Sept. 29, 2012, 7:14 p.m.
Sept. 29, 2012, 7:14 p.m.
“Kurt, your solo was flawless.”
“Mr. Everett, you don't need to say that, my trills were off and–,”
“Kurt. You have mastered your solo. Isn't there somewhere else you could be?” Mr. Everett asked.
“I'm meeting up with Blaine for coffee actually, so I guess I should go.” Kurt placed the curved neck piece inside of the provided slot in his case.
Mr. Everett contorted his face into a curious expression. “Can I ask you something, Kurt?”
The pale teen turned towards the band director as he closed the lid. “I suppose...”
“Now, I don't mean to butt-in here, but are you and Blaine....sort of...”
Kurt raised his eyebrows. “Sort of what?”
“Dating.” Kurt gaffawed at the notion.
“Uh, no. Just because Blaine and I are gay doesn't mean that we're dating.”
“That's not what I meant, you two just look really...close. That's all.” Kurt pondered this. They were close, but that's just because they were best friends. Blaine knew everything about him, and he was pretty sure he knew everything about Blaine. Did that automatically make them seem like boyfriends? Maybe Mr. Everett was onto something. Or maybe he was too quick for assumptions.
“Excuse me, Mr. Everett. But why do you care about our relationship statuses?”
“Well, as you two seem close. I need you to tell Blaine something for me.”
Kurt looked up at the middle-aged man with concern. “And what would that be?”
“He said WHAT!” Blaine exclaimed, making every customer turn in their direction.
“He said that if you don't improve your technical skills by the end of the month, you're out of concert band.”
Blaine could hardly believe this. He had worked so hard to get to where he was now, and that wasn't even good enough.
“But, he can't do that! What am I going to do if he cuts me?” He was screaming again.
“Blaine, be quiet! I think the manager's about to kick us out for God's sake!” He might be right but Blaine didn't care. Besides Glee, band was his whole life. Even if he was bad at it, he loved his Baritone. He loved the way that just by blowing into a little piece of metal, he could make a few notes. Those few notes belonging to a melody and the melody connected to a song so beautiful that it didn't even need lyrics to get its message across.
“But, Kurt! I can't get kicked out...I just can't.”
“I know, and you know what? I'm going to help you.”
Blaine laughed at the thought. “Yeah right. Isn't that just a sight to see? The amazing, I-can-do-no-wrong Kurt Hummel helping me. To that, I say, 'Ha!'”
Blaine looked up to see Kurt staring at him with a serious face. “I'm not kidding, Blaine. I'll be damned if I see you get kicked out of band. I've sat next to you for seven years listening to you get better with each day, and you will not stop now.”
Blaine doubted that it would be a good idea, but it was Kurt after all. He trusted him with his soul, and he just couldn't fathom giving up his instrumental side now.
After a breath of caution, Blaine made his decision. “Okay, you can help me.”
Kurt's face broke out into a wide smile.
Blaine was sitting in Kurt's room with his Baritone perched on his lap. Kurt had his tenor put together and was fastening it to his neck strap when he began talking.
“Okay, Blaine. The first thing we need to talk about is your tonguing.”
Oh dear god. What had he gotten himself into? Just saying the word tonguing made Blaine's pants get tighter. All he could imagine was Kurt hurling his saxophone to the floor and begin kissing Blaine so furiously that it couldn't be enough to satisfy the hunger for lust inside of them. Kurt started unzipping Blaine's pants, then his boxers, finally allowing Blaine to do the same to him. Kurt whispered sweet nothings in his ear as he turned him around and inserted his–
“Blaine!” Blaine was back in reality with a confused Hummel staring at him. “What ya thinking about there?” Kurt smirked. Damn him and his sexy smiles.
“Oh, uh...”
“Never mind. Okay, tonguing. Got it?” Blaine nodded. He got it alright, he'd get it until his shower was over later.
“Oh my god! I have a story for you actually. You'll never believe what Mr. Everett told me today.” Kurt was smiling again and Blaine had to reposition his baritone at a more helpful angle.
“What? That he was joking about my future banishment?”
Kurt's smile faded. “Oh, well not exactly. He asked me if we were dating!” Kurt doubled over in laughter at the memory.
Blaine's heart sunk. Was that really something so hilarious? “He said that?” He asked, a fake smile plastered to his face.
“Yeah, it was so weird. He kept saying that we looked close, and he just assumed that we were dating. Isn't that preposterous!”
“Yeah, haha. It is.” Blaine's heart sunk as he tried to wipe the disappointment off of his weary face.
nahh more blainers, that must have been hard to here.