July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.
July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.
Every other month I like to come and visit Blaine. I didn't go during the summer because Blaine stayed with me instead. Now it's the end of September and me and Amber(who is meeting my parents for the first time) are in the car on our way to the house.
"You ready to meet them?"
'"They can't be that bad sweetheart."
"Oh they are."
"Alright well you know me and I can swoon my way into the family. Just look at how close Blaine and I are!"
"And that would be great… if they were anything like Blaine."
"C'mon honey lets just go in okay? Blaine will be so delighted."
"You're right."
"I always am." She smiles and we kiss.
My father answers the door.
"Dad. This is my girlfriend Amber."
"Hi mister Anderson. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"As it is you." He says sternly shaking her hand. "Angela come in here Cooper and girlfriend are here!" he calls. My mother rushes over.
"Hello, Alexandria is it?"
"Amber mom, Amber." I correct and mouth 'sorry' to Amber.
"Oh, well it's nice to meet you come on in, dinner is just about ready. I made chicken steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Your favorite Cooper."
"Thanks. Hey, where is Blaine at?" She looks around and shrugs. "He must be in his room."
"Okay I'm going to go say hi, Amber you want to come?"
"I'll stay here and help your mom finish dinner." She looks at my mother for a confirmation.
"That would be wonderful thank you." I nod and go upstairs. As I get closer to Blaine's room I hear music that gets louder with each step. I poke my head inside and see Blaine sitting in his bed humming along with the music and doing homework. The books are laid out all over his room. Blaine had always excelled in school. Unlike his brother who could have cared less about it. When will we need to know this stuff anyway?
"Hey Blainey!"
"Coop!" Blaine got out of bed and gave a a huge crushing bear hug. I messed with his curls.
"What's up bud?"
"Nothing I missed you."
"We talk every day."
"It's not the same." He says frowning.
"I know. But hey dinners almost ready lets go down stairs yeah?"
"Okay, where is Amber?" He says looking around.
"Helping mom."
"Oh okay."
As soon as the table is set we all get settled.
"So Blaine you have a dance next week right?"
"Um… yeah I do." He blushes and looks down. Something's up but I won't push in front of our parents. Our father scoffs and changes the subject.
"Amber, what do you do in California?"
"I work for a fashion company. I'm nothing big, but hopefully working with all these designers now will make it easier to make a name for myself eventually."
"Like Alexander McQueen, that's who you remind me of." Blaine says smiling.
"Blaine stop it." Our father scolds Blaine apologizes.
"Why can't Blaine talk about fashion?"
"Why are you feeding this issue Cooper?"
"What issue Dad?"
"His little problem. We've been trying to fix him for months and you encourage it!"
"He's gay. Get over it."
"Cooper Gabriel Anderson you stop fighting me right now!"
"Or what Dad? I don't live here you can't kick me out of my home. Sure you can kick me out but i would find a hotel and stay because I want to be with my brother."
"Gorge don't push Cooper away from us. He's far to distant as it is."
"Fine fine." Gorge says defeated. He gets up and walks away.
When me Blaine and Amber are alone I push him about the dance. He's sitting on his bed with Amber and I'm on the bean bag on the floor.
"So Blaine what's up with the dance kid." He bites his lip.
"Well it's a Sadie Hawkins dance and typically the girl asks the boy." He pauses. "Drew um.. sort of asked me to go with him."
"Congrats bud. My boys growing up!" We pound fists and he laughs.
"When are you guys going home?"
"We have a flight next Sunday. Sadie Hawkins is Friday right?"
"Yeah it is."
"So do we get to meet Drew?"
"Well… I didn't tell mom and dad. They think I'm just going with friends. They don't know Drew is also gay."
"Whose driving?"
"I know his dad is picking up and I was going to ask mom to drive us there."
"I'll do it. I'll drive you two there."
"Really?" His hazel eyes widen and light up. "Thank you Coop!"
"Anytime kid."