What Brothers Are For
Chapter 20- Nightmares Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.

What Brothers Are For: Chapter 20- Nightmares

M - Words: 415 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Jun 04, 2012 - Updated: Jul 20, 2012
318 0 0 0 0

Chapter 20- Nightmares

It is not fun waking up to screaming. It scares the living shit out of a person.
"Blaine are you okay?" I asked frantically running into his room. When I actually looked at him he was tangled in the sheets fidgeting and murmuring words I couldn't make out.
"Hey, buddy you okay?" I asked running my fingers through his un-gelled curls. He only started to shake more and didn't open his eye. "Hey kid wake up! Wakey-Wakey Blainey." Finally he popped open his uncovered eye. He looked around him confused at first then spoke.
"Coop? I-I'm sorry."
"What for?"
"Well It's three in the morning and your bed head tells me I have woken you up and I always screw up and I-I'm sorry."
"Hey, hey now you can't help it when you get nightmares. Especially after all the shit you've been through in your life. Also buddy you don't screw up… ever. In fact your like annoyingly perfect."
"I'm not though."
"You are. You dress like your in the fifties or something, you charm your way through everything, parents adore you and your naturally Albert Einstein…"
"I'm not Albert Einstein!"
"Your hair is telling me otherwise."
"You should see yours." We both laugh.
"You okay Blaine?" He sucked in a deep breath.
"Yes, I guess so."
"Was it about Sadie Hawkins?"
"The nightmare? Kind of it like combined Sadie Hawkins and the slushy stuff and everything but it was all happening to…" He faded off and didn't look at me instead stared into space.
"To who?"
"Kurt." He said frowning.
"He's fine Blaine everyone is fine. Except maybe you. Does your eye hurt?"
"A little." He admitted. I got his pain medication and gave him a pill with a glass of water to swallow it down.
"Cooper, why does this shit always happen?"
"I can't tell you. Wish I could."
"Did you like Kurt?"
"I think Kurt and you fit together like a puzzle."
"Oh stop your making me blush." Blaine joked. "He knows about the epilepsy now… I wasn't going to really tell him. But he knows now."
"It's probably better that he knows. God forbid you have a seizure he would be clueless as to what to do for you and would freak out."
"Yeah now he's most likely going to research it and stuff."
"Good, means he's looking out for his boyfriend." Blaine shrugged and yawned.
"You tired again?" He nodded leaning back on his pillows. "Want me to stay or leave?"
"mm'stay." He mumbled.
"Sure thing bud." I pulled over a comfortable chair and sat next to Blaine while he fell into a blissful sleep.


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