What Brothers Are For
Chapter 21- Surgery Time Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.

What Brothers Are For: Chapter 21- Surgery Time

M - Words: 835 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Jun 04, 2012 - Updated: Jul 20, 2012
323 0 0 0 0

Chapter 21- Surgery Time

Blaines P.O.V

"So the surgery is tomorrow?" Kurt said into the phone.
"Yes, I'm kind of scared Kurt." I said switching the hand I was holding the cell phone in to make it more comfortable. Kurt sighed.
"Blaine It's going to be fine okay? Cooper will be waiting for you to finish up with your parents and then right after school I will head straight to your house okay baby?"
"Yeah, okay."
"I really like Coop. I wish I met him sooner."
"You could have." I said. "Except you were in New York."
"Very true. Even though Amber is my fashion soul mate and I have no idea where she's been all my life because seriously have you seen how that girl puts herself together. It's like Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor made a baby and pop! There she is."
"Oh Kurt." I laugh. "You know who else has an amazing flare for fashion?"
"I don't know remind me again?"
"Well I'll give you hints… he has gorgeous blue or green eyes. It depends on the lighting. He has this amazingly soft honey light brown hair. His smile is the sun times a million. His voice sounds like… oh god it sounds like angels descending from heaven…"
"Is this boy even real?"
"It was hard for me to believe at first too."
"I love you Blaine."
"I love you too Kurt."
"Blaine." A voice from behind me startled me and I jumped back dropping my phone only to see a toothy grinning Cooper standing there.
"God Coop knock next time you scared the hell out of me!"
"Sorry. I just wanted to let you know lunch is ready and you can't eat dinner because of the surgery so you may want to enjoy your last supper."
"I'm not dying."
"I realize." He walks over and picks up my phone. "Tell Kurt goodbye."
"How'd you know I was talking to Kurt?"
"Who else would you be talking to? Also your angel prince description wasn't exactly quiet through these thin walls." I blushed.
"Kurt I got to go."
"I heard." He giggled. "Have a nice meal Blaine and call me before the procedure in the morning."
"You'll be in school."
"That doesn't matter i'll cut out of class to speak with you anytime baby."
"No problem. Love you."
"You too." I hung up.
"What are we eating?"
"Well considering mom and dad aren't home… I had Amber cook us something. I don't know what it is but it's Amber and she wouldn't let me get chinese."
"Shit, chinese is so good!"
"Apparently it also clogs arteries. Go figure!"
"Who would've guessed?"
"I know. Shall we see what she made."
"Okay." We walked down stairs and into the kitchen where Amber had made us lasagna and a salad with cucumbers tomatoes and peppers. "It looks scrumptious Amb!"
"Why thank you prince charming." She made me Cooper and herself plates and we all dug in.
"So good!"
"Cooper don't talk with your mouth full." She scolded.
"Okay, sorry mom."
"Is he really still trying to talk with a full mouth?" She asked me. I started laughing. "You boys are so immature."
"It's a good thing you are mature because then I have someone to act like a adult."
"Why are we getting married?" She asked forking through her salad giggling.
"Because you love me!"
"I do. What's wrong with me?" He pecked her cheek.
"Absolutely nothing you are perfect. Right Blainey?"
"Kurt seems to think so." I laughed. "He adores you Amber."
"He is too cute!"
"He is isn't he?"
"Blaine I just heard enough about how amazing Kurt is upstairs… is this round two now?"
"Kurts perfection never gets old Cooper."
"Okay okay you win."

Coopers P.O.V

"I'm nervous." Blaine said to me as he was being prepped."
"You will be fine. I promise."
"Okay Blaine we are going to inject this in your arm here and then we will roll you into the O.R." The red headed nurse told Blaine gently.
"Okay." Soon Blaine isn't aware of reality. He's slipping into a bliss.
"You will do great Blaine." I say.
"Well be here when your done." Mom says as dad just nods in agreement. In moments he's already out of the room being taken away.
"I just wish that he could catch a break. I think he's depresses." Mom says.
"Why do you think that Ma?"
"Well think about how you would feel Cooper. Those were his friends. His first friends after Sadie Hawkins and they betrayed him like Brutus."
"I didn't think of that…" Amber chimed in.
"At least Wes and David weren't part of it. But I'm shocked Nick and Thad were." Mom said.
"Blaine has to feel so hurt." I said feeling guilty for not taking this situation into account. "He already has trust issues I mean it took him way to long to tell Kurt he loved him."
"Poor baby."
We all eventually settled in the waiting room. Me and Amber sat and were looking through a Pier 1 Import catalogue.
"This summer." I whispered.
"This summer Amb."
"What's this summer."
"I get to make you mine forever." She smiled and kissed me.
"Isn't that grand?"
"Indeed it is."
"You know no matter what life throws at us, I just keep loving you more."
"Your the greatest."
"I love you." She said lightly.
"I love you too."

End Notes: Aww


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