Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Kurt didn't know how to react. But he didn't particularly hate his new lab partner. Their mini conversation had relaxed Kurt a little into Blaine, though he's still as reserved as he his. He tilted his head to see Blaine grinning at him and couldn't help himself but to blush at how adorable Blaine looked when he grinned with his tooth showing.
"Don't worry. I won't leave you to do all the work", Blaine said.
"I think I might be okay with it if you do.." Kurt mumbled incoherently.
"Sorry? I didn't catch that."
"Never mind, so what's the experiment we're suppose to attempt?"
The rest of the lesson was spent attempting the task Mr Schuester had assigned them. They worked in silence, with the occasional directions from each other. Every time Blaine's fingers made contact with Kurt's, he would flinch a little. He still wasn't used to people being in skin contact with him.
After 20 minutes of working on the experiment, they finished. And much to their surprise, they were the first ones. Kurt decided to return to his book since they had nothing else to do but to wait for next period. He could see Blaine's gaze on him again and wondered why was Blaine always staring at him when he wasn't looking.
"Okay seriously, what are you looking at?" Kurt asked.
Blaine seemed a bit taken aback when Kurt abruptly asked. "Nothing..I was just err- Are you okay? You seem a little tired."
"I'm fine."
"You can go home you know. If you're extremely-"
"I said I'm fine al right!"
The whole class stared at Kurt after his outburst. All wearing curious, questioning frowns. He quickly dropped his glare and returned to his book pretending to read when his cheeks grew crimson at the sudden attention.
"Is everything al right here?" Mr Schuester had approached their desk.
"Yes. Everything's fine. Sorry." Blaine responded.
"Yes, fine. Sorry." Kurt replied almost immediately.
Mr Schuester went on to walk around the class, leaving the two boys in an awkward silence. Blaine kept on turning to look at Kurt, trying to work out what to say. "I'm sorry. You just um, look tired." he said under his breath. "I'm fine. I just didn't get much sleep last night." Kurt replied. When the bell rang, Kurt couldn't be more thankful. He started to gather his things and threw them into his messenger bag before getting up and walking out of the lab.
Why is he so curious to know anyway? Why was he so fucking keen to know why am I so tired? Why did he even observe me so careful to point out that I looked tired? Kurt asked himself those questions when he was walking down the school hallway, but his thoughts were interrupted when he was shoved into the lockers by a guy with a mohawk. "Get out of the way, fag." Kurt crumbled onto the floor and shut his eyes trying to bear with the stinging pain in his back.
"Kurt. Kurt are you okay?" A soft, worrying voice came through. He didn't have to open his eyes to know the person was kneeled down in front of him. He opened his eyes and saw those warm hazel eyes gazing at him with worry. "Who the fuck was that?" Kurt cursed. "I'm sorry. That's Puck. He's sort of a dick.." Blaine said. "Could you please stop apologizing for everything." Kurt said while he tried his best to stand up, only to fall back down on his butt and cursing at the pain.
"Here, let me help-" before he could even protest, he felt Blaine's hands holding onto his arms and gently lifting him up. "Thanks" was all Kurt could mumble when he was on his feet, and felt a throbbing headache.
"What's going on here?" He looked at the blond girl that was glaring at him with disgust. He shook Blaine's hands off of him and stalked away, without so much as a word to the cheerleader.
When Kurt was in the bathroom, he stared at himself in the mirror & realized why was Blaine so curious. He really did look tired. With the bags under his eyes, his pale face. He splashed some water onto his face before walking out and making his way to his next period. When he was walking, he felt a sudden surge of weakness in his body, and before he could do anything, his vision blanked, his last sight was of a hazel eyed boy running towards him..
...before he collapsed to the ground.
Poor Kurtie... =( I was thinking about the walk to remember when I first started this... the title and all... =P
I am really enjoying this. I love the fact that Blaine is actually showing that he cares and wants to get to know Kurt and isn't allowing him to push him away. I also am finding myself calling Quinn a bitch while reading this. I am off to read the next chapter. I know I am behind on reading this so I hope that all the reviews your getting from me at one time isn't annoying. You're doing a really good job with this story.