What Brothers Are For
Chapter 13- Junior Prom Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.

What Brothers Are For: Chapter 13- Junior Prom

M - Words: 525 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Jun 04, 2012 - Updated: Jul 20, 2012
359 0 0 0 0

Chapter 13- Junior Prom

"Cooper I don't know what to do."
"What's the matter?"
"Kurt asked me to prom… Junior prom at McKinley and I said yes but I'm extremely nervous."
"Does he know…" Blaine cut me off before I could finish.
"Sadie Hawkins. Yes and no."
"Yes and no? Makes a lot of sense Blaine.
"Well he knows I went to a dance in my old school with a guy and that we got the living crap beat out of us… but he has no idea the extent of my injures."
"Did he just find out about the dance?"
"Yes… there has been no reason to tell him before this and the only reason I told him was because I took to long to say yes and he thought I didn't want to go."
"But you don't."
"No. I want to, I'm just afraid."
"Do you want me to come home?"
"No no stay there I'm not a baby."
"Okay bud."
"He's wearing a kilt too."
"A kilt Kurt is wearing one. Me and Burt told him it's a bad idea but he wants to do it and Coop I don't… I don't know."
"Burt being Kurts step brother?"
"No father his step brother is Finn."
"Right. Right gotchya. Now Blainey, the thought of you getting that hurt again terrifies me. So much you have no idea."
"I'm talking. Shh. But… Kurt has a big quarter back step brother right and football playing friends?"
"At your old school you didn't have anybody to protect you. Here you do."
"So you think I should go?"
"I think if it's what you want to do you should. But if it makes you uncomfortable… don't."
"Thanks Coop."
"You're very welcome buddy. Call me after to tell me how it goes okay?"
"Sure thing." Blaine hung up.

I spent the entire day worrying. For Blaine. For Kurt. For myself. I don't know how to carry on if Blaine ends up like he did last time. It was scary and lonely and god awful. He's a good kid who unfortunately lives in such a close minded place like Ohio. I can't concentrate at all and end up attempting to read a book that Amber has wanted me to read for ages now.

By twelve o'clock I get a call.
"Hey Coop." I let out a happy breath and chuckle relieved to hear Blaines voice.
"How was it?"
"Okay. Could have been better though."
"What happened?"
"The students went against the grid in voting prom queen."
"What do you mean?"
"Kurt got it."
"No way!"
"Yeah and the king was Karofsky."
"His bully?"
"How did Kurt react?"
"Well at first he ran out of there but I caught up to him and talked him down then he said he was going to go back to show them how they can't touch him or us and what we have and he went back and was supposed to dance with the king but Karofsky like fled."
"What did Kurt do?"
"Nothing he stood there kinda not really knowing what to do… so I went up to him and asked him to dance."
"AW!!!!!! Blaine you are such a hopeless romantic! You are too adorable!"
"Yeah but it definitely didn't ruin our night in the end. We had fun."
"That's good I'm glad!"
"Yeah me too."
"I'm coming home soon kid. Get the house ready."
"You got it!"

End Notes: Comments are fun! :)


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