Alternative Season 6
601: Loser Like Me Next Chapter Story
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Alternative Season 6: 601: Loser Like Me

K - Words: 5,806 - Last Updated: Dec 15, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Jan 20, 2015 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
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AN: Im not actually watching season 6 (at least no episodes with Karofsky in it – call me petty, but I couldnt root for Kurt and Blaine as a couple anymore if I had to acknowledge that Blaines new relationship is anything other than a bad dream Kurt has the day of their wedding, because you know, cold feet), but Im familiar with all the spoilers and have watched the music on YouTube. Too bad they didnt have those new kids instead of Marley, Ryder and Jake; that Jane girl is fantastic.

Episode 601: Loser Like Me – September 2014

Previously on Glee. Sam fulfilled his dream of being on a bus advertisement and went back to Lima. Rachel quit Funny Girl and moved to L.A after a TV pilot based on her life was green lit. Mercedes, Santana and Brittany embarked on their Great Malls of America tour and Blaine moved back into the loft. Meanwhile, Artie had a little trouble with the ladies and high school couple Puck and Quinn decided to follow into Kurt and Blaines footsteps and do a long distance relationship the right way. And thats what you missed on Glee.

New York City, The Loft

Kurt is sorting his blue socks into light blue, regular blue and dark blue as he waits for Blaine to come back from where ever his fiancé just had to go to. Finally, ten minutes after their agreed time to go out, the door to their shared Bushwick loft is pulled open and Blaine rushes through it, carelessly throwing his messenger bag onto the couch and on top of Kurts sorted socks. Kurts eyebrow twitches but he will not yell at Blaine because of socks. He has plenty of other things to scream about anyway.

"You wont believe what happened when I left school. One couple cancelled their wedding, so we can have the venue on Valentines Day," Blaine gushes, because the waiting list for the only venue he and Kurt had managed to agree on had been so long, after graduation long, and while hes aware that he is late, Kurt would understand that Blaine had to meet with Gina and assure her they were still interested.

"We were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago. Do you know how rude it is to leave Elliott waiting when this is his first visit to the city in months," Kurt replies through clenched teeth.

"But the venue," Blaine interjects because eventually theyll have to start planning for their wedding, now that they have a date and a venue.

"The venue can wait Blaine. Elliott, however, cant," Kurt hisses because hes so sick of hearing about a wedding he isnt remotely ready for. And he thought, Blaine understood that; that they were on the same page about a long engagement. But apparently he was wrong.

Blaines shoulders slump. Hed been so excited when hed gotten the call after a grueling dance class, but with the way Kurts glaring at him, its becoming more and more clear, that only one of them is still caring about their wedding. And it definitely isnt Kurt.

"Why dont you just go ahead and Ill join you guys later," Blaine suggests dejectedly because Kurt looks ready to murder him if Blaine delays him any further.

"Fine," is all the answer he gets before Kurt slams the door shut behind him.

Only then does Blaine spot Kurts blue sock collection underneath his bag and he swallows hard; because this right there on his couch, is never a good sign.

Los Angeles, Paramount Studios

When Rachel knocks on her producers office door she expects praise for the pilot or maybe her show has already been given a second season after its premiere, but she never in a million years expected to be fired.

"Im sorry Rachel, but the network has decided not to air or produce any more episodes of Thats so Rachel. Ratings werent great in the first few minutes, but they were still workable, but it seems that after the first commercial break the majority of viewers didnt bother to come back."

That just cant be true. After all, the story had been re-written at her behest into something less crazy and more relatable.

"No one watches TV anymore these days. People probably streamed it online," Rachel argues because she did not give up a promising Broadway career to star in a TV show that got cancelled after one episode.

"Weve put the show online the next day, but we didnt even get half as many clicks as we got for a, lets be honest, really bad returning show. So, Im going to have to ask you to clean out your trailer and return your ID to security."

Rachel stares at her producer, pinching herself because this has to be a bad dream.

"Oh cheer up. Youre not the first actress who starred in an awful TV pilot and you wont be the last. Just dont go around telling people how involved in the show you were, audition for some smaller parts and if youre lucky youll get another pilot in a year or two."

A year or two. She cant wait this long to find new success for her. In two years, her former classmates will have graduated from college and Rachel, if she gets lucky, will get another chance to fail once more. No, staying in L.A is not an option, not without a job or an agent to help her get a new job. Maybe its time to return to Lima, even though she never wanted to return unless she was famous and had at least won one Tony. But what else is there to do?

Lima, Santanas bedroom

"MIT wants to know if Im coming back to school this semester," Brittany reads from an email sent to her by her former university. "They have some new studies they want me to participate in."

They are in Santanas bedroom, back from Mercedes mall tour and in Santanas case, utterly clueless as to what to do next. Brittany has options but Santana somehow managed to burn all her bridges. She gave up on her understudy role, quit her day job, failed at getting a recording contract and the one PR firm she contacted after briefly representing Rachel, laughed in her face when they heard who her only client had been.

"I dont know Britt. Do you want to go back to MIT?"

Maybe it would be easier if she just let Brittany make all decisions from now on. God, she never thought shed be the stupid on in the relationship one day. The moment she thinks it, she hates herself, because she had always protected Brittany when people had called her stupid because Santana knew better until Brittany proofed it to everyone. Clearly Brittany deserved better.

Brittany frowns because she doesnt like how down Santana is since they finished Mercedes tour.

"I dont care where we go next as long as were together," she replies, because as long as she has Santana by her side, the rest doesnt matter. Not to her.

"I have no clue what I want, but I know I dont want to stay here with the rest of the Lima losers. Id rather go back to New York and beg Gunther to get my job back than stay here longer than necessary," Santana confesses because she knows that Brittany would never judge her.

"So lets do that. Lets go to New York and Im sure once were there well find something to do."

New York City, New York Film Academy

"Alright, listen up, this is a practical film making class, not one of those theory bullshit ones, so I expect each of you to present a short film at the end of the semester. Work together with students of the other departments. You can do it alone, but itll cost you points. You want a full crew on your project if you want to get an A or endear yourself to my memory so the next time Im hiring students to work on my projects Ill be thinking of you. If you have questions, come by during office hours, otherwise I dont want to see you again until the end of the semester."

With that, Arties directing teacher leaves the class to themselves and Artie to a dilemma. Because after it came out that he had affairs with more than just a few students, the girls had banded together and recently, most of those bitches refused to work for him. And it would be fine if it were just the girls in the camera, set design or lighting department – he preferred working with men anyway – but now even the female acting students refused to talk to him and he needed a female lead for his project. Back at McKinley, he would have just found someone else to do the job, an outsider, but unfortunately, film school projects were supposed to be carried out with students from the school.

Hes rolling out of the classroom when he runs into Sarah Jones, a tall redhead, with big boobs. As far as hes aware he hasnt slept with any of her friends, so theres a chance shell agree to be in his film.

"Hey Sarah. I wanted to invite you to audition for my short film. Unless you would have an issue with wearing a blond wig and a partial nudity but it really is necessary to give it the right feel."

Before Artie can continue his pitch, Sarah flips him the bird and walks away.

"Bitch," Artie calls after her because seriously whats going on here? Do all the girls in his school suddenly have their periods at the same time?

Fed up with the status quo, he pulls out his phone and scrolls down until he finds her number. Tina. His first girlfriend, who used to be so cool before she cheated on him and dumped him for an Asian guy. If he remembers correctly shes studying some feminist bullshit. Maybe she would have the answers.

Lima, McKinley High School

Back in Ohio, Sam is cleaning up the locker room after football training, but his heart isnt in it. When coach Beiste had offered him the assistant coach job a few months ago, hes been ecstatic because suddenly he had a steady job and it was doing something he was actually good at. But now, a few months later, hes getting bored, bored with having to deal with the same stupid jerks day after day and not being allowed to tell them what he really thought of them because he was a sort of teacher now. Everythings so repetitive and when he imagines that this is what his life will be like for the next maybe thirty years, Sam wants to puke.

"Whats got you so down, pumpkin?" Shannon asks when he runs into her in the parking lot. "We havent even lost a game yet."

"Im really grateful for the job, but Im starting to wonder if its enough. I cant just coach football for the rest of my life. I need something else."

Shannon looks at the young man in front of her and remembers a time when football was her life until it wasnt and she had to find a new dream. In the end, she didnt even have to give football up completely once she got her teaching degree and started coaching high school football in addition to teaching geography.

"Have you thought about applying to colleges?" she asks him, because when she had hired him, shed always thought of it as just a temporary solution.

"I dont think thats for me," Sam shakes his head.

"Well figure something out," Shannon promises, and she just knows the person for the job, because fortunately, as of tomorrow, Emma Pillsbury-Schuester will be back from her maternity leave.

Yale University, Quinns dorm room

Her textbooks and papers have spread from her desk to her bed, but well, her roommate Staceys side isnt much better. Classes have only started two weeks ago, but its her junior year at Yale and now that she finally, officially declared her major as pre-law, shes busier than ever.

"Do you want to study for the LSAT later?" Stacey asks and Quinn groans.

"Can we not talk about those till the next term. I cant worry about them on top of everything else."

Her phone rings and though she feels guilty when she sees its Puck, she presses ignore - again. Shell call him back once shes finished tomorrows class assignment.

"I dont know how you find the time to date," Stacey remarks, when Quinn confirms that its her boyfriend who keeps calling. "I barely have time to sleep."

"I guess thats the beauty of a long distance relationship. Hes not here to distract me and I know he loves me, so I get a boyfriend and enough study time out of it."

They are interrupted by a knock on the door and when Quinn opens it, she comes face to face with Puck, whos holding a large bouquet of her favorite flowers. And judging by his expression, hes heard her description of their relationship.

"My superior finally granted my request for a four day leave of absence and I thought Id come here and spend time with you. I tried calling you first, but apparently you were too busy to pick up the phone and tell me that you prefer me to be thousands of miles away."

Puck doesnt like to show it, but hes hurt. Hes requested the leave of absence months ago, when they had decided to try again and had agreed that Quinn couldnt possibly come to the base as often as Puck would like to see her, because Yale. Hed promised to visit as soon as he could, but now that hes here, hes regretting his decision, because clearly Quinn isnt happy to see him.

"Noah, let me explain, please," Quinn tries to take Pucks hand but he pushes the flowers into her arms and turns on the spot.

"Im going for a walk, because I dont want either of us to say something we may later regret. Ill give you a call when Im ready to talk."

Quinn can only watch him walk away and as guilty as the thought makes her feel, shes glad they dont have to have the coming argument right now, because she doesnt have time for it. She really needs to finish that assignment first.

Stacey, fortunately, doesnt comment on Pucks sudden appearance and just hands Quinn one of the books she dropped when she got up to open the door.

New York City, A Chelsea Bar

"Okay, whats going on?" Elliott yells in his ear, when Kurt returns from the bar with two fresh drinks. "First you text me youre going to be late because youre waiting for Blaine and then you show up alone. And since he showed up, youve barely spoken to one another and Blaines being doing shots … on his own. And now, for some reason, your fiancé is singing Sinead OConnor."

They are in a bar in Chelsea that offers karaoke every Thursday and usually, Kurts first in line to sign up, but tonight he isnt in the mood to sing. The same cant be said about Blaine however, whos slurring his way through Nothing compares to you, and like a mini Cooper, exaggeratedly pointing at Kurt while he sings.

"He wanted to talk about the wedding; I freaked," Kurt admits, his own tongue lose after multiple Cosmopolitans.

"Kurt, you have to tell him youre not ready to get married while you guys are still in school or do you want to break up?"

"What?! Of course not. Thats why Im not telling him, because Im afraid hell take it as I dont want to get married at all. Which I do; just not in the next six months."

Elliott just shakes his head sadly as Blaine reaches the end of his song.

"If the reason youre not telling him how you feel is that youre afraid hes going to break up with you, then maybe the two of you should talk to someone. Because thats not healthy."

They both watch as Blaine returns to the bar instead of joining them at their table. Still Kurt shakes his head, because while things werent great at the moment, they were fine.

"We dont need to talk to some shrink. And hell get the message eventually, if I refuse to sign of on the venue."

"Just think about it, Kurt," Elliott tells him. "Because youd be a fool to give up on something good because youre too proud to ask for help."

Not wanting to discuss it any longer, Kurt gets up from the table.

"You know what. I think Im going to sing after all."

Elliott sighs as Kurt walks toward the stage while Blaines eyes stay clued to him.

Los Angeles, A West Hollywood karaoke bar

After dropping her knick-knacks and trinkets from her trailer off at her tiny West Hollywood apartment, Rachel finds herself at her favorite karaoke bar as well. Thankfully, the bartender takes pity on her when she tells him shell be twenty-one in a few weeks and just got fired from her own TV show this morning, and pours her a very generous vodka cranberry. Her first of many.

Mercedes enters the bar with her producer and Tony whos in charge of marketing her album when the music to Let it go starts playing and she prays that whoever sings it, wont butcher the song.

The voice that sings the song, however, sounds familiar, but is also quite drunk already, and Mercedes definitely has never heard such an aggressive rendition of the song before.

"Hey, isnt that the girl from that awful TV show we saw last week?" Tony asks her producer Lenny and when Mercedes follows his line of sight she freezes, because on the small stage is a very, very drunk Rachel Berry, her make up smeared and her eyes red rimmed.

"Excuse me," she tells her companions before she pushes through the after work crowd and snaps at a group of women in their mid-twenties when she catches them video taping Rachels train wreck performance.

Mercedes grabs her hand as soon as Rachel stumbles off the stage and drags her friend out back onto the smokers patio.

"Mercedes," Rachel yells before throwing her arms around the other girl because its so good to see a familiar face in this city. "Youre back!"

Mercedes just raises her eyebrow at her though.

"Okay spill, because that didnt sound like you let whatever happened go," Mercedes tells her and Rachels shoulders slump and she sinks into a chair.

"Theyre cancelling my show," she confesses, not that it will be a secret much longer. "I got called into the producers office this morning and was told to pack my stuff because Im fired."

Mercedes pulls her into her arms again.

"Im so sorry, Rachel, but - and I really dont want to make you even more sad - have you seen your show?"

Rachel frowns because the script was good. Shes sure it was.

"Well no, because the great ones never watch their own performances," she settles on, because she doesnt want to admit that shes seen her show four times since its premiere and had found it funny.

"Im surprised the network even aired the first episode but I guess for you its good it got cancelled this early."

"How is this good for me?" Rachel sniffles. "I gave up Broadway for this and now I dont have anything."

"Well, yes," Mercedes agrees, "but not a lot of people have seen your show, so at least you wont be associated with an awful show that should have been cancelled forever ago. And what are you even doing here? TV was never your dream."

Shes just drunk enough to tell Mercedes the truth. The one thing shes been hiding from everyone.

"I needed a new challenge. Everyone kept saying I couldnt do TV because I wasnt pretty or talented enough for TV and I wanted to prove them wrong."

"I get that, but why did you not wait until your Funny Girl contract was fulfilled?"

Rachel sighs. "I got bored with it, because everything was just so easy. I was fresh out of high school, had no experience other than West Side Story and a few acting classes at NYADA and still everything went my way. And I didnt know doing eight shows a week would be this exhausting. TV sounded easier and better paid for less work, and I figured if Broadway was this easy for me, why would it be different in L.A?"

"So what are your plans now? Do you have an agent or anyone that could help you get a new job?" Mercedes asks and Rachel shrugs helplessly. Its not a feeling shes used to anymore. Not since she finally got out of Lima and found a way to deal with her grief over Finn.

"Probably go home. I dont think anyone would hire me here right now and in Lima, at least I could probably get a job coaching Glee club. Its not like you need a college education for that, right?"

"Well, judging by the fact that a guy who barely spoke Spanish taught the language for years, I think itd be easy to get a job at McKinley, but I dont think it would make you happy. Wouldnt that just be taking the easy way out again?" Mercedes prods her gently and though her brains a little slow after countless vodka cranberries, Rachel has to agree.

"So what then?" Shed ignored everyones advice in the past, but maybe it was time to start listening to her friends.

"Figure out what you really want to do. If its TV, stay in L.A and audition until you get cast. If you actually want to teach, get a degree and if after all this its still Broadway, go back to New York and start over. Maybe NYADA will let you come back, and if not, youve managed to get a Broadway show before. Just dont be too proud to work youre way up from the bottom this time around."

Her heads hurting and Rachel knows shes in no condition to make a decision right this moment, but Mercedes is right, she needs to figure out what she wants to happen next.

"Thanks, Mercedes. I think I should go home now."

Mercedes pulls her former frenemy into a hug.

"Ill call you a cab."

Once Rachel is safely on her way home, Mercedes rejoins her companions.

"I didnt know you were friends with the girl from that show," Tony remarks when Mercedes slides into the chair next to him.

"We went to high school together. Actually, you should hear her sing sometime; she may not be the best actress, but her voice is phenomenal.

Lima, Emma Pillsbury-Schuesters office

When Sam steps into Emmas office – and its weird to be allowed to call her that now – Coach Beiste is already there as well.

"Sam, thanks for coming in. Shannon said youre having a hard time deciding what to do with your future."

Emma rearranges the pamphlets on her desk as she speaks to her former student before she wipes off a picture of her, Will and Danny. Its hard leaving her baby at home, but with Will only working part time now as the coach of Vocal Adrenaline, shed felt it was time to go back to work herself.

"Dont get me wrong. I love helping out with the football team, but its not what I want to do for the rest of my life," Sam tells her and even though hes not her student anymore, she feels the urge to help him out.

"What is it that you want to do then?"

Sam shakes his head. "I dont know."

"Well, maybe, next semester you could take a few classes at the local community college. Figure out what youre interested in," Emma suggests, but Sam shakes his head again.

"I dont think Im smart enough for college. Ive already had such a hard time studying before I joined glee club. Its just too bad, kids like me dont even have that any more at McKinley."

Everything had been better for Sam after he joined glee club and regularly met with Emma to figure out the best way to pass his classes.

"Maybe, you should revive it then," Shannon suggests because shes always had a soft spot for those glee kids.

"I dont think Principal Sylvester would let me do that," Sam replies.

Emma shares a look with Shannon before she suggests a solution, because if it goes through it would mean even less time at home.

"I think if Shannon and I supported you and offered to lead the club with you, we should be able to get the school boards okay and then Sue wont be able to stop us."

Sam perks up immediately, because coaching glee club would give him a purpose in life until he figures out what he wants to do with the rest of it.

"If you can make it happen, Im in."

Lima, Lima Bean

Santana is standing in line at the Lima Bean, picking up coffee for her and Brittany, when a familiar voice behind her startles her so badly she nearly drops her wallet.

"Sandbags, what the hell are you doing back here? I didnt help you get out of this cow town just to see you back here when you should be in school or work some striper pole in New York."

After taking a few calming breaths, Santana turns around slowly, coming face to face with her former cheerleading coach.

"Sue. Polite as ever," she quips, though shes not in the mood to explain to Sue what brought her back to Lima.

Her former coach doesnt give her a choice however, taking hers and Brittanys coffees and carrying them off to a table in the corner.

"Spill," Sue orders, because she trains her cheerios to succeed, and shes always held a soft spot for Santana.

"Well, Brittany and I just got back from being on tour with Mercedes. And right now were trying to figure out what to do next," Santana finds herself answering even though she didnt plan to.

"You had so much potential," Sue sighs. "So I think its about time you actually went to college and figured things out for yourself. So take your girlfriend and pick a school, because my girls dont fail. If you need a recommendation, you can count on me."

Not giving Santana a chance to reply, Sue gets up and leaves because she has more important things to do. Namely, make sure her favorite cheerio is still doing well in school. After all, its nearly time for her weekly Skype call with Becky.

Brown University, Tinas dorm room

They are watching a movie when her phone rings. When she sees that its Artie, she picks up more out of curiosity than actual desire to talk to him.


"Hey Tina. So listen, I have to make this short film for school and its kinda important because the guy teaching the class tends to hire students to work on his films, but none of the girls at school are willing to work for me. I dont actually need them for the crew, because guys are better with the technical stuff anyway, but I do need a leading lady, preferably a hot one. So any ideas?"

Even though he cant see her, Tina rolls her eyes.

"Maybe, just listen to what youre saying, Artie. If you keep treating girls like dirt, its no wonder they dont want to work with you. So maybe stop objectifying them and actually try to find people you want to work with because theyre talented."

For a few moments, Artie doesnt reply. Then.

"I thought youd be helpful now that you study that feminism stuff, but youre just like the rest of the girls here."

After Tina ends the call, she turns to her companion, her former TA in her Contemporary Womens Literature class.

"Who was that?" Jason asks her.

"Just some guy Ive out grown a long time ago. Would you believe I actually faked a stutter for him?"

Yale University, Quinns dorm room.

Luckily, by the time Puck returns, Quinn has finished her assignment and Stacey agrees to give them some privacy so they can talk. Once theyre seated on Quinns bed, he takes her hand.

"So I had some time to think about what you said, and you were right. If you were in the same city, youd be a distraction because youre Quinn Fabray, and youve always screwed with my head – in a good way. And being in the Army is hard and requires all my focus. So this long distance thing probably is the best for us right now, but Quinn, if this relationship is supposed to go somewhere, then we both have to make an effort to see each other more often. Youll need to find dates where you can fit me into your schedule and Ill do the same for you. Because if we arent both willing to meet each other half way, then I think wed be better off, calling it quits right now and at least stay friends."

Maybe it took him threatening to end their relationship for Quinn to realize that she doesnt want to give up what they possibly could have, but shes glad she came to the realization before he could leave Yale and possible her life for good.

"If you can find a way to keep yourself busy tomorrow, I promise to give you the rest of the weekend," Quinn tells him after mentally rearranging her schedule and ranking her assignments by importance and due date.

"Deal," Puck tells her, because Quinn has always been so special to him, and as long as she wasnt ready to throw in the towel, neither was he.

New York City, The Loft

When Kurt wakes up in the middle of the night, thirsty after a night of drinking too much, he finds Blaine on the couch where he left him, because his fiancé could barely walk straight, heavily leaning onto Elliotts arm and Kurt hadnt been in the mood to take care of his drunk ass. If Elliott wasnt asleep in the guest room – Rachels former bed room – he would have put him there, but if anyone deserved to sleep on the couch it was Blaine.

"Cant sleep either?" Blaine asks into the darkness of the apartment and Kurt shrieks, because he was sure Blaine would be passed out.

"I need some water," he replies quietly after calming his breathing. "Why are you awake?"

"I felt bad after how I behaved at the bar," comes the muffled reply and Blaine sounds so down that Kurt fills two glasses and sits down next to him.

"Elliott thinks we should talk to someone," he confesses after handing Blaine a glass.

"You told him were fighting?"

Hes not jealous of Elliott anymore, he really isnt but he doesnt like the idea of Kurt airing their dirty laundry to their friends. Theyre getting married, so shouldnt they be able to deal with their problems on their own?

"I didnt have to. Us barely speaking all night clued him in pretty fast."

"Well, I think hes wrong. Were so much better at talking to each other now. Why would we wanna talk to some stranger?"

Kurt knows its not the right time. In the middle of the night, when theyre both not completely sober and spent the better part of the night ignoring each other when they werent singing over emotional songs clearly meant for the other. But he says it anyway.

"Because I dont want to get married, not any time soon."

Kurts met with silence.

Blaine feels like hes going to puke, and hes pretty sure its not because of the Tequila shots he had.

"Do you want to break up? Is that why you were talking to Elliott?"

For a moment, he considers running from Kurt so he doesnt have to hear his answer.

"I dont want to break up. I love you, Blaine. But I also dont want to keep fighting over every little thing."

"Then maybe Elliotts right. Maybe we should talk to someone. Because I hear you saying that you dont want to break up, but somehow I cant trust that you wont anyway."

Lima, McKinley Hallway

Sam smiles as he pins up a sign up sheet for the New New New ? Directions. Even though Sue had been furious, one call from congressman Hummel to the school board had been enough to get permission to reinstate Glee club.

"Thanks for doing this," a familiar voice says behind him and when Sam turns around, he comes face to face with seniors Kitty and Unique, both in their cheerleading uniforms. "Last year just wasnt the same without Glee club."

Sam beams at them because hed thought hed have to start the club without any students. Kitty apparently is thinking the same.

"Any ideas how to get more members? Because if Im doing this again against coach Sues explicit orders I want to at least win Nationals my senior year."

"Not yet, but I have some friends I thought I could call for help. Speak of the devil, hello Mercedes."

L.A, Mercedes apartment

Mercedes is looking through pictures from her time in New York when her gaze lingers on one of her and Sam, cuddled together on the couch of their shared apartment. It had felt like the right decision, breaking up before she went on tour, but now she isnt so sure anymore. With the tour over, shes been given orders to take some time and come up with songs and themes for her album, but how is she supposed to write a great love song when the boy she still loves, is thousands of miles away.

Needing to hear his voice and hoping he isnt out on the field already, she picks up her phone and dials his number.

"Hello Mercedes, I was just thinking about you," Sam greets her. "Say, you wouldnt have time per chance to come to Lima next week and help me restart the New Directions?"

It probably wont help her come up with new songs for her next album, but maybe meeting up with him, will finally settle the Sam issue for good. Because shell hate herself forever, if she doesnt at least give them one more chance.

And back in New York City, The Loft

"Did Elliott make it to his train on time?" Blaine asks when Kurt enters the apartment, his back to the front door as he shrubs their breakfast dishes.

"Yes, but look who I found loitering outside the apartment."

Blaine drops the plate and turns around.

"Rachel, oh my God!" he explains because its been three months since hes last seen her and well, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Thats when he spots the three large suitcases.

"I know we said wed all meet again in six months, but L.A sucked and I wanted to come home. If you let me. I want to do it right this time and theres really only one city for an aspiring Broadway star like me."

Blaine rushes over and wraps his arms around her, Kurt mimicking his gesture. Their eyes meet over Rachels head and though the thought remains unspoken, they both nod, because maybe a buffer in the form of one Rachel Berry is exactly what they need right now.


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