm sure it will be fun. I haven't talked to any of those people in years, but Puck said all the quote unquote originals will be there. Some of them are really successful now, it wouldn't hurt to make some contacts.”

“Alright, let's go back to High School.”


Music class room, Dublin, Ireland

Rory's teaching a class of 13 year olds about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

“Can anyone tell me how old Mozart was when he died?”

A boy in the back of the class raises his hand and Rory motions for him to answer.

“Didn't he go deaf before he died? So probably like 80 or something.”

Rory shakes his head. “You're confusing Mozart with Beethoven. Mozart died very young, shortly before his 36th birthday. Now how many pieces of music do you think he wrote?”

His phone vibrates on his desk with an incoming email and Rory quickly glances at the tagline. It's from Sugar and it reads ‘Super Urgent'.

“You know what, why don't you think about it for a moment and then everyone writes a number on a piece of paper. Who ever comes closest gets to choose the song we're singing today.”

While his kids get busy, Rory opens Sugar's email.

Rory, long time, no see. Let's change that! I've attached a plane ticket to Lima in your name. It's non-refundable so you better get your cute butt over here. And no excuses, I've checked and your school's already on summer break when this reunion thing is happening. See you soon. XOXO Sugar.


Wrestling Arena, Austin, Texas

Lauren wrestles her opponent to the floor and the crowd goes wild, counting down as Lauren keeps the struggling man pinned down. He's nearly twice her size, but barely anyone stands a chance against Lauren Zizzes. Once she's declared the winner, Lauren climbs out of the ring to meet her adoring fans. There are even some she recognizes from other matches.

Next to the exit, her business partner Sugar is selling her newest fragrance, ‘Zizzes for the independent woman' and Lauren sends a group of fans her way. They make a good, but unlikely team, the female wrestler and the rich girl trying to prove to her daddy that she can make it on her own.

“We'll be in Ohio next,” Sugar tells a fan, “but not for wrestling. Can you believe that Zizzes and I met in show choir?” The fan looks back at Lauren, eyes wide, and shakes her head.


Counseling Center, Savannah, Georgia

Joe is sitting with a group of teens and young adults.

“Do we have anyone new here today who wants to tell their story?” he asks. “It's okay if you don't want to say it in front of the group, you can also come to my office later and I see how I can help you.”

The camera pans to a poster on the wall - it's similar in style to Emma Pillsbury's pamphlets.

Your parents forced you into gay conversion therapy, you managed to get out and now they disowned you? We're here to help.


Recording Studio, New York City

Rachel is in the recording booth when the opening notes to This Time start. In front of her is the sheet music to the song and printed in bold is ‘lyrics and music by Blaine Anderson'. Blaine is on the other side of the class, making notes on his own copies as Rachel sings.


These walls and all these picture frames

Every name they show

These halls Ive walked a thousand times

Heartbreaks and valentines, friends of mine all know


I look at everything I was

And everything I ever loved

And I can see how much Ive grown


And though the mirror doesnt see it

Its clear to me, I feel it

I can make it on my own


Im not afraid of moving on and letting go

Its just so hard to say goodbye to what I know, I know


This time no ones gonna say goodbye

I keep you in this heart of mine

This time I know its never over


No matter who or what I am

Ill carry where we all began

This time that we had, I will hold forever


This old familiar place is

Where every face is another part of me

I played a different game then

They called me a different name then

I think of all the things I did and how I wish I knew what I know now


I see how far Ive come and what I got right

When I was looking for that spotlight

I was looking for myself


Got over what I was afraid of

I showed em all that I was made of

More than trophies on a shelf


For all the battles that we lost or might have won

I never stopped believing in the words we sung, we sung


This time no ones gonna say goodbye

I keep you in this heart of mine

This time I know its never over


No matter who or what I am

Ill carry where we all began

This time that we had, I will hold forever


Im looking out from the crossroads

I dont know how far away I will roll

I take a breath, I close my eyes

Your voice will carry me home


I keep you in this heart of mine

This time I know its never over


No matter who or what I am

Ill carry where we all began

This time that we had, I will hold

This time that we had, I will hold

This time that we had, I will hold





Blaine joins her in the booth when the song is over.

“Oh my god, Rachel, that was so good,” he tells her with a big smile on his face.

“But you have notes,” she teases him, because they've been at it for three days and Blaine's still not satisfied.

“Just a few things I'd like to change.” Blaine nods. “I just really want it to be perfect. It's Artie's first film since he graduated and of all the talented people he knows, he asks me to write the title song. People are going to listen when they find out you're singing it, so it has to be amazing.”

Rachel kisses him on the cheek. “Kurt's told you it's perfect, I've told you it's perfect and Artie's told you it's perfect, when will you be satisfied?”
“When I've won an Oscar for best original song,” Blaine jokes. “Can you try the changes and then I'll take you out for lunch, I promise.”

“Alright, let's do this.”


A nondescript bar, Los Angeles

Inside, Artie's lighting crew has just finished lighting the scene and Arie's assistant calls Santana and Casey Kansas for a technical rehearsal. As Santana and Casey move through the room, his girlfriend and director of photography, Jess, tracks their movement with a camera mounted on a dolly, whispering instructions to her crew over her radio.

“And cut,” Artie yells before turning to Jess. “You need another rehearsal?”

Jess nods and Santana and Casey move back to their starting positions.

“And lets do it with music this time. We've got the play back, right?” he asks his assistant who nods and instructs sound to cue the music.

As Artie calls ‘action' the camera moves back to reveal the word ‘director' emblazoned on the back of Artie's wheelchair.


Radio City Music Hall, New York City

Brittany's dancing with the Rockettes with a huge smile on her face. It's still her dream job.


Dance Studio, New York City

Jesse is workshopping a new musical by  Stephen Sondheim who plays him the melody of the song he's working on.

“And you come in here on this note,” Sondheim says and plays the melody again, “and then on the repeat the chorus joins you.”


Tony Awards, Beacon Theater, New York City

Blaine's sitting next to Rachel and Jesse in the audience and tries not to vibrate out of his chair, but this is the Tony Awards and any moment now his husband is going to perform for not just the people in the theater but for whoever tunes in to the broadcast. It doesn't matter that Kurt isn't nominated himself, because Blaine's sure that just performing in a Tony nominated show will open up even more career opportunities for his talented husband.

On stage Andrew Rannels steps up to the microphone.

“The next nominee for best musical tells the story of Paul and Noah. Paul and Tony. Paul and Kyle and Paul and Joni. Paul and the amazing Infinite Darlene. Please welcome the cast of Boy Meets Boy, performing Tony's Ball.”

Blaine cheers loudly when the curtain goes up and at first it's just Kurt on stage, sitting behind a window and gazing out longingly. The song starts with Kurt lamenting that his mom won't let him go to the ball, because she thinks spending time in the liberal neighboring town will corrupt her son's soul for good. Tony's solo is interrupted by the arrival of Paul and Paul's friends, who've all come to Tony's house to convince his mom to let Tony go to the ball.


A pub in Washington, DC

Carole, Burt and Pam, who's come up for a visit, are sitting in a pub near Burt's office. An incoming text from Blaine tells him that Kurt's up next and Burt slips the bartender a twenty to change the channel from C-SPAN to CBS for the next 10 minutes so he can watch his son perform at the Tonys. The bartender hands him back the twenty and Burt frowns.

“Keep it, I love showtunes,” the bartender winks and changes the channel just as Kurt appears on stage.

“That's my boy,” Burt yells loudly while Kurt's stepmom and his mother-in-law pretend not to know Burt. Burt just yells it louder because this is his son on freaking TV. “That's my son the Broadway star!”


Social Services Building, Downtown Los Angeles

Sam is sitting with a young boy of about 5. He's on the phone with Mercedes.

“We couldn't leave him there. According to the father, the mother had taken off a few weeks ago, and the father himself is a heroin addict.”

“Of course you had to save the kid, but why do you have to bring him home?”

“It's Friday night, everywhere else is full and the earliest I can place him with a foster family is on Monday. I know we had plans to meet up with Artie and watch the Tony's together, but I don't want to leave Charlie in a group shelter.”

“Fine bring him home for the weekend. He'll just have to watch the Tony's with us then.”

“Thanks, Cedes. I swear it's going to be the last time.”

“That's what you said when you brought home Chucky. Now we have 5 dogs. But it's okay, I love how much you care for those kids. They are lucky to have you.”

Sam turns to the young boy, who's been coloring quietly and seems to have paid no attention to the phone call.

“Alright, kiddo. Let's pack up and get out of here. You hungry?

Charlie nods. “I'm not sure what we have at home. We'll better get some take out on the way home.”

The Charlie's eyes light up. “Can we get McDonalds? My friends always get McDonalds, but Mom always said we can't afford it.” Sam makes a face, but nods.

“McDonalds for dinner it is.”


Sue's Studio, Los Angeles

Sue's leaving her studio with her 7 year old daughter Robin, who seems to be a very happy child for someone who has Sue Sylvester as her mother. Sue bumps into a young man who looks vaguely familiar.

“Don't I know you?”

“Oh, shit. You are Sue Sylvester,” the young man exclaims.
“I know who I am. Who are you?” Sue barks, making sure Robin's still distracted by her iPad.

“Matt Rutherford. I used to go to McKinley High.”

Sue furrows her brows. “You didn't die? I was a 100% sure you died.”

“And I thought you succeed in destroying the Glee club after I left. Looks like we were both wrong,” Matt snarks.

“What do you mean?”

“I just got an invite to celebrate 10 years of New Directions.”

“How dare they,” Sue snarls. She takes her phone out of her pocket and checks her emails.

Matt backs away slowly from the crazy lady with the cute kid. As he crosses the street he hears Sue yell, “How dare they not invite me.”


Recording Studio, Los Angeles

Mercedes is in the recording studio working on her next album.

“So which song should we release first? Sam really likes ‘Hold Me' and it's one of my favorites too.”

“I think we should release ‘Restless' first,” her producer disagrees. “With that song, you're not just going to be nominated for a Grammy, you are going to win it.”

“I'll think about it,” Mercedes tells her producer and takes a call from her agent.

“Are you sitting down, Mercedes?” Cynthia greets her and Mercedes rolls her eyes because her agent is even more of a drama queen than Rachel Berry.

“What's up?”

“I hope you're sitting down because I've just had a call from London. They want you to take over the role of Effie White in Dreamgirls on the West End.”

“No way!” Mercedes sits down on one of the sofas in the studio and waves off her producer when he looks at her in concern. “They really want me?”

“One of the producers went to your concert and you really impressed them. It would be a six months limited engagement.”

“I have to talk it over with Sam. We've got dogs and he keeps bringing kids home. When do they need an answer?”

“Take your time,” her agent tells her. “You're their first choice so take you time.”

“Mercedes Jones on the West End,” she mumbles to herself after ending the call. “Do you hear that Mr. Schue? Looks like I'm not too fat and lazy after all.”


University of Illinois, Chicago

Quinn runs out of the building with a huge smile on her face right into the arms of her boyfriend Noah Puckerman who's wearing his police uniform.

“I passed. Holy shit, I passed,” she yells before Puck kisses her deeply.

“Ew,” 9 year old Beth exclaims and covers her eyes with her hands. She standing next to her mom Shelby, both of them having travelled to Chicago to support Quinn.

“Can I propose now?” Puck asks and Quinn shakes her head fondly.

“Not yet. No wedding or unplanned kids - no offense,” she blows a kiss in Beth's direction, “until I have my own office.”

“My girlfriend the lawyer,” Puck smiles at her proudly.

“And my boyfriend the cop. Who would have thought that's how we end up back at McKinley.”

“Your job's so boring, mom,” Beth complains to Shelby. “Can Quinn or Puck come to my next show and tell?”

Shelby laughs. “If you can fit them in your suitcase. We're going back to New York after Ohio.”

“I don't like Ohio. It's so boring,” Beth pouts, New Yorker to boot, and the grown ups share a smile.

“Well, if you'd rather Puck and Quinn went without us,” Shelby jokes but Beth's eyes widen and she shakes her head frantically.

“No, I like them. They're fun. And Puck promised to let me ride in his police car with the siren on.”

“You did?” Quinn raises an unimpressed eyebrow and Puck gives her a lopsided smile.

“My girlfriend's a lawyer.”


The PrivateBank Theater, Chicago

Mike's recently been made Dance Captain of the Chicago production of Hamilton and is teaching a new dancer the routine for Yorktown. They are halfway through the song, when his phone rings and Tina's face shows up on the display.

“Why don't we take a short break,” he tells Taylor and answers the call.

“Hey honey, everything okay?” he greets his girlfriend. “What did your advisor say?”

“She thinks I should take a semester off and start my Ph.D in January.”

Mike takes a deep drag from his water bottle before he replies. “Will you?”

“I think so. I want to be able to focus on my studies and I can't do that if I'm busy with other things.”

“Well, you know, whatever you decide, I fully support you. Want me to pick up something for dinner?”

“Pizza would be create. I have a craving for a proper deep dish pizza. Don't know why Kurt and Rachel are so crazy about New York. We definitely have the better pizza here.”

“I'm glad you got your priorities straight,” Mike teases her. “But listen, I need to get back to work. I'll text before I leave. Love you.”

“Love you too.”


Will's Kidz Studio, Lima

Will's Kidz is an arts club for underprivileged kids started by Will Schuester and Emma Pillsbury - Schuester two and a half years ago. Not only does it offer music lessons to kids who dont have them in school and can't pay for private lessons, it also offers kids a place to hang out with like minded people while their parents are at work.

Will's teaching a group of elementary school aged children the song Hakuna Matata from The Lion King, his son Danny soloing on ‘it means no worries for the rest of the day'. After the song finishes, a young girl with blond pigtails comes up to him.

“Will you bring Sarah again, Mr. Schue? I need a proper baby for my stroller.” She points at a toy stroller in a corner.

“I'm sure she'll join us again at some point, but I'm afraid she's a little too big for your stroller. But how about we sing another song together until your mom gets here.”


William McKinley High School, Principal's Office

“I got the band rehearsing old competition numbers and Breadstix confirmed that they will provide the food,” Shannon tells Emma after they finish going through their plan for the following school year.

On the floor, a girl of about three, with red hair, is playing Lego with a boy of about the same age. When the girl knocks over a Lego tower, the boy starts crying and runs over to Shannon.

“Mommy, up,” he demands and Shannon lifts him onto her lap and wipes his tears.

“Me too,” the girl pulls on Emma's skirt and Emma lifts up Sarah as well.

“You know, as much as I love the idea of a New Directions reunion, I'm glad when it's over,” Emma admits. “I never knew how many kids were in Glee over the years until I had to track them all down and send them invitations.”

“I can't believe it's been 10 years and I was there for nearly all of them,” Shannon sighs. “I guess that means we're getting old.”

“Forget about us, can you believe that some of those kids will be 30 soon? Some of them are even married already. I still haven't told Will that Rachel married Jesse St. James a few months ago. Out of all his students he was sure that at least she would invite him to her wedding.”

“Doesn't he follow the show choir blogs anymore? There was a big article about Broadway's new power couples on"

“Since when do you check" Emma teases her friend.

“What can I say,” Shannon wriggles her ring finger,” my husband's a musical theater geek.”


William McKinley High School, Auditorium

Kurt, Blaine, Rachel, Jesse, Mercedes, Sam, Quinn, Puck, Brittany, Santana, Artie and Jess are standing together when Tina arrives with Mike. Kurt's the first to spot her and his jaw hits the floor.

“Holy shit, Tina!” he exclaims, making everyone turn and stare at Tina. Then he turns to Blaine and hits his shoulder. “Did you know about this and not tell me?”

Blaine, eyes wide, shakes his head frantically. “I swear, I had no idea. She didn't tell me either.”

The camera circles Tina to show what the Glee Club's seeing - Tina is 8 months pregnant and looks ready to burst.

“You look ready to burst,” Quinn observes, still as blunt as ever. “So why'd you come here?Does no one remember what happened during our first Regionals.”

“You mean my best performance of Bohemian Rhapsody ever,” Jesse jokes and Rachel smacks his shoulder.

“I'm fine, Quinn,” a glowing Tina assures her friend. “I have another 4 weeks and there was no way I was missing a chance to sing with all of you again. Not all of us get to sing for their supper every day.”

That moment, Mike spots former bestie Matt across the room.

“Go ahead, honey,” Tina tells him.

Matt and Mike run towards each other in slow motion and they've nearly reached each other when Mike hears Tina yell, “oh fuck.” He turns around and sees Tina surrounded by the girls, the front of her pants wet. Mike waves at Matt sadly before he runs back to Tina. He wraps an arm around her and followed by all their friends, leads her to the parking lot. On the way out, they pass Marley, Jake, Unique, Ryder, Spencer, Roderick, Kitty, Jane, Madison and Mason.

“Sorry, we gotta run. Nice to see you,” Kurt informs the former newbies before he follows Blaine to his dad's car.

ND 2.0 and 3.0 look at the ND 1.0 gobsmacked.

“Told you they never liked us,” Marley throws her hands up in resignation.


Hospital Room, Lima Hospital, Lima

A disheveled looking exhausted but happy Tina is sitting in Mike's arm on a hospital bed, a wrapped up baby in her arms. There's a knock on the door before Mercedes pokes her head in.

“The nurse said we're allowed to see you now.” Tina nods and Mercedes opens the door to the rest of the Gleeks.

Kurt, Blaine, Rachel, Quinn, Puck, Artie, Brittany, Sam, Santana and Mercedes crowd around the hospital bed.

“Jesse went downstairs to the cafeteria and wanted me to ask you if you needed anything?” Rachel says, simultaneously trying to catch a glimpse of the new baby.

“Coffee,” Tina sighs. “But I'll take decaf if they have it.”

“Did you name him yet?” Quinn asks, flashing back for a moment to when it was her in the maternity ward surrounded by her friends and trying to name a baby she knew she couldn't keep. Tina, though, she gets to take her little baby boy home with her, and Quinn tries not to feel jealous. But every time she meets Shelby and Beth she knows she made the right decision in giving Beth up for adoption.

“Ben,” Tina smiles. “Ben Matthew Cohen - Chang.”

“The newest member of the New Directions,” Kurt jokes, trying to distract himself from the way Blaine's looking at the baby with eyes that say ‘I want one too'. Because they've only recently found success and they have a plan - which includes no children or pets before 30.

“Yeah, no,” Tina wrinkles her nose. “As much as I loved our Glee club, there's no way in hell I'm ever gonna move back to Lima.”

Everyone in the room nods.

“As nice as it would be to have our future kids grow up together, hell would have to freeze over before I move back here,” Rachel agrees. “So let's make a pact - we'll meet once a year in either New York, Chicago or L.A so we all get to host at some point. Or maybe we could even fly out to London for Mercedes' opening night this fall. I don't have to tell you how jealous I am.”

“Me too,” Kurt sighs. “Blaine and I, we've already made plans to go but it would be cool if we could all cheer her on together.”

They all put their hands together, Tina careful not to jostle and wake Ben.

“I'm really glad we all signed up for Glee club,” Mercedes says with tears in her eyes. “Before Glee I didn't have any friends at school and look at me now, there's a whole group of people willing to fly thousands of miles just to see me perform on stage.”

Kurt hugs his best friend to his side before they are engulfed in a massive group hug by the rest of the Gleeks. It ends with them all crying while the baby in Tina's arms sleeps on unperturbed by all the noice around him.


McKinley High School Auditorium, Lima


The curtain on stage rises and spotlights illuminate Artie, Mercedes, Tina, Kurt and Rachel seated near the front of the stage. A sixth stool remains empty, only Finns old letterman jacket draped over it. The music starts.



Hope when you take that jump, you dont feel the fall.



Hope when the water rises, you built a wall.



Hope when the crowd screams out, theyre screaming your name.



Hope if everybody runs, you choose to stay.


The founding members of the New Directions are joined on stage by Quinn, Brittany and Santana, dressed in their old cheerleading uniforms.



Hope that you spend your days, but they all add up.



And when the sun goes down, you raise your cup.



Oh, I wish that I could witness all your joy, and all your pain.


The former Cheerios are joined by Puck, Mike and Matt, all in their football jerseys.



But until my moments comes, Ill say.


Before the chorus starts, they are joined by Jesse, Sam, Sunshine and Lauren.



I, I did it all



I, I did it all



I owned every second that this world could give



Saw so many places, the things that I did



With every broken bone I swear I lived


Next, Sugar, Rory, Joe and Blaine step on stage.



Oh, oh, oh, oh



With every broken bone I swear I lived



With every broken bone I swear I


Unique, Marley, Kitty, Bree, Jake and Ryder, whod watched from the audience until now, climb on stage.



I, I did it all



I, I did it l



I owned every second that this world could give



Saw so many places, the things that I did



With every broken bone I swear I lived



Oh, oh, oh, oh


The New Directions 2.0 are joined by the 3.0s.



I swear I lived oh oh



I swear I lived oh oh


And finally, the glee clubs former coaches and benefactors climb on stage.



I swear I lived oh oh



I swear I lived oh oh



I swear I lived oh oh


The lights go on in the auditorium showing that every single seat is filled by current and former members of the New Directions. On stage, the first three generations of the New Directions wrapped their arms around each other.



I swear I lived


The image freezes and superimposed on top of the frozen glee clubbers are the words


By its very definition, Glee is about opening yourself up to joy


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