Alternative Season 6
608: A Wedding Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Alternative Season 6: 608: A Wedding

K - Words: 9,649 - Last Updated: Dec 15, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Jan 20, 2015 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
302 0 0 0 0

AN: Sorry this took a while as well. I really wanted to do the Brittana wedding justice and I hope those of you, whos favorite couple are the girls, will like my take on their wedding. As the title A Wedding implies, there will only be one wedding in this episode, because I believe every couple deserves their own special day. Klaines day will come, but not in this episode.

Also re the Air Force story line. I spent 3 hours researching it and even ventured into forums where members of the Air Force were discussing how to get out early. Im still confused on a lot of it though, so Im sorry if Pucks storyline sounds unrealistic.

608: A Wedding: February

Heres what you missed on Glee. Brittany proposed to Santana and Santana proposed to elope because she was afraid her abuela would refuse to come to her wedding. Kurt and Blaine called off their engagement when Blaine kept pushing for a wedding and Kurt realized he wasnt ready for it. Unique once thought she could only get a boyfriend if she pretended to be someone else and Artie has the hots for his director of photography but shes reluctant to date someone shes working with. Also, Puck and Quinn were fighting over their long distance relationship and the last time they spoke, Quinn sort of gave Puck an ultimatum. Ouch. And thats what you missed on Glee.

New York City, Queens Studios

Santanas reading her newest script in her dressing room when her phone rings in her bag. When she sees whos calling her, she nearly drops her phone.

"Abuela?" she answers with a frown, because she hasnt spoken to her grandmother in three years.

"Santana, why didnt you tell me youre getting married?" her abuela replies, disapproval evident in her voice. Santana laughs dryly.

"Why should I? You made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with me anymore when I came out to you. You didnt call me once in the last three years, you didnt congratulate me when I graduated from high school, when I got my first big job in New York or when I went on a National tour. You werent even happy for me when I got cast on your favorite telenovela. So tell me, abuela, why should I have told you that Im getting married?"

It feels good to get all of this off her chest. So many important things had happened in her life these past three years and her grandmother hadnt been there for even one of them, just because Santana had been forced out of the closet and had thought it would be better if her grandmother heard it from her rather than from TV.

"Because were family," her abuela argues.

"Family," Santana scoffs. "Family supports you even when theyre unhappy with your decisions. Family doesnt kick you out of the house and tells you to never come back. Family loves you unconditionally."

Santana wipes a tear from her eyes, probably smudging her make up, but right now she doesnt care that her make up artist will be angry with her.

"I do love you," her grandmother protests. "I wouldnt have called you if I didnt love you. Disapproving of your lifestyle doesnt mean that I dont love you. Your lifestyle goes against everything I believe in, but youre right, Ive already missed too many milestones in your life and I dont want to miss your wedding as well. I still believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, but youre my granddaughter and sometimes family is more important. You can thank your Brittany for reminding me of that."

"Brittany called you?" Santana asks, because her fiancée didnt not tell her about that tiny, but important detail concerning their wedding.

"She told me you didnt invite me and no one told me about it, because everyone was afraid Id hurt you even more. Well never agree on everything, but I want to be part of your life again. If youll have me."

For a moment shes tempted to say no. Be as vicious as her grandmother had been. But when shed envisioned her wedding as a little girl, one thing had always been the same. Her grandmother was there to see her walk down the aisle.

"If you say one bad thing about Brittany and me, were through for good. This is your last chance to be in my life and in the lives of any children we may have. Im giving you a second chance, but if you disappoint me again, if you break my heart again, Ill never forgive and Ill never want to see you again. Do you understand?"

The line stays silent for a moment, but Santana doesnt think her demands are too outrageous. Finally, her grandmother clears her throat.

"I understand. I will keep my opinions to myself and will try my best to support you and Brittany."

"Thats all I ever wanted," Santana replies as tears stream down her face. "Ill let dad know to include you in the travel arrangements."

Just as she ends the call theres a knock on her door and Santana wipes away her tears as Kim, one of the PAs, plops her head through the door.

"They need you in make up," she tells Santana, wincing when she sees Santanas tear stained face. "And I dont think Carry will be very happy."

"Then she shouldnt have offered to do my make up for the wedding," Santana jokes. "I expect Ill be crying then as well."

Fortunately, Kim doesnt ask why Santana was crying in her dressing room and only offers her a tissue as they walk down the hallway to make up.

New York City, The Loft

While he waits for Blaine to come home from class, Kurt checks the oven timer again, fiddles with the napkins hed folded earlier and moves the bottle of champagne hed bought on his way home from the freezer to the fridge. For their dinner, hes made the lasagna Blaine loves so much and theres panacotta for the two of them cooling in the fridge for desert. Rachel is at tech rehearsal for Gypsy and is spending the night at Bens so Kurt has the apartment just for him and Blaine. The engagement ring burns a hole in his pants pocket and Kurt doesnt know why hes so nervous when he can be 99 % sure that Blaine will say yes to his re-proposal.

Maybe, because compared to Blaines proposal, his own will be very low key. The only thing he has planned are a song and a romantic dinner. He doesnt even have a speech prepared, hoping that his heart will guide him when the time comes. Because theres nothing else he can do but wait, Kurt sits down at the piano and slowly plays through the song again. Hed asked one of his music teacher for help turning one of his favorite duets into a solo, transposing it into a key that fit his voice and dumbing down the music so he could play it himself on the piano. Hes out of practice, usually letting Blaine play for him when hes rehearsing a piece for class, but after Blaines grand proposal he wants to show him that hes making an effort as well.

Behind him, the door slides open and Kurt quickly takes his fingers of the keys and turns on the piano bench, just to catch the surprise on Blaines face.

"I know we dont have an anniversary in early February, so whats the occasion?" he asks as he toes off his shoes and puts his keys and wallet into the glass bowl by the front door.

"I love you, shouldnt that be occasion enough," Kurt smiles and turns his head so Blaine can kiss his cheek.

"Im smelling lasagna and you only make lasagna for special occasions," Blaine replies as he joins Kurt on the piano bench.

"Alright, you caught me," Kurt concedes. "I wanted us to have dinner first though, before I told you the reason for the dinner."

"I cant believe Im about to say this, but dinner can wait. Tell me, please," Blaine, the evil bastard that he is, stares at him with puppy dog eyes and Kurt can rarely say no to those.

After telling Blaine to take a seat on the couch, Kurt lowers the temperature of the oven to avoid overcooking the lasagna, which was supposed to be done in ten minutes. Then, he returns to the piano and nervously puts his hands back on the keys.

"So, um, this song is for you. Please ignore the bad playing," he announces before playing the opening chords.

No more talk of darkness
Forget these wide-eyed fears
Im here, nothing can harm you
My words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom
Let daylight dry your tears
Im here, with you, beside you
To guard you and to guide you

And say youll love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summer time
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
Thats all I ask of you

Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
Youre safe, no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you

All I want is freedom
A world with no more night
And you, always beside me
To hold me and to hide me

And say youll share with me one love, one lifetime
Let me lead you from your solitude
Say you need me with you here, beside you
Anywhere you go, let me go too
Blaine, thats all I ask of you

"That was beautiful, Kurt." Blaine wraps his arms around him from behind and Kurt turns in his embrace. "But you have all of that already, so what are you asking?"

Kurt ignores the butterflies tangoing in his stomach and slips from the bench down onto one knee.

"Blaine, you know how much I love you. I love your support and that you dont let me get away with hiding behind my walls. And ever since I met you, Ive wanted to less and less. You love me regardless of my flaws, you never give up on me and you keep your promises. Your cookies are so good, I wish youd promised to bake them more than twice a year. My life without you in it, doesnt feel complete and given the choice I choose you time and again. I choose you because youre my best friend, my lover and my partner. I choose you, not because I cant live without you in my life, but because I dont want to. So Blaine, will you marry me on June 4th, 2016 so at least one of us will be out of college when we get married?"

Blaines answer is to press his lips to Kurts, before moving on to kissing all over his face.

"Yes." Kiss. "Of course." Kiss. "You know Id never say no to you." Kiss. "I cant believe you proposed to me." Kiss.

Blaine kisses away a stray tear on Kurts cheek as Kurt laughs in relief. Its been a while since Blaines heard him laugh so carefree and he didnt know how much he missed it until now.

"Stop kissing me," Kurt protests weakly. "I cant give you your ring if you keep that up."

Blaines eyes widen in surprise. "You really got me a ring. I didnt think youd remember."

"Of course I did," Kurt rolls his eyes fondly and then Blaines eyes are clued to the black satin box sitting on Kurts palm. "I was hoping youd put my ring back on my finger as well."

Blaine holds out his hand for Kurt, a huge smile on his face when his fiancé slides a gorgeous ring similar to Kurts onto his ring finger. After another brief kiss, Blaine takes Kurts ring from the chain it had been on these past few months and carefully slides it back onto Kurts finger.

Theyre both on the floor, Kurt with tears in his eyes and Blaine with a blinding smile on his face. Then the timer goes off.

"Dinner?" Kurt asks. "There are some things I want to talk to you about." Blaine nods and lets Kurt pull him off the floor.

While Kurt plates the lasagna, Blaine opens the bottle of champagne and fills two glasses. Not willing to let go of Kurts hand once theyve sat down, Blaine eats with his left hand only even though it slows down the process.

"So you set a date," Blaine says between bites and Kurt nods.

"Well, you knew that I was talking to Madam Tibideaux about graduating early, but the reason I asked her was so that we didnt have to wait even longer to get married. I know you wouldnt have minded getting married while were both in school, but I believe its best if at least one of us has graduated and is working. Once were married, we wont be on our parents health insurance anymore and I didnt want us to lose all kinds of benefits because we got married while were still in college."

"You were always the more rational one of the two of us and Im glad Im marrying you," Blaine beams at Kurt. "We cant both be impulsive dreamers if we want to make it in the long run and just knowing that you really are going to marry me, makes me care less when its going to happen. Tomorrow or next year, as long as youre the second groom Im gonna be happy."

Kurts glad that none of his friends are here to witness his moment, because they would probably mock them for being too sappy. He, however, doesnt mind it at all.

"Ive also spoken with Gina and the venue is available on June 4th next year if you still want to get married there," he informs Blaine after sharing another kiss.

"Do you want to get married there?" Blaine asks. "Im sorry that I never really asked before, I was just too excited about getting it at all."

Blaine looks hopeful, but Kurt doesnt want to repeat old mistakes.

"Not really, Im sorry. Its just so big and impersonal and I dont think we know enough people to fill the room. Now that we know what time of the year were getting married, can we just start looking again and find something smaller and more intimate that were both going to love?"

"Youre right. We have more than a year to plan the perfect wedding for us and we should make the decisions together. After all I plan to get married only once, so the first time should be amazing."

They decided then and there to forget about desert in favor of making out like teenagers on their living room couch.

New York City, Brooklyn Film School – Empty Classroom

"Hey Jess, wait up," Artie calls after Jess when he spots her walking down the hallway. Jess slows down, allowing Artie to catch up with her. "Can we talk for a moment?"

Jess nods and follows Artie into an empty classroom.

"So I heard that Leo got you a gig as well, congrats," Artie tells her and Jess face lights up.

"Yeah, I cant believe Im going to work on an actual TV show my first year in college. So thanks for bringing me on board. I was hesitant at first, but we did good."

Artie nods along, because Jess right. They did a great job together and their film has earned them a lot of praise so far.

"Was that the only thing you wanted to tell me? You could have told me that out in the hallway."

"Actually," Artie sits up straighter. "I wanted to ask if youll be my plus one to my friends wedding."

"Artie, I told you that I dont think its a good idea to go out if were working together," Jess replies, but Artie isnt ready to give up, because he really likes her, likes her more than he has any girl in a long time.

"Well, technically we arent working together anymore. Sure, well be on the same episode but in different departments. So please, go out with me."

"I dont know, Artie. I dont know any of your friends and having a first date at a wedding puts a lot of pressure on the date, dont you think?" Jess wrings her hands in front of her.

"Then how about you come to the rehearsal dinner with me. Ill introduce you to everyone and if you have a good time with me, you come to the wedding. The rehearsal dinner is Wednesday night and the wedding Friday afternoon."

Jess bites her lip and just looks at Artie for a moment, probably going through a list of pros and cons.

"Alright, Ill go out with you, but you better be on your best behavior. Because I really enjoyed working with you and I want to collaborate again in the future even if it turns out we arent romantically compatible."

"Yes," Artie throws his fist into the air. "You wont regret it, I promise."

"I really hope so," Jess replies, but theres a small smile on her face.

"So can I wheel you to your next class? Ive never heard complaints about the Artie express before," Artie offers Jess his lap, but Jess shakes her head.

"You can accompany me, but Ive only just agreed to go out with you. Lets take this slow and see where its going, okay."

Artie grudgingly nods, though hed rather not take it slow. Jess is super hot after all and hopefully hell get some action at the wedding. After all, everyone hooks up at weddings, right?

Toledo, Restaurant Les Corbeaux

Shannon and John are already seated at a table in the back when Emma and Will enter.

"Sorry were late. Our babysitter cancelled this afternoon and it took us forever to find someone else to look after Daniel," Emma explains as she slides into a chair opposite Shannon while Will takes care of their jackets.

"Dont worry, we only just got here as well. One of my guys sprained his ankle and with Sam in New York I had to take him to the ER myself," Shannon replies, her hand linked with Johns on the table.

Emma hasnt seen her friend this happy in a long while and it makes her happy in turn to know that giving John a chance had worked so well for Shannon.

"John, good to see you again." Will joins the table. "Hows the accounting business?"

"Same old, same old," John replies. "Youre lucky you had other talents and didnt actually become an account. Me, the only thing Im good at are numbers, unfortunately."

They order a bottle of wine for the table when their waiter appears and a couple of dishes neither of them can pronounce to share. Usually, when they go out together, they meet at Breadstix but Valentines day is only a few days away and the four of them had wanted to go to a nicer place for once. One of Johns coworkers had recommended Les Corbeaux and so they had gotten a reservation there.

"Im surprised you werent invited to the wedding, Will," Shannon says after theyve ordered. "You and your kids always seemed so close."

Will sighs. "I was disappointed that they didnt invite me, but Sue isnt invited either and she got Santana a scholarship for college. And the truth is, I was never as close to Santana and Brittany as I was to some of the other kids."

"Im sure they would have invited you if theyd gotten married in Ohio, but I understand that with getting married in New York they only invited friends and family. If wed gotten married out of state, we wouldnt have asked the kids to come either, not when they have college and not much money to spare," Emma rubs his back soothingly.

Her husband had been sad at first when Santana and Brittany told him about their engagement when they were in Lima during Christmas break, but didnt issue an invitation to the wedding, but luckily he hadnt taken it too hard. She doesnt know what Sues reaction had been, but she bets it had been much worse.

"I dont think I wouldve come if they had invited me," Shannon admits. "I love those kids, but Ive been a coach and a teacher long enough to know that kids come and go and you cant get too attached. Itd be different if Sam was getting married because we work together, but with the Glee kids, Id feel so out of place. I wouldnt have wanted my forty something former teacher at my wedding, not even my favorite one, and I understand why Santana and Brittany want to focus on their future and not on their past."

"Well, I for one am glad Im not a teacher," John interjects. "I dont think I could do it; invest so much time into students only to have to let them go and start anew with a fresh crop of students. I really admire what the three of you are doing, but I dont think I could just let them go either."

The table falls silent as the three teachers think about their favorite students and how hard it was to see them go after graduation. Fortunately, their hor doeuvres arrive then and topic of discussion shifts to the food in front of them.

Later, when she and Will walk out to their car hand in hand, he squeezes hers.

"You know, as much as I would have wanted to be invited to the wedding, those double dates with Shannon and John are really nice. I never really had friends my age when I was married to Terry because she demanded that I devoted all of my free time to her. The guys I was in Acafellas with left McKinley and after the divorce I spent most of my time either with the kids or whoever I was dating. I never thought I needed friends my age until Shannon became my friend and we went to bars together and did all those things I could never have done with the kids. So if I had to choose between going to New York on my own and spending an evening with you, Shannon and her boyfriend, I choose you guys. I didnt think I needed grown up friends until I finally had them, but now I know that trying to be friends with kids fifteen years younger than I would never be as satisfying."

Emma wraps her arm around him and kisses his cheeks.

"Im glad youre seeing it this way, honey. Id hate it if your old students not needing you anymore would bring you down. The fact that they dont need you anymore just proves that you did right by them in school. You prepared them for the real world and Id be more worried if they constantly came back to McKinley or clung to you, because theyre not ready to be grown ups."

New York City, The Spotlight Diner

Kurt changes into his suit in the backroom of the Spotlight diner after finishing his shift. Hes exhausted after class in the morning, meeting with his dance coach for two hours at noon and working the afternoon shift at the diner. He didnt even have time to go home to shower before the rehearsal dinner that is being held at the Spotlight diner. Gunther had agreed to let Santana hold it at the diner free of charge after shed promised to promote it in an upcoming interview with Good Morning America.

In the staff bathroom he tries his best to fix his hair and by the time he returns to the main room, its already filled with his friends, Santana coworkers and the Pierce and Lopez families. Brittanys younger sister is sitting next to Blaine behind the piano on stage where his boyfriend is showing her how to play a simple piece, while in another corner Artie is introducing his date to Santana and Brittany. Santanas grandmother is sitting next to Brittanys mother and judging from the look on her face, Whitney Lopez mind is as unique as Brittanys.

The bell over the door announces two more newcomers as Quinn and Tina step into the diner. Quinn rushes over to Santana and Brittany immediately to hug her two friends, while Tina heads over to where Mike and Puck, for once out of uniform, are talking to each other in a corner.

"Hi Mike," she greets him softly and when he opens her arms for her, she falls into them easily. After the break up its nice to be held again, even if Mikes just a friend.

Puck leaves the two of them to catch up and walks over to where his girlfriend is talking to the brides to be.

"Hey Quinn, do you have a second?"

"Well talk more later," Quinn promises Santana and Brittany before she follows Puck to the backroom.

"Its good to see you, Noah," Quinn tells him after they share a sweet kiss. "I missed seeing you those last few weeks."

"Yeah, they way overreacted over me faking being sick. Seriously, taking away my internet privileges because I skipped dinner. So if anyone asks, Im officiating this wedding. That was the only way I was allowed to come out. I even got ordained online before I left to prove I wasnt just making it up."

"You know that youre not though, right? Santanas co-star is because his own daughter committed suicide when she was a teenager because she was bullied so badly after she came out," Quinn reminds her boyfriend.

"I know. I just need a picture with Brittany and Santana at the altar, but lets not talk about that right now. I have good news."

"You got your internet privileges back?" Quinn asks hopefully. Because there relationship was hard enough when they could see each other over Skype and not being able to talk at all, made it even worse.

"Better. After we talked I spoke to one of my supervisors and after Ive finished my third year theyre going to let me transfer into the reserve so I can focus on my education. I still dont know what I really want to do, but I have a year and a half to figure it out and when you graduate were going to be together," Puck smiles at her and Quinn throws her arms around him.

"Oh my God, Noah, thats amazing! And I know youll find something and when you do Ill support you 100 %. As long as were actually in the same city I dont care what you do as long as it makes you happy."

Theyre in the middle of a much more heated kiss when a strange man walks into the backroom.

"Hey, get out of here. This is staff only."

Quinn takes Pucks hand and pulls him after her. When Puck pouts, she leans in to whisper into his ear.

"We have four full days and only need to leave our room for one of them. So lets spend tonight with our friends before we start our own celebration."

Arm in arm, Puck and Quinn rejoin their friends in the main room.

New York City, Lopez – Pierce Apartment

Santana shoots up in bed when a crash coming from the living room wakes her up in the middle of a very good dream about her and Brittanys honeymoon. Brittany isnt in bed with her, so with a sigh she puts on a sweatshirt over her tank top and tries not to step on Lady whos curled up next to their bed.

In the living room, Brittany is frantically rearranging the seating chart for their wedding, which will take place the next day at Sophias beach house on Long Island.

"What are you doing Britt Britt?" she asks and stills her fiancées hand.

"There are too many exes at our wedding, Santana," Brittany replies, her eyes fixed on the chart in front of her. "Thats gotta be bad luck, right?"

Santana carefully extracts one of the paper chairs their friends had made for the chart and pulls Brittany down next to her.

"I thought we didnt believe in that sort of thing, honey. Thats why were getting married on Friday the thirteenth, because nothing is stronger than our love."

"So you dont think its weird that all our ex-boyfriends and girlfriends will be at our wedding?"

Santana sighs. "Its not normal, but when have things ever be normal with us? And its not like we can disinvite them now. One Three Hill have been rehearsing for a week, Artie is our wedding videographer, Sam is singing a duet with Mercedes and Puck and Quinn are dating so we cant just invite one of them. And Brittany, more than our exes, they are our friends who are happy to see us get married. None of them is bitter that we chose each other over them in the end, so why shouldnt they be at our wedding?"

"Youre right." Brittany snuggles up to Santana on the couch. "Sorry my freak out woke you up."

"Its okay," Santana assures her. "It wouldnt be a wedding if neither of us freaked out even a little the day before."

"But you seem so calm," Brittany protests, her arm wrapped tight around Santanas waist and her head resting on Santanas shoulder.

"Then Im probably a better actress than I thought I was," Santana admits. "Im so nervous about my abuela being at the wedding. What if she ruins it for us, because she cant keep her opinions to herself? I want her there, but it scares me a lot as well."

"Well, you told her what would happen if she didnt behave. Lets just hope that family really is the most important thing for her," Brittany whispers before she pulls Santana off the couch. "We should head back to bed. We have a long day tomorrow."

"I cant wait," Santana smiles and follows her fiancée back into their bedroom.

Long Island, NY, Beach House

The huge living room of Sophia Mendez Long Island beach house has been cleared of all the furniture but the piano and is now filled with rows of chairs behind a makeshift altar. Once everyone not part of the family or the wedding party is seated, Blaine sits down behind the piano with Rachel by his side. As they start to sing, first Quinn and Puck, Mercedes and Kurt and Tina and Artie walk down the aisle together taking their places left and right of the altar.


I Believe In You and Me
I Believe That we will be
In love eternally
Well as far as I can see
You Will Always be the one
For me (Blaine: Oh yes, you will)
And I believe in dreams again
I believe that love will never end
And like the river finds the sea
I was lost, now Im free
Cuz I believe In you and me
I will never leave your side
I will never hurt your pride
When all the chips are down, baby
Then I will always be around
Just to be right where you are
My love, you know I love you, girl

After the wedding party, Santanas parents, Brittanys parents and Alma Lopez, escorted by her crush and officiate of the wedding, Carlos Rodriguez, walk to their seats.

I will never leave you out
I will always let you in, girl
To places no-ones ever been,
Deep inside, cant you see?
That I believe in you and me

(Rachel & Blaine)
Maybe Im a fool
To feel the way I do
I will play the fool forever
Just to be with you forever
I believe in miracles
And love is the miracle
And yes, baby youre my dream come true
I was lost, now Im free,

As the song comes to a close, Brittanys younger sister walks down the aisle, throwing rose petals into the air and then all guests turn in their seats as Brittany and Santana, both in beautiful gowns, make their way to the front, huge smiles on their faces.

Oh, baby cuz i believe, i do believe, in you and me
See, I was lost, now Im free

(Rachel & Blaine)
Cuz I believe in you and me.

Long Island, NY, Beach House

"Dear friends and family of the lovely couple. I only met Santana and Brittany a few months ago, but in the time Ive known them, Ive come to love them like my own daughters and Im so happy that they got the happy ending my own daughter never got. So thank you Brittany and Santana for asking me to officiate your wedding, today. People get married for many reasons and its the happiest occasion when two people come together because they cant and wont be without each other. Today, were celebrating the love Santana and Brittany share for each other, we celebrate two brave young women who love each other so much, that they want everyone to know how much they love each other. They didnt want to wait any longer to get married and so I ask both of them to exchange their vows. Santana."

Santana takes Brittanys hand into her own and stares deep into her brides eyes.

"Brittany, my love and best friend. Today I promise to share my life with you, in good times and bad times, whether were rich or poor, no matter what the future brings, every day of our lives together."

With only slightly shaking hands, she slowly pushes Brittanys ring onto her ring finger, before kissing it softly.

"Santana, my love and my best friend. Today I promise to share my life with you, in good times and bad times, whether were rich or poor, no matter what the future brings, every day of our lives together," Brittany repeats the vows they had agreed on before hand, before carefully pushing Santanas ring on her finger and kissing it as well.

"By the power invested in me by the Internet and the state of New York, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You made kiss each other," Carlos beams and Santana and Brittany dont have to be asked twice.

To catcalls from their friends and applause from their families – and Santana notices with tears in her eyes that even her grandmother is smiling – Santana and Brittany share their first kiss as a married couple and for a moment it feels like theyre the only people in the world.

Until Puck loudly yells get a room and the spell is broken. Santana and Brittany face their friends and families as the cameras click away and Artie takes his camera from its tripod and gets a few close ups of their smiling faces.

"The reception will continue in the dining room," Sophia announces before leading the first guesst to the large room adjacent to the living room.

Long Island, NY, Beach House

The hired wait stuff is clearing the plates from the tables set up in the dining room when Pierce Pierce clinks his fork against his champagne glass.

"Hi, Im Pierce Pierce, Brittanys dad. I just wanted to say how happy I am that my Brittany found Santana because Ive never seen her happier before, no offense to anyone else here. So welcome to the family, Santana. Youve been a part of the Pierce family for a long time, and Im happy that its official now."

When Pierce sits back down, Santanas father takes over.

"Im Javier Lopez, Santanas dad. When I thought about my daughters wedding when she was younger, I never saw her getting married to a woman, but Im glad that this woman is Brittany, because she brings out the best in Santana. Brittany was there for her, when her family struggled with her coming out and its been an honor to watch their relationship grow and teach us that love is love regardless of gender. Welcome to the Lopez family, Brittany. Were happy youre one of us now."

Santana wipes a tear from her eyes discreetly and takes turns with Brittany hugging their families. Even her abuela offers her and Brittany a hug, and this small gesture of good will makes an amazing day even better. Before they can sit back down, a large wedding cake is rolled into the room and Santana quickly follows a giddy Brittany so they can cut it together. As their friends cheer them on, Santana and Brittany feed each other cake, trying their best not to get any on the wedding dresses they havent changed out off yet because they want to dance their first dance as a married couple in them.

Long Island, NY, Beach House

After everyone has finished their cake, the guests return to the living room, which has been cleared of the chairs and now functions as a small ballroom. As Santana and Brittany step out onto the makeshift dance floor, Sam and Mercedes take the stage while Blaine sits back down behind the piano.

"Santana, Brittany, this is for you," Mercedes announces before she and Sam start their duet.


Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
And think of you
Caught up in circles confusion -
Is nothing new
Flashback - warm nights -
Almost left behind
Suitcases of memories,
Time after -
Sometimes you picture me -
Im walking too far ahead
Youre calling to me, I cant hear
What youve said -
Then you say - go slow -
I fall behind -
The second hand unwinds

(Mercedes and Sam)
If youre lost you can look - and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you - Ill be waiting
Time after time

"Wed like to invite the parents to the dance floor now," Mercedes announces before she continues with the song.

After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows - youre wondering
If Im OK
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time -

(Mercedes and Sam)
If youre lost you can look - and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you - Ill be waiting
Time after time
You said go slow -
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds -

(Mercedes and Sam)
If youre lost you can look - and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you - Ill be waiting

Time after time

...Time after time

(Mercedes and Sam)
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time

At the end of the song, Pierce is dancing with Santana and Javier with Brittany while Whitney and Maribel sway together as well.

Long Island, NY, Beach House

Santana caresses the ring on Brittanys finger as they wait for all the unmarried women in the room to form a circle in front of them. Both of them are holding their wedding bouquets, ready to be thrown into the crowd because they wanted to keep some traditions, after spending the night before the wedding together and putting on their wedding dresses in the same room.

"Alright ladies," Santana announces once everyone is in place. "Lets see whos next."

Together she and Brittany turn around before they throw their bouquets over their backs.

Behind them, they can hear the squeals of their friends and when they turn back around, Tina and Mercedes are holding the bouquets, though neither seems to be sure how they got them. Especially Tina seems to be actually upset as she shoves the bouquet into the hands of one of Santanas co-star.

To get the focus back on them, Santana hands a second microphone to Brittany.

"Now that this is out of the way, Brittany and I would like to sing a song for all the other couples – official or not – in the room."

As their friends pair off, Santana starts the backing track on her iPod and plugs it into Sophias iHome.


Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Dont you cry

For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Cant be broken
I will be here
Dont you cry

(Brittany and Santana)
Cause youll be in my heart
Yes, youll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

Youll be in my heart
No matter what they say
Youll be here in my heart, always

Why cant they understand the way we feel?
They just dont trust what they cant explain
I know were different but deep inside us
Were not that different at all

(Brittany and Santana)
And youll be in my heart
Yes, youll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

Dont listen to them
Cause what do they know (Santana: what do they know)?
We need each other
To have, to hold.
Theyll see in time
I know

When destiny calls you
You must be strong (Brittany: you gotta be strong)
I may not be with you
But youve got to hold on
Theyll see in time
I know
Well show them together

(Brittany and Santana)
Cause youll be in my heart
Yes, youll be in my heart
Ill be there from this day on,
Now and forever more

Oh, youll be in my heart (youll be here in my heart)
No matter what they say (Ill be with you)
Youll be here in my heart (Ill be there), always
Ill be with you
Ill be there for you always
Always and always

Lima, Kittys House

The party at Kittys house is small, but she thought itd be a bad idea to invite anyone outside of the Glee club when her parents are set to return the following day.

"Alright, listen up. If youre going to drink, you give me your keys and Ill call you a cab if you decide not to stay the night," she reminds her friends once everyone has arrived. "I got three bottles of wine and two six packs so I hope no one is getting totally shit faced, but if you do feel sick, please dont throw up in my parents living rooms. Apart from that – let the anti Valentines Day party begin."

Before the rest of the Glee club arrived, she and Unique had set up Sing Star on the TV, put anything breakable in her parents bedroom and had decorated the living room with black roses.

"Will you sing with me later tonight?" Jane asks Mason shyly.

When he nods, she picks up one of the Sing Star DVDs to pick out a song that will hopefully convey that she likes him more than just a friend. Because the rest of her friends may be anti Valentines Day, but shes still hoping she may get a date for tomorrow night.

Next to Kitty, Unique is staring at Spencers ass, and Kitty roles her eyes because this is getting ridiculous.

"If you like him you should say something to him."

"Hes gay, Kitty. And I may have been born male, but Im not a boy," Unique replies wearily, because as much as shed have liked a boyfriend in high school, she knows by now that its not going to happen. At least not with a boy attending McKinley.

"Im pretty sure I saw him checking out Madisons boobs in that low cut dress she wore last week," Kitty frowns, "but maybe I was wrong. You should forget about silly high school boys anyway. In a few months youre going to be in L.A in boys will probably beg you to date them, because youre so fabulous."

Unique eyes the glass of wine in Kittys hand.

"I hope in vino really veritas," she sighs before she refills her own glass and clinks it to Kittys while in front of the TV, Spencer and Roderick toast each other with their beer cans as the game loads the first song of the night.

Long Island, NY, Beach House

Kurt wipes the sweat from his brow as the crowd demands another song. Hes standing on the makeshift stage with the other members of One Three Hill and Dani and Elliot dont look much better. Danis hair has come lose from the bun shes had it in and Elliots eyeliner is smudged. But its been a while since theyd performed together and who are they to say no to their adoring crowd.

"Alright, one more to properly send the girls off to their honeymoon," he announces and after a short conference with his former band mates he starts the backing track for the chosen song.


Tonights the night were gonna make it happen
Tonight well put all other things aside
Give in this time and show me some affection
Were going for those pleasures in the night

I want to love you, feel you
Wrap myself around you
I want to squeeze you, please you
I just cant get enough
And if you move real slow Ill let it go
Im so excited, and I just cant hide it
Im about to lose control and I think I like it
Im so excited, and I just cant hide it
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know I want you, want you
We shouldnt even think about tomorrow
Sweet memories will last a long, long time
Well have a good time baby, dont you worry
And if were still playing round, boy thats just fine
Lets get excited, we just cant hide it
Im about to lose control and I think I like it
Im so excited, and I just cant hide it
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know I want you, want you
I want to love you, feel you
Wrap myself around you
I want to squeeze you, please you
I just cant get enough
And if you move real slow Ill let it go

As the trio rocks out on stage, the less than sober crowd dances in front of them. Brittany and Santana, both in short dresses now, are clinging to each other on the dance floor and share heated kisses. In the back of the room, Tina takes Mikes hand and leads him to the staircase. Theyre not the only twosome sneaking off during the song however, as Artie and Jess, and Alma Lopez and Carlos Rodriguez take advantage of the chaos and disappear as well.

Im so excited, and I just cant hide it
Im about to lose control and I think I like it
Im so excited, and I just cant hide it
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know I want you, want you

Do what you do to me
Youve got me burning up
Whoohoohoohoo, ahw!
I think you get to me
Ive got to give it up
Whoohoohoohoo, ahw!

Im so excited, and I just cant hide it
Im about to lose control and I think I like it
Im so excited, and I just cant hide it
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know I want you, want you

Do what you do to me
Youve got me burning up
Whoohoohoohoo, ahw!
I think you get to me
Ive got to give it up
Whoohoohoohoo, ahw!

Lima, Kittys House

In a barely illuminated closet, Jane and Mason share a kiss.

"Guys, youre seven minutes are up, you can come out now," Kitty knocks on the door in that moment and Jane pulls away quickly.

As she puts her hand on the doorknob, Mason stops her.

"Wait, before we go back out, will you go out with me tomorrow night? Unless you already have plans?"

"Id love to," Jane smiles at him, presses a quick kiss to his cheeks and steps out of the closet.

In Kittys living room, the Gleeks are tipsy now, the coffee table littered with empty beer cans. Theyre sitting in a circle on the floor, an empty bottle of wine between them.

"Youre turn," Kitty tells Spencer who takes the bottle and spins it. It stops in front of Unique.

Unique swallows dryly, because as much as she wants to kiss boys, shed actually hoped no one would spin her tonight.

"Its okay if you dont want to, Id understand," she tells Spencer before he can reject her, but to her surprise Spencer just shrugs.

"Im game if you are."

Catcalls follow them as Spencer and Unique step into the hallway closet and Unique remains certain that this isnt actually going to happen, is sure that they will just talk during their seven minutes, until its happening and Spencers lips are on hers. There are no fireworks, but it feels pretty damn good. Just too bad that this is just a game and Spencer isnt actually interested in her.

Long Island, NY, Beach House

Outside of the beach house, a black limousine is waiting when Santana and Brittany stumble out of the house. Kurt and Blaine had already put their luggage into the trunk when the driver had arrived, so all they had to do after One Three Hill performed its last song of the night, was say goodbye to those people still around.

On the back of the car, their friends had written just married and the moment they are in the car, Santana links her left hand with Brittanys so their wedding rings touch.

"I cant believe were married," she smiles at her wife, who has a huge smile on her face as well. "And were going on our honeymoon."

Unfortunately, its going to be a short one – only a week – because of Santanas shooting schedule but at least theyll have one week of uninterrupted time together at a beach resort in the Bahamas curtsey of their parents.

"Too bad we couldnt bring Lady though," Brittany pouts briefly, though Santana would consider that an upside.

"Dont worry. Im sure Kurt and Blaine will take good care of her," she assures her wife before making sure the partition between them and the driver is closed. Once shes certain they have privacy, she pulls Brittany into her lap and slowly lowers the strap of her dress.

"How about we start our honeymoon right now, take your mind off of things," she suggests as she pushes down the other strap as well and kisses Brittanys neck.

"I knew it was a good idea to marry you," Brittany giggles before she starts disrobing Santana as well.

Lima, Kittys House

When the seven minutes are up, Kitty goes to inform Unique, before returning to the party in the living room where Mason and Jane cuddle on the couch and Roderick and Madison are dancing to music coming from Kittys iPod. Noticing that her glass is empty again, Kitty fetches a new bottle from the fridge. As she walks back out, she spots Unique and Spencer heading upstairs, but before she can call out to them, Madison stumbles out of the living room, looking a little green.

"I think Im going to be sick," she moans and Kitty quickly steers her into the downstairs bathroom, while praying that Unique isnt about to do something rash.

Long Island, NY, Beach House, Various Bedrooms

The next morning, the cleaning staff starts early, clearing away plates, glasses and chairs while the occupants of the various guest rooms wake slowly. On the second floor, Alma Lopez sneaks out of Carlos Rodriguez room only to bump into her son.

Javier groans and mutters under his breath that hes still sleeping and this didnt happen. On the first floor, Artie and Jess sleep next to one another on a pullout couch in Sophias study. Both are fully clothed however and Artie is still wearing his glasses after he fell asleep in the middle of a movie he and Jess were watching on his laptop after leaving the party. And even though he didnt get into her pants, he feels much closer to her now, after spending a couple of hours just talking and showing one another their favorite movies.

Above them, Tina wakes up in Mikes arms, both still naked from the previous nights activities and she quickly pulls the sheets up to her chin when she notices that it had only covered their lower halves.

"Nothing I havent seen before," Mike mumbles into her neck before he tightens his hold on her.

Now, in the light of the day, Tina isnt so sure anymore that sleeping with Mike was a good idea. After all, shed just ended her relationship with Jason and on top of that, Mike lived in Chicago and a long distance relationship had never been an option for them.

"I need to pee," she informs him and wriggles out of his grasp, taking the sheet with her to the ensuite bathroom. Inside, she splashes her face with cold water and tries to clear her head. She hadnt been exactly sober when shes pulled Mike from the party, but she also hadnt been so drunk as not to know what she was doing and neither had Mike.

When she returns from the bathroom, still wrapped into the sheet, Mike is sitting up in bed, now dressed in boxers and a t-shirt and after noticing her discomfort, he turns his head so she can get dressed as well in private.

"This doesnt have to mean anything if you dont want to, Tina. We can just forget this happened and put it down to too much champagne," Mike tells her as Tina wriggles back into her dress and Tina stops her struggle and whirls around to face him.

"Is that how you feel? That this was a mistake?" Mike sighs.

"You just ended a relationship with the man you thought you would marry some day. So how can I see this as anything other than rebound sex? But I dont regret it. You know my feelings for you have never completely disappeared, and if things were different, Id ask you out again. But Im in Chicago and youre in Rhode Island. And if we ever give this another shot, I dont want to be your rebound relationship."

"So we just ignore this happened and try to forget how good we can be together?" Tina asks, even though she knows Mikes right and shes not ready for a new relationship.

Mike climbs out of bed and carefully zips up her dress before pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I say we see this as it was; two friends reconnecting and having a good time. So maybe, if we are both single and in the same city, we can reconnect again. We dont have to put a label on it, Tina. Lets just enjoy each other when we spend time together and maybe one day, the timing will be right for us again."

Tina thinks back to last night and how easy it had been to fall back into bed with Mike.

"I agree," she decides. "Were young and were both single, so why shouldnt we have fun together?"

Though neither of them is ashamed of what they did the previous night, Tina leaves first because if one of her friends finds out she spent the night with Mike, all of them would know by the time they leave Long Island. And shes had enough commentary on her relationship in high school to last her a lifetime.

Lima, Kittys House

Uniques cleaning the kitchen when Kitty walks downstairs the next morning and shes glad to see that it doesnt look as bad as shed feared. Roderick is still asleep on her living room couch, but the younger gleeks had shared a cab shortly before one AM to make their respective curfews.

"Morning," Unique greets her and hands her a glass of orange juice. "I woke up early so I decided to just start the clean up."

Kitty cant tell if shes deflecting or this is genuinely what she wants to talk about.

"What happened last night? You and Spencer were gone for quite a while," she asks when her curiosity wins out.

"Nothing, we kissed in the closet and then we went upstairs to talk. You were right by the way – he did check out Madisons boobs."

Kitty furrows his brows. "So if hes not gay, why is he telling people he is?"

She cant imagine anyone would make that up about themselves, especially at a school like McKinley. Unique drops the sponge and turns to face her.

"You cant tell anyone about this. I promised I would keep his secret." Kitty nods. "He had his first boyfriend over the summer and the guys on the football team saw them together. Apparently, they were pretty cool about it all things considered, but when he tried to explain to them that hes actually bi, they reacted really badly. Because apparently, they can accept that gay people are born that way and therefore cant help it but if youre a supposed bisexual and you choose to date someone of the same sex if you could just as easily choose someone of the opposite sex, well then thats just rocking the boat and pushing your agenda into peoples faces. They were of the opinion that if he was really bi, then he had to choose girls, because you dont date dudes if you can help it. So Spencer backpedaled and told them he only said he was bi, because he had thought that would be more acceptable than him being gay."

Kitty gapes at Unique. "Are you serious? Thats crazy! Youre telling me that if he meets a girl he likes at McKinley, he cant date her because the football team would have a problem with him dating guys and girls?" Unique nods.

"God, Im glad Ive decided to put dating on hold until I move to Chicago this summer. Im so sick of those McKinley Neanderthals," Kitty exclaims.

"Tell me about it. He said if things were different, hed actually would have asked me out on a date, but he thinks it wouldnt be safe for either of us and I agree. This school still doesnt let me use the girls bathroom, so just imagine what people would do if I started dating the quarterback."

Kitty wraps her arm around Unique who had become her best friend in the past year.

"Im really sorry. Its not fair how people are treating you, because you deserve so much better. Im really going to miss you after we graduate, but at least Im sure youll be much happier in L.A."

"I really hope so," Unique cries into her shoulder. "At the least, Ill be able to start fresh at a place where no one knew Wade and Unique will be all they know."

Roderick finds them like this, hugging and crying, and assuming theyre hungover, offers to make them breakfast while they lay down for a bit until they feel better. Neither of them protests.

New York City, OFF Broadway Theater

Rachel smiles at the few audience members who have stuck around to get their program signed, before posing for photos with people who recognize her from Funny Girl.

"You were really great, I hope youre back on Broadway soon," a girl in her late teens tells her while Rachel signs her program and draws a star next to her name.

"I doubt you have to wait long," a familiar voice says. "Rachel Berry is destined for Broadway."

As she whirls around, she nearly drops the girls program, because its been close to three years since shes last heard the voice.


Songs featured in this episode:

Kurt: All I Ask Of You – Phantom of the Opera

One Three Hill: Im So Excited – Pointers Sisters for reception

Mercedes and Sam: Time after Time – Cindy Lauper

Rachel and Blaine: I Believe In You And Me – Whitney Houston

Santana and Brittany: Youll Be In My Heart – Phil Collins


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