July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.
July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.
Coopers P.O.V
"I'm sorry who is this and why in the world are you on Blaines' phone?"
"Sorry, I should have started with that. I'm Kurt."
"Blaines boyfriend Kurt?" Weird I thought it was a girl.
"Yes, I'm Blaines boyfriend-"
"Well it's about time we finally talked… though I was expecting it in person…" This conversation was getting strange the more I thought about it. "Is something wrong?"
"Well something happened tonight and I figured he would want his brother to know…"
"Kurt what happened? Is he okay?"
"He will be fine. We were having a sort of sing off with the warblers-"
"His old glee club?"
"Yes. And there is a boy Sebastian who I guess sort of liked Blaine even though he knows Blaine and I are dating-"
"The guy who you went to Scandals with?"
"Yes, you interrupt a lot."
"So McKinley wanted to use Michael Jackson for regionals but Blaine had told Sebastian that over the phone and the Warblers have first pick so they chose Michael. So Blaine and the rest of the glee club declared a Michael Jackson off and we had a like singing fight in a parking garage and at the end Sebastian went to slushy me-"
"Slushy? Sorry for interrupting I'm just confused…"
"Sorry I should have explained that even though I'm surprised Blaine didn't tell you about them. They happen quite a lot at McKinley." Kurt rambled for a moment. "The jocks in our school think it's funny when they decide to throw slushies into peoples faces…"
"I kid you not. So that is how one gets 'slushied'." Kurt stated. "So Sebastian went to slushy me and Blaine saw it coming. He jumped in front and pushed me aside."
"Well no he is an idiot… the fucking slushy had rocks or glass or some shit inside of it and it got into Blaines' eye. Hence his injury."
"Is he okay though?"
"His cornea in his right eye is deeply scratched and he will need surgery to repair it."
"Yeah he's high off pain meds at the moment."
"You think I should come home?"
"It's up to you. It isn't necessary but I don't think he's too fond of needing surgery again."
"Did he ever tell you about the extent of Sadie Hawkins?"
"I only found out about the PTE and the brain sugary today when we had to write it on the medical forms."
"Okay. Kurt I'm gonna go Amber and myself are going to book the first flight into Ohio okay?"
"Sounds good Cooper. I may be here when you get here but I'm pretty sure my dad still wants me to go to school in the morning and I have to tell the glee club the verdict on Blaine. But I will definitely be there after school."
"Okay Kurt I look forward to finally meeting you."
"Cooper?" Mom whispered.
"Hey I heard about Blaine."
"From who? I wasn't going to bother you with it because it wasn't a big deal."
"Kurt. And Blaine getting hurt is a big enough deal for me… where is he?"
"Be quite sweetie he is sleeping in his room."
"How's he doing?" Amber asked.
"His eye hurt him and he keeps on waking up from nightmares about Sadie Hawkins… I think it's the pain meds causing it but the thing is each time he wakes up crying it hurts his eye more."
"Mom?" We heard from upstairs.
"I guess he woke up…"
"Can I go check on him?"
"Sure baby I bet he would love seeing you."
"Amb you want to come?"
"I'll let you reunite and stay down here with your mom."
"Okay." I walk up the stairs and head to Blaines room. When I open the door he is in the bed with a plaid blanket on him and his hair is a mess. "Hey Blainey!"
"Coop, wht' are you doin' here?" He slurred.
"I came to see you!"
"I think I told Krt' to call you yesterday. Is tht' wht' happened?"
"Indeed but thats cool because I get to meet you boo today!"
"Shoot! Coop tht' reminds me can you mmm' help me with something?" He said groggily.
"Sure what is it bud? I refuse to buy you condoms."
"We already hve' those. I need you to go get me gel."
"Blaine I am positive nobody will care what your hair looks like."
"pls' for me?"
"Fine fine." I go to the bathroom and search for Blaineys gel. He has about a years worth in bathroom.
"Do you need this much?" I ask handing him it.
"Yes I do."
"What time will Kurt get here?"
"Prbly' like three?"
"Okay tell me about him."
"He's my prince."
"You seem to be his knight taking the hit for him."
"Not tht' big a deal."
"You don't even realize how great you are do you?" I hear a high voice say giggling.
"Kurt!" Blaine yells.
"Hey baby how's the eye?"
"mm' dnt' even feel it right now." Blaine says.
"So you must be the infamous Cooper Anderson. Pleasure to meet you." He says shaking my hand. "I met Amber down stairs she's just lovely impeccable style! I loved her Doc Martins! Just fabulous."
"Your fabulous." Blaine stated simply.
"And you my love are high off your ass right now."
"But isn't he just the funnest like this- so truthful… great for black mail." I say laughing.
"He is so much fun this way."
"I'm still here." Blaine says.
"Not for much longer you will be asleep soon enough."
"Not true!"
"So true." Kurt argues.
"Why don't we put in a movie? Pirates of the Caribbean I think would be extremely appropriate."
"Yes I agree lets do that." Kurt says.
"mm'kay." True to what Kurt said not twenty minutes into the movie was Blaine snoring softly on Kurts shoulder.