July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.
July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.
"Hey Coop!"
"What is up little bro?"
"Not much going out tonight, you?"
"Where are you going?"
"Well don't be mad because I haven't even had a seizure in a while so maybe I'm like over it you know?"
"Get to the point kiddo."
"Well this kid got us-"
"Whose us?"
"I thought you wanted me to get to the point."
"Me and Kurt."
"Okay now proceed with your story."
"Well the kid got us fake I.Ds. I mean mine doesn't even look real so I'm still curious as to how they will let me in-"
"Where are you going?"
"Um a bar."
"What's the name?"
"Oh I've been there."
"Cooper… why in the world would you have gone to a gay bar?"
"Some things you don't need to know Blainey."
"I don't believe I want to know."
"You probably don't."
"How's Amber?"
"She's alright we want to get married this July so we have been looking at places to potentially have the wedding and all that stuff."
"How exciting!"
"Yeah but Amber is stressing too."
"I guess girls just like to stress out over this stuff. I can't really explain it."
"I got yah."
"So who is the kid getting you the fake I.Ds?"
"His name is Sebastian."
"Where does he go to school?"
"I never heard you speak of him before?"
"Yeah, he's new to Dalton and we talked a bit when I visited them today."
"Why did you visit them?"
"Oh my gosh I forgot to tell you!"
"I got Tony in West Side Story!"
"Congratulations Blainey! That's huge!"
"Thanks Coop."
"No problem buddy. I'm so proud! What did mom and dad say?"
"Dads away on business but mom was happy."
"Where is he this time around?"
"I think like Nevada? Don't hold me to that because I'm not exactly sure."
"When is the show?"
"Oh come on Blaine!"
"You should have told me sooner! So I could catch a flight."
"Well it's alright not a big deal."
"It's a huge deal."
"I'll have mom record it and send you it okay? But I got to go Kurt wants to approve my outfit."
"Talk to you later!"
"Kay, bye."