March To The Beat of Your Own Baritone
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March To The Beat of Your Own Baritone: Chapter 6

T - Words: 886 - Last Updated: Sep 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/9 - Created: Jun 29, 2012 - Updated: Sep 29, 2012
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Author's Notes: Ahh, the aftermath, so to speak. Another thing, guys. I would really appreciate a review! I haven't gotten one since chapter two! I think at least ONE is in order.


 Kurt had taken Blaine home after a silent ride in his Navigator with the exception of Blaine's melancholy tears. Kurt had laid him on his bed and asked if he wanted Kurt to go, but Blaine couldn't bring himself to watch him leave.

“Are you sure you want me to stay?” Kurt asked him.

Quickly Blaine said, “Yes, Kurt. I-I can't be alone right now. I need you.” With a nod Kurt put his coat on the ground and took a seat on the side of his bed. They sat in silence for what seemed like hours until Blaine decided to speak.

“He just came out of nowhere.”

“Shh, Blaine you don't–”

“Yes I do.” Blaine cut him off. Kurt needed an explanation for why he saved him.

“I need to get this out in the open.” He said almost choking on tears.

“Okay,” Kurt said apprehensively, “Go right ahead.”

“I stormed out of the choir room and turned the corner and he was just there. As if he was waiting for me. I was crying and he just looked at me with this dirty smirk and he just,” his tears picked up momentum, “He just hit me in the stomach and I fell backwards then he grabbed me by my bowtie and collar and pinned me up against the locker. Then he just started with these blow job metaphors and I, it's all my fault.” He started to cry even harder this time. He was so ashamed at what he'd done that all he could do was put his head in his lap and let the tears pour out like a waterfall from his eyes.

“Blaine, it isn't your fault. Don't ever tell yourself that. You were the victim in this. Karofsky should never had made you do that, and don't let yourself think any different.”

“Yeah, but if I was stronger, I could have gotten away.” Blaine said looking up into Kurt's saddened blue eyes.

“No, Blaine. Shh, just let it all go. It's over now.”



The next few days were rough for Blaine. He jumped at the sound of a locker being slammed and anything that vaguely resembled Karofsky at a first glance made Blaine shiver with fear. He was living in a hell that he couldn't escape from. His life had become ruled by terror. He hated that about himself.

He talked to Kurt regularly, but it was always sugar-coated words that came from their mouths. Blaine didn't want to talk about Karofsky and Kurt never talked about Blaine's song. Each boy was just going through the motions during their conversations. It hurt them both too much to talk about what was bothering them.

Glee had moved on from their previous lesson even though Kurt didn't sing a ballad to Blaine. No one said anything about it, not even Mr. Schue, so as the next week arose he casually wrote the next assignment on the board without any hesitance.

“Alright, guys! This week is all about heartbreak.” Rachel's eyes brightened as a slew of broadway numbers danced in her head. Everyone else moaned and groaned in their seats. Blaine's breathing quickened and Kurt could tell that he was having an issue with the lesson. How couldn't he? He was forced to give Karofsky a...a...Kurt couldn't even bring himself to think about what Karofsky made Blaine do. It made him sick to his stomach and Blaine shouldn't have to sing about it.

“Mr. Schue!” Kurt quickly rose his hand into the air.

Mr. Schuester looked away from the whiteboard. “Yes, Kurt?”

“I was wondering if everyone had to participate in the lesson this week.” Kurt crossed his legs and clasped his hands together on his knee.

“Kurt, I don't know why you don't want to sing but I'm not going to let you skip another–“

“No, no. I'm going to sing, I was just wondering if everyone had to.” Blaine looked over at Kurt with a concerned look, he knew what Kurt was trying to do.

“Kurt,” Blaine whispered, “You don't have to do this.”

“Yes I do, don't worry about it,” Kurt whispered back. “I care about you and I don't want you to sing about heartbreak right now.” Blaine let out a little sigh and nodded back at the brunette-haired boy staring back at him.

“Look, Kurt. I don't want skipping lessons to be a habit for everyone.”

“I know that, I completely agree. But, heartbreak can be a touchy subject for some people and if someone isn't comfortable with the topic, then they shouldn't be forced to sing a song about something they aren't ready to talk about.” Kurt uncrossed his legs and moved his hands to his lap. His point was made.

Mr. Schue put his left hand to his brow and his right one on his hip. “I guess so. Anyone who isn't comfortable singing this week is excused. But I want an explanation from anyone who wants to skip.”

As the room filled with conversations about future songs to sing Blaine turned to Kurt and mouthed a “Thank you” just as the bell rang and class was dismissed. 


End Notes: I know this one was a little short, but I think it needed to be there to support the next chapter. I really don't know what the next chapter is going to entail but I do have some sort of plot planned out...stick around to read it!


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